Team member one - R9 Accelerator

Page One - Your team name and contact details
Questions that help us remember who you are and help us get in touch with you if we have
any questions
Team Name
What is your team name? Don't worry you can change this later, but we need to have a
name to refer to you by during team selection. Yes we will judge you if you have a lame
team name, but we won't actually deduct points
0 of 50 max characters
Contact point
Who in your team should we contact if we have questions?
0 of 50 max characters
What is the contact's phone number?
0 of 15 max characters
And email address?
Make sure you write this correctly!
Upload a photo of your team
Make it easy for us to remember you, by adding a nice photo of your team. If your team is
selected, we'll use this photo in our team announcement.
Link to your team website or video
Do you have a team website or video? If yes, we'd love to check it out.
Page Two - Individuals on your team
Questions about who is in your team and what makes you awesome.
How many people are on your team?
This question just determines how many boxes drop down below for you to fill in. Arbitrarily
assign each person on your team a number and get them to fill in the relevant section
below. Ideally your team should have 2-4 people. (Note: If there is only ONE person on your
team you should go back and select individual on the first page of this application.)
First thing first - Are all of these people legally able to work in New Zealand?
You must be legally able to work in New Zealand to take part in R9 Accelerator. If the answer
is not yes, please provide information in the Other box. Team members who cannot legally
work in New Zealand will not be included in the assessment of your team.
Is everyone on your team available to participate in R9 Accelerator 3+?
Available = can be based in Wellington to take part in a full-time Accelerator between March
and mid-June 2017. For intrapreneurs and entrepreneur-corporates this means having made
arrangements with employers to be involved. For entrepreneur-private this means having
sufficient financial means to take part in R9 Accelerator. Availability is taken into
consideration when assessing your application.
We're 100% available
Some of our team members aren't fully available or still need to make
arrangements to be available
Team member name
Arrangements needed to be made
Likelihood of success
Team member one
Team member one - contact details
Give us the contact details of the person you have assigned as team member one.
(if relevant)
Team member one - type of team member
Quick reminder: Team member types are Intrapreneur (work for a government department),
Entrepreneur - Private (an independent person, either not currently employed or not
representing an organisation during R9 Accelerator), Entrepreneur - Corporate (work for an
organisation and representing this organisation during R9 Accelerator).
Select one
Team member one - a short description (max 300 words)
In 300 words (or thereabouts) tell us about your team member number one. What's their
background, what makes them tick? During assessment we look for the following qualities in
individuals: a) customer focused, b) flourishes under pressure, c) plays well with others, d)
creative and innovative, e) makes decisions based on evidence (but isn't paralysed by a lack
of data), f) all round awesome, g) coachable leader (knows when to listen to advice and
when to stick to guns).
0 of 2000 max characters
Team member one - relevant skills & experience (max 300 words)
Tell us about the relevant skills & experience team member one has. When assessing we will
look at how these skills & experience relate to the role the team member will play on the
team (Visionary, Hustler, Designer, Hacker) - you'll outline this in the "Team as a whole"
section below.
Team member one - Examples of your work
We'd love to see any examples of your work that demonstrate your skills/experience. Make
sure you label your files so we know who in your team it belongs to and what their
involvement was. E.g. Hannah-design-portfolio or Tom-website-UXdesign. If you have
websites you want to link to, add them in the relevant box in the previous question.
Drop files here or
Team member two
Team member two - contact details
Give us the contact details of the person you have assigned as team member two.
(if relevant)
Team member two - type of team member
Quick reminder: Team member types are Intrapreneur (work for a government department),
Entrepreneur - Private (an independent person, either not currently employed or not
representing an organisation during R9 Accelerator), Entrepreneur - Corporate (work for an
organisation and representing this organisation during R9 Accelerator).
Select one
Team member two - a short description (max 300 words)
In 300 words (or thereabouts) tell us about your team member number one. What's their
background, what makes them tick? During assessment we look for the following qualities in
individuals: a) customer focused, b) flourishes under pressure, c) plays well with others, d)
creative and innovative, e) makes decisions based on evidence (but isn't paralysed by a lack
of data), f) all round awesome, g) coachable leader (knows when to listen to advice and
when to stick to guns).
