Junior Golf Camp - Willow Springs Golf Course

2017 Willow Springs Junior Golf Camp
A separate registration form is required for each camper
Junior Golf
Child’s Name _____________________________________________________________
Boy ___
Girl ___
Age as of June 30 _______
Home Address ____________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________State _________Zip _________________
Home phone ______________________ Emergency phone _______________________
Parent/Guardian name _____________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________
Date of most recent tetanus immunization __________________
12980 Livestock Road
West Friendship
Maryland 21794
Pertinent medical information ______________________________________________
Need golf clubs for camp?
If yes, RH or LH & Height __________
Complete both sides of registration form
$150 per golfer / ages 7 -14
8:30 – 11:30 am / Monday - Thursday
July 10-13
July 31-Aug 3
Circle One Camp
July 10-13
July 31- Aug 3
July 17-20
August 7-10
July 17-20
August 7-10
This camp covers the fundamentals of the full swing,
putting, chipping & pitching, how to play the game
and have fun, rules & etiquette, and on-course play.
No experience necessary.
Registration and Payment
- Advance registration and payment in full is required
8:30 – 11:30 am / Monday – Thursday
$150 per golfer / ages 7 - 14
Payment in full must accompany this registration form
to reserve a spot
to reserve a spot
- WSGC reserves the right to cancel any camp and
refund registration fees.
- Camp registration includes instruction, all golf
supplies, and a daily snack and drink.
VISA / MasterCard / AMEX or a check payable to: Jeff Sprague
Credit Card payments may be made in person or call the golf shop
Medical Information
- Each registrant's parent/guardian should consult with
a physician regarding their child's physical condition
and ability to participate in this sports program.
- Campers should meet at the Front Porch by 8:20
each morning.
- Golf clubs will be loaned for the camp if needed
- Golfers should wear comfortable athletic shoes, shirts
I agree to abide by all rules and regulations of Willow Springs Golf Course. I, on behalf
of my child and myself, agree to indemnify and hold harmless Willow Springs Golf
Course, their respective employees, officials, and guests harmless for any and all
damages, costs, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by reason of and/or
in defending against all claims, made by or on behalf of me or my child against Willow
Springs Golf Course pertaining to the activity for which my child is registering herein.
with sleeves, and shorts with pockets.
- For the safety and enjoyment of all campers
appropriate behavior is expected from all campers at
all times.
Parent/Guardian Printed Name ____________________________________________
- All Junior Camps are directed by
Jeff Sprague, PGA Professional & Scott Locastro, USGTF
Please email [email protected] Questions?
Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________
Date _____________________________________________