Computer Science Programme Learning

College of Engineering and Technology
Department of Computing & Mathematics
Computer Science
BSc. (Hons) Computer Science
BSc. (Hons) Computer Games Programming
BSc. (Hons) Computer Networks and Security
BSc. (Hons) Computer Forensic Investigation
Valid from
September 2012
JACS code
I100 BSc (Hons) Computer Science
I610 BSc (Hons) Computer Games Programming
I120 BSc (Hons) Computer Networks and Security
I900 BSc (Hons) Computer Forensic Investigation
Programme code
I100, G450, I120, F490
Valid for delivery at
University of Derby (Kedleston Road)
Mediterranean College, Greece
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... 1
SECTION ONE – General Information ....................................................................... 1
Programme Title ..................................................................................................... 1
Award Title and Interim Awards .............................................................................. 1
Final Awards ....................................................................................................... 1
Interim Awards .................................................................................................... 1
Mode of Study ........................................................................................................ 1
Programme Start Date / Review ............................................................................. 1
Start date ............................................................................................................ 1
Period of validation.............................................................................................. 1
Awarding Institution ................................................................................................ 1
Faculty Managing the Programme .......................................................................... 1
Institution(s) Delivering the Programme.................................................................. 2
External Benchmarks.............................................................................................. 2
External Accreditation ............................................................................................. 2
JACS Codes ........................................................................................................... 2
Programme specification last updated .................................................................... 2
SECTION TWO – Overview and Aims ....................................................................... 3
Overview................................................................................................................. 3
Aims........................................................................................................................ 4
SECTION THREE – Programme Learning Outcomes ............................................... 5
Programme Learning Outcomes Common to All Programmes ............................... 5
Intellectual Skills.................................................................................................. 5
Transferable Skills............................................................................................... 6
Knowledge and Understanding ........................................................................... 6
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills ................................................................... 7
Computer Science Programme Learning Outcomes .............................................. 8
Knowledge and Understanding ........................................................................... 8
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills ................................................................... 9
Computer Games Programming Programme Learning Outcomes ......................... 9
Knowledge and Understanding ........................................................................... 9
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills ................................................................. 10
Computer Networks and Security Programme Learning Outcomes ..................... 10
Knowledge and Understanding ......................................................................... 10
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills ................................................................. 11
Computer Forensic Investigation Programme Learning Outcomes ...................... 11
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Knowledge and Understanding ......................................................................... 11
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills ................................................................. 12
SECTION FOUR – Programme Structure ................................................................ 13
Overview............................................................................................................... 13
Programme Structure ........................................................................................... 15
Personal Development Planning .......................................................................... 17
SECTION FIVE – Programme Delivery .................................................................... 18
Learning and Teaching Methods .......................................................................... 18
Modules ............................................................................................................ 18
Lectures ............................................................................................................ 18
Tutorials ............................................................................................................ 18
Seminars ........................................................................................................... 18
Clinics ............................................................................................................... 19
Ethics and Research Guidelines........................................................................... 19
Assessment .......................................................................................................... 19
Coursework ....................................................................................................... 19
Deadlines for Submission of Coursework ......................................................... 19
Examinations..................................................................................................... 20
Regulatory Statement ....................................................................................... 20
SECTION SIX – Admissions .................................................................................... 21
Entrance Requirements ........................................................................................ 21
International Entry Requirements ......................................................................... 21
Accreditation for Prior Learning ............................................................................ 21
Accessibility .......................................................................................................... 22
SECTION SEVEN – Student Support and Guidance ............................................... 23
Induction ............................................................................................................... 23
Support ................................................................................................................. 23
Programme Support .......................................................................................... 23
Module Support ................................................................................................. 23
General Support ................................................................................................ 24
Resources ............................................................................................................ 24
Course Resources ............................................................................................ 24
Reading material ............................................................................................... 24
Software ............................................................................................................ 24
Feedback .............................................................................................................. 24
Programme Committee ..................................................................................... 24
Student Representatives ................................................................................... 25
Informal Feedback ............................................................................................ 25
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SECTION EIGHT – Post Programme Opportunities ................................................ 26
SECTION NINE – Employer Links ........................................................................... 27
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SECTION ONE – General Information
Programme Title
Computer Science
Award Title and Interim Awards
Final Awards
BSc. (Hons) Computer Science
BSc. (Hons) Computer Games Programming
BSc. (Hons) Computer Networks and Security
BSc. (Hons) Computer Forensic Investigation
Interim Awards
Diploma of Higher Education in Computer Science
Diploma of Higher Education in Computer Games Programming
Diploma of Higher Education in Computer Networks and Security
Diploma of Higher Education in Computer Forensic Investigation
Certificate of Higher Education in Computer Science
Mode of Study
Programme Start Date / Review
Start date
September 2012
Period of validation
Awarding Institution
University of Derby
College Managing the Programme
College of Engineering and Technology
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Institution(s) Delivering the Programme
University of Derby
Mediterranean College, Greece
External Benchmarks
In designing this programme, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
( Subject Benchmark Statement document on Computing
(published January 2007) was consulted. Students graduating with an Honours
degree on any of the programmes within the Computer Science scheme can be
considered to meet, at minimum, the Threshold standard of achievement.
