PSI 2017 Umpire Rules Test

PSI 2017 Umpire Rules Test
Note: F refers to a fielder, B refers to a batter, and R refers to a runner. Numbers refer to that player's position. For example, F6 is the shortstop, B1 is the leadoff hitter, and R3 is the runner on
third base. It is not necessary to assume additional information not provided in the situations, rule book, or case book. The questions are not intended to have hidden meanings or trick you.
When the pitcher is in the windup postion it is legal for him to:
A. Deliver a pitch
B. Step backward off the pitcher's plate with his pivot foot
C. Step directly to an occupied base with his free foot in a pickoff attempt
D. Any of the above
E. A or B only
A fielder who catches a fly ball on the run, continues for several steps, and then as he stops has the ball fall out of his glove has made a catch.
A. True
B. False
The catcher's mask is required to have a throat protector.
A. True
B. False
A fair ball is batted ball that:
A. Touches second base
B. Touches R1 advancing to second
C. Bounces in fair territory, then over the outside corner of third base, then bounces a foot into foul territory in the outfield.
D. Hits a sprinkler head just behind the back edge of the center of the mound and rebounds into foul territory near the start of the runner's lane
E. All of the above
The bases are loaded with no outs. B4 hits a ground ball to F4 who throws to F6 covering second. R3 touches the plate just before R1 slides into
second and pops up into F6, preventing him from making the relay to first.
A. R1 is out.
B. B4 is out.
C. R3 is returned to third.
D. All of the above.
E. Both A and B.
The ball is immediately dead whenever any kind of interference occurs.
A. True
B. False
F5 has a bloody nose after misplaying a ground ball, and his uniform shirt becomes covered in blood. The bleeding has stopped but there is no
way to clean the shirt, there are no spare uniforms, and there are no available substitute players.
A. F5 may remain in the game wearing his uniform.
B. F5 must leave the game until he can wear a clean uniform. The team will play with 8 players, and an out in F5's lineup spot until a substitute is
available or a clean uniform can be found.
C. F5's coach may use tape to mark a number on a batting practice shirt that is a different color than the uniform, and F5 may wear that and
remain in the game.
A legal feet-first slide requires the runner to have at least one leg and one buttock on the ground.
A. True
B. False
A coach who has received a written warning in the second inning may be the first base coach in the fourth inning.
A. True
B. False
B4 is the starting DH, hitting for F2. He is pinch-hit for by S4.
A. The role of DH is terminated for the rest of the game.
B. B4 cannot re-enter while F2 is in the game.
C. S4 is now the DH.
D. S4 is now the catcher.
E. None of the above.
A runner may legally return to touch a missed base provided he did not touch or was not beyond a succeeding base after the ball became dead.
A. True
B. False
With R1, F1 is on the rubber in the set position. The batter is getting set in the box so the plate umpire gives the "Do not pitch" signal. F1 spins and
without stepping, throws to pick off R1, but the ball gets away from F3 and rolls into the dugout.
A. This is a balk, R1 is awarded second base.
B. The ball went out of play, R1 is awarded second base.
C. The ball went out of play, R1 is awarded third base.
D. This is nothing, R1 remains at first base.
The umpire will declare an illegal substitute on offense out when he is alerted by:
A. Either team's head coach
B. The defensive scorekeeper
C. The loud fan behind the backstop who has been criticizing the strike zone all game
D. Any of the above
E. A or B
Frank is the starting pitcher. At the start of the fourth inning Sam, who is not in the game, comes out to the mound and throws 3 warmup pitches.
Frank then comes out to the mound, takes the ball, and begins warming up. Sam returns to the dugout.
A. Sam has substituted for Frank. He is now the pitcher and must face one batter before he can be removed.
B. Frank is the pitcher, but he has been substituted and re-entered. Sam is out of the game and cannot return.
C. Frank is still the pitcher and Sam has not entered the game. Frank still has re-entry privileges and Sam may enter the game now or in the future.
A pitcher in the windup position has committed to pitch when he has both hands at his side and he moves both arms at the same time.
A. True
B. False
It is backswing interference when the batter takes a full swing at a pitch, and after he completes the swing his bat contacts the catcher.
