Chef Event Scholarship

Requirements for Distinguished Chef Scholarships
To Qualify for The Distinguished Chef Series Scholarship, you must meet the following requirements:
 There are two (2) events each semester. Students must work a minimum of 4 hours during each event. The hours
do not need to be consecutive and can occur any time during the food pre-prep, prep, or service prep and set-up.
Students may work in the Demo or Main Dining areas. *These hours CANNOT be hours that you are required to
attend or work for class (aka Basic Lab, Quantity Lab and Service Lab)
 You may sign up to work in the BOH (back of house or kitchen), FOH (front of house or service), or as a Wine
Server if you are 21 or older. Sign-Up Sheets are located on the doors of the Quantity or Production Kitchen Lab.
 Students will fill out a VERIFICATION FORM (see below) for each day worked. Cards can be obtained from
the Culinary or Service Student Manager. The card will include the student’s name and the time the student
checked in for work and the time he/she checked out. The student is responsible for obtaining the signature of the
Culinary or Service Student Manager verifying the sign in/out times and the number of hours the student
dedicated to this learning opportunity. The card must be turned in with the student’s scholarship application.
 Students will fill out the personal information section of the Scholarship Application. Hours worked will
show the total for each day. Actual times are recorded on the signed “time card” that will be attached to
the application. The student will write a report about their experience at each of the two events.
The report will:
 Be computer generated
 Be written in12 pt. font
 Be double-spaced.
 Have the Student’s Name in a header on each page of the report
 Be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words
 Be submitted as a hard copy by the due date established each semester and printed on the scholarship
application. A digital copy of each report must be available upon request by any member of the
scholarship committee.
Scholarships awarded will be based on the thoughtful content of the report section of the
Scholarship Application, the quality of effort as described in the report, and comments on
the volunteer verification form.
Chef Event Scholarship Application
Download; fill in requested information, print, save to your H drive.
Staple your “time cards” to the printed copy and give it to Becky Gillespie at the front desk.
Due November 28, 2016
Event date: September 21st & 22nd , 2016
Chef: Trevor Tack and JD Baldridge
Hours worked:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Event date: November 16th & 17th, 2016
Chef: Chef Jonathan Moosmiller CMC
Hours worked:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Please answer the following questions clearly and concisely and attach your paper to this application.
For each event:
1. In which activities did you participate?
2. From your observations, what were the strengths of the management team?
3. If you were a manager, what would you have done differently to improve the guest experience?
4. If you were a manager, what would you have done differently to improve the student experience?
5. Describe the educational value of your experiences at these Chef Events.
Volunteer Verification Form
Tack/Baldwin Event
Participation Dates and Times:
Student Manager Signature:
Moosmiller Event
Participation Dates and Times:
Student Manager Signature: