
Minutes for Monday, September 24th, 2012
President’s Conference Room
1700 Hours
The Associated Students of the California Maritime Academy
Call to Order - 1701
Roll Call – W. LaRue & B. Filbeck both excused
Action Item- Approval of Agenda
- Adjusted- Special Presentation moved to before action item of Updating the
Constitution Motion by S. Schreckengost, 2nd by K. Parrish-Motion
- Adjusted- Approval of Minutes adjusted to Approval of Monday, September
17th, 2012 Motion by D. Coyl, 2nd by K. Parrish- Motion Passes
- Motion to Approve K. Parrish, 2nd by K. Sweeney- Motion Passes
Action Item- Approval of Minutes Monday, September 17th, 2012
- Motion to Approve K. Parrish, 2nd by B. Brian- Motion Passes
Special Presentation
Dr. Aly, Academic Dean
- Wanted to introduce himself to the ASCMA board
- Wants the students to know that he can help to solve academic issues
early rather than wait and let them linger
Action Item- Updating Constitution
- Z. Patterson will be e-mailing out a copy of the possible changes
- Look into each individual change on own time before the October 1st meeting
- Next meeting all changes will be voted on
Action Item- Does ASCMA support prop 30?
- Most students that were talked to were apathetic and unaware of the proposition
- Most students when they heard responded with “Why hasn’t this been passed
- Students will receive a $500 credit if passed
- Motion to Support D. Coyl, 2nd S. Schreckengost- Motion Passes
Public Comment
K. Sweeney showed the board the new Drama Club posters
New Business-N/R
Executive Officer reports
a. Executive Chief of Staff- Z. Patterson
a. Campus Service Project
i. Discussion of how to enforce the need for the freshman to complete their
ii. What are campus service ideas
iii. Contact Z. Patterson with any suggestions or ideas
b. Executive V.P. of Finance- S. Schreckengost
a. Approval from Captain Boltion for divisional funds to go through ASCMA
c. Executive V.P.- K. Parrish
a. Freshman elections need an ASCMA board member to volunteer for the hours of
b. Freshman candidate bios will be at the voting tables
Minutes for Monday, September 24th, 2012
President’s Conference Room
1700 Hours
The Associated Students of the California Maritime Academy
c. Still need to get all of the club paperwork together as some clubs have not
completed their packets
d. Executive President- E. West
a. ASCMA Pamphlets
i. Still in production stage
b. Wristbands
i. Will be delivered on the 27th
i. Registration form has been completed and will be sent to all of the CSU
ii. Still need more volunteers from the ASCMA board for CSSA
d. President’s Advisory Council
i. There has been a creation of a student awards committee
ii. The online information and book ordering at the library has been updated
iii. The first home soccer game will be on Wednesday, October 3rd at Bodnar
iv. The 27th of September will be the Hispanic Heritage day on the quad
v. Final tally of students is 975
vi. 5th of October the Camp Pendleton Band will be in Rizza along with a
comedy tour
vii. Discussion of trying to host the MRAD conference next year
viii. If possible please read the book “The Wisdom of Crowd”
ix. No soliciting alumni for clubs!
Officer Reports
Environmental Officer- W. LaRue
Veterans Liaison Officer- B. Davis
- Continuing looking in to the mentorship program
- Finding someone to aide Debbie Fischer in knowing Veteran’s Benefits
Community Service Officer- J. Lee
- N/R
Marketing Officer- K. Reinhardt
- What is the feeling of the board on the space the corps is taking on the
marketing areas on campus?
1. Discussion next meeting
External Affairs- D. Coyl
- Has picked up 1000 voter registration forms
- 50 students a week goal minimum
Executive Director Reports
Dean Of Students- D. Hebert
- Somehow some students have gotten ahold of the school’s tax id number
- New alcohol and drug education committee needs 2 student volunteers
- Homecoming is next weekend
1. We need to find ways to get current students out
Minutes for Monday, September 24th, 2012
President’s Conference Room
1700 Hours
The Associated Students of the California Maritime Academy
Programming- S. Alvarez
- October 3rd there will be another advisor meeting
Auxillary Reports
ACE- J. Bule
- Finalizing paperwork for 180 fright fest tickets to be purchase for October 27th
- ACE will be purchasing Ski/Snowboard expo tickets
- Need increased marketing for ARC
- Avengers will be playing this thursday
Corps of Cadets- J. Kelso
- Salt and Peppers on Wednesday September 26th
Housing- Stress piñata on September 27th
- Partay with the RA on the 24th
Binnacle- K. Sweeney
- Will be coming out on the 1st of October
- 4 issues of the Binnacle this year
Class Officer Reports
Senior: B. Fillbeck & B. Brian
- Dr. Dave Hill the professional hypnotist is willing to come to CMA and will be
very accommodating
1. $800 for 2 hours and is willing to be there before and after to hang
out with the students
2. Co-Sponsor with ACE
Junior: K. Sweeney & J. Casken
- Relay for life is a go and a committee is being created
- Looking at taking 20 plus cadets to the Vallejo Community Garden
- Looking to create a CMA garden event
- Creation of a bulletin board in Egypt at the top of the stairs
Sophomore: M. Kobyashi & L. Morrow
- How many parking passes are sold per spot on campus?
1. 1.2 passes per spot which is one of the best ratios in the CSU system
- The Seafood cards have arrived
- Creation of a Goodwill bin
Freshman: N/A
Closing Comments N/R
Adjournment- 1834