External Accreditation
Neither this scheme, nor the programmes within it, are externally accredited by
professional bodies – such as that awarded by the British Computer Society
( – but this will be pursued starting in the 2013 academic year,
after the requisite two years of operation have been completed.
JACS Codes
I100 BSc. (Hons) Computer Science
I610 BSc. (Hons) Computer Games Programming
I120 BSc. (Hons) Computer Networks and Security
I900 BSc. (Hons) Computer Forensic Investigation
Programme specification last updated
April 2016
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SECTION TWO – Overview and Aims
Our Computer Science scheme consists of four specialist subjects:
1. You can learn about Computer Science in general, or specialise in
2. Computer Games Programming,
3. Computer Networks and Security, or
4. Computer Forensic Investigation.
Studying any of these four subjects can lead to a Bachelor of Science with Honours
degree in the corresponding subject.
All four subjects are highly technical, with a strong focus on what might be the most
important skill within the discipline of Computer Science – computer programming –
and an emphasis on practical techniques underpinned by theory and informed by
research. We believe:
Programming and practical techniques help make you employable as soon as
you graduate.
Knowing theory helps keep you employable in the long term.
Appreciating research can inspire you to lead development of the discipline in
the future.
If you’re not sure which subject you want to study, you can switch from one to
another any time during your first year, or before you start your second year. That’s
because your first year – which covers everything you need to know before you can
study any specialist field within computer science – is the same for all subjects within
the Computer Science scheme. In your second and final year, you’ll specialise in
your chosen subject area, but to help you make sure you’re made the right choice,
you’ll get a chance to learn the basics of Computer Games Programming, Computer
Networks and Security, and Computer Forensic Investigation in the first year’s
Subjects in Computer Science module.
If you look at the module specifications, you will notice that many of the module titles
and associated descriptions are quite generic. If you’re looking for explicit mention
of the latest technology – or even not-so-latest technology – you’re not going to find
What you will find are titles and topics that focus on the foundational theory and
general principles of Computer Science. That’s because technology changes
rapidly, but the underlying theory does not. By emphasising foundational principles –
in other words, the underlying theory – you will be equipped to adapt to technological
change, and hence will be well-prepared to enjoy a lifelong career in computer
However, this does not mean the latest technologies and innovations will be
excluded. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Cutting-edge and industry-standard
technologies are used extensively in the tutorials or clinics of almost every module;
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wherever such technologies will help inspire you, deliver vocational knowledge, and
illustrate the theoretical foundations.
As such, it is anticipated that the module specifications will not change significantly
over the lifetime of the course, but our teaching teams are constantly refreshing the
course materials, delivery methods, exercises and assignments in order to remain
relevant, current, cutting-edge, and exciting.
This scheme aims to...
Equip students with independent learning skills, prepare students for
employment or further study in Computer Science, and inspire them to
continue learning throughout their lives.
Provide a rigorous and scientifically-based course of study, informed by
research, which successfully balances practical vocational skills with
theoretical understanding.
Reflect the School of Computing and Mathematics’ focus on scientific
foundations and its growing research reputation in emerging technology.
Appeal to motivated students with a strong interest in, and an aptitude for,
challenging technical content.
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SECTION THREE – Programme Learning Outcomes
Programme Learning Outcomes describe the knowledge and skills we expect you to
acquire as a result of successfully completing a programme in Computer Science.
They are divided into four categories:
Knowledge and Understanding – general areas of knowledge
Transferable Skills – general skills that are universally applicable to
employment, further education, etc.
Intellectual Skills – cognitive or "thinking" abilities
Practical & Subject-Specific Skills – practical abilities
Programme Learning Outcomes Common to All Programmes
The following section identifies the Programme Learning Outcomes common to all
subjects in the Computer Science scheme.
