/ 15 -D01 “
to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) of January 2008
with the legal address:
duly represented by
acting with the authority of
hereinafter referred to as the Carrier,
and: Koltsovo Airport PSC
with the legal address: 6, Sputnikov Str., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, 620025, Russia,
duly represented by its Executive Director Mr. Aleksey Borisovich Piskunov,
acting with the authority of Agreement No. 02-204/100-13 of 01.01.2013 and the Charter,
hereinafter referred to as the Handling Company;
The Carrier and/or the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(ies)”.
This Annex B1.0 for the location(s): Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, city of Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia — place of
execution of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
is valid from the date referred to in the preamble, and replaces:
This Annex is prepared in accordance with the simplified procedure whereby the Parties agree that the terms of the Main
Agreement and Annex A of the SGHA of January 2008 as published by the International Air Transport Association shall apply
to this Annex as if such terms were repeated here in full. By signing this Annex, the Parties confirm that they are familiar with
the aforementioned Main Agreement and Annex A.
The Parties further agree that in the event of any conflicts between the Main Agreement, Annex A, this Annex, and the
prevailing legislation of the Russian Federation, it is the legislation of the Russian Federation that shall be applied; and in case
of any conflicts between the Main Agreement and this Annex, it is this Annex that shall be applied.
In addition to Definitions and Terminology of SGHA of January 2008, the Parties apply the following definitions:
Carrier’s Authorized Representative means a person acting in the name of the Carrier with the authority of law or a power of
attorney issued by the Carrier, as well as any crew member of the Carrier’s aircraft;
Handling Company’s Authorized Representative means a person acting in the name of the Handling Company with the
authority of law or a power of attorney issued by the Handling Company.
Within the framework of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement, the “Carrier” shall mean an operator performing air
transportation of passengers, baggage, freight or mail and having a licence to perform an aviation activity subject to licencing
according to the Russian Federation legislation, or an agent which has concluded a contract with an operator for organization
of aircraft handling at Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport.
If the Carrier is not the actual operator performing air transportation of passengers, baggage, freight or mail, then in its slot
negotiation request sent to the Handling Company’s address before the beginning of the transportation, the Carrier shall
specify the following information: name of the actual operator performing air transportation of passengers, baggage, freight or
mail; name, bank details and contact data of the actual payer for services and material-technical resources provided under this
Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
1.1 For a single ground handling consisting of the arrival and the subsequent departure of the same aircraft, the Handling
Company shall render to the Carrier services according to Annex A of SGHA of January 2008. The specific list of services
provided and of terms and conditions of their provision is contained in individual Annexes to this Standard Ground Handling
1. Annex B1.0/2.0 – Ground Handling;
2. Annex B1.0/3.0 – Cargo and Mail Handling Services;
3. Annex B1.0/4.0 – De-/anti-icing of aircraft;
4. Annex B1.0/5.0 – Ensuring In-flight Catering; — not concluded.
5. Annex B1.0/6.0 – Aircraft Cleaning Services;— not concluded.
6. Annex B1.0/7.0 – Furnishing with Servicing Items;— not concluded.
7. Annex B1.0/8.0 – Correspondence between Services under Annex A and the Price List;
8. Annex B1.0/9.0 - Anticorruption clause.
1.2. Notwithstanding Sub–Article 5.1 and 5.2 of the Main Agreement, the Parties agree that the Handling Company shall render
all services in accordance with its own processes, standards, manuals, rules and other documents (hereinafter the Handling
Company’s instructions) and/or in accordance with the Carrier’s instructions on condition that the Handling Company’s capability
to fulfil them has been confirmed in writing by the Handling Company’s authorized representative.
1.3. The list of services rendered shall be established proceeding from the Russian legislation in force and/or by oral (written)
agreement between the Parties.
1.4. Actually rendered services shall be recorded in primary documents issued by the Handling Company. The description of
services in primary documents shall be given according to the wording of the Handling Company’s Service Price List as well as
according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.5 Handling in case of technical landing for other than commercial purposes will be charged according to Paragraph 7 of this
Handling in case of return to ramp will not be charged extra, provided that a physical change of load is not involved. When the
Carrier requests new services, the charges shall be in accordance with Paragraph 7 of this Annex.
Handling in case of return to ramp involving a physical change of load will be charged according to Paragraph 7 of this Annex.
2.1. Additional services not specified in Annexes to this Standard Ground Handling Agreement may be rendered to the Carrier
subject to the Handling Company being capable to provide them according to requests by the Carrier’s authorized
2.2. The list and prices of additional services are stipulated in the Handling Company’s Service Price List posted on the Web
site www.koltsovo.ru (www.svx.aero).
2.3. Actually rendered additional services shall be recorded by the Parties in primary documents. The description of additional
services in primary documents shall be given according to the wording of the Handling Company’s Service Price List as well as
according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.1 Any disbursements made by the Handling Company on behalf of the Carrier will be reimbursed by the Carrier in full plus
the Handling Company’s remuneration for conducting accounting transactions at 3%.
4.1. Notwithstanding Article 8 of the Main Agreement, the Parties agree as follows:
4.1.1. For non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of their respective obligations under the Annexes to this Standard Ground
Handling Agreement, the parties shall be liable as provided for in the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In
consideration of what is set forth below, the Party in fault shall compensate the suffering Party for the actual damage; loss of
benefit shall not be compensated for.
4.1.2 The Handling Company shall be relieved from its responsibility/liability for incomplete and/or late provision of services in
case of non-execution or improper execution by the Carrier of its obligations stipulated in this Standard Ground Handling
Agreement, instructions of the Handling Company and/or the Carrier’s own instructions accepted for execution by the Handling
4.1.3 The Handling Company shall be relieved of responsibility for late fulfilment of its obligations due to the aircraft’s arrival at
Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport later than scheduled or assigned.
4.1.4 In case of the apron/ramp contaminated with consumption waste or spill of aviation fuel, aviation oils, lubricants,
greases, special fluids, etc., elimination thereof shall be in accordance with the approved charges of the Handling Company.
In other cases of apron/ramp contamination not mentioned in the first sentence of this Item, the Carrier shall fully
compensate the Handling Company for the damages.
Each occurrence of contamination shall be investigated by the Handling Company making use of objective control
means (video surveillance, radio and telephone communications recording), and a statement shall be drawn up.
4.1.5. To cause the removal of packing (return of empties) of in-flight catering received, and of other consumption waste when
the aircraft stays at Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport , the Carrier shall oblige responsible persons from among crew members to
call in servicing personnel through the Handling Company’s representative responsible for handling of the flight or through
Koltsovo Airport Public Stock Company’s Operations and Dispatch Service (tel. +7(343) 278-56-62, airplane radio station
frequency 131.9).
6.1. Notwithstanding Article 3 of the Main Agreement, the Handling Company is entitled to delegating to subcontractors, without
the Carrier’s consent (unilaterally) and without prior notice to the Carrier, any of the services being subject matter of Annexes to
this SGHA. In this case the Handling Company shall be responsible to the Carrier for the proper provision of such services as if
they were rendered by the Handling Company itself. With respect to services having been rendered, the Carrier shall settle all
accounts with the Handling Company.
