Professional Knowledge Standard 1: Know students and how they

Professional Knowledge
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students
across the full range of abilities
My knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to meet
the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities is personified through
my university course-work and Professional Experience (PE) placements. To create the best
learning experiences possible for all students, by ensuring equitable access to the curriculum
and abundant opportunities to demonstrate success, during both placements, I initially
acquired knowledge of the students’ varying abilities and accordingly, designed learning
activities which predominantly supported cooperative learning, with the foci for
differentiation based on the content, process, products and learning environment.
For example, Foundation/Year 1 students were provided with the option of
completing a diary writing task using either words, sentences or illustrations, depending on
their individual abilities, which in supporting inclusiveness, also ensured all learners worked
with the same important understandings and skills, but with different levels of support,
challenge, or complexity (Tomlinson, 1999).
Similarly, while the thinking
and skills of advanced learners were strengthened through extension activities during a
‘Friends of Ten’ Mathematics lesson, additional modelling to re-teach/reinforce an idea or
skill (Johnson, 1993) was provided for struggling learners (PE3).
Further validation of my competency to differentiate teaching to accommodate a
diversity of learning needs is evidenced in PE2. This class comprised of three Year 2
students whom experienced reading and writing difficulties, so consequently, I was required
to differentiate literacy activities in accordance with ability levels. Consistent with research
suggesting that students who experiencing reading and writing difficulties, often display poor
attitudes due to their lack of confidence in their ability to read and write (Subban, 2006),
these children were continually disruptive because they were trying to avoid completing their
work. Echoing Brady (2003, as cited in Subban, 2006), who argues that learning should be
differentiated to the student’s interests, I asked the two students what they would most enjoy
reading and writing about, which resulted in developing comprehension activities around
submarines and spaceships!
Likewise, in a Year 2/3 class (PE2), to accommodate diverse
learning styles and provide students with multiple opportunities
to demonstrate their understanding of different representations of
fractions, I offered manipulative's for those who needed them,
which included Lego blocks and kinetic sand (PE2).
Again, in order to support student diversity, during Professional Experience (3), I presented
ideas through both auditory and visual means, by incorporating a power point presentation
into a Geography and Mathematics lesson to introduce graphs and the concept of Place and
utilised audio visual resources to teach the days of the week and the features of 3 dimensional
Power point presentation Prep-Yr 1 Geography - Mathematics sequence.pptx
Days of the week video
3D shape video
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it
2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to
promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
A better understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures not only
develops an enriched appreciation of Australia’s cultural heritage, but supports the process of
reconciliation (Marsh, 1994, as cited in Suda, 2009). My confidence in effectively embedding
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (TSI) perspectives into my teaching practice has been
strengthened by the knowledge I have acquired through the Indigenous units I have studied
during as components of my university course-work. This knowledge and understanding is
embodied in a personal reference from Dr. Mary O’Dowd (University of Tasmania, 2015),
the learning activities I implemented during Professional Experience placements and through
various lesson plans which not only address the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography,
Visual Arts and Mathematics learning outcomes, but support an understanding of the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures cross-curriculum priority
(Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority, 2015).
In planning practical learning experiences which incorporated Aboriginal perspectives,
I demonstrated an awareness of the policies within the curriculum and accordingly, upheld a
respect and awareness for Aboriginality and cultural sensitivity by ;
Respecting the rights of the traditional owners of artworks, songs, stories and dances
Using appropriate, accurate and up-to-date resources
Ensuring the accessibility for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal students
Modelling respectful/empathetic language and discourse in dealing with indigenous
Consulting with Colleague Teachers regarding pertinent issues
Incorporating discussion/material that promotes an understanding and recognition of
Indigenous issues (Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority,
[ACARA], 2014).
The attached power-point presentation was incorporated into a Prep/Year 1
Geography lesson sequence to teach about the concept of Place, which concluded with the
students having an opportunity to create and display their own dot artwork using pastel
crayons (as pictured below). This hands-on activity produced high levels of student
engagement and participation, to the extent that I subsequently began providing additional
dot art templates as an incentive for students to complete work in a timely fashion.
Personal reference: Dr.Mary O' Dowd (UTAS, 2015).pdf
EMT690 Cultural Awareness assignments: Malone_Kylie_EMT690_Assessment 3b.docx
Malone_Kylie_EMT690_AT3a Relevance for teaching Aboringinal and Torres Strait
Islander Dance and Music..pptx
Lesson sequence: Professional Experience 3 Geography - History lesson sequence
EMT602 Mathematics lesson sequence: Malone Kylie 980924 EMT602 Assessment 2.doc