Intellectual Skills
Level 4
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Relate to posed questions, conduct research and communicate findings using
formal academic written and verbal forms. Introduction to Computer Science.
Solve problems in a logical and analytical manner. Programming I,
Programming II.
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Differentiate between and examine methods, approaches and strategies.
Team Project.
Make informed decisions and produce innovative plans, approaches and
solutions. Team Project.
Integrate knowledge and concepts in the justification of a case or approach.
Team Project.
Solve problems in increasingly open-ended and complex situations. Team
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Formulate new questions within the realm of study. Independent Studies.
Analyse the theories and writings of others. Independent Studies.
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Critically evaluate ideas and your own and others' work. Independent Studies.
Synthesise new theories, concepts and ideas in new and unique ways.
Independent Studies.
Synthesise concepts from different but related subject areas. Independent
Present well-reasoned, rational arguments. Independent Studies.
Transferable Skills
Level 4
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Make effective use of Information Technology for a variety of purposes. All
Communicate ideas in written and verbal forms. Introduction to Computer
Reflect on your personal performance. Introduction to Computer Science.
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Organise, plan and manage team work. Team Project.
Negotiate, discuss and formulate valid arguments. Team Project.
Think innovatively and deal with open-ended problems and situations. Team
Apply professional standards. All modules.
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Use primary methods of research. Independent Studies.
Learn independently. All modules; particularly Independent Studies.
Make high-level decisions and take responsibility for actions. All modules.
Knowledge and Understanding
Level 4
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of:
History, underlying concepts, and principles of computer science. Introduction
to Computer Science.
Programming. Programming I; Programming II.
Computer Architecture. Introduction to Computer Science.
Computational Mathematics. Computational Mathematics
Interaction Design. Foundations of Computer Science
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Data & Data Analysis. Foundations of Computer Science
Computer Forensics. Subjects in Computer Science
Computer Networks. Subjects in Computer Science.
Computer Games Programming. Subjects in Computer Science
Computer Science. Introduction to Computer Science
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Database systems. Databases.
The implementation of information security within an organisation and the
theoretical concepts required for internetworking. Networks and Security.
Project management within a given specialism. Team Project.
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate a body of knowledge and a critical understanding
Concepts and issues related to systems programming. Systems
Programming.(for Computer Science and Computer Games Programming
and Computer Networks at Mediterranean College)
Concepts and issues related to server programming. Server Infrastructure.(for
Computer Networks and Security and Computer Forensics. This module is
currently not running on Networks and Security at Mediterranean College)
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills
Level 4
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Design, implement and test small to medium-sized computer programs.
Programming I; Programming II.
Apply the principles of interaction design to constructing software.
Foundations of Computer Science.
Apply the basic techniques of mathematical methods to various problems.
Computational Mathematics.
Find, evaluate, and interpret quantitative and qualitative data in order to
develop and present lines of argument in an appropriately academic manner.
Introduction to Computer Science.
Use appropriate software to demonstrate and enhance the understanding of
data and data analysis, including the principles of statistical estimation and
inference. Foundations of Computer Science.
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
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Work as a professional member of a team. Team Project.
Analyse requirements for the design of a security system for a given scenario
and evaluate it under various constraints. Networks and Security.
Apply theoretical concepts to practical problems of internetwork configuration
using current network operating system technology. Networks and Security.
Design and implement robust, scalable database systems. Databases.
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Conduct and document independent scientific research, or design and
development of an innovative product. Independent Studies.
Design, implement and evaluate programs employing aspects of systems
programming. Systems Programming. (for Computer Science and Computer
Games Programming)
Design, implement and evaluate servers and server setup methodologies.
Server Infrastructure.(for Computer Networks and Security and Computer
Forensics. This module is currently not running on Networks and Security at
Mediterranean College)
Computer Science Programme Learning Outcomes
The following section identifies the Programme Learning Outcomes specific to the
Computer Science subject within the Computer Science scheme. These focus on
Knowledge and Understanding, and Practical and Subject-Specific Skills as the
intellectual and transferrable skills are delivered in the modules common to all
Knowledge and Understanding
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Computer graphics and graphics algorithms. Graphics I.
Core concepts, issues, techniques and technologies involved in developing
and deploying a variety of types of public and enterprise applications,
particularly those underpinned by database systems. Application
Software engineering, including its foundations, key concepts, processes, and
theories. Software Engineering.
