Cooperation Project between Spain/ Extremadura and Bosnia and

Cooperation Project between Spain/ Extremadura and Bosnia
and Herzegovina
Project by:
Asociación Extremeña de Cooperación Este-Oeste (AECEO)
In cooperation with:
World University Service (WUS) Austria
After successfully realized activities within the first realized project, “Cooperation
project between Spain/Extremadura and Bosnia and Herzegovina", which included
the following activities:
Research / needs analysis in BiH and in Extremadura - conducted by
WUS Austria; includes economic, political, social, educational, healthrelated, institutional, cultural fields in B&H and Extremadura
Meetings with potential project partners in Sarajevo – WUS Austria
organized a meeting between BiH institutions, companies, organisations
and representatives of AECEO in Sarajevo on 15th of September, 2008
Conference in Spain/Extremadura - selected Bosnian and Spanish
institutions, companies and organisations were invited to a “Matching”
Conference in Extremadura, 16 – 18 December, 2008, where they defined
common fields of interest and steps to future cooperation
The government of the Spanish province of Extremadura has decided to continue
the cooperation and to give a new perspective to the Spanish cooperation with BiH.
Subsequently, AECEO and WUS Austria have prepared a set of follow-up activities
which are to complement the conclusions made at the Conference in
Spain/Extremadura. The follow-up activities consist of three thematic seminars that
are to be held in Bosnia Herzegovina.
The first of these seminars will be held in Banja Luka, 14 - 15 September, 2009.
The seminar will cover the following thematic areas:
• Rural development
• Tourism
• Agriculture
The second seminar will be held in Mostar, 19 - 20 October 2009. The seminar will
cover the following subject matters:
• New technologies and development of society
The third seminar will be held in Zenica, 9 – 10 November 2009. The seminar will
cover the following thematic areas:
• Renewable energy
• Protection of the environment
The follow-up seminar will contribute to the achievement of project goals set asFuture cooperation between partners from BiH and Spain/Extremadura that is
based on identifying ways to sustain cooperation between the two partners.
Given that the project already resulted in significant linking between organizations
and companies participating in the project, the foresee activities are going to be
even stronger.
In the coming period, the participating organizations and companies are going to
develop new ideas and enhance opportunities for cooperation. This process is
intended to be a "two-way street" – a path where partners explore ways of
delivering joint projects to EU funds and other available funds.
The objective of the project and expected outcome is a four-year program of
sustainable socio-economic cooperation between the partners from Bosnia and
Herzegovina, and from Spain / Extremadura.
September, 2009
* Venue of the seminar is to be confirmed.
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 – 10:30
Day – Monday, September 14 2009
Welcome and introduction of the participants
Mr. Slobodan Markovic, director
of the Agencies for the
development of small and
medium-sized enterprises of RS
Mr. Miguel Bernal Carrión,
president of the Extremaduran
Association for East-West
Cooperation - AECEO
Mr. Almir Kovacevic, Mr. Dino
Mujkic , World University
Service Austria - WUS Austria
10:30 – 12:00
Overview of current trends in the EU,
Spain/Extremadura and BiH
12:00 – 12:30
Forming of workshops groups:
• Rural development
• Tourism
• Agriculture
EU experience
to be confirmed
12:30 – 13:00
13:00 – 16:30
Coffee break with snacks
Workshop activities:
• Rural development
• Tourism
• Agriculture
•Vegetable and fruit’s production for the EU
Improvement the level of professional
qualification workers in the field of agriculture,
employment and business competence.
Business and Associative models.
(Clusters, Cooperatives, PYMES)
Business advice in the production, sales
and export stages of the products.
Marketing, promotion, guarantee of origin
to be confirmed
to be confirmed
to be confirmed
and brands register in Extremadura.
Experience of Extremadura in areas of
disadvantaged /distant/less developed areas from
the point of view of agriculture.
Economic sustainable development in
rural areas.
Population maintenance in rural areas.
Attraction of youth population in these areas.
Medicinal tourism
Tourism and sports
Rural tourism
Sustainable exploitation of tourism,
nature reserves.
Strategic plans for tourism development.
to be confirmed
to be confirmed
River Vrbas
2. Day – Tuesday, September 15 2009
09:30 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
Workshop activities:
• Rural development
• Tourism
• Agriculture
Presentations of workshop conclusions –
agreement for strategy development.
to be confirmed
to be confirmed