A. True
B. False
A team has only 10 players and is using a DH for their F4, batting 6th. With R1, R2 and 0 out, B2 is batting and hits a ground ball to the infield. R2
advances to 3B, R1 is forced at 2B, B2 beats the relay to 1B but pulls his hamstring and cannot continue.
A. F4 may enter the lineup batting second and run for B2. The DH is terminated for the rest of the game.
B. There are no legal subs for B2 and F4 may not run for him, so he is declared out and removed from the bases when he cannot continue. His
spot will be an automatic out if it comes up again.
C. There are no legal subs for B2 and F4 may not run for him, but the most recent player not on base - in this case, R1 - may run for him due to the
injury. If the second spot in the order comes up again, the umpire will declare an automatic out.
D. There are no legal subs for B2 and F4 may not run for him, so a ghost runner will occupy first base for him. His spot will be an automatic out if it
comes up again.
It is obstruction when a defensive player fakes a tag.
A. True
B. False
With the bases loaded, B4 hits the ball back to F1 who throws to F2. The ball arrives and is caught by F2 standing on the plate. F2 takes a step
towards the left handed batter's box to throw to first, but is contacted by R3 beyond the plate. R3's slide was directly into home plate and
continued past the plate in a straight line from third base. F2 is unable to make a throw due to the contact.
A. R3 is out.
B. R2 is out.
C. B4 is out.
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
A batter who is contacted by a pitch is always awarded first base.
A. True
B. False
With R1, the left-handed F1 fails to stop when attempting a pickoff throw to first. The throw is bad and gets away from F3. R1 advances to second
base, but is thrown out in a close play trying for third.
A. There is no infraction, the play stands.
B. This is a balk. However because R1 went past his award base, the balk is ignored, and R1 is out.
C. This is a balk. R1's out on the play is nullified and he is awarded the next base after his last acquired base, which is third.
D. This is a balk. R1's out on the play is nullified and he is awarded second base.
E. This is a balk. Because the ball becomes dead immediately when a balk occurs, the rest of the play never happened. R1 is awarded second base.
A coach may receive multiple verbal warnings before getting a written warning.
A. True
B. False
F1 throws to F3 to try to pick off R1. Because the throw is low, as he is about to receive it F3 drops his knee to the ground in front of the base. R1
sliding in hits F3's leg and does not get to the base. F3 then catches the ball and tags R1.
A. There is no infraction. R1 is out.
B. This is obstruction. Because he was going to first, award R1 first.
C. This is obstruction. Award R1 second.
D. This is obstruction. Award R1 third.
E. This is interference. R1 is out.
It is never legal for a pitcher to throw or feint to an unoccupied base.
A. True
B. False
With R1, R2, R3 and 2 out, B8 swings and contacts F2's mitt, and hits a ground ball to F6. F6 makes a bad throw that gets past F3. B8 rounds but
misses 1B, and reaches 2B safely. R2 and R3 score, and R1 reaches 3B. The defense appeals that B8 missed 1B. How many runs score?
A. 3 - Deny the appeal and award R1 home because the defense wants the umpire to bail them out when they can't make a simple play.
B. 2 - This is a time play and both R2 and R3 scored before the appeal.
C. 1 - Because B8 was out at 1B, apply the penalty for catcher's obstruction. Award B8 first, and all other runners move up one base because they
are forced by B8's award.
D. 0 - The third out was made by B8 before legally acquiring first base, so no runs can score. Furthermore, because he reached and passed 1B and
all other runners advanced one base, the catcher's obstruction is ignored.
A defensive charged conference ends when the coach leaves the dirt area of the mound.
A. True
B. False
In the lineup presented at the plate meeting, the first three hitters are Aaron, Bill, and Charlie. Aaron is listed as #15 and Bill is listed as #17.
However, actually Aaron is #17 and Bill is #15. In the first inning, Aaron strikes out and then Bill singles. The defense then appeals that they have
batted out of order.
A. Bill is out and removed from the bases. Charlie is the proper next batter with 2 outs.
B. The offense has not batted out of order. Charlie is the next batter with Bill on first and 1 out.
If a team does not list a designated hitter on the lineup presented to the umpire at the plate meeting, they may not use a designated hitter at any
point in that game.
A. True
B. False
With R1 and 1 out, B2 hits a deep fly ball to F8. R1 believes the ball will drop and is halfway to third when F8 catches the ball. R1 returns to first
cutting straight across the diamond. F8 overthrows F3 and the ball goes into the dugout. R1 is awarded third base, and he touches first, second,
and third base in order. The defense appeals that R1 missed second base.
