Theory and Practice in

SEC331e Theory and Practice in Security Studies
Level: 3
Credit Units: 5 Credit Units
Presentation Pattern: EVERY JULY
E-Learning: BLENDED - Learning is done MAINLY online using interactive study materials in
MyUniSIM. Students receive guidance and support from online instructors via discussion forums and
emails. This is supplemented with SOME face-to-face sessions. If the course has an exam component,
this will be administered on-campus.
Theory and practice in Security Studies focuses on national security. The concepts and examples used
will show how a nation-state provides for the physical and emotive security of its geographical
boundaries in order to protect its citizens. The objective of national security is to provide a safe and
secure environment for the people of a given country in terms of the national interest and the national
agenda. This course covers the various issues that arise in conjunction with the rise of the nation-state
such as war, peace, conflict and consensus, and interpretations that exceed the discipline of Security
Studies. The course shows how important it is to explain the nexus between the theory and practice of
Security Studies for Southeast Asia in general and Singapore in particular.
ƔTheories and Concepts in security studies
ƔStrategies in security studies
ƔNational security and small states
ƔSingapore and the national security
ƔThreat perception
ƔRisk assessment
ƔGlobalization in terms of national security strategy
ƔMeaning of culture in terms of the state, nation-state and multi-national state
ƔThe problem of human rights
ƔThe problem of civil society
ƔMedia roles and national security
ƔMedia as a threat to national security
: Ethical Security Studies: A New Research Agenda
ISBN-13: 9781138912328
: Ethical Security Studies: A New Research Agenda
ISBN-13: 9781138912328-AA
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Learning Outcome:
ƔEvaluate the different concepts and issues in Security Studies.
ƔCritique the different theories in Security Studies.
ƔAppraise concepts used in security studies in terms of politics.
ƔAnalyze the security risks in small states.
ƔEvaluate theoretical issues in globalization with a focus on Asia.
ƔCompare political issues in globalization with a focus on Asia and the West.
ƔAssess the role of the social media in terms of security studies.
ƔDebate the position of civil rights groups in terms of security studies.
ƔRate the state in terms of globalization in Southeast Asia.
ƔExamine national identity and the state.
ƔCompare the power of the media in different states.
ƔApply security studies concepts to seminar discussions.
ƔShow the application of the realist, liberal and neoliberal schools in security studies.
ƔImplement security concepts in academic writing (political science).
Assessment Strategies:
Continuous Assessment Component
Weightage (%)
Examinable Component
Written Exam
Weightage (%)
Weightage Total
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