Curriculum Vitae - LSchermelleh

Dr Lothar Schermelleh
[email protected]
Micron Senior Research Fellow · Department of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road,
Oxford OX1 QU3, UK · · Phone +44 1865 613264 · Mobile +44 745 4561161
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1612-9699
Since 2011
Micron Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford
2003 – 2011
Postdoctoral Researcher / Lecturer (Epigenetics & Bioimaging); Faculty of
Biology, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (Advisor: Prof Heinrich
Visiting scientist with Prof John W. Sedat, University of California, San
Francisco, CA
Doctor of Science, with highest honour / Dr. rer. nat. summa cum laude
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (Advisor: Prof Thomas Cremer)
Thesis: Dynamic organization of chromosomes in the mammalian cell nucleus
Diploma in Biology, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
1. Chromatin organisation and epigenetic regulation of genome function
2. Super-resolution optical microscopy and advanced live cell imaging
ERC H2020 MSCA Innovative Training Network: Super-resolution optical microscopy of nanosized pore
dynamics in endothelial cells “DeLIVER”. Funding period: 2017-2019 – Co-PI
John Fell OUP Research Fund: CRISPR/Cas9-based in situ and in vivo labelling of genomic regions for
super-resolution imaging. Funding period: 2015-2016 – PI.
MRC Industry Collaboration Award (MICA) – Nanoscopy Oxford (NanO): Novel super-resolution imaging
applied to biomedical sciences. Funding period: 2012-2016 – Co-investigator within the
collaborative research initiative.
DFG SCHE1596/2-1: Influence of Xist-RNA expression on the chromosome microarchitecture in stem cells
and differentiated cells analyzed with 3D nanoscopy. Funding period: 2009-2012 – PI.
DFG SFB TR5: “Chromatin – Assembly and inheritance of functional states“. Project Z04: Advanced livecell and subdiffraction resolution imaging to study cell cycle dependent functional chromatin
organization and dynamics. Funding period: 2009-2012 – PI.
Bavaria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC): High-resolution microscopy of biological structures.
Funding period: 2005-2006 – PI .
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2010 – present
Peer Reviewing
Editorial board member Scientific Reports & Guest editor for eLife.
Reviewer for Science, Nature Cell Biology, Nature Communications, Nature Protocols,
Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Structural Biology, PLoS ONE, JoVE.
Referee for the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Netherlands Organisation for
Scientific Research (NOW) and the French Research Agency (ANR).
Panel member BBSRC Tools & Resource Development Fund (TRDF) Bioimaging 2016
2011 – present
Departmental Service
Member of the Micron Oxford Advanced Bioimaging Unit steering committee;
Serving on several departmental recruitment committees and DPhil thesis advisory
2011 – present
Knowledge Transfer
Advanced OMX 3D-SIM training for Imaging Facility Manager of leading institutions
(Gurdon Institute Cambridge, University of Dundee, Curie Institute Paris, CNRS
Montpellier, MPI Dresden, IMP Vienna, Rockefeller University, New York, Imperial
College London).
2008 – present
Consultancy for Carl Zeiss Jena (2008-2009), Leica Microsystems Mannheim (2010),
and API/GE Healthcare (2009-present) providing technical advice, samples and
datasets for testing and developing super-resolution microscope systems
2012 – present
Open Source Software Development
quality control software for super-resolution microscopy data
2001 – present
Mentoring two DPhil students, two rotating graduate students, and one research
assistant at the University of Oxford; previously supervised and mentored >10
undergraduate students, two DPhil students and one research assistant at the Ludwig
Maximilian University Munich
Lecture and course for the ETH Zurich Winterschool – Practical course in advanced 3D
2014 – present
Lectures and demos for the Oxford Nottingham Biomedical Imaging Doctoral Training
Centre (ONBI DTC)
2012 – present
Semi-annual lecture and demo for the Micron/WIMM Advanced Microscopy Course
2004 – 2011
Developing and presenting undergraduate practical courses and seminars:
Advanced practical courses for MSc students: Cell Biological Research Project in
Epigenetics / Basic Techniques in Molecular & Cell Biology / Fluorescence Microscopic
Analysis in Living Cells (semi-annual, 6-10 students, 2 weeks)
Advanced practical training for MSc students: Epigenetic Research Project (annual, 1-2
students, 6 weeks)
Basic practical courses for BSc students: Cell Biology / Human Biology (semi-annual,
60-80 students, 2-3 days)
Seminars for MSc students: Methods in Molecular & Cell Biology / Current Topics in
Epigenetics (semi-annual, 10-20 students)
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Interview and coverage in French Science & Vie magazine N°1184 (May edition)
Imaging of Micrometeorites for the Botley Primary School, year 5 and 6 space science
Coverage in ScienceNews Vol. 183 #12
Non-specialist web-article: A short introduction to super-resolution microscopy
Image series in CELL Picture Show
2010 – present
Title covers for Genes & Development (Hahn et al. 2013), Advanced Functional
Materials (Lebold et al. 2012), Journal of Cell Biology (Wiedemann et al. 2010).
