Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR) Eighteenth Meeting

Committee of Senior Representatives (CSR)
Eighteenth Meeting
Oslo, Norway
14-15 April 2011
Reference CSR 18/7.2/1
Title Possible revision of the NDPHS goals and operational targets
Submitted by Secretariat
Summary / Note Suggestions contained in this document aim to provide a basis for
the CSR’s consideration of possible revision (and more specifically
adjustment) of the NDPHS goals and mid-term operational targets
(OTs). This paper contains a non-exhaustive list of preliminary
proposals for possible actions and revisions and is not meant to
preempt a holistic and strategic consideration of the issue by the
The Annexes to this paper contain the ASA and NCD EGs’
preliminary proposals for possible revision of the NDPHS goals and
OTs, developed consistent with the EG Chairs and ITAs 11
Meeting’s request that the Expert Groups would consider, during
their spring 2011 meetings, the need to revise the OTs and inform
the Secretariat in due time before the CSR 18 Meeting.
Requested action For decision
1. Introduction.
On 25 November 2009, the Sixth Partnership Annual Conference adopted the new Strategy of
the NDPHS, which guides the Partnership’s work until 2013 and builds around the “Vision of
the NDPHS in 2013.” The goals and operational targets, which are at the heart of the NDPHS
Strategy, aim to make the Partnership’s work more focused and responsive to regional
challenges. The adoption of the NDPHS Strategy was appreciated by, inter alia, the 2nd
Ministerial Meeting of the Renewed Northern Dimension held in Oslo, Norway, on 2 November
2010, which “welcomed the new momentum created by the successful reform of the NDPHS
structures and the adoption and implementation of its Strategy” and “commended the
Partnership’s focus on achieving specific, measurable and time-targeted objectives reflecting
regional priorities.”
As agreed during the adoption of the NDPHS Strategy, the latter should be seen as a living
document, reflecting the relevant developments not only within the NDPHS structures, but
also in its Partner Countries, Organizations, as well as regionally and globally. The ministeriallevel PAC 8 to be held on 25 November 2011 will denote the mid-term for the accomplishment
of the agreed goals and OTs. While in general there is a progress towards the
implementation of the goals and OTs, little or no progress has been reported in some
cases, suggesting a necessity to examine if the NDPHS goals and OTs correspond to
the current circumstances, needs and priorities of the parties and actors involved, as
well as the availability of funding for the implementation of the agreed actions.
When revising the goals and OTs it would also be necessary to update the names of the
Expert Groups whose expertise is required for the implementation of the respective goals and
OTs, following the reform of the NDPHS expert level structures.
Regional processes and developments, such as the recently initiated discussion on the
need to define the targets within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, should also
be taken into account.
2. Proposals for a CSR decision regarding possible revision of the NDPHS goals and
operational targets.
As the first step, the Secretariat proposes that – based on the introductory information
contained in this document, the preliminary proposals put forward in its Annexes as well as
the PPHS and HIV/AIDS&AI EGs announcement of interest – the CSR would consider and
decide on a possible need to revise the NDPHS goals and OTs (and indicators linked to
Secondly, should the CSR conclude that the revision of the NDPHS goals and OTs is
desirable, the Secretariat proposes that the CSR would decide as follows:
(i) to request the NDPHS Expert Groups [and Task Groups] to develop their
proposals for the revision of the NDPHS goals, OTs and indicators, and submit
them to the Secretariat no later than 10 August 2011;
(ii) to request the Secretariat to:
 produce a consolidated proposal for consideration and advice by the EG
Chairs and ITAs at their 12th meeting to be held on 6 September 2011 and,
 submit the revised NDPHS goals, OTs and indicators to the CSR 19 to be
held in October 2011 [for an adoption] OR [for an approval and
subsequent submission to the ministerial-level PAC 8 for adoption].
Annex 1
A proposal submitted by the Expert Group on Alcohol and Substance Abuse (ASA EG)
Goal 9: Tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke is prevented and reduced in the
ND area.
Operational target 9.1: By 2012, experiences, legislation and best practices in tobacco
control are exchanged through a series of actions organized by the WHO EURO with the
participation of partners, including interested NDPHS Partners. Among the issues to be
addressed are (i) the strengthening of the national tobacco control policies; and (ii) industry
strategies targeting women and tobacco control strategies counteracting such strategies in
the Region. Actions to be taken will be consistent with and contribute to the implementation of
the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) and will be implemented
in close cooperation with the FCTC Secretariat.
Indicator 9.1A: Regional consultation and counterparts meeting organized
Indicator 9.1B: Best practices in tobacco control in the WHO European Region publication
prepared by WHO EURO
Indicator 9.1C: WHO EURO publications “Empower Women” available in English and
Russian and widely distributed in the Region
Annex 2
A proposal submitted by the Expert Group on Non-Communicable Diseases related to
Lifestyles and Social and Work Environments (NCD EG)
Goal 12: The impact in the ND countries of all main causes of lifestyle related NCDs
(in addition to alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse) is reduced
Operational target 12.1: By 2012 the Partnership will have developed a 1-2 regional flagship
project(s) on NCD prevention in cooperation with relevant actors.
Indicator 12.1A: Project application(s) submitted to donors for funding.
Operational target 12.2: By 2014 the above mentioned project(s) will have been
implemented in coordination with other international actors active in this thematic area, such
as EU, WHO/EURO and ILO.
Indicator 12.2A: Relevant indicator(s) used by donors and implementing agencies will be
Required expertise on the NDPHS side: Expertise available in the NCD EG is required.