Proc. 766 169. On Japan Lacunary Acad., Trigonometric By Shigeru of Mathematics, Department (Comm. 44 (1968) [Vol. Series. TAKAHASHI Kanazawa University, 44, II Kanazawa by Zyoiti SUETUNA,M. J. A., Oct. 12, 1968) § 1. Introduction. In [3] we have proved Theorem A. Let {nk} be a sequence of positive integers and {ak} a sequence of non-negative real numbers for which the conditions (1.1) nk+>nk(1 +ck-a), (1.2) N AN = (2-1 k=1, 2, ... a)112->+ oo, as N--> + oo, k=1 and (1.3) aN = o(ANN-a), as N-~ + oo, are satisfied, where c and a are any given constants (1.4) c>0 and 0<a<1/2. Then we have, for all x, N (1.5) lira {t; t e E, N-+~ such that a,, cos 22rnk(t + ak) < xAN} / IE k=1 =(27r)_h/2 x exp(_u2/2)du,*) where E c [0, 1] is any given set of positive measure and {ak} any given sequence of real numbers. This theorem was first proved by R. Salem and A. Zygmund in case of a -0, where {flk}satisfies the so-called Hadamard's gap condition (cf. [4], (5.5), pp. 264-268). In that case they also remarked that under the hypothesis (1.2) the condition (1.3) is necessary for the validity of (1.5) (cf. [4], (5.27), pp. 268-269). Further, in [2] P. Erdos has pointed out that for every positive constant c there exists a sequence of positive integers {nk} such that nk+l > nk(1 + ck-1/2), k>1, and (1.5) is not true for ak =1, k>1, and E = [0, 1]. But I could not follow his argument on the example. The purpose of the present note is to prove the following Theorem B. For any given constants c>0 and 0<a<1/2, there exist sequences of positive integers {nk} and non-negative real numbers {ak}for which the conditions (1.1), (1.2) and (1.6) aN = O(ANN-a), as N-> + oo, are satisfied, but (1.5) is not true for E=[0, 1] and ak = 0, k>1. The above theorem shows that in Theorem A the condition (1.3) is *) E~ denotes the Lebesgue measure of a set E. m No. 81 Lacunary Trigonometric Series. II indispensable for the validity for 0<a<_1/2. of (1.5). 767 In §~ 3-5 we prove Theorem B § 2. Some lemmas. i. In this section let {Xk(w)} be a sequence of independent random variables on some probability space (Q, 3, P) with vanishing mean values and finite variances. Putting E(X) = Qk and sm= E ak, the theorem m of Lindeberg reads as follows : k=1 Theorem. (Cf. [1] pp. 56-57.) Under the hypotheses (2.1) sm -~ + oo and o = o(sm), as m-* + oo, a necessary and sufficient condition for the validity of the relation m (2.2) lim P{sm1 x Xk(w)<x}=(27r)-112 m--->~k-1 for all x is that, for any given J-~exp(-u2/2)du >0, lim sm2 Xk(w)dP(w) m-~k=1 JXk>,sm = 0. From the above theorem the following lemma is easily seen. Lemma 1. Under the hypotheses (2.1), the relation (2.2) implies that, for any given >0, m (2.3) lim m-~ P{X k(w) > s}= 0. k=1 ii. Lemma 2. Let m and l be any given positive integers. Then there exists a positive constant c0, not depending on m and 1, such that {t; t e [0, 1], E cos 2~cm(j + 1)t >(l+ 1)/3} >2c01'. j=0 Proof. This can be easily seen from the relation ~ 2)t cos 22rm(j+1)t= sin 2~cm(l+3 / -1/2, j=o 2 sin ?rmt provided if sin Trmt 0. § 3. Construction of sequences. In the following let c > 0 and 0<a1/2 <_ be given constants in Theorem B. First let us put p(i)==[j 1/a], (3.1) 1(j)= Min {[pa(j)/ c], p(j +1) - p(j) -1 }, jo=Min{j; l(j)>1}.