Coverage in SPIEGEL online, BBC News, The New York Times online, Spektrum der
Wissenschaft, Financial Times Deutschland, Technology Review, New Scientist, Nature
Photonics, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Imagine: Imaging Life seminar series, University of Sheffield, UK
Young Life Scientists’ Symposium 2016: Advanced Imaging with Light Microscopy:
Capturing Tissue to Single Molecules, Imperial College, London, UK
FEBS Workshop on Chromatin Proteomics, Heraklion, Greece
1st International Conference on Nanoscopy ICON Europe 2016, and OMX User
Meeting, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland
4th Nordic Super-resolution Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark
France BioImaging Advanced Training (FBIAT 2016), Montpellier, France
Photonex Nano-Spectroscopy & Bioimaging Meeting, Coventry, UK
INSERM Workshop: New Trends in Super-resolution Optical Microscopy, Bordeaux,
Non coding RNAs Exploring Technologies to Uncover New Functions Workshop,
King’s College, Cambridge, UK
MRC Clinical Science Centre, Imperial College London, UK (host: Till Bartke)
Superresolution Microscopy Workshop, Institute of Medical Biology A*STAR,
Singapore (2 lectures and practical session)
Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), Barcelona, Spain (host: Melike Lakadamyali)
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen,
Denmark (host: Claudia Lucas)
MiFoBio 2014 Ecole Thématique, Seignosse, France
OMX User Meeting, Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria (Workshop)
EMBO/FEBS Lecture Course on Nuclear Proteomics, Kos, Greece
2nd International Symposium of the Mathematics on Chromatin Live Dynamics
(2ISMCD) & Seminar at the Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine,
University of Hiroshima, Japan (host: Satoshi Tashiro)
Institute Curie, Paris, France (host: Edith Heard)
GE European Cell Technology Symposium, Cardiff, UK
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Wellcome Trust Structured Illuminations Biomedical Applications and Future
Developments Meeting, London, UK (Session chair)
Wolfson Imaging Centre Opening, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford,
Superresolution Microscopy Workshop, Institute of Medical Biology A*STAR,
Singapore (2 lectures and practical session)
Biochemistry Annual Recess Meeting, University of Oxford, UK
8th Research Techniques Day, University of Oxford, UK
Oxford Biomedical Imaging Festival , Oxford, UK
6th Imaging the Cell Meeting – Toulouse, France
Mats Gustafsson Memorial Symposium on High Resolution Imaging, HMMI Janelia
Farm Research Campus, Ashburn, VA, USA
PANOS Spring Meeting, Göttingen, Germany
OMX User Meeting, Institute Curie, Paris, France
Institute of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Potsdam, Germany (host: Ralph
CNRS Institute of Human Genetics (IGH), Montpellier, France (host: Giacomo Cavalli)
Focus on Microscopy, Konstanz, Germany
Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland
CRG Technology Symposium: Super Resolution Microscopy, Center for Genomic
Regulation, Barcelona, Spain
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology, Saarland University, Saarbrücken,
Germany (host: Jörn Walter)
OMX User Meeting, Institute Curie, Paris, France
Faculty of Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA
(host: Joerg Bewersdorf)
Bioimaging Center, University of Konstanz, Germany (host: Elisa May)
German Research Foundation (DFG) Workshop - Watching the Cellular
Nanomachinery at Work: New Developments in Super-Resolution and SingleMolecule Fluorescence Microscopy, Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA
Focus on Microscopy, Valencia, Spain
International Symposium: Optical Analysis of Biomolecular Machines. Berlin,
Transregio 5 Symposium “Chromatin – Assembly and Inheritance of Functional
States”, Munich, Germany
5th Junior Scientist Conference of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ) on
Nuclear Architecture, Jena, Germany
Euroconference on Quantitative Molecular Cytogenetics, Stockholm, Sweden.
