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Road Rules
RR 205
Other RR’s
Private PA
Roads and RR
1. What are the two types of Victorian ‘people with disabilities parking permits’?
2. What category of permit is allowed to park in ‘people with disabilities parking areas’?
3. What’s wrong with the signage below?
Category 1
Category 2
Category 1
Question Board
1. In the permit number, what does A, B, C and D stand for?
If a category 1 overstays the time allocated in a ‘people with disabilities parking’ area,
what is the offence, if any?
3. How long are both permits allowed to stay in permissive parking areas
4. No parking areas?
A = Driver
B = Passenger
Code 701 Period Longer
C = Community Service
D = Temporary
Double the time on the
parking sign.
5 minutes in a
‘No Parking ‘ area
Question Board
1. Do Authorised Officers have the authority to demand drivers licences for people
committing an offence in ‘people with disabilities parking areas?
2. If the permit number commences with ‘B’, does the passenger
have to be in the vehicle?
3. What must a driver do when parking in a ‘people with disabilities parking area’?
Yes! Road Rule 203 (2) (b)
RR 203 (5) Authorised Person
includes section 77 (2) (b) RSA
(a) Display current ‘people with disabilities
parking’ permit
(b) Driver complies with the conditions of
use of the permit
Question Board
What is the name of the Act that deals with Infringements?
What is the name of the Regulations that deal with Infringements?
1. Infringements Act 2006
2. Infringements (Reporting and
Prescribed Details
Individual and Forms)
Regulations 2006
Question Board
There are only three types of area parking signs: what are they?
1. Permissive Parking Area signs
2. No Parking Area signs
3. No Stopping Area signs
Question Board
1. Where must area signs be erected for an area to be compliant?
2. What other sign must accompany an area sign?
3. What should an area sign have inscribed if there are linear signs within the area?
1. At each entrance
2. An end area sign
3. Except as signed
Question Board
Can a vehicle be issued with more than one PIN for the same offence if it has
not moved? What Act stipulates that a vehicle can only be punished once
for the same offence ?
Can a vehicle receive more than one PIN in the same location without moving?
Under what circumstances can a vehicle be issued with another PIN
for the same offence in the same parking spot?
Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984
Provisions as to offences under two or more laws
Where an act or omission constitutes an offence under two or more
laws, the offender shall, unless the contrary intention expressly appears, be liable to be
prosecuted under either or any or all of those laws but shall not be liable to be punished
more than once for the same act or omission.
In subsection (1) law means—
an Act or a provision of an Act;
a subordinate instrument or a provision of a subordinate instrument;
common law.
Yes, however only if there are 2 different Offences : eg:
Expired meter then a Clearway
If the vehicle moves out and returns thus reoffending
Question Board
(committing the same offence)
There are four ways linear Parking Control signs
apply to a length of road. What are they?
In the Australian Standards what is the maximum
length between signs for linear Parking Control
(a) PCS → ← PCS
(b) PCS → yellow edge line
(c) PCS → T-intersection
(d) PCS → Dead End.
75 metres
Question Board
1. What sections of the RSA gives Authorised Officers
The Power to Prosecute
The authority to issue a PIN?
2. What act and schedule gives Council power over traffic to tow abandoned,
unregistered or obstructing vehicles?
a. Section 77
b. Section 87
Local Government Act
Schedule 11
Question Board
Road Rule 205 –
Explain meaning of ‘continuously parked’.
• (2)For subrule (1), a driver parks continuously on a length of
road, or in an area, to which a permissive parking sign applies,
from the time when the driver parks on the length of road, or in
the area, until the driver, or another driver, moves the vehicle
off the length of road, or out of the area, to which the
permissive parking sign applies.
Question Board
1. Can a driver return to the same area?
If so, what must they do?
Does a period longer offence apply to vehicles
overstaying time in Loading Zones and no parking areas?
1. Yes!
2. Leave the parking area
3. No
Loading Zones = Code 721 or 722
No Parking Area = Code 621
Question Board
What are the rules for the following;
What is the code for ‘Not facing the direction of travel’ on a one way and two way road?
What is the code for ‘Not facing the direction of travel’ in a road related area?
When is Code 706 used?
What is the offence if a motorcycle obstructs on a footpath?
Is a motorbike allowed to park on a footpath?
Is a motorcycle allowed to park on a dividing strip or nature strip?
Is a single continuous line the same as a double line?
Under what circumstances is a heavy or long vehicle allowed to park longer than 1 hour in a built
up area?
Code 745
Code 622
Only in Parallel Parking in a median strip parking area
On a footpath
If continually loading or unloading the vehicle
Question Board
Road Rule 208 and Definition of Service Roads
Is this car
legally parked?
(No signs or lines.)
Question Board
What type of area is the gravel part below?
Question Board
1. If an area meets the definition for ‘Road’ or ‘Road Related Areas’ do Councils
require a Private Parking Area Agreement?
2. What section of the RSA covers Council Controlled Area ?
3. Can Council Officers issue PINS in public car parks, railway station car parks etc?
4. If yes, why?
5. If no, why?
1. No
2. Section 90A – 90H
3. Yes
If they meet the definition of road and
road related areas
If the owner/ management of the land
request that they do not want any
enforcement of the area
Question Board