Building and Construction Autumn 2 Curriculum plan for Ladybirds

Curriculum plan for Ladybirds
Building and Construction
Autumn 2
Ladybird will be focusing on making
relationships and awareness of others by:
turn taking; circle time- saying hello every
morning. We will be finding ways of
managing feelings & emotions using our ‘I
feel...’ board. The children will be encouraged
to play alongside each other, together or with
an adult when constructing their models.
Ladybirds will be learning about textures
through treasure baskets. They will continue
to visit different areas around the school such
as soft play forest school and the farm. The
children will be working on how objects can
be combined together in heuristic play
In maths we will be exploring numbers in a
variety of ways such as singing number songs
& rhymes; sorting and counting at tidy up
time; building with blocks; making patterns
with lego, measuring ourselves against our
constructions and our outside fences. Large
& small basic shapes will be used to play with
to develop gross and fine motor skills.
Ladybird will be accessing books daily and the
school library on occasions to encourage
them to handle books, enjoy pictures and
repetitive print. Our focus story will be ‘The
Three Little Pigs’. This will continue to help
the children to build on their experiences of
repeated words or phrases from familiar
stories. The children will be encouraged to
mark make in the indoor/ outside classroom.
Whilst playing and exploring, the children will
be offered free flow play to explore
independently, make choices and access new
challenges. They will be encouraged to take
off, hang up their own coats and put their
bags in their tubs and put their drinking
cups/bottles in the tray after snack has
finished. The children will be able to choose
their own favourite materials for building.
The children will continue with their
individual methods of communication such as
the spoken word, PECs, Makaton. Tacpac is
on our planning, which is a sensory
communication resource using touch and
music to aid communication/social skills. The
children will be more familiar with ‘objects of
reference’ for transitioning. We will be
working on listening and attention skills.
In Expressive Arts and Design, the children
will be encouraged to communicate through
movement & play. We will be continuing with
‘Wake & Shake’ singing ‘hokey kokey’ to
establish routine. The children will
experiment with large boxes & building
blocks to make models and make patterns by
pencil rubbing on different textures such as
bricks, pavement, wood etc.
Ladybirds will build on their fine motor skills
by manipulating different materials such as
play dough – rolling, placing in objects and
small sticks etc, also building small 3D
models. We will be making dens and playing
with our tents and tunnels, accessing soft
play and outdoor areas. We will be focusing
on putting on our own coats for outdoor play
and learning to do up our own buttons.