A. R1 shall be declared out.
B. Deny the appeal. Though R1 missed second, he corrected his baserunning error by touching second base on his last time by.
Bases loaded, 2 outs, 3-2 count. All runners are stealing when B4 walks. F2 throws down to third where R2 has touched but overslid the base. F5
tags R2 before R3 touches the plate.
A. No runs score.
B. R3's run will count.
With R1, the left-handed F1 fails to stop and delivers a pitch to B2, who hits a home run over the fence.
A. There is no infraction, the play stands. The score is now 2-0.
B. This is a balk. However, because both R1 and B2 advanced at least one base the balk is ignored and the play stands. The score is now 2-0.
C. This is a balk. Because the ball becomes dead immediately when a balk occurs, the rest of the play never happened. R1 is awarded second base
and B2 is returned to bat with the same count. The score remains 0-0.
D. This is a balk. The offensive head coach is offered the option of enforcing the balk or taking the result of the play.
E. This is a balk. The defensive head coach is offered the option of enforcing the balk or taking the result of the play.
F2 tries to pick off R1, but makes contact with the plate umpire as he throws, causing the ball to go wildly down the right field line. R1 advances to
second, but is thrown out trying to reach third.
A. The play stands, R1 is out.
B. R1 is returned to first.
C. R1 is returned to second.
D. R1 is awarded third.
It is required that players who are warming up within the confines of the playing field in an area not protected by a fence or other structure have a
teammate with a glove positioned between them and the batter.
A. True
B. False
With R1 and R3 and 1 out, B5 hits a ground ball to F4. F4 fields the ball, and tags R1 in the head with intentional excessive force, then throws to F3
before B5 gets to first.
A. F4 is given a warning. R1 is out, B5 is out, R3 is returned to third.
B. F4 is ejected, R1 is out, B5 is awarded first, R3 is returned to third.
C. F4 is ejected, R1 is out, B5 is awarded first, R3 is awarded home.
D. F4 is ejected, R1 is awarded second, B5 is awarded first, R3 is awarded home
E. F4 is ejected, R1 is out, B5 is out, R3 is returned to third.
A team is permitted to use 3 defensive conferences in the first inning.
A. True
B. False
When a pitcher is replaced prior to or during an inning, his replacement shall be allowed up to 8 warmup pitches however long it takes him to
throw them.
A. True
B. False
F1 engages the rubber such that his pivot foot is at a 45 degree angle with his heel behind the back edge of the rubber and his toes in front of the
front edge of the rubber. The heel of his free foot is closer to home plate than the toes of his pivot foot.
A. This is a legal windup position.
B. This is a legal set position. F1 must come to a complete stop before pitching from this position.
C. This is not a legal pitching position. Once F1 moves his free foot, or both arms, it is an illegal pitch (or a balk if there are any runners).
D. This is not a legal pitching position. As soon as F1 engages the rubber this way it is an illegal pitch (or a balk if there are any runners).
During a charged conference, S9 substitutes for F9 who is ill. It is permitted for an assistant coach to throw to S9 during the conference to warm
him up.
A. True
B. False
It is permitted for a base coach to use a wheelchair in the coach's box.
A. True
B. False
Peter, a starter, is pitching in the third inning. With one out, his manager substitutes Sam for Peter. Sam uses 8 warmup pitches. After a single,
strikeout, and a walk, the situation is R1, R2 with two outs. The defensive manager then re-enters Peter for Sam, and wants him to resume
A. Peter can legally re-enter for Sam, but is not allowed to pitch again. The manager will be required to name a new pitcher as Sam is out of the
B. This is legal. A pitcher may leave and return to the mound once per inning.
C. Peter is allowed up to 8 warmup pitches before the game resumes.
D. Both B and C
E. This is an illegal substitution. Peter is restricted to the dugout and the manager must name a replacement for Sam who is out of the game.
With R1, B2 hits a ground ball to F6 in the hole. F6 fields the ball, feints a throw to second, and then throws the ball past F3 out of play. At the
time of the throw, R1 was on second base.