7.1. Notwithstanding Articles 6, 7 of the Main Agreement, the Parties agree as follows:
7.1.1. The Carrier shall pay for the services and material-technical resources provided by the Handling Company according to
this Annex and other Annexes to the SGHA according to charges, tariffs and prices effective in the Handling Company at the
moment of rendering of the services and/or provision of the material-technical resources, respectively.
Fees, charges and prices for provision by the Handling Company of services and material-technical resources as well as their
effective dates shall be set by the Handling Company itself, in accordance with the normative legal acts of the Russian
Federation, by means of a direction (order, price list) issued by the Handling Company’s authorized persons, such direction
(order, price list) subject to publication according to the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian
The Handling Company’s Services Price List shall be published on the Web site www.koltsovo.ru (www.svx.aero).
7.1.2. Notwithstanding Sub-Article 11.11, the Parties agree as follows:
– the Handling Company will change/increase/abolish/introduce state-regulated aircraft handling charges and fees according to
the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, without executing an addendum on the
modification of rates, fees and charges under this Annex and other Annexes to the SGHA;
– the Handling Company will change/increase/abolish/introduce charges and prices for services and material-technical
resources, when such charges/prices are not state-regulated, unilaterally by issuing a new direction (order, price list) by the
Handling Company’s authorized person, without executing an addendum on the modification of charges/prices under this
Annex and other Annexes to the SGHA;
7.1.3. The Carrier shall pay for the Handling Company’s services and material-technical resources in advance, such advance
payment equaling 100% of the estimated expenses.
The amount of the estimated expenses shall be assessed by the Carrier itself proceeding from the flight frequency, and may
equal the expenses of a month, a five-day or another period, but it shall not be less than the expenses for operating the flight
being planned.
Final settlement shall be effected by the Carrier within two (2) working days from the flight date making adjustment for the
previous prepayment. The calculation of the payment shall be made by the Carrier itself.
7.1.4. If the Carrier fails to present the loadsheet and the information on the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft (as
specified in the flight manual of the aircraft, providing a copy of such manual) upon arrival, the Handling Company shall have
the right to charge the services rendered on the basis of the maximum load of the flight (attaching the calculation of the
payments for the given flight) using data published in publicly available information sources. Such publicly available sources
shall be chosen by the Handling Company. No readjustment shall be made.
7.1.5. The Carrier shall pay for the Handling Company’s property storage services on a monthly basis within five (5) days from
the receipt by the Carrier of the Invoice, Faktura Invoice by registered letter or in the Handling Company against note of
acknowledgement of receipt.
7.1.6. The date of payment by the Carrier for the services and material-technical resources shall be the day when the monies
enter the Handling Company’s current account and/or cash office.
7.1.7. The currency of this Annex and other Annexes to the SGHA, and of payment:
Currency of Annex (agreement)
Russian rubles
US dollars
Currency of payment
Russian rubles
US dollars, Russian rubles
If a non-resident effects a payment in Russian rubles, then the payment shall be effected at the Russian Federation Central
Bank exchange rate on the date when the monies are transferred to the Handling Company.
7.1.8. Transfer of payments to the Handling Company’s settlement account shall be effected by the Carrier or, when so
approved by the Handling Company in writing, by third parties on the instructions of the Carrier, — applicable exclusively to
residents of the Russian Federation.
7.1.9. The Carrier promises to ensure that the payment documents always include the following data: number and date of this
Standard Ground Handling Agreement, period being paid for, details of the Invoice and/or Faktura Invoice being settled, and
other necessary information.
If a payment order does not specify the period being paid for, the monies shall be set off by the parties in chronological order.
The monies that have entered with respect to the agreement quoted in the payment order shall be set off against payment for
services only under that particular agreement.
7.1.10. Documents confirming the fact of rendering services and/or providing material-technical resources include: Primary
Accounting Card; Loadsheet; Freight and Mail Sheet; Airwaybill; Security Order; Bus Accounting Card; Job Order; POL,
Special Fluid and Water Spill Statement; Aircraft De-/Anti-Icing Release Ticket; Property Storage Reports/Notes; Trip Tickets;
other documents used by the Handling Company.
7.2. The Parties herewith establish the following procedure of signing and transfer of realization documents:
7.2.1. Form C Statement (for Russian Carriers), Form A Statement (for foreign Carriers):
– shall specify the services rendered for each flight;
– shall be made in 2 copies of equal legal force;
– shall be signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
7.2.2. Faktura Invoice and Work Completion Statement (for Russian Carriers), Invoice (for foreign Carriers):
– for non–scheduled flights, services for each flight shall be entered; for scheduled flights, services for the period under report,
that is five calendar days;
– shall be made in 2 copies of equal legal force;
– shall be signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
7.2.3. The Handling Company shall issue to the Carrier the Faktura Invoices / Invoices, Work Completion (Service Provision)
Statements, TORG-12 notices, Form C/A Statements, signed for its part, for periods under report, not later than five calendar
days after the end of the respective period under report.
The period under report for property storage services shall be the calendar month, and the period under report for
rendering of aircraft handling services shall be the period established by Item 7.2.2 of this Agreement.
The Carrier agrees to send its authorized person to the Handling Company’s Charges Unit in order to sign the Form C/A
Statements and obtain its copy of such Statements.
The Carrier’s staff authorized to sign the A/C Statement shall sign the statements referring to operated flights within
36 hours after the operation of such flight (arrival or departure of the aircraft) in the Charges Unit of the Handling Company.
Should the Carrier’s authorized representative fail to appear within the time specified, the documents referred to in Items
7.1.5, 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of this Annex, as well as Service Provision Statements and Faktura Invoices for property storage
services, shall be sent to the Carrier by registered letter, and shall be deemed delivered on the 6th day after the sending.
The Handling Company has the right to pass these documents through its Charges Unit to any crew member, who will in these
circumstances be a person authorized to obtain the documents.
7.2.4. Within 10 calendar days from receipt of the Work Completion Statement, Form C/A Statement, Property Storage
Services Provision Statement, TORG-12 notice, the Carrier shall sign and return one copy of each said document to the
Handling Company. Absence, within the time limit set, of the countersigned Work Completion Statement, Form C/A Statement,
Property Storage Services Provision Statement , TORG-12 notice or written justified remarks thereon shall infer the Carrier’s
agreement with (acceptance of) the services rendered. In such case the services shall be deemed as having been rendered
and payable in full.
9.1. Duration.
9.1.1. This Annex shall be valid from the date written in the Preamble of this Annex.
9.2 Modification.
9.2.1. Any modifications to this Standard Ground Handling Agreement shall be made by a written amendment signed by both
Parties, except as provided otherwise in this Standard Ground Handling Agreement and/or Annexes thereto.