Kolloqium für Mikroskopie: vom Mikro- zum Nanobereich, IZMB Basel, Switzerland.
3rd European Cytogenetics Conference, Paris, France
2nd Euroconference on Quantitative Molecular Cytogenetics, Salamanca, Spain
Focus on Microscopy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Total citations = >5200; h-index=32; i10-index=46 (Google Scholar 05/2017).
49 peer-reviewed articles & 9 book chapters; 13 senior/co-senior & 8 first/co-first author publications.
Peer-reviewed articles & chapters
(#co-senior authors; *co-first authors)
(57) Demmerle J, Innocent C, North AJ, Ball G, Müller M, Miron E, Matsuda A, Dobbie IM, Markaki Y,
Schermelleh L. Strategic and practical guidelines for successful structured illumination
microscopy. Nat Protoc. 12(5):988-1010. DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2017.019.
(56) Kraus F, Miron E, Demmerle J, Budco A, Chitiashvili T, Alle Q, Matsuda A, Leonhardt H, Schermelleh
L#, Markaki Y#. Quantitative 3D structured illumination microscopy of nuclear structures. Nat
Protoc. 12(5):1011-1028. DOI: 10.1038/nprot.2017.020.
(55) Demmerle J, Schermelleh L. Xist at the edge: silencing at the nuclear periphery extends to X
inactivation (commentary on Chen et al. Science 2016, 254:468-472). Transl Cancer Res 2016
(54) Miron E, Innocent C, Heyde S, Schermelleh L. 2016, In vivo and in situ replication labeling methods
for super-resolution structured illumination microscopy of chromosome territories and chromatin
domains. Methods Mol Biol. 2016;1431:127-40. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3631-1_10.
(53) Chagin VO, Casas-Delucchi CS, Reinhart M, Schermelleh L, Markaki Y, Maiser A, Bolius JJ, Bensimon
A, Fillies M, Domaing P, Rozanov YM, Leonhardt H, Cardoso MC. 2016. 4D Visualization of
replication foci in mammalian cells corresponding to individual replicons. Nat Commun. 7:11231.
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11231.
(52) Hagen C, Dent KC, Zeev-Ben-Mordehai T, Grange M, Bosse JB, Whittle C, Klupp BG, Siebert AC,
Vasishtan D, Baeuerlein FJB, Cheleski J, Werner S, Guttmann P, Rehbein S, Henzler K, Demmerle
J, Adler B, Koszinowski U, Schermelleh L, Schneider G, Enquist LW, Plitzko JM, Mettenleiter TC,
Gruenewald K. 2015. Structural Basis of Vesicle Formation at the Inner Nuclear Membrane. Cell.
163: 1692-1701. DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2015.11.029.
(51) Ball G, Demmerle J, Kaufmann R, Davis I, Dobbie IM, Schermelleh L. 2015. SIMcheck: a toolbox for
successful super-resolution SIM imaging. Sci Rep. 5: 15915. doi: 10.1038/srep15915.
(50) Moindrot B, Cerase A, Coker H, Masui O, Grijzenhout A, Pintacuda G, Schermelleh L, Nesterova TB,
Brockdorff N. 2015. A pooled shRNA screen identifies Rbm15, Spen and Wtap as factors required
for Xist RNA mediated silencing. Cell Reports. 12: 562-72. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.06.053.