A. R1 is awarded home, B2 is awarded third.
B. R1 is awarded home, B2 is awarded second.
C. R1 is awarded third, B2 is awarded second.
D. R1 is awarded second, B2 remains at first.
The manager of the home team presents a lineup at the plate meeting with #11 listed as P/DH batting fourth.
A. #11 may remain in the game as the DH and not play a defensive position after he is removed as pitcher.
B. #11 may remain in the game as F1 if another player bats for him.
C. Both A and B.
D. None of the above
A batted ball which contacts the batter in fair territory but while the batter is inside the batter's box is a foul ball.
A. True
B. False
B1 is hit by a pitch. While he is recovering, F1 gives F3 the ball. B2 then enters the batter's box, and F1 engages the rubber in the set position. The
plate umpire calls play, and F3 tags B1 who is off the base.
A. This is a balk. Award B1 second base.
B. This is nothing. B1 remains at first.
C. B1 is out.
With R1 and R2 and no outs, B3 hits a ball into the right field corner. As R2 rounds third he collides with F5, who is watching the ball and not
paying attention, and falls to the ground. By the time R2 gets up the ball is on the way back to the infield so he retreats to third. R1 sees this and
has retreated to second, but B3 is running hard all the way and does not look up until he is near second. When he sees R1 still there, he slows up
and is tagged out.
A. R2 was obstructed, award him home.
B. Nullify the out on B3, award him second, and award R1 third.
C. The out on B3 stands, R1 remains at second.
D. A and B
E. A and C
With R1 and R2, B4 hits a ground ball to the infield which is thrown to F4 standing on second base. F4 catches the ball and takes a step backwards
to the left field side of the base to clear the play, but is contacted by R1 beyond the base. R1's slide was directly into second base and continued
past the base in a straight line from first base. F4 is unable to make a throw due to the contact.
A. R1 is out.
B. R2 is out.
C. B4 is out.
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
An umpire is required to issue a warning before ejecting a coach.
A. True
B. False
With R1 and 0 outs, B2 is batting with a 1-1 count. He hits a foul fly ball that is dropped by F5, but he believes it is caught so he goes into the
dugout. B3 enters the box and takes a strike. The defense then appeals that the offense has batted out of order.
A. B2 is allowed to return to bat with a count of 1-2.
B. B2 is out, B3 is the proper batter with a count of 0-1.
C. B2 is out, B3 is the proper batter with a count of 0-0.
D. B3 is out, B4 is the proper batter with a count of 0-0.
E. Both B2 and B3 are out, the proper batter is B4 with a count of 0-0.
A coach who has been ejected may remain in the stands to observe the game as long as he is not disruptive or doing any further coaching.
A. True
B. False
R1 is stealing when B2 hits a fly ball to right. R1 had a great jump and is halfway between second and third when the ball is caught. F9 sees this
and throws the ball over the outfield fence before R1 can return. While the ball is dead, R1 returns touching both second and first, and the
defense then appeals that R1 has left early.
A. Because R1 was beyond second base when the ball became dead, he may not legally return to first. He is out on the appeal.
B. R1 is awarded second base.
C. R1 is awarded third base.
D. R1 is awarded home.
Bill is the starting F3, batting third. Carl is the starting F2, batting sixth. In the fourth inning Bill is replaced by Sam. In the sixth inning, his coach
wants Bill to re-enter and play catcher.
A. Bill will replace Carl in the lineup.
B. Bill will replace Sam in the lineup.
C. Bill may not re-enter.
With R1, B2 hits a high pop fly to F8. R1 is only a few steps off of first base. B2 is running hard and rounds first just as F8 drops the ball. The first
base coach reaches out and grabs B2 to prevent him from passing R1. R1 advances to second, but F8 picks up the ball and throws to F4 standing
on second base before he gets there. B2 remains at first.
A. R1 is out.
B. B2 is out.
C. R1 is returned to first.
D. A and B
E. B and C
A pitcher is in a legal set position when his entire pivot foot is in contact with the top of the rubber and his free foot is entirely in front of a line
extending through the front edge of the rubber.
A. True
B. False
At the start of the game, a team may name one player to hit but not play a defensive position (the EH), giving them a lineup of 10 hitters.
A. True
B. False
With one out, R1 attempts to steal second. B2 swings and misses the pitch for strike two. B2's follow-through strikes the catcher. R1 arrives safely
at second without a throw.