Team member two - relevant skills & experience (max 300 words)
Tell us about the relevant skills & experience team member one has. When assessing we will
look at how these skills & experience relate to the role the team member will play on the
team (Visionary, Hustler, Designer, Hacker) - you'll outline this in the "Team as a whole"
section below.
Team member two - Examples of your work
We'd love to see any examples of your work that demonstrate your skills/experience. Make
sure you label your files so we know who in your team it belongs to and what their
involvement was. E.g. Hannah-design-portfolio or Tom-website-UXdesign. If you have
websites you want to link to, add them in the relevant box in the previous question.
Drop files here or
Team member three
Team member three - contact details
Give us the contact details of the person you have assigned as team member three.
(if relevant)
Team member three - type of team member
Quick reminder: Team member types are Intrapreneur (work for a government department),
Entrepreneur - Private (an independent person, either not currently employed or not
representing an organisation during R9 Accelerator), Entrepreneur - Corporate (work for an
organisation and representing this organisation during R9 Accelerator).
Select one
Team member three - a short description (max 300 words)
In 300 words (or thereabouts) tell us about your team member number one. What's their
background, what makes them tick? During assessment we look for the following qualities in
individuals: a) customer focused, b) flourishes under pressure, c) plays well with others, d)
creative and innovative, e) makes decisions based on evidence (but isn't paralysed by a lack
of data), f) all round awesome, g) coachable leader (knows when to listen to advice and
when to stick to guns).
Team member three - relevant skills & experience (max 300 words)
Tell us about the relevant skills & experience team member one has. When assessing we will
look at how these skills & experience relate to the role the team member will play on the
team (Visionary, Hustler, Designer, Hacker) - you'll outline this in the "Team as a whole"
section below.
Team member three - Examples of your work
We'd love to see any examples of your work that demonstrate your skills/experience. Make
sure you label your files so we know who in your team it belongs to and what their
involvement was. E.g. Hannah-design-portfolio or Tom-website-UXdesign. If you have
websites you want to link to, add them in the relevant box in the previous question.
Drop files here or
Team member four
Team member four - contact details
Give us the contact details of the person you have assigned as team member four.
(if relevant)
Team member four - type of team member
Quick reminder: Team member types are Intrapreneur (work for a government department),
Entrepreneur - Private (an independent person, either not currently employed or not
representing an organisation during R9 Accelerator), Entrepreneur - Corporate (work for an
organisation and representing this organisation during R9 Accelerator).
Select one
Team member four - a short description (max 300 words)
In 300 words (or thereabouts) tell us about your team member number one. What's their
background, what makes them tick? During assessment we look for the following qualities in
individuals: a) customer focused, b) flourishes under pressure, c) plays well with others, d)
creative and innovative, e) makes decisions based on evidence (but isn't paralysed by a lack
of data), f) all round awesome, g) coachable leader (knows when to listen to advice and
when to stick to guns).
Team member four - relevant skills & experience (max 300 words)
Tell us about the relevant skills & experience team member one has. When assessing we will
look at how these skills & experience relate to the role the team member will play on the
team (Visionary, Hustler, Designer, Hacker) - you'll outline this in the "Team as a whole"
section below.
Team member four - Examples of your work
We'd love to see any examples of your work that demonstrate your skills/experience. Make
sure you label your files so we know who in your team it belongs to and what their
involvement was. E.g. Hannah-design-portfolio or Tom-website-UXdesign. If you have
websites you want to link to, add them in the relevant box in the previous question.
Drop files here or
Team member five
Team member five - contact details
Give us the contact details of the person you have assigned as team member five.
(if relevant)
Team member five - type of team member
Quick reminder: Team member types are Intrapreneur (work for a government department),
Entrepreneur - Private (an independent person, either not currently employed or not
representing an organisation during R9 Accelerator), Entrepreneur - Corporate (work for an
organisation and representing this organisation during R9 Accelerator).
Select one
Team member five - a short description (max 300 words)
In 300 words (or thereabouts) tell us about your team member number one. What's their
background, what makes them tick? During assessment we look for the following qualities in
individuals: a) customer focused, b) flourishes under pressure, c) plays well with others, d)
creative and innovative, e) makes decisions based on evidence (but isn't paralysed by a lack
of data), f) all round awesome, g) coachable leader (knows when to listen to advice and
when to stick to guns).
Team member five - relevant skills & experience (max 300 words)
Tell us about the relevant skills & experience team member one has. When assessing we will
look at how these skills & experience relate to the role the team member will play on the
team (Visionary, Hustler, Designer, Hacker) - you'll outline this in the "Team as a whole"
section below.
Team member five - Examples of your work
We'd love to see any examples of your work that demonstrate your skills/experience. Make
sure you label your files so we know who in your team it belongs to and what their
involvement was. E.g. Hannah-design-portfolio or Tom-website-UXdesign. If you have
websites you want to link to, add them in the relevant box in the previous question.
Drop files here or
Team member six
Team member six - contact details
Give us the contact details of the person you have assigned as team member six.
(if relevant)
Team member six - type of team member
Quick reminder: Team member types are Intrapreneur (work for a government department),
Entrepreneur - Private (an independent person, either not currently employed or not
representing an organisation during R9 Accelerator), Entrepreneur - Corporate (work for an
organisation and representing this organisation during R9 Accelerator).
Select one
Team member six - a short description (max 300 words)
In 300 words (or thereabouts) tell us about your team member number one. What's their
background, what makes them tick? During assessment we look for the following qualities in
individuals: a) customer focused, b) flourishes under pressure, c) plays well with others, d)
creative and innovative, e) makes decisions based on evidence (but isn't paralysed by a lack
of data), f) all round awesome, g) coachable leader (knows when to listen to advice and
when to stick to guns).
Team member six - relevant skills & experience (max 300 words)
Tell us about the relevant skills & experience team member one has. When assessing we will
look at how these skills & experience relate to the role the team member will play on the
team (Visionary, Hustler, Designer, Hacker) - you'll outline this in the "Team as a whole"
section below.
Team member six - Examples of your work
We'd love to see any examples of your work that demonstrate your skills/experience. Make
sure you label your files so we know who in your team it belongs to and what their
involvement was. E.g. Hannah-design-portfolio or Tom-website-UXdesign. If you have
websites you want to link to, add them in the relevant box in the previous question.
Drop files here or
Page Three - Team as a whole
Questions about why your whole team and how you work together
Skill level - team assessment
Score each person on your team between 0 and 10 for Visionary, Hustler, Designer and
Hacker. 0 = Doesn't fit with this role, 1-3 has junior level skills/experience in this role, 4-6 has
intermediate level skills/experience in this role, 7-10 has senior level skills/experience in this
role. In the Other column give them a score between 0-10 if the team member has
skills/experience that doesn't fit within one of these roles.
Team member
Does your team have any gaps?
Tell us about any skills or experience you're missing from your team and how you would
address them during R9 Accelerator? If you have any team members who might not be able
to get permission/leave/etc to participate, how would you deal with that?
Gap (e.g. role, skills, experience)
How you would address it (e.g. you'd like to find another team mem
Would you like to be provided the contact details of any individual applicants that have
skills/experience to fill these gaps?
Yes, please
No, thanks
Your experience working together
How much experience does your team have working together?
We've all worked together before
Some of us have worked together before
None of us have worked together before
Tell us about how working together went (max 300 words)
When did you work together? Doing what? Was it successful? What would you change next
time? What measures will you put in place to resolve challenges when they come up? Why
do you think you work well as a team? Why are your personalities compatible? Why do you
want to work as a team again?
OR (If some of your team has worked together before)
Tell us about the experience your team has working together and how you think your new
team members will fit in (max 300 words)
Who in your team worked together before? When did you work together? Doing what? Was
it successful? Why do you think your new team members are a good fit for your team? What
measures will you put in place to resolve challenges when they come up? Why do you want
to work together as a team? Why are your personalities compatible?
OR (none of your team has worked together before)
Why do you think you will work together well? (max 300 words)
Why do you want to work together? What about your skills, personalities and experience do
you think will work well together? What measures will you put in place to resolve challenges
when they come up?
0 of 2000 max characters
Why does your team want to be part of R9 Accelerator 3+ (max 300 words)?
Tell us about the reasons why your team wants to be part of R9 Accelerator. We look for
teams that are motivated, enthusiastic and goal-oriented (but please don't use these words).
What would your team bring to the R9 Accelerator cohort (max 300 words)?