(49) Demmerle J, Wegel E, Schermelleh L, Dobbie IM. 2015. Assessing resolution in super-resolution
imaging. Methods. 88: 3-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymeth.2015.07.001.
(48) Conduit PT, Richens JH, Wainman A, Holder J, Vicente CC, Pratt MB, Dix CI, Novak ZA, Dobbie IM,
Schermelleh L, Raff JW. 2014. A molecular mechanism of mitotic centrosome assembly in
Drosophila. eLife. 3: e03399. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.03399.
(47) Smeets D, Markaki Y, Schmid VJ, Kraus F, Tattermusch A, Cerase A, Sterr M, Popken J, Leonhardt H,
Brockdorff N, Cremer T#, Schermelleh L#, Cremer M#. 2014. 3D super-resolution microscopy of
the inactive X chromosome territory reveals a collapse of its active nuclear compartment
harboring distinct Xist RNA foci. Epigenetics Chromatin. 7: 8. DOI: 10.1186/1756-8935-7-8.
(46) Cooper S, Dienstbier M, Hassan R, Schermelleh L, Sharif J, Blackledge NP, De Marco V, Elderkin S,
Koseki H, Klose R, Heger A, Brockdorff N. 2014. Targeting polycomb to pericentric
heterochromatin in embryonic stem cells reveals a role for H2AK119u1 in PRC2 recruitment. Cell
Reports. 7: 1456-70. DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.04.012.
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(45) Osseforth C, Moffitt JR, Schermelleh L, Michaelis J. 2014. Simultaneous dual-color 3D STED
microscopy. Opt Express. 22: 7028-39. DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.007028.
(44) Cerase A, Smeets D, Tang AY, Gdula M, Kraus F, Spivakov M, Moindrot B, Leleu M, Tattermusch A,
Demmerle J, Nesterova T, Green C, Otte AP, Schermelleh L, Brockdorff N. 2014. Spatial
separation of Xist RNA and polycomb proteins revealed by super-resolution microscopy. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA. 111: 2235-40. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1312951111.
(43) Lesterlin C, Ball G, Schermelleh L, Sherratt D. 2014. RecA bundles mediate homology pairing
between distant sisters during DNA break repair. Nature. 506: 249-53. DOI: 10.1038/nature12868.
Epub 2013 Dec 22.
(41) Wolf A, Mantri M, Heim A, Müller U, Fichter E, Mackeen MM, Schermelleh L, Dadie G, Leonhardt H,
Vénien-Bryan C, Kessler BM, Schofield CJ, Böttger A. 2013. The polyserine domain of the lysyl-5
hydroxylase Jmjd6 mediates subnuclear localization. Biochem J. 453: 357-70. DOI:
(40) Bergink S, Ammon T, Kern M, Schermelleh L, Leonhardt H, Jentsch S. 2013. Role of Cdc48 (p97) as a
SUMO-targeted segregase curbing Rad51-Rad52 interaction. Nat Cell Biol. 15: 526-32. DOI:
(39) Hahn M, Dambacher S, Dulev S, Kuznetsova AY, Eck S, Wörz S, Sadic D, Schulte M, Mallm J, Maiser
A, Debs P, von Melchner H, Leonhardt H, Schermelleh L, Rohr K, Rippe K, Storchova Z, Schotta G.
2013. Suv4-20h2 mediates chromatin compaction and is important for cohesin recruitment to
heterochromatin. Genes Dev. 27: 859-72. DOI: 10.1101/gad.210377.112.
(38) Schneider K, Fuchs C, Dobay A, Rottach A, Qin W, Álvarez-Castro JM, Nalaskowski MM, Schmid V,
Leonhardt H, Schermelleh L. 2013. Dissection of cell cycle dependent dynamics of Dnmt1 by
FRAP and diffusion-coupled modelling. Nucleic Acids Res. 41: 4860-76. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt191.
