Collaboration in the Modern Workplace

Collaborate in Office 365 Speaker Notes
Objective: Provide an overview of how Office 365 helps teams
Goal is to share our product strategy around team collaboration in the
modern workplace.
<introduce yourself>
Objective: Show how the increase in volume of collaboration has led
to an increase in specialized tools to address new scenarios
Over the past few years, there’s been a dramatic increase in the amount of
 Employees are on 2x as many teams as 5 years ago
 As business becomes increasingly global and cross-functional, silos
are breaking down, connectivity is increasing, and teamwork is seen
as a key to organizational success. The amount of time employees
spend engaged in “collaborative” work – in meetings, on phone
calls or answering emails – has increased by about 50%. Perhaps
even more significantly, this kind of work now takes up 80% or
more of employees’ time.
In addition to an increase in the amount of collaboration, there are other
characteristics that are different about how we’re working together today.
 People on teams are a mix of employees and outside vendors.
For example, already in the US, 40% of the workforce is contingent
 Teams have remote members, either remote from home, or
because on the road or because located in different geography.
 For the first time, 4 generations are working alongside each other
and have different expectations about the tools they use to
communicate and collaborate.
Main point to land: This increase in the volume of collaboration and
the diversity in scenarios has driven an appetite for specialized tools to
address new scenarios.
Research citations on last page
Objective: Show that companies are already using a diverse toolset,
whether approved or shadow IT
 When we peel back the covers and look at how companies are
working today, we see a myriad of tools in use.
 Some are familiar – email, content sites and video conference. But
others are newer like chat and enterprise social.
 The reason multiple collaboration tools are in use is because every
group is unique and has their own functional needs and workstyle.
Some will use only email while others will live primarily in chat.
 And if end users don’t find the IT approved option for their
preferred tool, they’ll simply download the consumer grade version
and that leads to a terrible user experience with multiple logins,
difficulty sharing and no single view of content.
 This poses a significant risk for organizations as shadow IT
develops and there’s no way to uniformly manage a user’s access,
ensure security or service compliance needs.
Objective: Show that Office 365 meets the diverse needs of teams with an
integrated solution that is secure
 We’ve designed Office 365 to meet the unique needs of every
 For each of those categories of collaboration, Office 365 includes a
purpose-built application. Skype for video/voice online meetings,
SharePoint for content management, [list others on slide]. Together,
these create a holistic collaboration solution.
 What’s unique about Office 365 is that all of these applications are
built on a shared foundation of intelligent services. Office 365
Groups is the secret sauce for collaboration in Office 365. Groups is
a service that provides a single identity for teams across the
different applications in Office 365 so it’s easy to collaborate in
whichever app you want to or need to.
 The Microsoft Graph uses machine learning to map the
connections between people and content in O365 and infuse this
intelligence into all of your application experiences, helping you
discover relevant content and save time through more efficient
 All of this is built on the secure, compliant infrastructure of Office
365 backed by Microsoft’s commitment to security, privacy and
Objective: Introduce collaboration in Office 365
Office 365 is the culmination of everything we have learned in more than
40 years of pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in business
productivity. Each application has been road-tested and validated by our
customers and the industry.
With Office 365, you can equip your whole organization with a robust
collaboration solution that meets the needs of diverse groups. Whether
that’s generational, geographical, functional or simply workstyle diversity.
Let’s take a closer look at specific applications in Office 365.
With Microsoft Teams, we see an opportunity to create a more open, fluid,
and digital environment – one with the capabilities and experiences of
teams at its heart.
You can really think of Microsoft Teams as a digital translation of an openspace office environment. One that fosters easy connection and
conversation to help people build relationships. One that makes work
visible, integrated, and accessible across the team, so everyone can stay in
the know. And one that helps build a team culture that is both fun and
inclusive, and ensures everyone has a voice.
Microsoft Teams delivers on four core promises to create a digital
workspace – chat for today’s teams, a hub for teamwork, security teams
trust and customizable for each team.
First and foremost, it provides a modern experience for conversations for
today’s teams. Teams supports not only persistent but threaded chats to
keep everyone engaged. Team conversations are, by default, visible to the
entire team, but there is of course the ability for private discussions. Skype
is deeply integrated, so teams can participate in voice and video
conferences fluidly. And the experience itself is fun, and this matters to
teams… With emojis, stickers, GIFs, and custom memes, Teams makes it
easy to for people to add personality and uniqueness to their
Second, Microsoft Teams brings together the full breadth and depth of
Office 365, providing a true hub for teamwork. Word, Excel, PowerPoint,
SharePoint, OneNote, Planner, Delve, and PowerBI are built into Teams so
people have all the information and tools they need at their fingertips.
Backed by the Microsoft Graph, intelligent services are surfaced throughout
the experience to help with information relevancy, discovery, and sharing.
Microsoft Teams is also built on Office 365 Groups. Groups is our cross
application membership service that makes it easy for people to move
naturally from one collaboration tool to another, preserve their sense of
context, and share with others. And finally, Microsoft Teams is built for each
of us, meeting accessibility standards so every team member can
And all teams are unique, so we’ve also invested deeply in ways for people
to customize their team environment through rich extensibility and open
APIs. For example, team members can create their own channels to
organize conversations. They can integrate their favorite cloud services with
a feature called Tabs, that will provide quick access to frequently used
content and information. Teams shares the same Connector model as
Exchange, providing notifications and updates from 3rd party services like
Twitter or GitHub, directly within the experience. And lastly, we are
including full support for the Microsoft Bot Framework to bring intelligent
1st and 3rd party services into your team environment.