R9 Accelerator is about more than just your team. It's about the community the up to 10
teams create. Tell us why other teams would want to work alongside your team. Do you
have any skills/talents/personality quirks that your team would bring to this community?
of 2000 max characters
Page Three - Opportunity Fit
Questions about what you want to work on during R9 Accelerator 3+ and why you're the best
team to tackle it
Which Opportunity/Opportunities does your team want to work on?
Choose as few or as many Opportunities as your team is happy to work on (you should pick
at least one).
Do it for the kids
Simplify the final affair
Credit where (ac)credit is due
Make it personal
Stop juggling with jargon
Go to work on mental health
Take care of caregivers
Take government Customer Service to the lab
Show them who's boss
Why this Opportunity/these Opportunities (max 300 words)?
What about this Opportunity/these Opportunities floats your boat? Why are you passionate
about it? If you have selected multiple Opportunities, what is your order of preference?
0 of 3000 max characters
How much experience does your team have with this Opportunity/these Opportunities?
None at all,but...
Tell us about your experience with this Opportunity/these Opportunities (max 300 words)
What is your collective or individual experience with the Opportunity/Opportunities that
means your team is the best suited to tackle it? What connections do you have that would
be useful?
0 of 2000 max characters
Tell us about what your team brings to tackling this Opportunity/these Opportunities (max
300 words)
What else does your team offer that means you will be amazing at this Opportunity/these
Opportunities? What other areas do you have experience with that means your team has
transferable skills?
Tell us what you understand about this Opportunity/these Opportunities (max 300 words)
What research have you done? What is your understanding of the Opportunity/these
Opportunities so far?
Tell us about your early vision for this Opportunity/these Opportunities (max 300 words)
What are your ideas for products and services for this Opportunity/these Opportunities?
What impact do you think that this would have on the problems experienced by customers?
Note: don't get too attached to your solutions!
Evidence of Opportunity understanding
If you have any materials demonstrating how your team understands the Opportunity,
upload it here. Note: be problem-focused not solution-focused.
Page Four - The legal stuff
This final section is all the legal bits and bobs that we need to be able to contract/assign your
team if you're selected. Note: RESPONDENT = Your team, BUYER = R9 Accelerator project,
PROPOSAL = This application. Before completing this section, you should read the Invitation
to Participate (ITP)
ITP Process, Terms and Conditions
We have read and fully understand this ITP, including the ITP Process, Terms and Conditions
(shortened to ITP-Terms detailed in Section 6, as amended by Section 1, paragraph 1.6. if
applicable). We confirm that the Respondent agrees to be bound by them.
Collection of further information
The Respondent/s authorises the Buyer to: a) collect any information about the Respondent,
except commercially sensitive pricing information, from any relevant third party, including a
referee, or previous or existing client b) use such information in the evaluation of this
Proposal. The Respondent/s agrees that all such information will be confidential to the
We have read and fully understand the nature and extent of the Buyer’s Requirements as
described in Section 2 of the ITP. We confirm that the Respondent/s has the necessary
capacity and capability to fully meet or exceed the Requirements and will be available to
deliver throughout the relevant Contract period.
Offer Validity Period
We confirm that this Proposal, including the price, remains open for acceptance for the
Offer Validity Period stated in Section 1, paragraph 1.6. If Disagree please explain in the
"Other" box.
Conflict of Interest declaration
We warrant that we have no actual, potential or perceived Conflict of Interest in submitting
this Application, or entering into a Contract. Where a Conflict of Interest arises during the
ITP process, we will report it immediately to the Buyer's Point of Contact. If disagree please
explain your conflict in the Other box.
We declare that in submitting the Proposal and this declaration: a) the information provided
is true, accurate and complete and not misleading in any material respect b) the Proposal
does not contain intellectual property that will breach a third party’s rights c) I/we have
secured all appropriate authorisations to submit this Proposal, to make the statements and
to provide the information in the Proposal and I/we am/are not aware of any impediments
to enter into a Contract to deliver the Requirements. We understand that the falsification of
information, supplying misleading information or the suppression of material information in
this declaration and the Proposal may result in the Proposal being eliminated from further
participation in the ITP process and may be grounds for termination of any Contract
awarded as a result of the ITP. By signing this declaration the signatory below represents,
warrants and agrees that he/she has been authorised by the Respondent/s to make this
declaration on its/their behalf.
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