9.3. Suspension.
9.3.1. The Handling Company shall have the right to unilaterally suspend execution of its obligations undertaken under this
Annex and other Annexes to the SGHA in the event of a single failure by the Carrier to effect in full the prepayment or to effect
the payment within the time limit set by this Standard Ground Handling Agreement for services and/or material-technical
resources (to be / having been) provided, by the Handling Company.
9.3.2. The Handling Company shall notify the Carrier (by AFTN, SITATEX or letter) of the date of suspension of provision of
services and/or material-technical resources ten (10) days before the date of suspension. The Carrier itself shall notify its
contractors under contracts of carriage of discontinuation of sales and shall be responsible for the timeliness of such notification.
9.3.3. The provision of services by the Handling Company shall be resumed starting with the moment of complete
extinguishment by the Carrier of the existing debt, and/or deposition, according to the terms and conditions of this Standard
Ground Handling Agreement, by the Carrier of prepayment monies for the services and/or material-technical resources to be
9.3.4. The Carrier herewith assumes the entire liability to aircraft passengers, shippers, consignees, parties to other agreements
that may arise due to the Handling Company having suspended fulfilment of its obligations undertaken under this Annex and
other Annexes to SGHA because of the Carrier being in arrears of payment for the services and/or material-technical resources
provided by the Handling Company.
9.4. Sub-Articles 11.5 (second sentence) and 11.12 of the Main Agreement shall not apply.
9.5. Notwithstanding Sub-Article 11.4 of the Main Agreement, this Standard Ground Handling Agreement shall be effective until
the end of the current year. If by the deadline of 10 days before the expiry of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement neither
party declares that it refuses to prolong it, the Standard Ground Handling Agreement shall be prolonged for the next calendar
year, and so on for an unlimited number of times.
At the moment when the Handling Company discontinues or transfers any functions of rendering services stipulated by this
Annex and other Annexes to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement to another person having, according to current Russian
legislation, the right to perform the said functions, the obligations of the Handling Company under this Standard Ground
Handling Agreement in what refers to rendering such services shall terminate (the Agreement shall be modified unilaterally and
extrajudicially). The parties have also agreed that modification of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement in what refers to
this clause shall be made by a unilateral written notification to be sent by the Handling Company to the Carrier’s address not
less than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the moment of modification, without signing an addendum to this Standard Ground
Handling Agreement.
9.6. Termination of this Annex shall mean automatic dissolution of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement, including any
Annexes to it.
10.1. In accordance with Sub-Article 11.3 of the Main Agreement, except as provided otherwise in this Standard Ground
Handling Agreement, any notice or communication to be given under this Standard Ground Handling Agreement shall be
addressed to the respective parties as follows:
To the Carrier:
To the Handling Company:
City, Country
Koltsovo Airport Public Stock Company
Street: 6, Sputnikov Street
City, Country: 620025, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Telephone: +7 (343) 345-36-58
Fax: +7 (343) 345-36-73
E-mail: [email protected]
Attn: Koltsovo Airport Public Stock Company
10.2. The Parties shall notify each other of any changes in the details given in Item 10.1, and in Paragraph 13 of this Annex
within five working days from the date of change, otherwise any adverse consequences associated with non-notification or late
notification of any change in the details shall be borne by the Party in fault.
10.3. The up-to-date Contact List of the Handling Company is posted on the web site www.koltsovo.ru (www.svx.aero)
11.1. In accordance with Article 9 of the Main Agreement, this Standard Ground Handling Agreement shall be governed by, and
interpreted in accordance with, the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.2. In accordance with Article 9 of the Main Agreement, the court for resolution of disputes shall be the Arbitration Court of
the Sverdlovsk Oblast. Notwithstanding Article 9 of the Main Agreement, the Parties shall be at a discretion to address the court
specified in Item 11.2 of the Agreement without adhering to the pre-arbitration claiming procedure and/or resorting to arbitration.
12.1. Not less than 15 calendar days before the beginning of flight operations to/from Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, the Carrier
shall provide the following to the Handling Company:
1. a document signed by the Carrier’s authorized representative, which document shall include:
- intended origins/destinations of flights to/from Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, specifying each city and its airport,
- list of aircraft types on which the Carrier intends to operate the flights, specifying the tail numbers for each aircraft type;
- Carrier codes: IATA, ICAO, TKP (if applicable);
- list of carriers with which the Carrier intends to operate codeshare flights from Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport;
2. AHM 560 of all aircraft, inform in a timely manner of changes in AHM 560;
3. information about dispatch/reception of outgoing/incoming messages concerning the flight to the appropriate addresses of
the Handling Company/Carrier.
4. logo of the Carrier and of the carriers with which the Carrier intends to operate codeshare flights: a .jpg file, resolution
800 × 600, color depth 24 bit;
5. statement whether it is technically possible to automatically retrieve preliminary data on the quantity of tickets sold for a flight
(by service class: business and economy) before check-in and summary data after the check-in is closed;
6. notification of selection of the check-in system to handle the Carrier’s passengers:
- section of the SITA DCS check-in system of the Handling Company
- check-in system of the Carrier. In this case the Carrier deals on its own with SITA in solving any problems of connecting its
own check-in system to the CUTE kernel of the Handling Company.
12.2. The Carrier shall perform, at its own expense, training of the Handling Company’s personnel in what refers to processes
of aircraft, passenger, baggage, cargo handling, operating information systems if this requirement is conditioned by the Russian
Federation legislation, the Carrier’s instructions, or the rightholder of the information systems.
12.3. Notwithstanding Sub-Articles 5.9, 5.12 of the Main Agreement, the Carrier shall have the right to inspect the quality of the
services being provided, upon prior written notice of the Handling Company and without interfering with operational and/or
technological processes. Such inspections shall be subject to the prior agreement between the parties on the inspection plan,
time frame, aims, purposes, and the procedure of approval of the results.
12.4. In the event of emergencies, including but not limited to accidents or acts of unlawful interference, the Handling Company
shall, without delay and without waiting for instructions from the Carrier, take all reasonable and possible measures to assist
passengers and crew and to safeguard and protect from loss or damage baggage, freight and mail carried in the aircraft. The
Carrier shall reimburse the Handling Company for all expenses borne by it in connection with such assistance.
12.5. The conditions and the procedure of providing discounts for service according to this Standard Ground Handling
Agreement are described in the airline discount regulation at Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport. The up-to-date version of the said
document is posted on the Web site www.koltsovo.ru (www.svx.aero).
12.6. The Carrier shall provide the Handling Company with personal data necessary for issuing ID cards only with consent of
respective personal data subjects. Such personal data shall be provided to the Handling Company on the basis of the
requirements of Federal Law No. 60-FZ of 19 March 1997 “Air Code of the Russian Federation” for fulfilment of aviation security
12.7. The terms and conditions of this Annex shall be valid for all Annexes to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement unless
otherwise provided for in the respective Annex to the SGHA.
12.8. From the moment of signing this Standard Ground Handling Agreement, all previous arrangements between the parties,
as well as correspondence between the parties regarding the subject-matter of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement,
shall lose effect.
12.9. This Annex is prepared in two copies, both being of equal legal force, one copy for either Party.
13.1 The Carrier:
13.2 The Handling Company:
Foreign-currency account:
Bank of beneficiary: SBERBANK (URALSKY HEAD
Branch 0011, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Account: 40702840016480200054
Koltsovo Airport Public Stock Company
Ruble account:
Settlement account 40702810916480101254
with Sverdlovsky Branch No. 7003 of Sberbank Russia, city of
Corr. Acc. 30101810500000000674
BIK 046577674
INN 6608000446 KPP 997650001
OGRN 1026605419202
Signed _________________________________
Signed _________________________________
at __________________________________________
for and on behalf of Koltsovo Airport PSC
for and on behalf of ________________________________
Executive Director
_____________________/A. B. Piskunov
to Annex B1.0 to Standard Ground Handling Agreement No. KLC-
/ 15 - D01
with the legal address:
duly represented by
acting with the authority of
hereinafter referred to as the Carrier,
and: Koltsovo Airport PSC
with the legal address: 6, Sputnikov Str., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, 620025, Russia,
duly represented by its Executive Director Mr. Aleksey Borisovich Piskunov,
acting with the authority of Agreement No. 02-204/100-13 of 01.01.2013 and the Charter,
hereinafter referred to as the Handling Company;
The Carrier and/or the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(ies)”.
This Annex B1.0/2.0 for the location(s): Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, city of Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia - place
of execution of the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
is valid from the date referred to in the preamble, and replaces:
1.1. In handling the Carrier’s aircraft, the Handling Company shall provide the following services:
1.1.1. According to Annex A to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) of January 2008:
Section 1. Representation, Administration and Supervision.
1.3.2, 1.3.3, 1.3.5, 1.3.7, 1.3.8.
Section 2. Passenger Services.
2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 (a-1,2,4,6,7) (additional costs may be recharged to the Carrier), 2.1.7 (a) (for transfer of the reports to the
Carrier);2.1.9 (a) 1, 3;
2.2.2 (a), 2.2.3 (a) (the Handling Company shall not be responsible), 2.2.3 (b) - the information shall be entered only into the
Carrier’s system, the list of the information to be entered is subject to the Handling Company’s approval), 2.2.4, 2.2.5 (a,d);
2.2.6 – 2.2.8, 2.2.10, 2.2.12, , 2.2.13 (c,f,g,h), 2.2.14;
2.3.2, 2.3.3 (a);
Section 3. Ramp Services.
3.1.1 – 3.1.6, 3.1.7(a), 3.1.8;
3.3.1, 3.3.2 (f-position safety cones), 3.3.3;
3.5.1, 3.5.2 (a, b);
3.6.1, 3.6.2 (a), 3.6.3 (a - in what refers to baggage, b), 3.6.4(a-1), 3.6.5(a-1,4), 3.6.6 (a - in what refers to baggage, b –
according to the Carrier’s instructions, c), 3.6.7 (according to the Carrier’s instructions), 3.6.8 (a-at aircraft crew’s request);
3.7.1(a, c);
3.8.1, 3.8.2(a, b-1);
3.9.1(a), 3.9.2; 3.9.3(a, b, d);
3.13.1 (a);
Section 4. Load Control, Communications and Flight Operations.
4.1.1, 4.1.2(a-d,e-1);
4.2.1(a,b) (by mutual agreement), 4.2.2;
4.4.1 (a - in what refers to printing flight documentation, 4.4.2, 4.4.3(a,d), 4.4.4(d,e-1), 4.9.3. (a), 4.9.4 (by mutual agreement).
Organization of medical examination of crew members (at the Carrier’s request)
Section 6. Support Services.
6.2.1(c1) - additional costs to be recharged to the Carrier;
6.5.1, 6.5.3 (by mutual agreement and subject to training of the Handling Company’s staff with provision of the ground handling
6.6.1(a-1, c).
Section 7. Security.
7.1.1(a), 7.1.2(a), 7.1.3(a), 7.1.4(a1-4);
7.4.1(a), 7.4.2(a1-4), 7.4.3(a2-only loading);
7.5.1(a-by separate agreement).
Section 8. Maintenance.
1.1.2 Aircraft ground handling services provided by the Handling Company shall be rendered in accordance with the current
legislation of the Russian Federation. When it is necessary to check in passengers for a flight in the Handling Company’s check-in system, the Carrier shall,
before the commencement of operation of the flights, provide the Handling Company with written information about all possible
seating configurations of its aircraft for the Provider to include them in the computerized check-in system.
In conformity with Russian Transport Ministry Order No. 243 of 2012-07-19, the Carrier undertakes to:
- dispatch the PNL and ADL for the flight (list of the flight’s passengers) including the passengers’ passport data,
- the PNL and ADL to be sent to the SITATEX address HDQKAXH;
- when it is impossible for the Carrier to send the PNL and ADL to the SITATEX address HDQKAXH, the Carrier shall send the
PNL and ADL by e-mail to: [email protected]. In this case the Handling Company shall enter the passenger data in the check-in
system manually, and the Carrier shall pay for this service according to the Provider’s price list valid on the date of rendering
the service.
The Handling Company shall fulfil only the following provisions of the Passenger Transportation Data Provision Regulation
- For all flights of the Carrier (domestic and international, scheduled and charter), to ensure dispatch of API messages on
passengers, DOCS section, not later than 15 minutes before the planned departure of the flight;
- For all flights of the Carrier (domestic and international, scheduled and charter), to ensure dispatch of API messages on
passengers, DOCS section, not later than 15 minutes after the takeoff;
- The API information shall be sent over SITATEX;
- The address to send API information to is: MOWRU8X. Provision of the air terminal for handling in its area and buildings of departing passengers (from arrival in the airport
area until beginning of check-in) and arriving passengers (from arrival in the air terminal from the aircraft until departure from
the airport area) in accordance with the established processes, including:
- provision of the landside area outside the air terminal;
- provision of the concourse, information and inquiry area, waiting rooms and areas;
- provision of facilities of obligatory additional servicing of passengers (mother-and-child room, medical station, toilet and others
not charged for extra);
- services for reduced-mobility passengers, including provision of wheelchairs and special lifting devices;
- informational support for passengers (including visual and audible) according to the requirements of the Russian Federation
legislation. Use of the CUTE Common Access platform on the Handling Company’s workstations. All check-in counters and
boarding gates of the Handling Company are equipped with CUTE workstations. The Handling Company undertakes to ensure
round-the-clock maintenance and support of the CUTE equipment at the Handling Company’s airport within its authority under
the agreements concluded with SITA.
