Create a Milestone Template

Student Records – Milestones
Arizona State University
Business Process Guide
Document Information
Student Records
Jennifer Hornsby
Document History
Jennifer Hornsby
1st draft
Jennifer Hornsby
Student Records – Milestones
Arizona State University
Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1
Navigation ........................................................................................................... 3
Prerequisites ....................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisites and Assumptions ................................................................................................. 4
Other Materials Needed ............................................................................................................... 4
Helpful Hints ........................................................................................................ 5
Milestone Table Page Elements ................................................................................................. 6
Milestone Templates Page Elements ......................................................................................... 7
Student Milestones Page Elements ........................................................................................... 8
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 9
Create a Milestone in the Milestone Table ................................................................................ 9
Create a Milestone Template ....................................................................................................12
Assigning a Milestone to a Student .........................................................................................14
Using a Template to Assign Multiple Milestone to a Student ...............................................19
Change a Student’s Milestone Transcript Display Settings ..................................................23
Results ............................................................................................................... 26
Copyright 2006 – Arizona State University and CedarCrestone, Inc.
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Student Records – Milestones
Arizona State University
Milestones are non-course-related events that students must fulfill to take a course or to complete a
degree. They can include things like placement exams, language requirements, portfolio completion,
admission into a professional program, completion of departmental exams or completion of oral exams.
If necessary, you can limit the number of attempts allowed to complete a particular milestone. You can
choose to display them on the student’s transcript (unofficial, official or none), including whether the
milestone is completed, or when it is not completed but is required. You can add required but not yet
completed milestones to student records and track the number of attempts or amount of time since the
milestone was added to the record.
At ASU, milestones will be added to individual student records automatically in a batch process based
on English (ACT, SAT and TOEFL) and math (Unified Math Placement Exam) placement test scores
received each day. The batch will match the score the student received on the placement exam with the
appropriate milestone level, it will add that milestone and level to the student’s record and mark it
complete. A student will be permitted to enroll in certain first-year composition and math courses if that
student’s record has the appropriate English or math placement milestone level, and it is marked
complete. The student will not be permitted to enroll in these courses if the student’s record does not
have the appropriate English or math placement milestones at all, or they are not marked complete.
This is how the English placement milestone is set up:
The English placement milestone may be used to satisfy the University Testing Requirement (see the
General Catalog). Students who have not met this requirement will be blocked from future enrollment.
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Student Records – Milestones
Arizona State University
This is how the math placement milestone is set up:
Milestones can also be added to an individual student’s record manually. You can create a milestone
template to save data entry time in cases where the same set of milestones need to be assigned to
many students’ records.
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Student Records – Milestones
Arizona State University
Milestone Table:
Set Up SACR  Product Related  Student Records  Enrollment  Milestone Table
Milestone Template:
Set Up SACR  Product Related  Student Records  Enrollment  Milestone Templates
Assigning Milestones to a Student
Records and Enrollment  Enroll Students  Student Milestones
Your menu options may vary based upon your security setup.
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Student Records – Milestones
Arizona State University
Prerequisites and Assumptions
Before you can successfully add a milestone to a student’s record, it is assumed that each of the
following conditions has been met.
 You have attended the On-Line OASIS Navigation Training class and understand the
basics of getting around and looking up records in the system.
 The student for which you are adding the milestone must have already been admitted.
You must have security setup to add new milestones or change an existing milestone table.
Other Materials Needed
You may need to refer to the following documents/sources:
 PeopleBooks
 ASU General Catalog
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Arizona State University
Helpful Hints
Your menu options may vary based upon your security setup.
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Arizona State University
Milestone Table Page Elements
Note: To inactivate a milestone code, remove that code from every milestone template in
addition to entering a status of inactive on this page.
Effective Date: The effective date of the milestone must be on or before the first day of the
term this milestone will first be used.
Grading Scheme: If a milestone will be graded, enter the grading scheme that should be used.