A. R1 and B2 are both declared out
B. R1 is declared out and B2 remains at bat
C. B2 is declared out and R1 is returned to first
D. R1 is returned to first and B2 remains at bat
E. None of the above
When the third base coach is granted time to have an offensive conference with his batter, the pitching coach may also go to the mound to talk to
the pitcher without being charged a defensive conference.
A. True
B. False
A legal slide is always required to be on the ground in a direct line between the two bases.
A. True
B. False
B1 enters the batter’s box in the first inning with a bat that has pine tar beyond the 18” limitation. Before a pitch is thrown the catcher complains
about the pine tar to the umpire.
A. B1 is out for having an illegal bat, and the head coach is restricted to the dugout.
B. Since no pitch has been thrown, the batter can replace the bat with no penalty.
C. The head coach is given a team warning about illegal bats, the next player to use an illegal bat will be ejected. The bat is replaced and B1
remains at bat.
With R2 and R3 and 0 outs, the offense runs a suicide squeeze. R3 crosses the plate, then F2 picks up the ball and throws to F4 covering first base,
but the ball hits the BR who is outside the runner's lane and he is safe at first.
A. This is interference. The BR is out, R3 is returned to third and R2 is returned to second.
B. This is interference. The BR is out, but because the run scored before the interference occured it counts. R2 is returned to second.
C. This is not interference, the runner's lane is only applicable when throwing to the first baseman. R3 scores, R2 to third, BR to first.
B2 hits to left-center field and R1 tries to advance to third. F8 fields the ball and throws to F5, but the throw is poor and F5 goes to his knees in
front of the base to block the ball. R1 jumps over F5 and reaches third base.
A. This is obstruction. Award R1 home.
B. This is obstruction. R1 reached third, so there is no additional award.
C. R1 is declared out. The obstruction is ignored.
D. There are no infractions. R1 is safe at third.
A ball caught by an outfielder cannot be an infield fly.
A. True
B. False
With R3, F1 stops in his delivery because B2 has held up his hand to request time from the umpire.
A. F1 has balked. Score R3.
B. The ball is dead, and a strike is added to B2's count.
C. The ball is dead, and a ball is added to B2's count.
D. None of the above
B9 enters the batter's box and the plate umpire notices his batting helmet has tape wrapped around the ear hole.
A. B9 is required to get a different helmet.
B. B9 is out and the head coach is restricted to the dugout.
C. B9 is out and the head coach is ejected.
D. There is no infraction.
The umpire may prevent a player who lost consciousness from returning to play if he continues to appear confused or dizzy, even if the team
athletic trainer has cleared him to play.
A. True
B. False
The game is tied 3-3 after 5 innings. In the bottom of the sixth inning, the home team is now leading 5-3 with 1 out when rain makes the field
A. The score reverts to the last completed inning. It is a regulation tied game.
B. The score reverts to the last completed inning. It is a suspended game.
C. This is a regulation game. The home team wins 5-3.
A coach or any player may appeal a runner leaving early when the ball is dead.
A. True
B. False
With R2, B2 hits a ground ball to F5. The throw to F3 is offline and F3 stretches towards home plate in the baseline to try and catch it. B4 runs
straight towards the base in the runner's lane and collides with F3. F3 falls to the ground and is prevented from catching the ball, which rolls away
as R2 scores.
A. This is obstruction, B2 must be awarded second base.
B. This is obstruction, but there is no additional award because B2 achieved first base and the umpire judges no further advance was possible.
C. This is interference, B2 is out and R2 is returned to second.
D. B2 is ejected for malicious contact.
E. C and D
Pitching regulations begin when the batter steps into the batter's box.
A. True
B. False
The DH is batting for F1 in the 3 spot in the lineup. In the fifth inning, B1 bats and flies out. F1 was supposed to bat for the DH this inning but
accidentally comes up next. There is no announcement by the offense of the substitution and F1 singles. The defense appeals that the offense
has batted out of order.
A. F1 is out.
B. F1 is out and restricted to the dugout.
C. B2 is out.
D. B2 has been substituted out of the game and may re-enter if he is eligible to do so.
E. B and D
A legal bat may have two pieces with an interchangable barrel.
A. True
B. False
With R2 and 1 out, B3 hits a double to right. R2 misses third as he scores. When F1 gets the ball, he engages the rubber, then steps and throws to
third while saying that R2 missed third. However his throw is bad and goes out of play.