The Handling Company shall gain access via CUTE workstations to: own passenger departure control system of the Carrier’s DCS;
the Carrier shall be responsible in the event of loss of connection between the CUTE kernel in the Handling Company and its
own check-in system. The Carrier shall ensure readiness of the flight for check-in not later than 24 hours in advance. If the
flight is not ready for check-in, a Statement shall be drawn up, which shall be signed by the Carrier’s authorized representative
and the Handling Company’s authorized representative (if the Carrier’s authorized representative refuses to sign the said
statement or if he/she is not present at the check-in counter, the statement shall be signed by the Handling Company
unilaterally and shall be legally binding for the parties). After signing the Statement, the Handling Company’s staff may take
action to prepare the flight either in the Carrier’s check-in system or in the Handling Company’s own check-in system.
The Carrier shall reimburse the Handling Company for all costs of ensuring check-in in such case (costs of long-distance calls,
manual entering of passenger lists into the check-in system by the Handling Company’s staff, etc.) confirmed by a Work
Completion Statement drawn up before the flight departure and signed by the Carrier’s and the Handling Company’s
authorized representatives.
In conformity with Russian Transport Ministry Order No. 243 of 2012-07-19, the Carrier shall, through its own effort, provide
passenger messages to the common database (ACBPDP).
The Handling Company obtains terminal access to personal data of the Carrier’s passengers without storing such data in its
resources and, therefore, the Handling Company does not come within the purview of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 2006-07-27
“On Personal Data”. the SITA DCS passenger departure control system of the Handling Company’s airport;
In conformity with Russian Transport Ministry Order No. 243 of 2012-07-19, the Carrier undertakes to:
- dispatch the PNL and ADL containing the passengers’ passport data to the SITATEX address HDQKAXH;
- when it is impossible for the Carrier to send the PNL and ADL to the SITATEX address HDQKAXH, the Carrier shall, not later
than 6 hours before the flight departure, send the PNL by e-mail to: [email protected].
In this case, the Handling Company shall enter the passenger data in the check-in system manually, and the Carrier shall pay
for this service according to the price list valid on the date of rendering the service.
The Carrier shall ensure readiness of the flight for check-in not later than 24 hours in advance. If the flight is not ready for
check-in, a bilateral Statement shall be drawn up, which shall be signed by the Carrier’s authorized representative and the
Handling Company’s authorized representative (if the Carrier’s authorized representative refuses to sign the said statement or
if he/she is not present at the check-in counter, the statement shall be signed by the Handling Company unilaterally and shall
be legally binding for the parties).
For implementation of through check-in, the Carrier is to conclude an Interline Agreement with the Handling Company, on the
basis of which SITA will perform work to arrange a link (connection). All such work shall be at the Carrier’s expense.
The Handling Company shall fulfil only the following provisions of the Passenger Transportation Data Provision Regulation
- For all flights of the Carrier (domestic and international, scheduled and charter), to ensure dispatch of API messages on
passengers, DOCS section, not later than 15 minutes before the planned departure of the flight;
- For all flights of the Carrier (domestic and international, scheduled and charter), to ensure dispatch of API messages on
passengers, DOCS section, not later than 15 minutes after the takeoff;
- The API information shall be sent over SITATEX;
- The address to send API information to is: MOWRU8X.
2.1. The terms and conditions of the procedure of payment for services and consumables under this Annex are stipulated in
Annex B 1.0 to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
2.2. If during aircraft parking (in excess of the free time) it becomes necessary to free the parking stand, the Handling Company
reserves the right to take, at its sole discretion, the decision on retowing the aircraft, and the Carrier shall pay for such retowing.
2.3. All services and material-technical resources of which the charges, fees and prices are not stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this
Annex shall be paid for according to the charges, fees and prices effective in the Handling Company at the moment of provision
of the services and material-technical resources.
3.1 Duration.
3.1.1. This Annex shall be valid from the date written in the Preamble of this Annex.
3.1.2. Any modifications to this Annex shall be made by a written amendment signed by both Parties.
3.2. Anything not provided for in this Annex shall be governed by Annex B1.0 to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
Signed _________________________________
Signed _________________________________
at __________________________________________
for and on behalf of Koltsovo Airport PSC
for and on behalf of ________________________________
Executive Director
_____________________/A. B. Piskunov
to Standard Ground Handling Agreement No. KLC/ 15 -D01
with the legal address:
duly represented by
acting with the authority of
hereinafter referred to as the Carrier,
and: Koltsovo Airport PSC
with the legal address: 6, Sputnikov Str., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, 620025, Russia,
duly represented by its Executive Director Mr. Aleksey Borisovich Piskunov,
acting with the authority of Agreement No. 02-204/100-13 of 01.01.2013 and the Charter,
hereinafter referred to as the Handling Company;
The Carrier and/or the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(ies)”.
This Annex B 1.0/3.0 for the location(s): Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, city of Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia- place
of execution of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
is valid from the date referred to in the preamble, and replaces:
1.1. In handling the Carrier’s aircraft, the Handling Company shall provide the following services according to Annex A to the
Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) of January 2008:
Section 3. Ramp Services.
3.6.3(a-in what refers to freight and/or mail), 3.6.5(a-2,3,4), 3.6.6 (a - in what refers to freight and/or mail) (b - according to the
Carrier’s instructions) (c), 3.6.7 (according to the Carrier’s instructions) 3.6.10 (a - by separate arrangement), (b).
Section 5. Cargo and Mail Services.
5.1.3 (a -1,2,4,7);
5.2.1 - only for customs procedures on ramp;
5.2.2 – only for fulfilment of customs procedures for obtaining permission to unload/load freight/mail from/into aircraft and to
place same into the Temporary Storage Warehouses upon arrival. For fulfilment of the above procedures, the Carrier
authorizes the Handling Company:
1) To submit to customs authorities details of freight/mail and present documentation available for freight/mail with subsequent
obtainment thereof from the customs authorities for delivery into aircraft / Temporary Storage Warehouse;
2) The Handling Company shall not be responsible for the completeness and correctness of data and details contained in the
waybill and documents accompanying cargo.
Deliver freight/mail documentation between aircraft and corresponding buildings of the airport.
5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4 (a), 5.3.5;
5.4.1 (b-f) (b, c, d – by passing documents at the moment of loading/unloading cargo into/from aircraft). Cargo Manifest to be
issued on the basis of the Booking List. The Carrier or a person authorized by it shall provide the Booking List. The
requirements for issuance and provision of the Booking List are determined in Items 3.2, 3.3 of Paragraph 3 of this Annex.
Failure to provide the Booking List shall mean that the Carrier does not intend to dispatch cargo with its flight; 5.4.2 (a) - at the
expense of the consignee (agent);
5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.5.5 (2,3);
5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3 (a-1), 5.6.4;
Section 6. Support Services.
6.3.1 (a);
6.6.1 (a-3,4,5), (c).
1.2. Return of freight/mail from beside aircraft.
1.2.1. Return of freight/mail from beside aircraft ensuing in consequence of the Carrier’s directions or instructions and having
been recorded in the Cargo Manifest shall be paid for by the Carrier according to the Handling Company’s current rates.
1.2.2. Compensation for the Carrier’s costs caused by return of cargo from beside aircraft due to the Handling Company’s
mistake, action or inaction attested by the parties’ representatives in a Report on Return of Freight/Mail from beside Aircraft
shall be made by the Handling Company within pre-arbitration claiming procedure.