*) Since p(j+1)-p(j)~a-1j(1-' )la and p~(j)~ j, as j-->+ oo,**) we have (3.2) 1(j)~ j3(aQj, as j-~+ co where (3.3) (a)= 1/c, Mi n(2, 1/c), if 0<a<1/2, if a=1/2. Next we put n1=1 and nk+1= [nk(1 + c1c ) + ii, If np(j), j > jo, is defined, then we put *) [x] denotes the integral part of x. *) f (j)~g(j), as j-~ + co, means that f (j)/g(j)-4, for k + 1 < p(jo) as j-> + ao. n N 768 S. TAKAHASHI [ ol. 44, - J np(j)(1 + l), if 1 <l <l(j), pc~)+l [n )+l-1{l + cp-a(j)} + 11, if l(j) < l <p(j + 1) -p(j). Further we put, for j > jo, (3.4) np(j)=2gcj), where Min[m ; 2m/ np(J)-1>1 + c{p(j0) - 1}-a, if j = j0f (3.5) q(j) = Min[m; 2ml np(j)-i>1 +c{p(j)-1}-a and 2m> np(j-i)j3], if j > jo. Then it is clear that the sequence {flk}satisfies (1.1). On the other hand we define {ak} as follows : - (3.6) if p(j) <k<p(j)+l(j), , if otherwise. Then we have, by (3.6) and (3.2), m a k= 1, 1/k2 for some j>j0, (3.7) A(m)+I(m)=2 2p-1 E {l(j)+ 1}+ 0(1) ti ~(a)m2/4, =20 as m~ + oo. Since pa(j) j, as j-> + oo, this sequence {ak} satisfies both of the conditions (1.2) and (1.6). Further, if we put SN(t)= ak cos 2lrnkt, then we have, by the k-i definitions (3.8) of {nk} and {ak}, uniformly m l(j) 3=jo l=0 Sp(m)+l(m)(t)- in t, cos {2r2q(j'(1 + l)t} + 0(1), as m-+ oo . § 4. Independent functions. Let xk(t) be the k-th digit of the infinite dyadic expansion of t, 0 < t < 1, that is, (4.1) t= xk(t)2-k, (xk(t)=0 or 1), k=1 then {xk(t)} is a sequence [0, 1]. Putting of independent functions on the interval q(j+1)-1 (4.2) ~~(t)= k=q(j) xk(t)2-k' for j>_j0, we define 1 l(j) ,I ~j (4.3) cos 272(3)(l + 1)i j(t)dt, 0 l=0 l(j) Y3(t) _ cos {2'r2(l q(j'+ 1)~ j(t)} - l=o 1 zj= m Y;(t)dt and 2 tm- 2j.2 =2o 0 Then we have, by (4.2) and (3.5), l(j) sup t l(j) cos {2rc2q(j'(l+ 1)t} t=o cos 2jr{2q(~'(l+ 1)~ j(t)} t=0 0(j) O(sup 1 xk(t)2-k 2q(j' k-q (j+i) =O(2c2)j2 k=q(j+1) 2-k) = O(2q(i)-q(i+1)j2) = 0(j-1), (1+1)) l=0 as j-~ + oo. xm m No. 8] Lacunary Therefore, Trigonometric Series. II 769 we have 0(j) (4.4) sup Y (t) - cos 27c2~(j)(l + 1)t t as = J--~+oo, a=0 and, by (3.2) and (3.7), m (4.5) tm=2-1 (l(j) + 1)2+ 0(log m) j=jo Ap(m)+l(m) j3(a)m2/4, Thus we obtain (4.6) tm-~ + oo and Zm= o(tm), Further, we have, by (3.8) and (4.4), m (4.7) Sp(m)+b(m)(t)- Y (t) = 0(log as m-> + oo . as m-*+oo. m) j=jo = o(Ap(m)+l( m)) uniformly in t, as , Since (4.5) and (3.2) imply that 4j3(a) tm / 5 < {l([m / 2]) + 1}/4, we have, by (4.4) {t; 0<t<1, j=m/2 m [t;0<t<1, m> m0, tm/5} ~ cos 2TC2q(j)(l+1)t>{l(j)+1}/3] j=m/2 by Lemma 2, we have (4.8) for oo . 0(j) > and Yj(t)(>~~(a) m m->+ , {t ; 0 <_t < 1, Yj(t) > N~(a) tm/5} lim m--~ l=0 j=m/2 m >lim 2c0 r § 5. (5.1) m-~ l-1(j) j = m/2 = m-~ j=m/2 Proof of Theorem B. Suppose that (1.5) holds, that is, lim {t ; 0<t<_1, Ap m)+l (m) S p(m)+l(m)(t) ~ ~} =(2Tc)-1/2 exp(-u2/2)du. Then by (4.7) and (4.5), we have m (5.2) lim I{t ; 0 < t < 1, tm' Y j(t) < x} m-' x = (2?r')-1/2 exp (- u2/ 2)du. On the other hand (4.1), (4.2), and (4.3) imply that {Y3(t)} is a sequence of inde endent functions with vanishing mean values and finite van-p antes. By (5.2) and (4.6) we can apply Lemma 1 to {Y2(t)} and obtain lim ~ m--'= j=m/2 This contradicts ~Y (t) ~> ~ t ;0<t<1, tm/5} =o. with (4.8). References [1] H. Cramer: Random Tract (1962). Variable and its Probability Distribution. Cambridge 770 [2] [3] [4] S. TAKAHASHI P. Erdos: On trigonometric Int. Kozl., 7, 37-42 (1962). S. Takahashi: On lacunary 503-506 (1965). A. Zygmund : Trigonometric (1959). [Vol. 44, sums with gaps. trigonometric Series. Magyar series. Vol. II. Tud. Proc. Cambridge Akad. Japan Kutatos Acad., University 41, Press
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