Minutes of 2013 AGM - Hutton Cricket Club

Hutton Cricket Club Annual General Meeting.
Held at Hutton Cricket Club on the 27th of November 2013 at 8pm.
1. Apologies for absence
Adoption of the minutes of the AGM held 28th November 2012.
Adopted unanimously.
2. Chairman’s report
See attached report.
3. Youth Cricket.
See attached report.
4. Social Report
See attached report
5. Adoption of the accounts of the Club for the year ended 30 September 2013
Full accounts available in attached reports.
Account notes the amount of energy repayment and match funding are believed to be much
larger than previously budgeted.
Chairman recommended looking very closely at expenditure items with an eye to developing a
cash reserve developed.
Accounts Proposed: Jim Lynch
Seconded: Malcolm Wright
6. Subscriptions and Match Fees for the 2014 season
Committee not yet in a position to put forward proposed fees. However it is proposed that 2014’s
fees for adults and youth memberships include a shirt. AGM unanimously agreed to let the
committee consider in full the accounts for 2013 and make recommendations at the soonest
possible convenience
7. Election of Officers of the Club
Pres: Ron Grief
Proposed: NW
Seconded: JR
Chairman: Jim Lynch
Proposed: SV
Seconded: JS
Vice Chairman: Darren Howard
Proposed: Jim Lynch
Seconded: Ian Harris
Vice Chairman: David Parry
Proposed: SV
Seconded: JS
Secretary:Paul Frame
Proposed: SV
Seconded: CB
Treasurer: John Ridgeway
Proposed: SV
Seconded: Rod Greig
Club Captain: Simon Thurston
An England and Wales Cricket Board Focus Club
Affiliated to: Essex County Cricket Board
Central Essex District Cricket Board, Club Cricket Conference
The Shepherd Neame Essex League
Proposed: SV
Seconded: JL
All elections unanimous.
Other Committee members:
All incumbents standing for re-election: Positions proposed on block vote.
Proposed: Steve Vanner.
Seconded: Nick Watson
Ground Secretary: Jim Crapnell
Proposed: SV
Seconded: JL
Membership Secretary: David Evans
Proposed: SV
Seconded: MW
SV noted that if players have not paid subs they are not members of the club and that they need
to re-apply to become members in the new year if they wish to keep playing for the club.
Vacany: Bar manager.
Bar committee members will oversee the bar until a replacement is found.
Committtee members without portfolio: both
8. Election of Captains:
1st XI: Jim Crapnell
Proposed: SF
Seconded: JV
2nd XI: Liam Taylor
Proposed: JC
Seconded: H O’D?
3rd: XI: Proposed that the 3rd captain is held in abeyance for committee
Propsed: SV
Seconded: JL
4th XI: Ian Harris
Proposed: NW
Seconded: JC
5th XI: Clive Franklin
Proposed: SV
Seconded: PF
6th XI: Gerry Anderson
Proposed: AS
Seconder: PF
An England and Wales Cricket Board Focus Club
Affiliated to: Essex County Cricket Board
Central Essex District Cricket Board, Club Cricket Conference
The Shepherd Neame Essex League
9. Any other competent Club business
Youth Development manager to become officer of the club.
Proposed: SV
Seconded: CB
Unanimously voted.
League AGM:
Regulations changes. Timed at the start, limited-overs in the middle and timed at the end of the
season for all 1st XIs.
League cup 40 overs with white clothes and red ball.
John O’Sullivan’s contribution will be recognised?
Yes but unfortunately he won’t be at the Annual Dinner.
Meeting closed at 8.32 with New Chairman Jim Lynch making a speech of thanks for his
leadership especially in light of all his commitments and pressures.
Copies of the minutes of the AGM held 28th November 2012 and of the Annual Report and
Accounts of the Club for the year ended 30 September 2013 will be available to all members
attending the above meeting
An England and Wales Cricket Board Focus Club
Affiliated to: Essex County Cricket Board
Central Essex District Cricket Board, Club Cricket Conference
The Shepherd Neame Essex League