(37) Markaki Y, Smeets D, Cremer M, Schermelleh L. 2013. Fluorescence in situ hybridization applications
for super-resolution 3D structured illumination microscopy. Methods Cell Biol. 950: 43-64. DOI:
(36) Dunsch AK, Hammond D, Lloyd J, Schermelleh L, Gruneberg U, Barr FA. 2012. Asymmetric cortical
localisation of dynein during spindle orientation requires dynein light chain 1 and a spindleassociated adaptor complex. J Cell Biol. 198: 1039-54. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201202112.
(35) Sonnen KF, Schermelleh L, Leonhardt H, Nigg EA. 2012. 3D-structured illumination microscopy
provides novel insight into architecture of human centrosomes. Biology Open. 1: 965-76. DOI:
(34) Hochstatter J, Holzel M, Rohrmoser M, Schermelleh L, Leonhardt H, Keough R, Gonda TJ, Imhof A,
Eick D, Langst G, Nemeth A. 2012. Myb-binding protein 1a (Mybbp1a) regulates levels and
processing of Pre-ribosomal RNA. J Biol Chem. 287: 24365-77. DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M111.303719.
(33) Markaki Y, Smeets D, Fiedler S, Schmid VJ, Schermelleh L, Cremer T, Cremer M. 2012. The potential
of 3D-FISH and super-resolution structured illumination microscopy for studies of 3D nuclear
architecture. Bioessays. 34: 412-26. DOI: 10.1002/bies.201100176.
(32) Mikeladze-Dvali T, von Tobel L, Strnad P, Knott G, Leonhardt H, Schermelleh L, Gönczy P. 2012.
Analysis of centriole elimination during C. elegans oogenesis. 2012. Development. 139: 1670-9.
DOI: 10.1242/dev.075440.
(31) Bönisch C, Schneider K, Pünzeler S, Wiedemann SM, Bielmeier C, Bocola M, Eberl HC, Kuegel W,
Neumann J, Kremmer E, Leonhardt H, Mann M, Michaelis J, Schermelleh L#, Hake SB#. 2012.
H2A.Z.2.2 is an alternatively spliced histone H2A.Z variant that causes severe nucleosome
destabilization. Nucleic Acids Res. 40: 5951-64. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gks267.
(30) Ratnakumar K, Duarte LF, LeRoy G, Hasson D, Smeets D, Vardabasso C, Bönisch C, Zeng T, Xiang B,
Zhang DY, Li H, Wang X, Hake SB, Schermelleh L, Garcia BA, Bernstein E. 2012. ATRX-mediated
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chromatin association of histone variant macroH2A1 regulates alpha globin expression. Genes
Dev. 26: 433-8. DOI: 10.1101/gad.179416.111.
(29) Lebold T, Schlossbauer A, Schneider K, Schermelleh L, Leonhardt H, Bein T, Bräuchle T. 2012.
Controlling the mobility of oligonucleotides in the nanochannels of mesoporous silica. Adv Funct
Mat. 22: 106-12. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201101365 (peer-reviewed, not Pubmed listed).
(27) Markaki Y, Gunkel M, Schermelleh L, Beichmanis S, Neumann J, Heidemann M, Leonhardt H, Eick
D, Cremer C, Cremer T. 2011. Functional nuclear organization of transcription and DNA
replication: a topographical marriage between chromatin domains and the interchromatin
compartment Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 75: 475-92. DOI: 10.1101/sqb.2010.75.042.
(26) Cordes T, Maiser A, Steinhauer C, Schermelleh L#, Tinnefeld P#. 2011. Mechanisms and
advancement of antifading agents for fluorescence microscopy and single-molecule spectroscopy.
Phys Chem Chem Phys. 13: 6699-709. DOI: 10.1039/c0cp01919d.
(25) Guizetti J, Schermelleh L, Mäntler J, Maar S, Poser I, Leonhardt H, Müller-Reichert T, Gerlich DW.
2011. Cortical constriction during abscission involves helices of ESCRT-III-dependent filaments.
Science. 331: 1616-20. doi: 10.1126/science.1201847.
(24) Larochelle N, Stucka R, Rieger N, Schermelleh L, Schiedner G, Kochanek S, Wolf E, Lochmüller.
