Help us know your child better

Parent Handbook
A Family Ministry of
Eastside church of Christ
916 S Douglas Blvd
Midwest City, OK 73130
Director: Erin Jacobs
Little Lighthouses Office: 405-622-2060
[email protected]
Mission: To provide a Christian, caring, supportive ministry to young families
by giving parents a few hours a week to take care of their needs and appointments
while teaching children about the love of God through a Biblically based
educational program.
Curriculum: First and foremost, this is a Parent’s Day Out program. Our
number one priority is for your child to be in a safe and nurturing environment.
The most important lesson we would want the children to learn is that this
building is a safe place. Each class is taught by two teachers. All classes attend
Chapel together as a way of promoting spiritual growth and an understanding of
what it means to worship together. During Chapel, a central theme will be
introduced and then developed throughout the day. Themes are centered on a
Bible verse and will include different ways to explore God’s world. We encourage
educational and social development through free play and center times.
Chapel: Chapel is led by our Youth Minister, Clay Bryant. He is responsible for a
Bible lesson as well as encouraging the children to pray and sing together. We
also recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Play Time: Since play is the best way for young minds to learn, most of our
activities are focused around playing. Teachers are encouraged to promote fun
and interesting environments in which the children learn about the exciting
world God made for them.
Outdoor Play: The best way to discover God’s world is to get outside!
Weather permitting; each class has a scheduled playtime. All children (ages 1-5)
will go outside unless the temperature is below 40 degrees or above 100 degrees
(these temperatures include wind chill and heat index factors). If the temperature
is below 40 or above 100, or it is raining, we will play in the Foyer of the main
building. Please dress your child appropriately and apply sunscreen before your
child comes to school. Our teachers are not responsible for applying sunscreen to
their class.
1 yr olds: 10:00am - 10:45am
2 yr olds: 10:45am – 11:30am
3-5 yr olds: 11:30am – 12:15pm
Rest Time: It is important for our little ones to get the rest they need. Please see
your child’s age group below for specifics. Although not all sleep, it is important
for your child to understand that we expect him/her to rest quietly.
1 yr olds: Each child is assigned a Pack N Play and sheet or you can bring
a nap mat so they have the same environment every time. Please provide a small
blanket/lovey/stuffed animal your child likes to sleep with.
2 yr olds: Please provide a sleeping bag or nap mat with a king sized
pillowcase. Also, any blanket/lovey/ stuffed animal your child likes to sleep with.
3 yr olds: Please provide a sleeping bag or nap mat with a king sized
pillowcase. Also, any blanket/lovey/ stuffed animal your child likes to sleep with.
4 and 5 yr olds: Please communicate with your child’s teacher if they
take a nap each day. Since the younger children will be resting, these two classes
will have Quiet Time where they can read books or work on quiet activities. If
your child does take a nap, please refer to the 3 yr old section for what to bring,
and we will ensure they get the rest they need.
Toys: Please do not bring toys from home. Our teachers have made sure to
supply the necessary items for their class and it is very difficult for them to
monitor each child’s toys. A security lovey or stuffed animal is allowed for rest
time only.
Labeling: Please label all personal items with your child’s first name and last
initial. This includes bags, blankets, cups, mats, lunch boxes, coats, etc. We are
not responsible for lost items.
Lunches: Pack a lunch your child will enjoy and please help your child’s teacher
by following these suggestions:
*Send finger foods that are easily handled
*Use an ice pack
*Send ready to eat food (Lunches will not be heated)
*Include a drink (milk should be in an insulated cup)
*Include plastic or silverware, if needed
Snacks: For ages 1 yr and 2 yrs, snacks are provided twice a day. For age’s 3, 4
and 5 yr olds, snacks are provided once a day. If your child has any allergies or
food concerns, please address with the director to ensure your child’s class snacks
are safe.
Clothing: Please send your child to school in comfortable clothing that is season
appropriate. Although efforts are made to stay neat and clean, we may do
activities that include paint, glue and outdoor play. We recommend that your
child wear tennis shoes or shoes suitable for running and playing. Please, no
flip flops.
Arrival Time: Our arrival time is between 9:25am and 9:35am. The entry door
(use South Entrance only) will remain locked until 9:25am. This allows our
teachers time to pray together and prepare for a well-organized day.
We understand separation can be difficult. We want this program to be enjoyable
for our parents, children and teachers. We encourage the parents to come into
the classrooms, see what your child will do that day and help them adjust to their
new environment. Please slip out before Chapel, which is at 9:45am. Sometimes a
quick drop off is best. We want you and your child to be comfortable and enjoy
the day. Be assured, your child’s teacher(s) will comfort them and remind your
child that their parent/caregiver will return.
Pick Up Time: Please be prompt to pick up your child at 2:30pm. If your child
has not been picked up by 2:35pm, they will be brought to the office and a late
charge of $1 per minute after 2:35pm will be collected. If you are running late,
remember, the 3 people you listed on the enrollment form can also pick up your
child. Please make arrangements with them.
