Global HRIS Workday - data access use cases

Workday: Data Privacy and Security
The privacy and security of HR data is the no.1 priority of the Workday project
Workday is the group-wide system for Human
Resources (HR), it provides a platform for
consistent HR processes and holds personal and
job details for each employee in the company
 Significant due diligence has been conducted on data protection
 A legal workstream is underway to ensure compliance in each operating country
 Workday has implemented tight controls, an overview of their security approach can be
found here:
Workday security controls
Compliance, privacy and security
considerations are core to the overall design
of Workday, which employs a unified
approach to security at all computing layers.
Access for end users to view or modify data
is granted only via browser/mobile
application. Access for systems to view or
modify data granted only via web services.
No access is provided at the database layer.
Access utilizes single role‐based security
logic to authenticate the user and to make
sure they have been granted a role that
allows the update. Workday provides a
complete audit trail of changes made
Workday delivers applications via a
software as a service (SaaS) model, also
known as the “Cloud”. In this service
delivery model, Workday is responsible for
providing the infrastructure (i.e. hardware
and middleware that comprise the Workday
infrastructure), data security, software
development and operational processes
Workday are fully ISO and Safe Harbour certified and our data will be hosted within the
European Economic Area (in Dublin, Ireland)
Detailed Workday security reports:
– Workday’s Service Organization Controls 3 (SOC3) report is available here:
– If required, the very detailed SOC1 and 2 reports are available here:
Accessing Workday
Workday will be
available via
browser, Single
Sign On within
company network
Workday will also
be available via
mobile device,
such as tablet or
Employees will see their own data
Managers will see their team
Executives will see dashboard analytics
HR and Finance will see information required by their role
Naturally, security guidelines apply at all times – everyone must always:
– follow password guidelines
– lock computer or mobile device when not in use
– avoid exporting/emailing/printing personal data
Keys roles and access
• Own information
• Org chart with basic data, i.e. name, location, contact details
• Details of own direct team
• “Drill down” if multiple levels of org directly report into them
• Aggregated dashboard views
• Divisional CEO and Finance approve compensation changes
• Assigned to roles which support the business
Workday security
• Security access
can be reported
for visibility and
• Workday is fully
Organisation Roles
Groups, Policies and Domains