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Distributed systems, the protocols and technologies involved, the current
developments and research in this area, and be able to critically evaluate the
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suitability of different platforms and techniques that can be applied when
developing distributed applications. Distributed Systems.
Review and evaluate historic methods tracing the development of new
approaches to secrecy and have the requisite mathematical skills to be able
to implement a Public Key Cryptography system. Cryptography and Coding.
Implementing language parsers, compilers and interpreters. Language Design
and Implementation.
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Design and implement a 3D computer graphics API. Graphics I.
Design, implement and test database-driven applications using industrystandard techniques, technologies and best practices. Application
Apply software engineering methodologies to the process of managing a
software project to successful completion within given resource constraints.
Software Engineering.
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Develop distributed applications and critically evaluate their effectiveness.
Distributed Systems.
Design a language, and be able to implement significant portions of an
interpreter and/or compiler for it. Language Design and Implementation.
Computer Games Programming Programme Learning Outcomes
The following section identifies the Programme Learning Outcomes specific to the
Computer Games Programming subject:
Knowledge and Understanding
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Computer graphics and graphics algorithms. Graphics I.
Modern real-time rendering APIs and related pragmatic aspects of graphics
programming. Graphics II.
Core concepts, issues, techniques and technologies involved in developing
and deploying a variety of types of public and enterprise applications,
particularly those underpinned by database systems. Application
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of:
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Issues related to the process of game development. Game Development.
Current research and cutting-edge developments in game physics and
artificial intelligence. Game Behaviour.
Practical and Subject-Specific Skills
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Design and implement a 3D computer graphics API. Graphics I.
Apply theoretical concepts when implementing interactive 3D graphics
programs. Graphics II.
Design, implement and test database-driven applications using industrystandard techniques, technologies and best practices. Application
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Produce a game prototype incorporating a variety of media. Game
Apply current research and cutting-edge developments in game physics and
artificial intelligence to the implementation of realistic and immersive game
behaviour. Game Behaviour.
Computer Networks and Security Programme Learning Outcomes
The following section identifies the Programme Learning Outcomes specific to the
Networks and Security subject:
Knowledge and Understanding
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Information security
Operation and Configuration of wide area networks
Operation and configuration of Routed Networks
Functionality and configuration of Network Switching Devices
Configuring and securing Network Systems
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Operational principles of Security Protocols
Operational principles and development of wireless and mobile networks
Operation and advances in Peer to Peer computing
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Practical and Subject-Specific Skills
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Specify, analyse, design and secure networks. Network Routing, Switching
and Wide area Networks and Network & Systems Security
Evaluate networks in terms of general quality attributes and possible tradeoffs presented with the given problem. Network Routing, Switching and Wide
area Networks
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Develop and implement wireless based networks. Advanced in Wireless
Evaluate the requirements and selection for security protocols. Security
Develop, assess and implement peer to peer networks. Peer to peer
Computer Forensic Investigation Programme Learning Outcomes
The following section identifies the Programme Learning Outcomes specific to the
Computer Forensic Investigation subject:
Knowledge and Understanding
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
The structure of computer systems, as pertains to forensic investigation.
Digital Forensic Investigation.
Various network attacks and internet crimes and the analysis of the related
digital evidence. Network Investigation.
A thorough understanding of the concepts and core issues relating to proof in
evidence. The Problem of Proof.
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of the
principles of:
Mathematical foundations of public key cryptography. Cryptography and
Techniques to secure and manage an information system in a corporate
environment. Information Security and Assurance.
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Practical and Subject-Specific Skills
Level 5
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Search, recognise, collect and document electronic evidence. Digital Forensic
The capacity to integrate information and concepts from their own home
disciplinary area to understand legal and criminological issues with proof. The
Problem of Proof.
Develop analytical skills related to network forensic investigations. Network
Level 6
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Interpret the evidence, report it and present the findings to meet the standards
of a court of law. Advanced Digital Forensic Investigation.
Apply professional guidelines and policies in digital forensics. Advanced
Digital Forensic Investigation.
Work with various digital forensic tools. Advanced Digital Forensic
Evaluate the appropriateness of approaches to cryptography. Cryptography
and Coding.
Use a public key system. Cryptography and Coding.
Develop the ability to identify the risks and manage the security of an
information system. Information Security and Assurance.
Develop the ability to conduct a threat and risk assessment. Information
Security and Assurance.