2011. Genomic integration of adenoviral gene transfer vectors following transduction of fertilized
mouse oocytes. Transgenic Res. 20: 123-35. doi: 10.1007/s11248-010-9401-x. Epub 2010 May 13.
(23) Wiedemann SM, Mildner SN, Bönisch C, Israel L, Maiser A, Matheisl S, Straub T, Merkl R, Leonhardt
H, Kremmer E, Schermelleh L, Hake SB. 2010. Identification and characterization of two novel
primate-specific histone H3 variants, H3.X and H3.Y. J Cell Biol. 190: 777-91. DOI:
(22) Schermelleh L#, Heintzmann R#, Leonhardt H#. 2010. A guide to super-resolution fluorescence
microscopy. J Cell Biol. 190: 165-75. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201002018. Review.
(21) Baddeley D, Chagin VO, Schermelleh L, Martin S, Pombo A, Carlton PM, Gahl A, Domaing P, Birk U,
Leonhardt H, Cremer C, Cardoso MC. 2010. Measurement of replication structures at the
nanometer scale using super-resolution light microscopy. Nucleic Acids Res. 38: e8. DOI:
10.1093/nar/gkp901. Epub 2009 Oct 28.
(20) Schermelleh L, Spada F, Leonhardt H. 2008. Visualization and Measurement of DNA
Methyltransferase Activity in Living Cells. Curr Protoc in Cell Biol. Chapter 22: Unit 22 12. DOI:
(19) Schermelleh L*, Carlton PM*, Haase S, Shao L, Winoto L, Kner P, Burke B, Cardoso MC, Agard DA,
Gustafsson MG, Leonhardt H, Sedat JW. 2008. Subdiffraction multicolor imaging of the nuclear
periphery with 3D structured illumination microscopy. Science. 320: 1332-6. DOI:
(18) Kuch D, Schermelleh L, Manetto S, Leonhardt H, Carell T. 2008. Synthesis of DNA dumbbell based
inhibitors for the human DNA methyltransferase Dnmt1. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 47: 1515-8. DOI:
(17) Schermelleh L, Haemmer A, Spada F, Rösing N, Meilinger D, Rothbauer U, Cardoso MC, Leonhardt
H. 2007. Dynamics of Dnmt1 interaction with the replication machinery and its role in
postreplicative maintenance of DNA methylation. Nucleic Acids Res. 35: 4301-12. DOI:
(16) Spada F, Haemmer A, Kuch D, Rothbauer U, Schermelleh L, Kremmer E, Carell T, Längst G,
Leonhardt H. 2007. DNMT1 but not its interaction with the replication machinery is required for
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maintenance of DNA methylation in human cells. J Cell Biol. 176: 565-71. DOI:
(15) Albiez H, Cremer M, Tiberi C, Vecchio L, Schermelleh L, Dittrich S, Küpper K, Joffe B, Thormeyer T,
von Hase J, Yang S, Rohr K, Leonhardt H, Solovei I, Cremer C, Fakan S, Cremer T. 2006. Chromatin
domains and the interchromatin compartment form structurally defined and functionally
interacting nuclear networks. Chromosome Res. 14: 707-33. DOI: 10.1007/s10577-006-1086-x.
(14) Rothbauer U, Zolghadr K, Tillib S, Nowak D, Schermelleh L, Gahl A, Backmann N, Conrath K,
Muyldermans S, Cardoso MC, Leonhardt H. 2006. Targeting and tracing antigens in live cells with
fluorescent nanobodies. Nat Methods. 3: 887-9. DOI: 10.1038/nmeth953.
(13) Spada F, Rothbauer U, Zolghadr K, Schermelleh L, Leonhardt H. 2006. Regulation of DNA
methyltransferase 1. Adv. Enzym Regul. 46: 224-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.advenzreg.2006.01.011.
(10) Schermelleh L, Spada F, Easwaran HP, Zolghadr K, Margot JB, Cardoso MC, Leonhardt H. 2005.
Trapped in action: direct visualization of DNA methyltransferase activity in living cells. Nat
Methods. 2: 751-6. DOI: 10.1038/nmeth794.
