Slide - Journal of Vision

From: Distinguishing bias from sensitivity effects in multialternative detection tasks
Journal of Vision. 2014;14(9):16. doi:10.1167/14.9.16
Figure Legend:
Signal detection models for the multialternative detection task. (A) A simple detection (Yes/No) task modeled with a
binary choice (one-dimensional) signal detection model. Black Gaussian: decision variable distribution when no stimulus
was presented, p(Ψ|N); red Gaussian: decision variable distribution when a stimulus was presented, p(Ψ|S). Red
shading: Hit rate; hatched region: False-alarm rate; d: perceptual sensitivity for detection; c: choice criterion for a Yes
response. (B) Performance in a 2-ADC task modeled with two one-dimensional binary choice models. Top row: Behavior
modeled as a two-stage decision with a binary one-dimensional model for each stage. In the first stage, the observer
if a stimulus
was presented The
at allAssociation
(N vs. S1 or
the value
of a decision Copyright
variable (Ψ)
as inAll
therights reserved.
2), basedinon
of download:
and Ophthalmology
© 2017.
conventional Yes/No task. In the next stage, the observer decides whether the stimulus was presented at location 1 or