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SECTION FOUR – Programme Structure
Subjects within the Computer Science scheme are divided into three levels:
Level 4 generally corresponds to the first year of study,
Level 5 corresponds to the second year of study, and
Level 6 corresponds to the final year.
These levels are sometimes referred to as "Phases", with Phase 1 corresponding to
the first year of study, Phase 2 the second year, and so on.
Each level is divided into two terms, which are also known as "semesters" – an
autumn term and a spring term.
Each term is divided into modules, where each module covers a specific topic area.
When you successfully complete (i.e., "pass") a module, you will earn a number of
credits. You will receive twenty (20) credits for most single semester modules,
though in the final semester of the final year of Computer Games Programming there
is a double module worth 40 credits called Game Behaviour.
All other subjects have two 20 credit modules in the final semester of the final year,
and along with the 20 credit Systems Programming module, for Computer Science
and Computer Games Programming, or Server Infrastructure module, for Computer
Networks and Security and Computer forensics, in the first semester. There is a
"through year" module that spans two semesters in the final year, called Independent
Studies. This is a self-directed project, which gives you an opportunity to
independently produce a major work whilst developing specialist knowledge and
understanding in an area of your own choosing. It is worth 40 credits.
There are six twenty-credit modules at level 4, six twenty-credit modules at Level 5,
and four or five modules (totaling 120 credits) at Level 6. Please see the Programme
Title and Interim Awards section of this document to see how the credits you earn
contribute to your final and interim awards.
Doing a placement or “sandwich” year in industry is mandatory. The placement is
equivalent to one year of study at Level 5 and normally takes place after Level 5 and
prior to Level 6 study. It typically involves doing a year of paid work in an area
related to computer science, and the skills and advantages you will gain from work
experience make it an extremely valuable component of the Computer Science
scheme. We will help you find a suitable placement and help you develop
employment skills in the Team Project module, but it is up to you to prepare your CV
and covering letters and actively seek your own placement.
You must complete the Applied Professional Practice distance-learning module
whilst on placement. If you also successfully complete the Contemporary Issues in
Professional Practice module you will receive a University Diploma in
Professional Practice.
Students studying with a collaborative partner will be exempted from the requirement
to complete a placement year.
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The BSc Computer Games Programming programme is available to Science without
Borders students, who can choose a maximum of one level 4 module, and a diet of
Level 5 and 6 modules. They must complete 120 credits to achieve the Diploma of
Higher Education in Computer Games Programming award.
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Programme Structure
Year 1 - "Foundations"
All Programmes
Introduction to Computer Science
(20 credits) 4CC509
Foundations of Computer Science
(20 credits)
(20 credits) 4CC505
Subjects in
Programming I
(20 credits)
Programming II
(20 credits) 4CC511
(20 credits) 4CC510
Year 2 - "Core Topics"
All Programmes
Networks and
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
Team Project
Computer Games
Computer Science
(20 credits)
Computer Networks and Security
Computer Forensics
Graphics I
Graphics I
Network Routing and Switching 5CC514
Digital Forensic Investigation
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
Graphics II
(20 credits)
Wide Area
Networks 5CC517
Ethical Hacking
Network Investigation
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
The Problem of
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
INDUSTRIAL PLACEMENT YEAR (Including modules Applied Professional Practice and Contemporary Issues in Professional Practice)
Year 3 - "Advanced Studies"
All Programmes
Independent Studies 6CC995
(40 credits)
Computer Science
Computer Games
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
Computer Networks and Security
One option
(20 credits)
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Security Protocols
Computer Forensics
Advanced Digital
Forensic Investigation
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
Computer Science
and Coding
Design and
Game Development
Advances in
Cryptography and
Information Security
and Assurance
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(20 credits)
(40 credits)
Note: All modules are core.
* The Systems Programming module is only available for Networks and Security students at Med College students at Kedleston Road must do 6CC530
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Personal Development Planning
At level 4, Introduction to Computer Science develops transferrable academic and
writing skills, and introduces you to the concept of Personal Development Planning.
In Level 5, the Team Project module will continue your future career development by
focusing on vital skills like preparing a CV and handling interviews.
Finally, the Independent Studies module will require you to work independently on a
project of significant scope and reflect upon your performance, thus preparing you
for graduate-level work or further study.
On-line tools will be provided to assist you in personal development planning. These
are available to both on-campus and on-line students.