Finally, because it’s built on Office 365, Teams also has the advanced
security and compliance capabilities that our Office 365 commercial
customers expect. Data is encrypted at all times. Like all our commercial
services, there is no standing access to customer data, and we have a
transparent operational model, with a financially-backed SLA. Microsoft
Teams will of course support key compliance standards including EU Model
Clauses, ISO27001, HIPPA, and more. And, as customers would expect,
Teams is served out of our hyper-scale global network of datacenters,
automatically provisioned within Office 365, and managed centrally just as
another Office 365 service.
Objective: Double click on collaboration in each Office 365 application
Outlook is our hero for email and calendaring
• Not the same old email
• Focused inbox
• Cloud attachments, @ mentions
• Group inbox, go beyond DLs - also gives new
members a full history
• First class mobile experience
New PSTN calling and conferencing capabilities in Office 365 E5
Complete platform - VOIP, PSTN, conferencing, sophisticated cloud
Even things like Skype Meeting Broadcast to reach out to
Next, create, sharing and find content with Office client
Co-author together, lot of people don't know that we have co-auth across
mobile, client and web
Continuing to invest and innovate in SharePoint
Intranet in your pocket
New UI design
One of my favorites, Yammer, social network built for work
Foster open discussions across your company
Unicef quote - best ideas come from ppl who don't normally work together
Objective: Provide customers guidance on how to think about “which
tool when”
Every team is unique and has their own needs and workstyle. Because all
the applications in O365 are built on the Office 365 Groups service, end
users can choose the application that works best for them and collaborate
with a single team identity and set of shared assets.
Marks and Spencer is a UK retailer that uses all the O365 apps to
collaborate. They are using Outlook for projects and smaller teams, using
Yammer for larger, cross company teams, while their developers who prefer
chat-based collaboration are already using Teams. Employees on the store
floor check inventory via SharePoint. All of these applications are
complementary at Marks and Spencer.
Here are the hero scenarios for each application [read list on slide]
Share personal experience for how you use different tools in your work at
 For email-based communication, we’ve migrated our Distribution
Lists to groups in Outlook since it provides a richer collaboration
experience in the familiar environment of email.
 We use Teams to plan a product launch since it provides a
workspace for all of our conversations, content and tools and it’s
easy to collaborate there.
 Our marketing team uses Yammer to share product information
with the sales team since the UI makes it easier to have
conversations with a large group of people, doing Q&A etc.
Optional: Play Marks & Spencer customer case study video
Objective: Give a demonstration of the collaboration capabilities in
Office 365.
Demo script available here
Objective: Introduce FastTrack, a major differentiator for Microsoft
Our mission as a company—to help every individual and business on the
planet achieve more—is not only about the products we create, but how
we enable customers to get the most value out of those products.
We’ve designed FastTrack – our customer success service – to help you
move to Office 365, smoothly and with confidence, and realize business
value faster.
It provides you with a set of best practices, tools, resources, and experts
committed to make the experience with Office 365 a success.
FastTrack is free as part of your Office 365 subscription* (*Commercial
customers with 50+ seats) as long as your subscription is active. In fact,
it is also available for as many times as you need to support you
throughout your journey. You are rolling out Exchange Online today and
wish to rollout OneDrive for Business tomorrow? FastTrack can help you
move at your own pace.
We’ve already helped over 15,000 customers of various sized and
complexity successfully move to Office 365 and accelerated in average time
to onboard by 33%. Every day we see what works best, so we wanted to
share our learnings through FastTrack.
What’s included:
 User adoption, change management & service enablement
 Email migration from on premise Exchange and Notes
 Files migration from file shares, SharePoint & Box
Objective: Wrap up presentation and deliver call to action
Hopefully this presentation has given you a better understanding of how
teams collaborate today and how Office 365 can help them work together
more effectively. Office 365 is the only group collaboration solution on the
market that delivers the individual application experiences fueled by a rich
set of shared services across Office 365.
As a next step, I’d encourage you to get some hands on experience with
the product to see for yourself. Let us know how we can help.
Thank you for your time today.
Research citations:
Slide 2
1. Trend: In 2009, the average IW in the US worked on 1.7 teams; by 2014 that had nearly doubled to 3 teams.
Question: Thinking about the projects you are currently involved with, how many collaborative, project based
teams are you on? Source: 2009, 2014 US IW Survey
 Primary research, conducted on behalf of Microsoft for the Windows and Devices Group.
 Audience: The survey is among Information Workers in Enterprise and UMM (250+ employees).
 Geographies: US, Japan, India, Germany and Brazil.
2. The amount of time employees spend engaged in “collaborative” work – in meetings, on phone calls or answering
emails – has increased by about 50%. Perhaps even more significantly, this kind of work now takes up 80% or
more of employees’ time. Source: University of Virginia, January 2016, How much workplace collaboration is too
3. Collaboration is taking over the workplace. As business becomes increasingly global and cross-functional, silos are
breaking down, connectivity is increasing, and teamwork is seen as a key to organizational success. According to
data we have collected over the past two decades, the time spent by managers and employees in collaborative
activities has ballooned by 50% or more. Source HBR, Feb 2016, Collaborative Overload
4. 40% of the US workforce is now contingent worker Source: Forbes 2015