Reset Question or Assignments

Reset Question or Assignments
There are many reasons students might come to you with a legitimate request to have certain answers reset so they can make a fresh attempt at the
questions. Common scenarios include submitting an answer unintentionally or skipping too far ahead of the class and performing poorly because of it.
To erase those answers and scores, you will need to reset the answers. This step-by-step guide shows you how you can give a student another try at a
question or an entire assignment. Please keep a few things in mind before using this feature:
The assignment deadline cannot have passed. For past-due assignments, you will need to extend the deadline in order for a student to
reattempt a question or, for a timed assignment, extend the time limit for the individual student. (The student will be able to work on the other
questions in the assignment when deadlines are extended.)
2) The assignment must be in Available mode so that the student can access the question.
3) If you are resetting a Grade It Now (GIN) question, the student will start fresh on all three attempts.
How to Reset Questions or Assignments
Navigate to the Manual Adjustments: Adjust Scores, Due Dates, Time Limits, and Reset Answers page by going to the Administration page and
clicking Adjust.
Next to the assignment, click the Select Action dropdown and select Reset Answers. Click Go.
On the Reset Answers – Select Students page, select Reset Answers, select the student’s name from the list, and then click Go.
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Belmont, CA 94002
888.858.7305 (toll-free)
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Revised Date: 29.Feb.12
Reset Question or Assignments
On the Reset Answers – Select Questions page, select the question and then click Done. If you wish to reset the entire assignment, select the box at
the top of the checkbox column, to the left of the word Question.
A dialog box appears to confirm your actions. Click OK, and the Reset Student Answers page displays with a reset stamp of the date you reset the
question next to the student’s name.
Undoing Reset Questions
If you find that you have accidentally reset the wrong question, you can undo your action on the Reset Students Answers page. Navigate to the
Administration page and click Adjust. Choose Reset Answers next to the assignment, select the student’s name, select Undo Last Reset from the
Choose Function dropdown, and then click Go. The student’s most recently reset answers will be restored. The reset answers’ timestamp disappears
or is replaced with the previous reset stamp from the Reset Student Answers screen.
Notify Your Student
After resetting the desired question, inform your student that he or she can begin working again. You may e-mail the student using the e-mail feature in
Manage Grades.
Additional Assistance
Should you need further assistance, please contact our Aplia Support team. Our representatives will be happy to help!
20 Davis Drive
Belmont, CA 94002
888.858.7305 (toll-free)
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Revised Date: 29.Feb.12