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SECTION FIVE – Programme Delivery
Learning and Teaching Methods
This is a modular scheme. That means the course is divided into modules, each of
which cover a particular subject area and typically run for a single term, though
Independent Studies runs over two terms. If you’re a full-time student, you will
normally do three modules (or the equivalent of three modules) or 60 credits per
A typical module will have twelve lecture sessions and twelve tutorial or clinic
sessions, though the number and type of sessions may vary from module to module.
Attendance in lectures and tutorials is mandatory; clinics may be optional depending
on the module.
Some modules do not have lectures, tutorials or clinics and may employ alternative
teaching methods such as seminars. There are no strict rules on what a module
may be or how it will work, only that it cover a particular subject area and be
assessed in some manner, typically by coursework and/or an examination.
Assessments are described later.
Various module material, including an overview of the module (sometimes called a
“Module Handbook”), lecture slides, coursework assignment specifications, and
other information is accessible on-line via the University Intranet, called “UDo”, at under “Course Resources”.
You’ll be given a user ID and password to access UDo when you enroll.
Some modules will use Course Resources to provide additional resources, such as
reading lists, on-line discussion forums, Wikis (user-editable Web pages), links, and
so on.
Lectures are typically held in classrooms or lecture theatres, and often consist of a
presentation by a lecturer who will illustrate one or more topics. All campus lecture
theatres and most classrooms are equipped with computers, projectors, and other
technology to facilitate presentations. A typical lecture session lasts one or two
hours, though some may be longer or shorter.
Tutorials are typically held in classrooms or computer laboratories on the 2 nd floor of
“B” block at the Kedleston Road campus and usually involve individual or group work
on practical problems, coursework assignments, or set questions. Typically, a
tutorial leader will be on hand to lead tutorial sessions, provide support, and give you
feedback on how you’re doing.
Seminars are typically held in classrooms, and typically consist of group discussions
or other group work facilitated by an academic.
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Clinics are similar to tutorials in content and location, but are often optional – in other
words, you can “drop in” as needed.
Ethics and Research Guidelines
All students are required to comply with research governance and ethics principles
whilst undertaking their programme of study. This is of particular importance when
conducting primary research involving other people, e.g., for some module
assessments or for Independent Studies. Information on these principles can be
found on the University web site at
Modules are typically assessed (in other words, you’ll be given a grade) via one or
more coursework assignments and/or one or more examinations. Some modules
are only assessed via coursework; others are only assessed via examination, whilst
others use a mix of both.
Depending on the nature of a given coursework assignment, you may be given the
assignment specification at the beginning of the module for hand-in at the end of the
module, or you may be given it later in the module to complete before a set deadline.
Normally, you’ll receive feedback on your coursework or examinations within two to
three weeks of submission or completion.
In all modules, there will be activities or products that will not be graded, but for
which you will receive feedback that will help you learn module material and prepare
for graded assessments. This is sometimes called formative assessment.
Coursework assignments may involve essays, reports, projects, software
development, answering questions, giving presentations, or various combinations of
these submitted as a portfolio of work. Coursework assignments may be individual
or collaborative (i.e., involve group work). Some may be based entirely on material
taught in lectures or provided in on-line materials; others may require independent
Your assignment work will normally be submitted on-line, via “Course Resources” on
UDo. Your module leader and/or coursework specifications will give you specific
instructions on how to submit coursework.
Deadlines for Submission of Coursework
In order to be fair to all students, there are strict deadlines for the submission of all
coursework. Each piece of assessed coursework (i.e., an assignment worth marks or
grades) will have a clearly stated deadline. Coursework will normally be submitted
on-line via our On-Line Learning Environment (“Course Resources”), but sometimes
you’ll have to hand in printed work or other materials, or you may be asked to make
presentations. Your module leader will give you instructions on how to use our OnLine Learning Environment.
If you have an illness or other problem that may affect an assignment hand-in or your
attendance at an examination, you must follow the university procedure for
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Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances, which is documented at
Please note that problems with computers failing, hard drives or other storage media
that become corrupted, or printers or other peripheral devices not working WILL
NOT BE ACCEPTED as extenuating circumstances. It is your responsibility to
back up your work!
For full details please consult the Rights, Responsibilities & Regulations document
that can be found on University of Derby website at
Some modules employ formal examinations, which take place on campus at
designated times. The examination timetable can be found at
Regulatory Statement
This programme operates within the University’s Regulatory Framework and
conforms to its regulations on assessment.
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SECTION SIX – Admissions
Entrance Requirements
Please see our entrance requirements on-line by following the link to the degree
you’re interested in at
The UCAS tariff points are a guide – we'll also consider all the information that
you've included in your application. We'll also want to see that you're enthusiastic
and motivated to take this course and that you have the potential to benefit from
coming to university.
