
Edoardo Paluan
A: 247 Uxbridge Road, W12 9DS T: +447721421796
E : [email protected]
My interest in science stems from the slow but inevitable removal of the suffix from science-fiction. The
emergence of whole scientific fields previously considered as being futuristic speaks miles with regards to where
science is at now. Science has entered the future, its limitations are increasingly defined not by our potential,
but by our creativity, we are no longer left to ask whether something can be done; we are questioning how and
whether it should be done.
I seek to unravel the unknown.
A man-dreamt, machine–driven human evolution is emerging, I will be at the forefront of such research defining
its course from the very start as with the promise of AI comes the risks associated with it, and every day we
step closer to the singularity, is a day we should ask ourselves: should we?
IT Associate
Working in the Research Data Management Division at Mendeley, I have worked
in developing the Product, Business Analysis, and as a Developer, rapidly picking
up on: HTML, CSS, SCSS, JS, Cucumber, React, Git Commands & Python.I am
actively promoting the development of a Machine learning division at Mendeley,
Shake was born as an idea to monetise Knockabout, thought of as a peer to peer
betting platform which I am currently working on, along with Andrew Spence and
Myles Milston CTO of Colossus bets. Here to disrupt the market, I have been
primarily responsible for the market research, the UI/UX design and the business
Joined Andrew Spence in developing Knockabout, a LinkedIn for sports. Responsible
for the designs and outsourcing as well as taking part in monthly fit-tech events
Working for a consultancy firm active in the promotion and commercialization of
Smart City Technology in the Middle Eastern markets. I created reports and
presentations, the logo and was in charge of the research, content, layout and
Theorised and proposed the construction of a working prime number recognition machine based
on light, and cake slices. In depth research on the limitations of Turing machines.
Theorised and partially developed a novel way to generate microstructures via the
implementation of vapour-deposition techniques. This happened by chance as with most
discoveries in Science.
Calculated how many motors were needed to rotate a dome weighing half a tonne, with a
weighing scale and a thread
Designed a forecasting algorithm in JS to calculate the revenue of a business at a specific
month given a set of initial conditions.
Developing a smart search function. (Idea stage)
Designed 4 websites, including for an NGO; Bambini del Terzo Mondo Onlus, a blog on Italian
culture, and front covers for 34 Ebooks
Master of Science in
International Baccalaureate (40/45)
Physics (MSci)
iGCSE: 7A*, 2A High Level:
Standard Level:
Most interesting modules
Physics: 7
encountered: Quantum
Chemistry: 7
French: 7
English: 6
Computational Biophysics
Biophysics & Nanotechnology
Mathematical Methods in
King’s College Research
Gordon Rogers Scholarship
Experience Award
Rebuilding KCL’s telescope and
Provides £3000 each for the
ongoing telescope observations
five best third year MSci
by night, I submitted my
students. The scholarship is
Various High School prizes
-Student of the Year
-Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy
Journalism scholarship
-ISCO 1st place business prize
2013 – Microfluids
Measuring contact angle, surface tension along with surfactant concentration for
systems of oil and water solutions
2014 – KCL telescope
Installation of the telescope on the roof of the King’s Building. I aided in the
setting-up of the telescope and preliminary usage. It was a practical role, which
included fabricating a motor system to rotate the dome, which was then
connected to a computer.
2015- Coding the path of ‘Quirks’
Coding to recreate the conditions at the MoEDAL particle detector at CERN.
Languages used were Fortran, for its speed, and C++, because it would have
been depressing to solely use Fortran. (Yes there is such a thing as a quirk).
reproduced a 3d environment in code, modelled particle collisions, extensive use
of nested If statements, use of arrays, proved Wikipedia wrong, and used smart
approximation methods to decrease computational time of simulations by a
factor of ten.
2015- Superconduction
Working at University College London on the discovery of a potential way to make
graphene superconducting and investigated the structural properties of different types of
Trilingual: English, French and Italian Website Designer
Keen Sailor
Professional Tutor
Art Promoter
Part time poet + writer
Black Belt Judoka