1.3. Unclaimed cargo.
1.3.1. If it is impossible to notify the consignee by reason of inaccurate or incorrect contact information, the Handling Company
shall send an inquiry to the Carrier, with a copy to the airport of departure, for more accurate information. If no answer from the
Carrier is received within 2 days, a duplicate message shall be sent to the Carrier’s address.
1.3.2. If the consignee has been informed but the cargo has not been collected after 7, 14 and 57 days, or if the consignee has
refused to collect the cargo, the Handling Company shall inform the Carrier, with a copy to the airport of departure, of nondelivery of the cargo and ask the Carrier to dispose of the cargo according to the shipper’s instructions.
1.3.3. In accordance with the shipper’s instructions, the Carrier may return the unclaimed cargo to the airport of departure,
transfer it to federal ownership without compensation, or destruct it in accordance with Russian Federation legislation.
Responsibility for payment for services of terminal processing of cargo in the Cargo Complex at arrival and departure, of
storage and other services shall be borne by the Carrier.
1.3.4. When unclaimed cargo is returned to the place of origin (whether or not using the re-export procedure), the Carrier shall
pay for services of terminal processing of the corresponding category of cargo at arrival and departure, storage according to
the cargo category, notification of the consignee and other expenses connected with organization of return of the cargo. Failing
Carrier’s instructions with regard to disposal of the unclaimed cargo, the Handling Company reserves the right to invoice the
Carrier including all expenses incurred in connection with actions with such cargo at existing rates of the Handling Company
and/or specialized companies.
1.3.5. Destruction of all categories of unclaimed cargo having arrived by an either domestic or international flight, including
compliance with all customs formalities connected therewith, shall be the Carrier’s responsibility and shall be performed
through the Carrier’s own effort.
1.3.6. The Parties’ responsibilities concerning processing, storage, and disposal of cargo misdirected to the Handling
Company’s airport by another airport shall be determined by way of negotiations between the parties.
2.1. The terms and conditions of the procedure of payment for services and consumables under this Annex are stipulated in
Annex B1.0 to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
2.2. The services rendered in the Handling Company’s Cargo Complex with respect to arriving and departing cargo shall be
paid for by shippers, consignees, agents of the Carrier except when the Carrier is itself the shipper or consignee, and also
relative to transfer dispatches, or when the Carrier desires to cover all expenses giving a prior written notice thereof to the
Handling Company.
2.3. Services of storage of outbound cargo shall be paid for by the shipper or agent. If cargo has been received to a Cargo
Complex warehouse with confirmed booking (i.e. the Carrier has confirmed the date, time and flight number) but the flight was
cancelled, postponed or the dispatch of such cargo was not shown in the Booking List for the flight, then storage, from the
moment of its failed dispatch until its actual dispatch, shall be paid for by the Carrier according to the Handling Company’s
current rates.
2.4. All services and material-technical resources of which the charges, fees and prices are not stipulated in Paragraph 2 of this
Annex shall be paid for according to the charges, fees and prices effective in the Handling Company at the moment of
provision of the services and material-technical resources.
3.1. The Cargo Manifest for cargo shall be issued by the Handling Company on the basis of the Booking List provided by the
Carrier or a person authorized by the Carrier. The Booking List shall be passed to the Handling Company’s Cargo Complex not
later than three (3) hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight in one of the following ways:
1) to the Freight-and-Mail Transportation Organization Dispatcher of the Cargo Complex (counter 9, 1st floor, office building,
Cargo Complex, at 63, Bakhchivandzhi Street);
2) [email protected];
3) fax +7(343) 226-88-46;
Contact data and/or times for Booking List submission may be changed by the Handling Company unilaterally upon 15 days’
prior notification of the Carrier.
3.2. The Booking List must always include the following:
1) Flight Number;
2) Date;
3) Airport of destination;
4) Waybill Number;
5) Airport of delivery;
6) Number of pieces;
Weight in kg;
Nature of cargo;
Volume in m³;
Remark (when necessary)
Full name and signature of the Carrier’s authorized representative.
The Cargo Manifest issue and the loading into the aircraft shall be performed by the Handling Company in the sequence shown
in the Booking List. When freight/mail consignments are planned to be loaded into the aircraft cabin, the Remark entry must
contain “into cabin”.
3.3. If all the cargo specified in the Booking List has not been loaded into the aircraft for reasons beyond the control of the
Handling Company, such cargo shall be returned to the cargo terminal. The procedure of return from beside aircraft shall be in
accordance with Item 1.2 of this Annex.
3.4. Failure to provide the Booking List shall mean that the Carrier does not intend to dispatch cargo with its flight.
3.5. In delivering cargo being moved under the customs transit procedure, the Carrier shall inform the Handling Company
about presence of such cargo on board the aircraft.
3.6. The Carrier authorizes the Handling Company to place cargo (goods) and vehicles in the Handling Company’s temporary
storage warehouse, the Carrier being obliged to present all necessary documents requested by the customs authority for
placement in the temporary storage warehouse.
3.7. The Carrier shall notify the Handling Company in advance about all arriving cargo needing dispatching control.
3.8. Departure/arrival of heavy-weight cargo (upwards of 80 kg) shall ensue subject to prior arrangement with the Handling
Company. In case of this procedure not complied with, the Handling Company reserves the right not to unload/load from/to
aircraft any heavy cargo weighing more than 200 kg.
3.9. The conditions of Item 3.8 of this Paragraph shall cover delivery of cargo by passenger aircraft without using ULDs.
3.10. The Handling Company shall have the right to involve, without obtaining the Carrier’s consent, third parties in executing
obligations under this Annex.
3.11. Duration.
This Annex shall be valid from the date written in the Preamble of this Annex.
3.12. Modification.
Any modifications to this Annex shall be made by a written amendment signed by both Parties.
3.13. Anything not provided for in this Annex shall be governed by Annex B 1.0 to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
Signed _________________________________
Signed _________________________________
at __________________________________________
for and on behalf of Koltsovo Airport PSC
for and on behalf of ________________________________
Executive Director
_____________________/A. B. Piskunov
to Standard Ground Handling Agreement No. KLC-
/ 15 -D01
with the legal address:
duly represented by
acting with the authority of
hereinafter referred to as the Carrier,
and: Koltsovo Airport PSC
with the legal address: 6, Sputnikov Str., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, 620025, Russia,
duly represented by its Executive Director Mr. Aleksey Borisovich Piskunov,
acting with the authority of Agreement No. 02-204/100-13 of 01.01.2013 and the Charter,
hereinafter referred to as the Handling Company;
The Carrier and/or the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(ies)”.
This Annex B 1.0/4.0 for the location(s): Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, city of Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia- place
of execution of this Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
is valid from the date referred to in the preamble, and replaces:
1.1. In handling the Carrier’s aircraft, the Handling Company shall provide the following services according to Annex A to the
Standard Ground Handling Agreement (SGHA) of January 2008:
Section 3. Ramp Services.