Access / Foundation programme
We also accept appropriate achievement in an analytical, scientific or technologybased subject area on a relevant validated Access or Foundation (level 0)
Students who successfully completed the Technology Foundation Programme (TFP)
are eligible to progress onto any of the programmes in this scheme provided that;
All modules that they have registered for within the TFP have to been passed
in their entirety i.e. all learning outcomes have been satisfied for all chosen
The Appropriate optional module for this programme has been chosen as
recommended within the TFP handbook.
Due to funding limitations for students entering the degree via TFP
the placement year is optional.International Entry Requirements
If you are an international student whose first language is not English, we usually
require you to attain a minimum of IELTS 6.5 or equivalent.
We may be able to waive the language requirement if you can provide other
evidence of your English competence, such as having lived in an English-speaking
country for a significant length of time. Decisions in such cases will be made on an
individual basis according to the specific circumstances.
For any further enquiries, please see the University of Derby Admissions page at
Accreditation for Prior Learning
If you have relevant prior experience in a work context or from prior learning, you
may be able to skip certain modules whilst obtaining credit for them. This is done via
the Accreditation for Prior Learning (APL) process. See or consult the programme
leader for further information.
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Computer Science
We welcome and encourage applications from people of all ages, as long as they
are adequately prepared to succeed on the programme. If you have few or no formal
qualifications, you may be able to gain entry to the course if you have the required
communication and learning skills as well as the knowledge, experience and
motivation to succeed. All students will be asked to provide evidence of their
qualifications in order confirm their ability to undertake the programme. In the
absence of any formal qualifications, you may be asked to attend an interview.
This programme is intended to be accessible to all students with the requisite skills
or qualifications, regardless of circumstances. Wherever possible, the university will
try to accommodate students with special needs. If you have any questions or
concerns regarding the university or programme's ability to meet your requirements,
please contact the programme leader.
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Computer Science
SECTION SEVEN – Student Support and Guidance
Induction is a series of events and sessions intended to introduce you (or reintroduce you) to the university and your upcoming year of study. It takes place in
the week before the start of each term. Normally, you’ll attend one Induction at the
start of your academic year. During induction you’ll officially enroll on the modules
you’ll be taking and have an opportunity to attend academic counseling (i.e., talk to
your programme leader and other academics) if you’ve not done so prior to
You’ll be invited to attend Induction via email or post. A full Induction schedule will
be given to you when you arrive.
The University offers a range of support and advisory services to help you succeed.
They are available to you whether you are an on-campus student or on-line.
Most services are accessible on a drop-in basis and also offer appointments if you
would like to discuss personal or academic matters in more detail. All services can
be reached via telephone or email.
Programme Support
Enquiries concerning the general administration of your programme should be
directed to your Programme Leader.
You may be allocated a personal tutor, who can help you with any problems that
may arise. If you’ve been allocated a personal tutor, he or she should be the first
person you contact if you have questions or problems. If you have not been
allocated a personal tutor, you should contact the programme leader as described
During the induction week at the start of the autumn term, you may meet individually
with your academic counsellor, who will help you select your modules for the
coming academic year.
Module Support
If you have problems or questions regarding a particular module, please contact your
module tutor – the person who leads your tutorial or laboratory sessions. If he or she
is unable to help, then please contact the module leader. This is usually the person
who leads the lecture sessions. Often, the module tutor and module leader are the
same person.
If the module leader can't help you, then please contact the Programme Leader as
described above.
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Computer Science
General Support
There are a variety of university departments which are here to help you, whether
you’re an on-campus student or an on-line student. On-line students have exactly
the same rights to access pastoral and academic support as on-campus students,
and are encouraged to make contact via telephone or email.
Please see the Programme Handbook for specific names, office locations, and
Web/email/telephone contact details.
Course Resources
Various module material, including an overview of the module (sometimes called a
“Module Handbook”), lecture slides, coursework assignment specifications, and
other information is accessible on-line via the University Intranet, called “UDo”, at under “Course Resources”.
You’ll be given a user ID and password to access UDo when you enroll.
Some modules will use Course Resources to provide additional material, such as
reading lists, on-line discussion forums, Wikis (user-editable Web pages), links, and
so on.
