Acts of Service

What is your “Love Language”?
#1-30 and title your paper.
•A) Sweet notes from my
partner make me feel good.
•E) I love my partner’s hugs.
•B) I like to be alone with
my partner.
•D) I feel loved when my
partner washes my car.
•C) Receiving special gifts
from my partner makes
me happy.
•B) I enjoy long trips with
my partner.
D) I feel loved when my
partner helps me with the
E) I like it when my partner
hugs me.
•E) I feel loved when my
partner puts his/her arm
around me.
•C) I know my partner loves me
because s/he surprises me
with gifts.
•B) I like going most
anywhere with my partner.
•E) I like to hold my
partner’s hand.
•C) I value the gifts my
partner gives me.
•A) I love to hear my
partner say s/he loves
•E) I like for my partner to sit
close to me.
•A) My partner tells me I look
good, and I like that.
•B) Spending time with my
partner makes me happy.
•C) Even the smallest gift
from my partner is important
to me.
•A) I feel loved when my
partner tells me s/he is
proud of me.
•D) When my partner helps
clean up after me, I know
that s/he loves me.
•B) No matter what we do, I
love doing things with my
•A) Supportive comments
from my partner make me
feel good.
•D) Little things my partner
does for me mean more to me
than things s/he says.
•E) I love to hug my partner.
•A) My partner’s praise
means a lot to me.
•C) It means a lot to me
that my partner gives me
gifts I really like.
•B) Just being around my
partner makes me feel
•E) I love it when my
partner gives me a
•A) My partner’s reactions
to my accomplishments are
so encouraging.
•D) It means a lot to me
when my partner helps with
something I know s/he
•E) I never get tired of my
partner’s kisses.
•B) I love that my partner
shows real interest in things
I like to do.
•D) I can count on my partner
to help me with projects.
•C) I still get excited when
opening a gift from my partner.
A) I love for my partner to
compliment my appearance.
B) I love that my partner
listens to me and respects my
E) I can’t help but touch my
partner when s/he’s close by.
D) My partner sometimes runs
errands for me, and I
appreciate that.
D) My partner deserves an
award for all the things s/he
does to help me.
C) I’m sometimes amazed at
how thoughtful my partner’s
gifts to me are.
B) I love having my partner’s
undivided attention.
D) I love that my partner helps
clean the house.
C) I look forward to seeing what
my partner gives me for my
A) I never get tired of hearing my
partner tell me that I am important
to him/her.
C) My partner lets me know
s/he loves me by giving me
D) My partner shows his/her
love by helping me without me
having to ask.
B) My partner doesn’t
interrupt me when I am
talking, and I like that.
C) I never get tired of
receiving gifts from my
D) My partner is good about asking
how he can help when I’m tired.
B) It doesn’t matter where we go, I
just like going places with my
E) I love cuddling with my
C) I love surprise gifts
from my partner.
A) My partner’s encouraging
words give me confidence.
B) I love to watch movies with
my partner.
C) I couldn’t ask for any better
gifts than the ones my partner
gives me.
E) I love it that my partner is
affectionate with me.
D) It means a lot to me when my
partner helps me despite being busy.
A) It makes me feel really good when
my partner tells me s/he appreciates
E) I love hugging and kissing
my partner after we’ve been
apart for a while.
A) I love hearing my partner
tell me that s/he missed me.
SCORING: (total up each)
A = Words of Affirmation
B = Quality Time
C = Receiving Gifts
D = Acts of Service
E = Physical Touch
What can we do?
In order to improve communication /
relationships in my life, I can know their
“Love Language” and…
Words of Affirmation
1. Print on a 3x5 card “Words are important!”
2. For one week keep track of all the positive words
you say to your partner.
3. Goal = one different compliment for each day for a
4. As you watch TV, read, or listen to others: record
WOA that others use, then use them on your
5. Write a love letter, paragraph or a sentence to your
partner. Give it quietly or with fanfare.
6. Compliment your partner in front of his or her
friends or family.
7. Tell your partner how much you appreciate his/her
Quality Time
1. Walk together.
2. Go to a park and rent bikes (watch ducks, learn
favorite colors).
3. Ask partner for a list of preferred activities( freebies
4. Ask where partner prefers sitting when talking to
you( text her to make a date there).
5. Do an activity that your partner enjoys.
6. Make time everyday to share certain events of the
7. Play lets “review our history” (ex, when did you feel
your parents were proud of you?)
8. Camp out in the living room. (eat drink and talk…
Receiving Gifts
1. Give your partner gifts throughout the day
2. Keep an eye out when your out with your
partner for meaningful/symbolic gifts.
3. Make a handmade gift
4. Give a gift every week
5. Listen carefully to your partner for hints and
write it down in a “gift idea notebook”
6. Ask a family member or friend of your partner
for gift ideas
7. Offer your presence on any occasion
8. Read a book together and discuss it
9. Give a lasting tribute (in honor of your partner)
10. Give a living (plant a tree)
Acts of Service
1. Do one of the things your partner wants you to do each week
2. Make note cards of what you will do for your spouse each
3. Give your partner a love note
4. Ask for a list of things that your partner wants you to do for
5. If your partner nags about something that is important to her,
do it to express to express your love.
6. Write down in words your feelings
7. Perform a major act of service
8. Do the “little things” your partner really wants the most
Physical Touch
1.Hold your partner’s hand
2.Play “footsies”
3.While expressing your feelings, hug your
4.Give a foot/shoulder massage
5.Show your affection in front of other people
6.When you first see them, greet them with a
hug and kiss
Analyze your top love language.
• Analyze: What is the “function”?
Compare and Contrast?
Elaboration / Description?
Proposition + Support?
Cause + Effect?
Analyze your top love language.
• Analyze: What is the “function”?
Compare and Contrast?
Elaboration / Description?
Proposition + Support?
Cause + Effect?
Your top
Elaboration / Description:
My “love language” is best
(characterized as/ known for) ___.
One (indicator/characteristic) of
this is ___, which is
(illustrated/defined) by ___. It also
(contains/ can be described as)
___. Therefore, ___ is widely
acknowledged as ___ and exhibits