When you enter the milestone on a student’s record, you can override the grading scheme. Not
Grading Basis: Grading Basis values depend on the value selected for the Grading Scheme.
Not required.
Attempts Allowed: This is useful for milestones that are added to a record when they are
required but not yet completed. You can override the value.
Transcript Level: This determines if the milestones required or completed will appear on any
of the student’s transcripts.
Print Milestone Detail: If you selected a Transcript Level value for the milestone to print on a
transcript, this value indicates if the milestone detail information will be displayed.
Milestone Level: Use milestone levels for tracking the progress of a milestone and for
informational purposes. Multiple levels are not required, but will be used for undergraduate
placement testing for English and math.
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Arizona State University
Milestone Templates Page Elements
Note: To inactivate a milestone code, remove that code from every milestone template in
addition to entering a status of inactive on the Template Table.
Milestone Nbr: This number defines the sequence of multiple milestones within a template.
The sequence number is for your information only. It is suggested that you increase these by
ten, but you can increase these however you want.
Milestone: This is the milestone included in the template. The values to select from come from
the Milestone Table. The rest of the fields on the screen are populated based on the values set
up in the Milestone Table, but you can override them in the template.
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Arizona State University
Student Milestones Page Elements
Milestone Nbr: The milestone number default is 10. As you insert rows, the system increments
this number sequentially. The milestone number is used for sequencing.
Milestone: To view a list of available milestones for the particular career and program select .
The milestone selected automatically populates the Academic Plan (if specified), Description,
Formal Description, and Attempts Allowed fields.
Academic Plan: Displays the Academic Plan to which the milestone is attached (if any). Not
Milestone Level: To view a list of levels and their descriptions for the particular milestone
select . Some milestones, such as placement exams, can have multiple levels for use in
enrollment and advisement requirements.
Attempts Allowed: You can override this value.
Include History: Select Include History to view milestones and milestone levels as they
changed over time. If Include History is not selected, the milestone with the greatest effective
date is displayed.
View All: Notice the Milestone Detail in the example shows this is row 1 of 2. This indicates
there are other milestones attached to this student’s record as of the effective date 9/21/2006.
Select View All to view each milestone, or select
to view the next milestone. If View All is not
selected, then the milestone with the lowest Milestone Nbr will be displayed. This may not be
the milestone with the highest Milestone level completed.
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Arizona State University
Create a Milestone in the Milestone Table
Path: Set Up SACR  Product Related  Student Records  Enrollment  Milestone Table
Step 1 Add a New Value
Select the Add a New Value tab
Step 2 Milestone name
Name the milestone. This should be a name that
describes the milestone content.
Step 3 Add
Select Add to continue
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Arizona State University
Step 4 Enter these fields:
Enter a brief milestone description
Formal Description:
Enter a formal description. This field allows more
characters than the Description field allows.
Grading Scheme:
Enter the Grading Scheme, or select
choose one from the list. Not required.
Grading Basis:
Enter the Grading Basis, or select
one from the list. Not required.
Attempts Allowed:
Enter the number of attempts students can make
at completing the milestone. This field is a default
data entry and tracking aid. You can override the
attempts allowed on individual student records.
Transcript Level:
and choose from the list. Available
options are:
Never Print
Print on Official
Print on Unofficial
Print Milestone Detail:
Select and choose from the list.
Always Print
Never Print
Print If Satisfied
Milestone Level:
Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies this
milestone level. Multiple levels are not required.
and choose
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Arizona State University
Enter a brief Milestone Level Description
Formal Description:
Enter a Milestone Level Formal Description. This
field allows more characters than the Milestone
Level Description field allows.
Step 5
If the milestone will have multiple levels, select the
+ to add a new row
Step 6 Save
Save your changes
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Arizona State University
Create a Milestone Template
Milestone Templates can save data entry time in cases where the same set of milestones need to be
assigned to many students’ records. Any milestones that do not apply to an individual student can be
deleted after the template is applied to that student’s record.