3.17.1, 3.17.2, 3.17.3 (a), 3.17.4, 3.17.5, 3.17.6, 3.17.7, 3.17.8
Hereinafter in this Annex referred to as the “Services”.
1.2. Aircraft de-/anti-icing services shall be provided in accordance with the Aircraft De-/Anti-Icing Manual effective in the
Handling Company with due consideration for special requirements (peculiarities) of aircraft treatment present in current
procedures (instructions) for de-/anti-icing of aircraft of the Carrier on condition that the Handling Company’s capability to fulfil
them has been confirmed in writing by the Handling Company’s authorized representative.
1.3 Aircraft shall be treated with/by certified:
1.3.1. DAIF [(de-/anti-icing fluid(s)] and equipment;
1.3.2. staff of the Handling Company,
admitted to application and performance of the Services according to the appropriate procedure.
1.4. Accounting of aircraft de-/anti-icing services provided shall ensue in accordance with the established procedure of the
Handling Company.
2.1 The terms and conditions of the procedure of payment for services and consumables under this Annex are stipulated in
Annex B 1.0 to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
3.1. If the Carrier has a certified on-line aircraft maintenance station or an Aviation Technical Center at Ekaterinburg Koltsovo
Airport, or if the aircraft carries technical staff performing line maintenance of aircraft at transit airports, the decision on
performing aircraft de-/anti-icing shall be taken by the Carrier in the person of technical staff or aircraft captain.
3.2. Aircraft de-/anti-icing is obligatory if the aircraft captain and the Handling Company’s specialist responsible for the aircraft
release have failed to take a consensual decision not to perform de-/anti-icing. The final decision on departure after performed
de-/anti-icing of the aircraft shall be the aircraft captain’s responsibility. However, if the Handling Company’s specialist
responsible for the aircraft release reports to the aircraft captain that there are ice/snow deposits on critical surfaces of the
aircraft, the aircraft captain shall not take the decision to take off until the ice/snow deposits are removed from the aircraft
3.3. Duration.
This Annex shall be valid from the date written in the Preamble of this Annex.
3.4. Modification.
Any modifications to this Annex shall be made by a written amendment signed by both Parties.
3.5. Anything not provided for in this Annex shall be governed by Annex B1.0 to the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
Signed _________________________________
Signed _________________________________
at __________________________________________
for and on behalf of Koltsovo Airport PSC
for and on behalf of ________________________________
Executive Director
_____________________/A. B. Piskunov
to Standard Ground Handling Agreement No. KLC/ 15 -D01
with the legal address:
duly represented by
acting with the authority of
hereinafter referred to as the Carrier,
and: Koltsovo Airport PSC
with the legal address: 6, Sputnikov Str., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, 620025, Russia,
duly represented by its Executive Director Mr. Aleksey Borisovich Piskunov,
acting with the authority of Agreement No. 02-204/100-13 of 01.01.2013 and the Charter,
hereinafter referred to as the Handling Company;
The Carrier and/or the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(ies)”.
This Annex B1.0/8.0 for the location(s): Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, city of Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia- place of
execution of the Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
is valid from the date referred to in the preamble, and replaces:
Description of fee, charge, price as per the
Services as per Annex A of the SGHA corresponding to the Handling
Handling Company’s Service Price List
Company’s Service Price List
Landing/Takeoff Fee
1.3.5, 1.3.7, 1.3.8,
4.1.2 (a-d) (e 1), 4.2.1(a - by mutual agreement) (b), 4.4.4 (d) (e 1),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
Security Fee
2.2.13 (f),
7.1.1 (a), 7.1.2. (a), 7.1.3 (a), 7.1.4 (a 1), 7.2.1 (a) 1-3, 7.3.1 (a 2-5), 7.4.1 (a),
7.4.2 (a 1,3,4), 7.4.3 (a 2 - only loading),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
Parking Fee (parking provision in excess of
8.5.1 (a 1),
free time)
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
Air Terminal Usage Fees
1.3.2, 2.1.1,
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
Passenger Handling Charges
2.1.2, 2.1.3 (a 1,2,4,6,7), 2.1.7 (a) (for transfer of the reports to the Carrier),
2.1.9 (a), (1,3), 2.2.2 (a), 2.2.3 (a), 2.2.4, 2.2.5 (a,d), 2.2.6, 2.2.7, 2.2.8,
2.2.10, 2.2.12, 2.2.13 (c,g,h), 2.2.14, 2.3.2, 2.3.3(a);
3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.7 (a),
3.6.3 (a - in what refers to baggage, b), 3.6.4 (a 1), 3.6.5 (a 1,4), 3.6.6 (a - in
what refers to baggage) (b – according to the Carrier’s instructions) (c), 3.6.7
(according to the Carrier’s instructions),
4.1.2 (a-d) (e 1),
5.5.5 (1),
6.6.1 (a 2 c),
7.1.4 (a 4),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
Charge for ensuring reception and release of
3.3.1, 3.3.2 (f) (position safety cones),
3.5.1, 3.5.2 (a,b),
3.8.2 (a) (b 1),
4.2.2 (a - only for Russian carriers, b),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
Freight and mail handling charges
3.6.3 (a - in what refers to freight and/or mail), 3.6.5 (a 2,3,4), 3.6.6 (a - in
what refers to freight and/or mail) (b – according to the Carrier’s instructions)
(c), 3.6.7 (according to the Carrier’s instructions), 3.6.10 (a - by separate
Description of fee, charge, price as per the
Handling Company’s Service Price List
Charges for provision of a technical facility for
passengers’ embarkation/disembarkation
to/from aircraft (except boarding bridge)
Charge for use of boarding bridge
Charge for passenger transportation (bus)
Charges for VIP Terminal and/or Enhanced
Comfort Lounge services
Charge for personal guarding of aircraft
Charge for crew transportation at aircraft
arrival or departure
Charge for escorting crew from check-in
counter to aircraft (or from aircraft to customs
control area) (only for foreign carriers)
Charge for provision of follow-me car
Price for handling of empty ULDs,
transportation to/from aircraft
Price for handling of empty ULDs, storage
Price for handling of empty ULDs,
Charge for provision aircraft crew with
information during preparation for the flight,
navigational calculation
Charge for provision aircraft crew with
information during preparation for the flight,
flight plan
Charge for provision aircraft crew with
information during preparation for the flight,
printing flight documentation
Charge for provision aircraft crew with
information during preparation for the flight,
delivery of flight information
Charge for aircraft toilet servicing
Charge for discharge of drinking water from
Charge for drinking water replenishment of
Services as per Annex A of the SGHA corresponding to the Handling
Company’s Service Price List
arrangement) (b),
5.1.3 (a 1,2,4,7), 5.2.1 (only for customs procedures on ramp), 5.2.2 (only for
customs procedures on ramp), 5.2.3, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.4(a), 5.3.5, 5.4.1
(b-f), 5.5.2, 5.5.3, 5.5.4, 5.5.5 (2,3), 5.6.1, 5.6.2, 5.6.3 (a 1), 5.6.4, 5.7.1,
6.6.1 (a 3,4 c),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.6.1 (a,b) (c 1,2),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.6.1 (a,b) (c 3),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.6.2 (a 1),
6.6.1 (a 1 c),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
2.1.3 (a 3), 2.1.9.(a 3)
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
7.4.2 (a 2),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.6.2 (a 2),
4.9.3.(a), 4.9.4,
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.2.1 (a),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
6.6.1 (a 4 c),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
6.3.1 (a),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
5.5.3 (b), 5.5.5 (3),
4.4.3 (a),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
4.4.3 (d),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
4.4.1 (a) (print flight documentation).
