You are going on vacation To OUTER SPACE

You are going on vacation
ASSIGNED: Friday, September 25, 2015
DUE: Wednesday, September 30, 2015
10 points off for each day after due date
You are going on a vacation to the “Planet of the
Exponents”. When you get there, the exponents are up
in arms because of all the silly tourists who keep
breaking the laws of the land. They commission you to
make a tourist hand-book laying out all the laws of the
planet. Your assignment is to:
A. Explain the following laws in your hand-book.
1. The product of power rule
2. The quotient of power rule
3. The power of a power rule
4. The power of a product rule
5. What a zero exponent is
B. Come up with consequences if tourists break the rules (be creative)
C. Your hand-book must also include picture(s) and description(s) of the
D. Your booklet must be typed and include:
1. Title page (should include name of Planet)
2. Table of content (listing each laws with corresponding page #)
3. The 5 laws above…”One on each page with the rule, a numerical
example, an algebraic example and a consequence(s)”
4. Label your hand-book on the back cover. (first and last name,
class block and date)
5. The rubric you will be graded with is on the class page in the
exponent project folder