Security: Each day you will need to sign in your child and leave a number where
you can be reached that day. When picking up your child, you will need to sign
them out as well. This ensures that each child leaves with an authorized person. If
there are occasions when someone other than those listed on your enrollment
form will be picking up your child, please let us know in advance. Your child will
be released to another individual ONLY after:
*A written note is left with the director/ teacher with the name, address,
telephone number and relationship to the child (i.e. Grandparent, Babysitter, etc)
*A driver’s license is shown to the director/teacher dismissing the child
Health: Parental cooperation is essential in maintaining the overall health of
each child attending our program. Please adhere to these guidelines:
*Please provide a current shot record/waiver with the enrollment form for
each child.
*A doctor’s note may be required if the child has suffered any lengthy
illness or communicable disease before re-entry into the program.
*Please do not bring your child if he/she has shown signs of an illness in
the past 24 hours. These include, but are not limited to: fever, rash, acute cold,
heavy nasal discharge, constant cough, diarrhea, or vomiting.
*If a child requires any medicine, a Parent/Caregiver must administer it.
Our staff will not administer ANY medication. Minor cuts will be cleansed and
covered with a bandage. If further aid is needed, parents will be notified.
*Each child will be observed upon entering class. If good health is in
doubt, the director will be notified by the teacher before the child is allowed to
*If your child becomes ill during the day, you will be contacted. It is
expected that you or an emergency contact will pick up your child within the
hour. If your child does become ill, s/he will be waiting to be picked up in the
lobby and made as comfortable as possible.
Communication/Special Instructions: If special instructions are needed,
please give your child’s teacher a written note when your child arrives in the
morning. Please be sure and include the date, your child’s name and a
parent’s signature on the note. Verbal instructions can be easily forgotten or
Schedule: We follow Mid-Del Public School calendar with two exceptions. We
will begin after Labor Day and will be in session for the parent/teacher
conferences (one in the fall and one in the spring). Parents will be emailed (given
a paper copy upon request) a yearly and monthly calendar to be informed of
scheduled days off throughout the year.
Inclement Weather: We follow Mid Del’s public school calendar, so if they are
closed, we are closed. The Director will notify the parents by email.
Unfortunately, there are no refunds or credits given for missed days. In the event
weather worsens during a day, classes will be cancelled at the Director’s
discretion and contacts will be notified.
Financial Policies:
*Payment is due monthly in advance.
*Tuition is due on or before the 1st of each month.
*Tuition is considered late after the 10th. A late fee of $10.00 per enrollee
will be assessed beginning the 11th.
*Payments can be made via the Little Lighthouses mailbox cubby by the
church office (it is in the upper left corner of the mailbox cubbies). Payments can
also be mailed to the church office at ATTN: Little Lighthouses Eastside church of
Christ 916 S Douglas Blvd MWC, OK 73130. Please make sure you label your
check with your child’s name. Please do not give payments to the teachers.
*If an account becomes one month past due, your child’s enrollment will
be subject to termination.
*There is a $30.00 returned check fee.
*Refunds/credits are not given for missed days.
*Tuition can be paid in a lump sum or on a monthly basis.
*Registration fees are not refundable.
*A two week written notice and ½ month tuition will be due if
you wish to withdrawal your child from the program (to pay
Behavior Guidelines and Procedures:
Discipline involves all of life – it is the process of nurturing and training a child
towards self-control. This process of discipline is to help a child understand and
adopt a set of values so his/her character is shaped rather than his/her behavior
merely controlled. Discipline reaches beyond outward control to helping children
grow in their ability to relate to others.
In an effort to encourage a positive, productive Christian environment for all
children, we at Little Lighthouses will discipline children according to the
following standards:
*Respect for God
*Respect for all teachers and classmates
*Respect for classrooms, furnishings, supplies, and property of others
*Obedience to rules
*Respectful language
*No continuous display of temper or disorderly conduct
If these behaviors are not observed, the following steps will be followed:
1. Teacher gives a verbal warning and reviews the rules with the child.
2. The child will be set in time out (ages 2-5) and the rules will be
reviewed with the child (Redirection is used with age 1).
3. Repeat offenses will be discussed with the parents.
We look forward to working with you and your child to make this program
enjoyable and successful. Please let the director know if you have any questions or
concerns. Your input is welcome and necessary to making this program a success!