4.1.1, 4.4.2,
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.12.1 (a 1),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.13.1 (a 1),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.13.1 (a 2,3),
Description of fee, charge, price as per the
Handling Company’s Service Price List
Charge for one-step treatment of aircraft with
de-/anti-icing fluid
Charge for two-step treatment of aircraft with
de-/anti-icing fluid
Charge for aircraft clearing of snow and ice
with hot air
Charge for aircraft towing/pushback
Charge for electrical power supply to aircraft
Charge for heating of aircraft or aircraft
Charge for ensuring air start of aircraft
Charge for provision of firetruck
Price for provision of tow bar for aircraft
Charge, price for materials and equipment for
additional technical handling of aircraft and
other services
Charge for opening/closing aircraft baggage
hold doors
Charge for supervision of fueling process
Services as per Annex A of the SGHA corresponding to the Handling
Company’s Service Price List
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.17.3 (a), 3.17.5, 3.17.6, 3.17.7, 3.17.8,
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.17.3 (a), 3.17.5, 3.17.6, 3.17.7, 3.17.8,
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.17.1, 3.17.2,
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.9.1 (a), 3.9.3 (a, b, d),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.7.1. (a, c),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
8.3.4. (a), 3.17.4
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
3.6.8 (by mutual agreement of the parties),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
6.5.3 (by mutual agreement and subject to training of the Handling Company’s
staff with provision of the ground handling manual),
as well as other services provided for by the current legislation of the Russian
6.2.1. (c1)
Charge for use of the SITA AirportConnect
CUTE platform
Signed _________________________________
Signed _________________________________
at __________________________________________
for and on behalf of Koltsovo Airport PSC
for and on behalf of ________________________________
Executive Director
_____________________/A. B. Piskunov
to Standard Ground Handling Agreement No. KLC-
/ 15 -D01
with the legal address:
duly represented by
acting with the authority of
hereinafter referred to as the Carrier,
and: Koltsovo Airport PSC
with the legal address: 6, Sputnikov Str., Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, 620025, Russia,
duly represented by its Executive Director Mr. Aleksey Borisovich Piskunov,
acting with the authority of Agreement No. 02-204/100-13 of 01.01.2013 and the Charter,
hereinafter referred to as the Handling Company;
The Carrier and/or the Handling Company may hereinafter be referred to as “the Party(ies)”.
This Annex B1.0/9.0 for the location(s): Ekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport, city of Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia- place of execution of the
Standard Ground Handling Agreement.
is valid from the date referred to in the preamble, and replaces:
1.1. In performing their respective obligations hereunder the Parties, their affiliates, employees or intermediaries shall not pay, offer to pay or permit to
pay any monies or valuables, directly or indirectly, to any persons in order to influence actions or decisions of such persons with a view of gaining any
unlawful advantages or attaining other unlawful goals.
1.2. In performing their respective obligations hereunder the Parties, their affiliates, employees or intermediaries shall not commit acts classified by the
legislation which is applicable for the purposes of this Agreement as giving/taking a bribe, commercial bribery, as well as acts violating the requirements
of the applicable legislation and/or international instruments on counteracting legitimization (laundering) of proceeds obtained by criminal means.
1.3. Each of the Parties hereto commits itself not to incentify in any way employees of the other Party, including, but not limited to, by providing monies,
presents, gratuitous performance of work/services for them, and/or other ways not named in this Item, such provision, performance, etc., making the
employee dependant in a certain way and aimed at ensuring that the employee carries out acts in favor of the incentifying Party.
1.4. Each of the Parties hereto warrants that neither it nor its affiliates, employees or intermediaries have committed any acts specified in Items 1.1, 1.2,
and 1.3 of this Clause in any stage before the conclusion of the Agreement, including participation in procurement (tender) and negotiating.
1.5. An employee’s acts carried out in favor of the incentifying Party shall be understood as:
1.5.1. provision of unjustified advantages over other contractors;
1.5.2. provision of any warranties/guarantees;
1.5.3. fasttracking existing procedures;
1.5.4. other acts which are carried out by the employee within the scope of his/her employment duties but which run counter to the principles of
transparency and openness of relations between the Parties.
1.6. In the event of either Party having suspicions that a violation of any anticorruption conditions has occurred or may occur, the suspicious Party shall
notify the other Party in writing. After the written notification, the suspicious Party shall have the right to suspend fulfilment of its obligations hereunder
until it receives confirmation that no violation has occurred or may occur. Such confirmation shall be sent within five (5) working days from the date of
sending the written notification.
1.7. In the written notification, the Party shall cite facts or provide materials conclusively confirming or suggesting that a violation by a contractor, its
affiliates, employees or intermediaries of any provisions of these conditions has occurred or may occur, such violation consisting in acts classified by the
applicable legislation as giving or taking a bribe, commercial bribery, as well as acts violating the requirements of the applicable legislation and/or
international instruments on counteracting legitimization of proceeds obtained by criminal means.
1.8. The Parties hereto accept carrying out corruption-preventing procedures and monitor compliance with them. In doing so, the Parties shall apply
reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of business relations with contractors that may be involved in corrupt activities, and shall render mutual assistance
to each other in preventing corruption. In doing so, the Parties shall ensure implementation of audit procedures aimed at prevention of risks of the Parties
getting involved in corrupt activities.
1.9. The condition specified in this section shall be an essential condition of this Agreement in accordance with Article 432, Part 1, of the Civil Code of
the Russian Federation.
1.10. The Parties acknowledge that their eventual unlawful acts and violation of the anticorruption conditions hereof may entail unfavorable
consequences, from downgrading the contractor’s reliability rating through substantial restrictions of interaction with the contractor to dissolution of this
1.11. The Parties guarantee that facts presented in performing this Agreement will be duly handled, observing the confidentiality principles, and that
effective measures will be taken to eliminate practical predicaments and prevent eventual conflict situations.
1.12. The Parties guarantee absolute confidentiality in fulfilling the anticorruption conditions hereof; they also guarantee that no negative consequences
will arise either for the appealing Party as a whole or for those employees of the appealing Party who have reported the violations.
Signed _________________________________
Signed _________________________________
at __________________________________________
for and on behalf of Koltsovo Airport PSC
for and on behalf of ________________________________
Executive Director
_____________________/A. B. Piskunov