A. B3 is awarded third.
B. B3 is awarded home.
C. If the defense appeals the missed base by R2 again while the ball is dead, R2 will be ruled out and his run nullified.
D. A and C
E. B and C
B1 hits a slow roller in front of the plate fielded by F2. F2 is unable to make a throw to first because B1 runs in fair territory with both feet the
entire way from home to first, never at any point entering the runner's lane.
A. B1 shall be called out for runner's lane interference.
B. B1 shall be called out for intentionally interfering with F2's ability to make a play.
C. While B1 did not legally run to first base, he is not out because there can be no interference without a throw.
A legal pitch is always a live ball.
A. True
B. False
The first base coach has a tablet with him in the coach's box. When questioned before the first pitch of the game, he says he is using it to keep the
scorebook and shows the umpire.
A. This is permitted. A coach may have a scorebook in the coach's box.
B. This is not permitted. The umpire shall eject the first base coach.
C. This is not permitted. The umpire shall issue a written warning and restrict the first base coach to the dugout.
D. This is not permitted. The umpire shall issue a verbal warning to the coach and instruct him to put the tablet in the dugout.
E. This is not permitted. The umpire shall require the coach to put the tablet in the dugout, but there is no other penalty.
With R2 and no outs, B4 hits a weak ground ball up the first base line that is fielded by F3 about 20 feet in front of first base. F3 goes to tag B4 but
cannot because B4 stops running and then moves straight backward towards the plate, retreating just beyond the start of the runner's lane. F3
stops chasing B4 and throws to F5 too late to get R2. F5 throws back across the diamond but B4 reaches first ahead of the throw.
A. B4 is safe.
B. B4 is out.
C. R2 must return to second.
D. Both B and C.
B1 requests time and steps out of the batter's box with one foot, but the umpire does not grant time because F1 has already started his delivery.
B1 is hit by the pitch.
A. The ball is dead.
B. B1 is awarded first base.
C. The pitch is a strike.
D. A and B
E. A and C
B1 leads off the inning and strikes out swinging. However, he remains in the box without being noticed, and then flies out to F8. B2 follows with a
single to left. The defense then appeals that the offense has batted out of order.
A. B3 is the proper batter with one out and R1.
B. B3 is the proper batter with two outs and R1.
C. B4 is the proper batter with two outs and R1.
D. B4 is the proper batter with two outs and no one on base.
E. There are three outs, the inning is over.
With no runners on base, F1 is pitching from the set position. He brings his hands together and delivers a pitch without coming to a complete and
discernable stop.
A. This is an illegal pitch. The ball is dead. Add a ball to the batter's count.
B. This is an illegal pitch. If the batter reaches base the infraction is ignored. Otherwise, the ball is dead and a ball is added to the batter's count.
C. This is not legal. Disallow the pitch and warn F1 not to do that again. If he continues, the umpire may eject him.
D. There is no infraction because there are no runners. With runners on base this is a balk.
It is permissible for an assistant coach to attend the plate meeting instead of the head coach so that he may instead coach the starting pitcher in
the bullpen.
A. True
B. False
With the bases loaded and 2 outs, B4 hits a home run out of the park. After rounding first base, he passes R1 who was watching the ball and had
not advanced. R1 passes B4 back and all runners score in order. How many runs score?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
E. 0
A metal or composite bat may be used after the end cap has come off as long as it is securely reattached.
A. True
B. False
With R1 and R3 and 1 out, R1 attempts to steal second. B3 hits a fly ball that is caught by F9. R3 tags up and attemps to score. F9 throws to F3 who
touches first base before R1 returns. R3 touches home plate prior to F3 catching the ball.
A. R3's run will count.
B. R3's run will not count.
C. When F3 touches first it is a force out for the third out of the inning.
D. A and C
E. B and C
On a cold day, the entire defensive team is wearing light gray long sleeve undershirts beneath their uniform top. F1 is allowed to wear this
because it is part of his team uniform.
A. True
B. False
With R1, the right-handed F1 is in the set position with his hands together. He steps straight backward towards first base with his free foot, and
turns while throwing to F3 who tags R1 while he is off the base.