Office Use
Enroll Fee Pd _____
Tuition Pd ________
Drop In Fee Pd _____
Enrollment Form
Full Time Student _______ Drop In Student_______
Child’s Full Name_____________________________
Birthdate__________Age(as of 09/01/2014)__ M__F__
Mom’s Name_______________Email_____________
Home #________Cell #_________Work #__________
Dad’s Name______________Email_______________
Home #_______Cell #__________Work #__________
***If someone other than Mom or Dad needs to be
contacted FIRST please list here:
***In case neither parent can be reached, list 3 persons to be
called in order of preference (These persons can also pick up
your child, with a driver’s license)
1. Name___________________Phone __________
Relationship to Child________________________
2. Name____________________Phone__________
Relationship to Child_______________________
3. Name____________________Phone__________
Relationship to Child_______________________
Help us know your child better:
Since we are only in session one day a week, please help our teachers
be able to care for your child better by answering the following
Is your child allergic to anything? Please list allergies and the
If your child is upset, what is the best way to calm
Is your child afraid of the dark?__________________________
Is your child____diapered___potty training___fully toilet trained?
Does your child take a nap?_____If so, please circle 1 Nap or 2 Naps
What time does your child usually lay down for a nap?__________
Does your child have a comfort item? Yes / No
What is/are their comfort item(s)?________________________
Does your child have any food or activity restrictions we should know
Is there anything else we should know about your child that might
help us take care of them better?_________________________
Policy Agreement for Little Lighthouses
Tuition: The registration fee is $45 per student and is a deposit which
guarantees my child a space for the school year and is NOT refundable. I
understand that tuition is due on or before the first calendar day of each month
and considered late after the tenth calendar day of each month. A $10.00 late fee
will be charged for all late tuition. I understand there will be a $30.00 charge for
all returned checks. Tuition for a full time student is $55 per month Sept-May,
paid monthly in advance. Tuition for a Drop In student is $20 paid on the
morning they “Drop In.” Please call one day in advance to make sure there is
room for a child to utilize the Drop In option.
No less than 2 weeks written notice shall be given to the director if I plan to
withdraw my child at any time. I am obligated to pay for any or all tuition and
fees due prior to withdrawing.
Medical: I will use my best judgment when determining if my child is well
enough to be around other children. I expect the same from the teachers and
other parents. I release Little Lighthouses and Eastside church of Christ from
responsibility for accident or injury to my child while attending this program or
on the way to or from this program.
Discipline: Our standards are:
*Respect for God
*Respect for all teachers and classmates
*Respect for classrooms, furnishings and property of others
*Obedience to rules
*Respectful language
*No continuous display of temper or disorderly conduct
Levels of Discipline:
1. Teacher gives a verbal warning and reviews the rules with the child
2. The child will be set in time out (ages 2-5) and the rules will be
reviewed with the child (Redirection is used with age 1).
3. Repeat offenses will be discussed with the parents.
I,(print)____________________parent/guardian of ________________
have read and understand the policies listed above and detailed in the Parent
Handbook relating to the operation of Little Lighthouses, and agree to abide by
Medical Release Form
The following information is needed in case of an emergency.
I, __________________________(please print), the undersigned
parent/legal guardian of ___________________________(please print) do
hereby authorize Eastside church of Christ’s Little Lighthouses program to
consent to medical or dental treatment and hospital care to be rendered to the
above named minor in the event of an emergency, in my absence, and while
under their care.
Parent/Legal Guardian Signature:________________________________
Date: ___________________
Treatment Information
Child’s Name: _____________________________________________
Child’s Birth date: ___________________
Child’s Doctor: ________________________Dr’s Ph No: ____________
Child’s Allergies: ____________________________________________
Are your child’s shot records up to date? Yes ______ No _______
*Make sure you include a current shot record or waiver with your
enrollment packet.
Hospital Emergency Department Preference (if circumstances allow):
Insurance Company: ________________________________________
Policy Number: ___________________________________________
Picture/Video Release Form
(parent/guardian) of ____________________________________(child’s
name) hereby authorize the staff of Little Lighthouses to take pictures of my child
ONLY for the following purposes:
1. For classroom projects
2. At special events or visits (ie Fire Safety Day or for the year -end program)
These pictures are strictly for the use of Little Lighthouses displays at Eastside
church of Christ, for the year-end program or to send home as craft projects. If I
have any questions, comments or reservations or change my mind at any time, I
am to notify the Director.
Enrollment Checklist
 $45 Registration Fee (Paid ahead of time to hold space – covers
all snacks and supplies)
 Completed Enrollment Form
 Medical Release Form
 Picture/Video Release Form
 Current Shot Records or Waiver
First Day Check List
 First month’s tuition ($55 – pays teachers) paid by first day of
 Nap Mat with pillowcase or sleeping bag
o These can be carried back and forth or we are happy to
store them here
o Pack N Plays and sheets are assigned and provided for
those in the 1 yr old room
 Backpack/Bag
o Change of clothes - including underwear/diapers
o Nap time toy and/or blanket
o Cold lunch and a sippy cup/bottle (See pg 3)
o It is important to send a backpack/bag every
time so the teachers have a way of keeping each
child’s things together and extra clothes are
available for your child.
***Please label ALL items***