Captain`s Meeting -

IRHC Broomball 2015-2016
Patrick Wolfer
 4th Year
 Biomedical Engineering
 3rd Year on committee
 [email protected]
 Office Hours
○ Monday, 5pm-6
○ Thursday, 4pm-5
Season Information
 Creating a Team
 Rule Changes & Highlights
 Guidelines
 New Items
 Broomball Committee
 Questions
Season Information
 9 Game Season
 Released around Thanksgiving Break
 Request 96 hours in advanced
 Opposing captain has 72 hours to respond
○ No response = game rescheduled
 Captain’s responsibility to be responsive to
rescheduling requests
 Approved by the Vice Chair
Season Information
Start of Season/Ball Drop
 January 12, 2015 @ 5:00 PM
Game Times
 Schedule around home Hockey games
 Weekdays
○ 5:15 PM – Midnight
 Weekends
○ 8:00 AM – Midnight
Creating a Team
Captains Meeting
2. Assemble Team
3. Registration
4. Payment
5. Waivers
2. Assemble Team
Residency (Set as of October 3, 2015)
 Leagues
○ East Wads, West Wads, McNair, DHH &
Apartments, Off-campus, and Women’s
 Resident
○ Matches team’s registered league
 Non-resident
○ Does not match team’s registered league
○ Fall Co-op or Study Abroad
2. Assemble Team
Team Roster Requirements
 Team Captain
 Team member who attended the Captains
Minimum of 6 players
Minimum of 5 residents
Maximum of 5 non-residents
No player participating on another team in same
You can only play on two teams
No two teams may have more than three
players in common
3. Registration
Information needed:
Team Name
Team Residency
Players’ email addresses
Quantity of broomballs
Dates and Times
 Opens Sunday, October 25 @ 10:00 PM
 Closes Wednesday, October 28 @ 10:00 PM
Through Broomball website
Can only register active students
4. Payment
Email on November 4, 2015
 Accepted Teams
○ League status
○ Invoice
 Due November 9, 2015 by 11:59PM
 Waiting List Teams
4. Payment
Invoice will be issued to captain
 $25 per player
 $20 per broomball ordered
Payment Options
Online through MyMichiganTech (11:59 PM)
2. Cashier’s Office (4:00 PM)
Requires PRINTED Invoice and Broomball Form
Checks payable to Michigan Technological
5. Waivers
Once payment is received, the team
becomes an “active team”
 Email to players to sign waiver
 Captain can see who signed waiver
 Needs to be signed before 11:59PM
before first game
 NO paper waivers accepted
Roster Changes
Dates and Times
 Starts December 3, 2015
 Ends January 13, 2016 at 10:00PM
Drop player BEFORE adding for free
 Must retain residency requirements
Major Rulebook Change Highlights
No two teams may have more than
three players in common
 Goalies to have no equipment that
covers “five hole”
 Forfeit victories will give the winning
team the average amount of goals at the
end of the season instead of 1-0 victory
 Non-compete shootouts will end in a tie
after 3rd round of shooting
Rule Changes & Highlights
Pre-game Procedure
 ID’s will NOT be collected, face check will still
Helmet Checkout
 Players that need to use a Broomball helmet
must arrive a minimum of 5 minutes before the
game starts.
 Notify Box Ref before taking the helmet
 Captains are responsible for ensuring Broomball
helmets are returned
 $20 fine for missing helmets
Rule Changes & Highlights
Abuse of Official
 An instance of a player receiving an “Abuse of
Official” penalty will be required to meet with the
Broomball Referee Manager
The Referee Quick Guide is an approved
rulebook for referees to use during the game
Shoes / Shoe Checks
 Extra grip shoes are not allowed
○ Cleats, spiked shoes, five-finger style shoes
Pre-game Captains Meeting
 Declare step check
 Any other pertinent information
Rule Changes & Highlights
Regulation Game Play
 Two 15-minute halves
 One timeout per half per team
 Forfeit
○ Team cannot provide five players after 5
minutes of start of game
 5-minute sudden death overtime
 No team timeouts
○ If still tied, goes to shootout
Rule Changes & Highlights
 Overtime
○ Unlimited 15-minute sudden death overtimes
○ No team timeouts
 Player Clarification
○ Players on two final eight teams must choose
Rule Changes & Highlights
Goalie in the Crease
 Body part must remain in plane of crease
 As soon as goalie has control of or covers the ball,
goalie ball is declared
 Must pass underhand and touched before half ice
Goalie outside the Crease
 Hand/kick pass in defensive zone
 Must not cover or control ball
 If goalie ball was declared:
○ Must place ball on ice before exiting crease
○ Must be touched by another player before going across
half ice line
Rule Changes & Highlights
Goalie Clarification
 Substitute only at halftime, timeouts, or end of
 2-minute Penalty
○ Another player can serve penalty
○ Goalie is charged penalty
 5-minute Penalty
○ Must serve and is charged penalty
 Goalie with shoulder pads, chest protect and/or a
glove must do one of the following in order to return
to ice:
○ Take off shoulder pads, chest protectors, and/or glove
○ Can slide over to team bench directly from penalty box
and have another player substitute in
Rule Changes & Highlights
High Stick
 In traffic (people within 10 feet)
○ Waist height
 Alone (no one within 10 feet)
○ Shoulder height
 Backswing and follow through
Any 2-minute penalty can be raised to a
5, any 5 to a Game Misconduct.
Rule Changes & Highlights
Kick pass clarification
 The change of possession occurs where the
ball is touched, not the origin of the penalty
EX: If player A kicks the ball to player B,
the change of possession occurs where
player B is, not Player A
Rule Changes & Highlights
Helmet Fines
 $20
Judicial Board
 Penalty Limit
1. 9 minutes
2. 15 minutes
3. Each additional penalty
 Game Misconduct
 Only required equipment is a helmet
○ Limited supply from Broomball
○ Suggested you purchase you own
 Suggested Equipment
○ Elbow pads, knee pads, and shin guards
 Illegal Equipment
○ Cleats, spiked or five-finger style shoes
○ Shoulder pads, chest protectors, and/or gloves
(excluding goalie)
○ Official Broomball brooms and/or shoes
Emergency Procedure
 In case of emergency
○ Vacate the ice
○ Allow referees to handle situation
○ Games may be delayed or canceled if
 Report all injuries to referees
No smoking
Skills Competition
 February 3, 2016 (afternoon)
All-Star Game
 February 3, 2016 @ 9:00 PM
Non-Competitive League
Subset of Off-Campus League
 Need off-campus residency
Opt-In during Registration
 Will also be given the option to be put into
normal Off-Campus conference
Results recorded as W/L only
 Player Stats not counted on website
Cannot make playoffs
Monday Night Broomball
Weekly featured game/games
 Existing teams can submit a matchup with
another broomball team
 Can be any team in broomball, both
captains must approve
Matchups posted on Facebook and
voted on
 Play Monday nights, probably 8:15
MLK Day-there will be Broomball!
 The Trailer
 Improved Streaming
 Winter Carnival Broomball and Alumni
Tournament over Winter Carnival
 Apply to be in Tournament
 As many as time allows will be taken
Stay out of the rinks
 Continually check our website, social
media, table tents, etc.
Patrick Wolfer
Justine Reed-Sandum
Jeremiah Baumann
Henry Brewer
Anna Polk
Nicholas Fisher
Chris Laes
Justin Nicholas
Kati Hook
Jake Soter
Benjamin Slade
Joseph Nugent
Lary Brant
Vice Chair
Referee Manager
Rink Manager
Web Developer
Public Relations
Public Relations
Special Tasks
Special Tasks
Special Tasks
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