(9) Grohmann M, Spada F, Schermelleh L, Alenina N, Bader M, Cardoso MC, Leonhardt H. 2005.
Restricted mobility of Dnmt1 in preimplantation embryos: implications for epigenetic
reprogramming. BMC Dev Biol. 5: 18. DOI: 10.1186/1471-213X-5-18.
(8) Mortusewicz O, Schermelleh L, Walter J, Cardoso MC, Leonhardt H. 2005. Recruitment of DNA
methyltransferase I to DNA repair sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 102: 8905-9. DOI:
(7) Easwaran HP, Schermelleh L, Leonhardt H, Cardoso MC. 2004. Replication-independent chromatin
loading of Dnmt1 during G2 and M phases. EMBO Rep. 5: 1181-6. DOI: 10.1038/sj.embor.7400295.
(6) Solovei I, Schermelleh L, Düring K, Engelhardt A, Stein S, Cremer C, Cremer T. 2004. Differences in
centromere positioning of cycling and postmitotic human cell types. Chromosoma. 112: 410-23.
DOI: 10.1007/s00412-004-0287-3.
(5) Walter J*, Schermelleh L*, Cremer M, Tashiro S, Cremer T. 2003. Chromosome order in HeLa cells
changes during mitosis and early G1, but is stably maintained during subsequent interphase
stages. J Cell Biol. 160: 685-97. DOI: 10.1083/jcb.200211103.
(4) Solovei I, Cavallo A, Schermelleh L, Jaunin F, Scasselati C, Cmarko D, Cremer C, Fakan S, Cremer T.
2002. Spatial Preservation of Nuclear Chromatin Architecture during Three-Dimensional
Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (3D-FISH). Exp Cell Res. 276: 10-23.
(2) Schermelleh L, Solovei I, Zink D, Cremer T. 2001. Two-color fluorescence labeling of early and midto-late replicating chromatin in living cells. Chromosome Res. 9: 77-80.
(1) Schermelleh L, Thalhammer S, Heckl W, Pösl H, Cremer T, Schütze K, Cremer M. 1999. Laser
microdissection and laser pressure catapulting for the generation of chromosome-specific paint
probes. Biotechniques. 27: 362-7.
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Book Chapters
(56) Abrahamson S, Ball G, Wicker K, Heintzmann R, Schermelleh L. 2016. Structured Illumination
Microscopy. In Super-Resolution Imaging in Biomedicine, Diaspro A, van Zandvoort M (Eds.) CRC
Press. 137-147. DOI: 10.1201/9781315372884-8.
(42) Smeets D, Neumann J, Schermelleh L. 2014. Application of three-dimensional structured
illumination microscopy in cell biology – pitfalls and practical considerations. In Super-Resolution
Microscopy Techniques in the Neurosciences, Neuromethods Vol. 86, Fornasiero E, Rizzoli S (Eds.)
Springer. 167-88. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-983-3_8.
(28) Cremer T, Markaki Y, Hübner B, Zunhammer A, Strickfaden H, Beichmanis S, Heß M, Schermelleh
L, Cremer M, Cremer C. 2012. Chromosome territory organization within the nucleus. In Epigenetic
Regulation and Epigenomics: Advances in Molecular Biology and Medicine 1st edition, Meyers RE
(Ed.). Wiley. 451-83.
(12) Schermelleh L. 2005. In vivo replication labeling. In Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook 3rd edition,
Celis JE (Ed.). Elsevier Science. 301-3.
(11) Solovei I, Schermelleh L, Albiez H, Cremer T. 2005. Detection of the cell cycle stages in situ in
growing cell populations. In Cell Biology: A Laboratory Handbook 3rd edition, Celis JE (Ed.). Elsevier
Science. 291-9.
(3) Solovei I, Walter J, Cremer M, Habermann F, Schermelleh L, Cremer T. 2002. FISH on threedimensionally preserved nuclei. In FISH: a practical approach. Squire J, Beatty B, Mai S (Eds.)
Oxford University Press, Oxford. 119-57.
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