Reading material
Of course, reading material is available in our university library. The library is also
an excellent source of on-line materials. See
As a student of the School of Computing & Mathematics, you can get certain
Microsoft software products free to use at home. Once you are enrolled on a
computing course, it’s a matter of us registering you. You’ll be able to download
software, or for a small delivery fee, have installable media sent to you directly.
For further information, please see or ask your programme leader.
As a student, your feedback plays a vital role in informing us as to what changes
and improvements may be needed. Therefore, we have provided various ways
you can let us know how we're doing:
Programme Committee
This Committee provides a forum in which staff and students can discuss matters
related to the overall quality of your learning experience, and recommend
changes to the programme. The Programme Committee reviews teaching,
learning and assessment strategies, and receives module and programme
reports which include student evaluation. In addition, student representatives
(see below) participate directly in the Programme Committee, as do
representatives from various University support organisations.
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Computer Science
The Programme Committee meets once per semester and is composed of
Programme Leaders, Year Tutors, Personal Tutors, Module Leaders, the
Placement Officer, Student Representatives, Learning Centre and Computer
Services Representatives, and a Student Services Representative.
Student Representatives
Each stage of each programme is required to elect or select a Student
Representative to represent students. This involves seeking out the views of
fellow students, presenting them to staff and providing feedback on the outcome.
One forum where these views can be presented is at the Programme Committee
but there are others. For example, student representation is required on
University-wide Committees such as Academic Boards. Because of the
importance of the role, training for Student Representatives is provided both by
the Students Union and the School.
Programme Leaders regularly meet (either face-to-face or on-line) with Student
Representatives on an informal basis to improve communications between the
programme management and students. Please consider volunteering to represent
your colleagues. It is an excellent opportunity for you to understand how the
University and School operate and it looks very good on your CV!
Informal Feedback
We welcome feedback at every stage of your programme, and informal feedback
can be provided to tutors, Module Leaders, and the Programme Leader, in person or
via telephone or email. Whilst the Programme Committee offers an excellent forum
for the discussion of general issues, from time to time you will be asked to provide
more specific feedback. For example, at the end of each semester you may be
invited to complete a programme or module evaluation form. Also, at the end of each
stage of your programme you may be invited to provide specific feedback through
focus groups, either on-line or face-to-face. It is by obtaining, analysing and acting
upon student feedback that we can constantly monitor and improve the quality of our
provision and, therefore, your experience. Your assistance here is greatly
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Computer Science
SECTION EIGHT – Post Programme Opportunities
This programme is designed to provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to
make you immediately employable within the computing industry or to enhance your
career prospects if you are already employed within the industry.
The School of Computing and Mathematics has an excellent employability record. A
number of students who enter into placement manage to secure employment either
during the placement or on the proviso of degree completion at the same company.
Whilst most students having completed and passed this programme are likely to
progress into full time employment, the School offers a wide range of courses at
postgraduate level and students are encouraged to consider further study as a post
programme option. The programmes that the School offers are as follows:
MSc Information Technology (both on-campus and on-line)
MSc Advanced Computer Networks
MSc Computer Graphics Production
MSc Computer Forensic Investigation
MSc Mobile Device Software Development
These courses provide students from this programme an excellent opportunity to
progress to further study and research.
During the development of this programme, the development team has consulted
industry and taken the views of practitioners in the area so as to design a
programme that is ‘fit for purpose’. During the course of delivery, the programme
team will be monitoring developments in industry in order to ensure that the
curriculum and personal knowledge is continuously updated and remain
professionally relevant.
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Computer Science
SECTION NINE – Employer Links
The School has direct links to a wide range of organisations working in the field of
Computing and Information Technology. These range from large corporate computer
users in the private sector, national and local government departments to smaller
specialised companies in fields such as business systems for niche markets and
computer games.
In combination with the input received from the faculty advisory board, our links with
industry allow us to create an employer-informed curriculum. Seeking guidance from
companies such as Hewlett Packard/EDS and Citi Bank (Egg) we aim to ensure
students skill sets are linked with the “in demand” expertise required by employers.
In addition we are a member of the Microsoft IT academy, Cisco Networking
Academy and Microsoft Developer Network. These alliances help to inform the
content of our programmes through vendor best practice material and to inspire our
students with a number of incentives and competitions.
Our collaborations with industry work both ways and the school is increasingly
engaging with the transfer of knowledge from the University to industry, having
completed or currently engaging in Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs).
In addition the school also offers bespoke IT training to industry. This again affords
us the opportunity to determine the IT requirements of industry and we use this to
help inform our teaching.
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