Chapter 9 Inference in first

Chapter 8
Inference in first-order logic
Inference in FOL,
removing the quantifiers
 i.e., converting KB to PL
 then use Propositional inference
which is easy to do
Inference rules for quantifiers
In KB, we have
A rule called Universal Instantiation (UI)
substituting a ground term for the variable
 SUBST( , ) denotes
the result of applying the substitution  to the
sentence 
v 
SUBST({v/g}, )
Here the examples are
{x / John}, {x / Richard}, {x / Father(John)}
Existential Instantiation:
For any sentence , variable v, and
constant k that does not appear elsewhere
in the KB:
v 
SUBST({v/k}, )
x Crown(x)  OnHead(x, John)
If C1 does not appear elsewhere in the KB
 then we can infer:
Crown(C1)  OnHead(C1, John)
Reduction to Propositional
Main idea
for existential quantifiers
find a ground term to replace the variable
 remove the quantifier
 add this new sentence to the KB
for universal quantifiers
find all possible ground terms to replace the variable
 add the set of new sentences to the KB
apply UI to the first sentence
from the vocabulary of the KB
 {x / John}, {x / Richard} – two objects
 we then obtain
view other facts as propositional variables
use inference to induce Evil(John)
The previous techniques
applying this technique to
every quantified sentence in the KB
 we can obtain a KB consisting of
propositional sentences only
 however, this technique is very inefficient
in inference
 it generates other useless sentences
Unification and Lifting
a substitution θ such that applying on two
sentences will make them look the same
 e.g., θ = {x / John} is a unification
 applying on x King ( x)  Greedy( x)  Evil( x)
 it becomes
x King ( John)  Greedy( John)  Evil( John)
and we can conclude the implication
using King(John) and Greedy(John)
Generalized Modus Ponens (GMP)
The process capturing the previous steps
A generalization of the Modus Ponens
also called the lifted version of M.P.
For atomic sentences pi , pi', and q,
there is a substitution  such that
 SUBST(, pi)= SUBST(, pi'), for all i:
Generalized Modus Ponens
UNIFY, a routine which
takes two atomic sentences p and q
 return a substitution 
that would make p and q look the same
 it returns fail if no such substitution  exists
Formally, UNIFY(p, q)=
where SUBST(, p) = SUBST(, q)
  is called the unifier of the two sentences
Standardizing apart
UNIFY failed on the last sentence
in finding a unifier
 reason?
 two sentences use the same variable name
even they are having different meanings
so, assign them with different names
internally in the procedure of UNIFY
 = standardizing apart
Most Generalized Unifier
there may be many unifiers for two sentences
 which one is the best?
the one with less constraints
 e.g., UNIFY(Knows(John, x), Knows(y, z))
 one unifier = { y/John, x/John, z/John }
 another = {y/John, z/x} – the best
even if z and x are not yet found
Forward and backward chaining
Forward chaining
start with the sentences in KB
 generate new conclusions that
in turn allow more inferences to be made
usually used
when a new fact is added to the KB
 and we want to generate its consequences
First-order Definite clauses
the normal form of sentences for FC
can contain variables
 either atomic or
 an implication whose
antecedent is a conjunction of positive literals
consequent a single positive literal
Not every KB can be converted into a set of
definite clauses, but many can
why? the restriction on single-positive-literal
We will prove that West is a Criminal
First step
translate these facts as first-order definite
 next figure shows the details
For forward chaining, we will have two
The above is the proof tree generated
No new inferences can be made at this
point using the current KB
such a KB is called a fixed point of the
inference process
Backward chaining
start with something we want to prove
find implication sentences
that would allow to conclude
attempt to establish their premises in turn
normally used
when there is a goal to prove (query)
Backward-chaining algorithm
This is better to illustrate with a proof tree
One remark
backward chaining algorithm uses
composition of substitutions
 SUBST(COMPOSE(θ1, θ2), p)
= SUBST(θ2, SUBST(θ1, p))
it’s used because
different unification are found for different goals
 we have to combine them.
Modus Ponens rule
can only allow us to derive atomic conclusions
 {A, A=>B}├ B
However, it is more natural
to allow us derive new implication
 {A => B, B => C} ├ A=>C, the transitivity
 a more powerful tool: resolution rule
Conjunctive Normal Form
a conjunction (AND) of clauses
each of them is a disjunction (OR) of literals
 the literals can contain variables
Conversion to CNF
6 steps
process of removing 
 i.e., translate x P(x) into P(A), A is a new
 If we apply this rule in our sample, we have
which is completely wrong
 since A is a certain animal
 To overcome it, we use a function to represent any
animal, these functions = Skolem functions
Drop universal quantifiers
all variables now are assumed to be
universally quantified
Fortunately, all the above steps can be
Resolution inference rule
Example proof
Resolution proves that KB |= by
proving KB  α unsatisfiable, i.e., empty clause
 First convert the sentences into CNF
next figure, empty clause
 so, we include the negated goal  Criminal(West)
Example proof
This example involves
 non-definite clauses
 hence making inference more complex
Informal description
The following answers: Did Curiosity kill the cat?
First assume Curiosity didn’t kill the cat.
Add it into KB
Empty clause, so the assumption is false
Resolution strategies
Resolution is effective
but inefficient
 because it is like forward chaining
 the reasoning is randomly tried
There are four general guidelines in
applying resolution
Unit preference
When using resolution on two sentences
 one of the sentences must be a unit clause
 (P, Q, R, etc.)
The idea is to produce a shorter sentence:
 e.g., P  Q => R and P
 will produce Q => R
 hence reduce the complexity of the clauses
Set of support
Identifying a subset of sentences from the KB
 Every resolution combines a sentence
from the subset
 and another sentence from the KB
The resolvent (conclusion) of the resolution
is added to the subset
 and continue the resolution process
How to choose this set?
a common approach: the negated query
to prove the query, assume negative
and prove the contradiction
advantage: goal-directed
Input resolution
Every resolution combines
one of the input sentences (facts)
from the query
or the KB
with some other sentence
Next fig
each resolution,
least one of the sentences from the query or KB
Subsumption (inclusion, 包含)
 eliminates
all sentences
 that
are subsumed by (i.e., more specific
than) an existing sentence in the KB
 If
P(x) is in KB, x means all arguments
 then
we don’t need to store the specific
instances of P(x): P(A), P(B), P(C) …,
 Subsumption
helps keep the KB small