A. R1 is out.
B. This is a balk, award R1 second.
Bases loaded, no outs. B4 hits a high pop fly near second base. F4 and F6 are confused and neither catches the ball, which falls to the ground
untouched and then bounces and contacts R2 who has retreated and is standing on second base. F6 is behind the base in position to play on the
ball. R3 advances and scores on the play.
A. This is an infield fly. B4 is out. The ball is dead, all runners return.
B. R2 is out for interfering with a batted ball. The ball is dead, all runners return.
C. This is an infield fly. B4 is out. The ball remains live and R3 scores on the play.
D. R2 is out for interfering with a batted ball. The ball remains live and R3 scores on the play.
E. A and B -OR- C and D
It is umpire interference when the base umpire moves in such a way that he is hit by the throw from F2 during a steal of second base.
A. True
B. False
The state association shall limit how often pitchers may throw based on the number of innings pitched in a calendar week.
A. True
B. False
In the first inning, the assistant coach at first base leaves the coaching box to argue a close play at second with the base umpire. Both he and the
head coach are issued written warnings. In the third inning, the head coach begins making increasingly loud comments from the dugout about
how bad the strike zone is, continuing for more than one batter.
A. The head coach shall be issued a verbal warning.
B. The head coach shall be issued a written warning.
C. The head coach shall be restricted to the dugout.
D. The head coach shall be ejected.
E. Both B and C
A legally delivered pitch that enters any part of the strike zone is always a strike.
A. True
B. False
B1 leads off the inning with a single. B3 erroneously bats instead of B2 and grounds into a double play. The defensive manager then appeals that
B3 batted out of order.
A. B2 is declared out. B1 is returned to first base and B3 is the next batter due up with one out.
B. Since B3 was already out on the play, there is no additional penalty. B4 is the next batter due up with two outs and the bases empty.
C. B2 is declared out. Since the result of the play was a double play there are now 3 outs and the inning is over.
D. B3 is declared out. B1 is returned to first base and B4 is the next batter due up with one out.
E. B2 is declared out. B1's out stands, but B3's out is ignored. B3 is the next batter due up, with two outs and the bases empty.
With R3, B4 hits a bounding ball that hits and ricochets off 3B. The ball then contacts R3 who is standing fully in foul territory. F5 is playing
behind the base.
A. R3 is declared out for interference.
B. B4 is awarded 1B.
C. This is a fair ball.
D. All of the above.
E. This is a foul ball.
It is possible for a team in an extra-inning game to have 4 defensive conferences available to use.
A. True
B. False
A bamboo bat does not require a BBCOR stamp because it is not a metal or composite bat.
A. True
B. False
With R1, B2 hits the ball to the left center gap. F7 gets the ball and throws to F5, but the ball gets away and rolls into the dugout. At the time of
the throw, B2 had rounded first but R1 had not yet reached second because he had held up in case F7 caught the ball.
A. Both runners are awarded home.
B. Both runners are awarded third, but since they cannot both occupy third, R1 is "forced" to home.
C. R1 is awarded third and B2 is awarded second.
D. R1 is awarded second and B2 remains at first.
It is a balk when F1, while in the set position, steps toward third with the bases loaded but does not throw because F5 is not near the base.
A. True
B. False
With R1, F1 goes to his mouth while not on the pitcher's plate and then goes directly to the ball without distinctly wiping off. He then engages the
pitcher's plate.
A. This is a balk.
B. This is illegal. Time shall be called and a ball added to the batter's count.
C. If F1 realizes his mistake after engaging the pitcher's plate, he can request time and ask for a new ball at any point before delivering a pitch
without penalty.
With runner(s) on base, it is a balk when F1 in the set position accidentally drops the ball from his hand but catches it before it hits the ground.
A. True
B. False
With one out and R3, B4 hits a ground ball to F3. F3 tags first base to retire B4 for the second out. He next throws home to make a play there on
R3. The throw strikes B4 who is running to first in fair territory outside the runner's lane. The ball rolls away and R3 scores without a play.
A. This is interference. Return R3 to third base. B5 bats with 2 outs.
B. This is interference. R3 is declared out for his teammate's interference and the inning is over.
C. This is nothing. R3 has scored and B5 bats with the bases empty and 2 outs.
A player or coach can be ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct after the game has ended.
A. True
B. False
Whenever a batted ball becomes foul it also becomes dead.
A. True
B. False