Answering Opinion Questions

Answering Opinion
CSC 594
Jared von Halle
What makes opinion questions unique?
• More ambiguous
• More open ended
• Can be longer
What makes opinion answers unique?
• More variation in possible answers
• No “right” answer
• May be multiple answers
What makes opinion questions hard to answer?
• What does it mean to be right?
• How many stances do you present?
• How ridiculous is too ridiculous?
Separating Facts from
• Why does this help?
• Compare sentence similarities (e.g. Cosine
• SIMFINDER, a non-hierarchical clustering
• Naïve Bayes
• Unigrams, Bigrams, Trigrams, POS
• Proximity to known positive/negative words using log
likelihood forumal
Obtaining the Training Set
• Somehow, need a set of pre-classified sentences to
train on
• Building by hand
• Inferring from document type. But how do you get
the document type?
• Does an Opinion Document imply Opinion
• Multiple classifiers + Naïve Bayes
Answering Opinion Questions
• Aspect Based Opinion Question Answering
• Random Walks on Graphs
• Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency
• Term Frequency: How many times the term appears in the
candidate answer
• Document Frequency: How many candidate answers have
the term in it
• Early, rudimentary approach
• Compare words in question to words in candidate
• Nothing specific to opinion questions
• Requires direct word similarities
Aspect Based Opinion
Question Answering
• Specific approach for opinion questions
• Tries to better understand the nuances of the
• 5 steps
Question Analysis
Question Expansion
Quality Filtering
Subjective Sentence Extraction
Answer Grouping
AQA – Question Analysis
Comparative questions have more comparative adjectives and adverbs
Pattern matching to determine targets
AQA – Question Expansion
• Identify “aspects” of the question
• Start by identifying noun phrases
• Compare noun phrases to known corpus of aspects
• Also uses common patterns
• Rates aspects on a scale of 1 to 5
AQA – Question Filtering
• Most models filter on polarity
Find answers that match the polarity of the question
Works well for factual questions
Works well for confirming someone’s point
Does not work well for opinions
• AQA looks for answers on both sides of the question
• Question type matters
• AQA focuses more on filtering based on aspects
AQA – Subjective Sentence
Extraction and Answer Grouping
• Filter out objective statements: utilize fact / opinion
• Weight answers based on how relevant they are to
the question
• Depends heavily on question type
• Yes/No questions
• Reason questions
• General questions
Evaluation and Weaknesses
• Measuring “correct” is hard for opinions
• Evaluation generally requires human evaluation of a
training set
• AQA ignores facts
• Relies heavily on part of speech tagger’s
Precision and Recall
Random Walks on Graphs
• Rejects prior methods involving separate phases and then linear
• Attempt to understand relationship between different answers
• Also attempt to understand relationship between answers and
other characteristics of the question
• Candidate answers are nodes and edges between them
represent similarity measure
• Another set of nodes represent sentiment words
• Connect the answer nodes to the sentiment nodes for a twolayer link graph