Path: Set Up SACR  Product Related  Student Records  Enrollment  Milestone Template
Step 1 Create the Milestones
If the milestones do not already exist you must
create them first (see page 9)
Step 2 Milestone Template
Navigate to Milestone Template (see path above)
Step 3 Add a New Value
Select the Add a New Value tab
Step 4 Enter these fields:
Academic Career:
Enter the Grading Scheme, or select
choose one from the list. Required.
Academic Program:
If you link a milestone template to only an
academic institution and academic career, it can
be used as a template for any academic program
or plan. If you want a milestone template to be
restricted to a specific academic program Enter the
Academic Program, or select
and choose one
from the list. When you link milestones to
academic programs you are making a template,
not a permanent link. This information appears in
the Student Milestones component when you copy
the template to the student’s record. Not required.
Academic Plan:
See Academic Program. Not required.
Step 5 Add
Select Add to continue
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Arizona State University
Step 6 Enter these fields:
Enter the Milestone, or select
and choose one
from the list. The rest of the fields on the screen
are populated based on the values set up in the
Milestone Table, but you can override them in the
Step 7
Select the + to add the next milestone to the
Step 8 Save
Save your changes
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Arizona State University
Assigning a Milestone to a Student
If you need to assign multiple milestones to a student’s record, use Milestone Copy to apply a template
to the record (see page 19)
Path: Records and Enrollment  Enroll Students  Student Milestones
Step 1 Find an Existing Value
Use the criteria on the Find an Existing Value page
to search for the student. If no matching values are
found then continue to Step 2 and add a new
value. If you find an existing milestone then skip to
Step 4.
Step 2 Add a New Value
Select the Add a New Value tab
Enter the EMPL ID (Affiliate ID), or select
search by name
Academic Career:
Enter the student’s Academic Career, or select
and choose it from the list. The list will only display
careers in which the student is active.
Academic Program:
Enter the student’s Academic Program, or select
and choose it from the list. The list will only display
programs in which the student is active.
Step 3 Add
Select Add to continue. If you get a message that
says, “The value you tried to add already exists.
Select it below if you'd like to update it, or specify a
new value in the fields above” Select the record
from in the Search Results, and add a new
effective-dated row.
Step 4
Select the + in the Effective Date row
Step 5
Select the + in the Milestone detail row
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Step 6 Enter these fields:
Effective Date:
Accept the default of today’s date, or assign a
different date
Enter the Milestone, or select
and choose one
from the list. The Academic Plan (if any),
Description, Formal Description, and Attempts
Allowed are populated based on the milestone you
select. If necessary, you can override the attempts
allowed value.
Milestone Level:
To view a list of levels and their descriptions for the
particular milestone select . For example:
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Step 7
If the student completed more than one milestone
or milestone level, select the + in the Milestone
detail row to add a new row
Step 8 Advisors/Completion Info
Select the
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Arizona State University
Step 9 Enter these fields (if necessary):
All data on this tab is optional
Transcript Level:
PeopleSoft delivers these values:
Not Print
Degr Prog (the Degree Progress transcript will not
be setup at this time)
Stdnt Life (ASU does not have a Student Life
Advised by Committee:
Select the checkbox if the milestone will be advised by
committee, rather than an individual advisor. If you
select this checkbox then select the Committee. ASU
does not have committees setup for anything other
than admission purposes at this time.
Advisor/Evaluator 1 (or 2):
Enter the advisor assigned to this student for this
milestone. Each milestone can have a different advisor.
Term Required:
Enter the term by which the milestone must be
completed. This will populate the Date Required field
with the date for the end of the term.
Date Required:
If the milestone is required to be complete by a certain
date rather than term, then enter the date here and do
not enter a value in the term.
Milestone Complete:
The system populates the status from the Milestone
Attempts page.
Attempts Allowed:
The system populates the attempts allowed from the
Milestone Table page. You can override this value on
an individual record.
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Step 10 Milestone Attempts
Select the Milestone Attempts tab
Step 11 Enter these fields
How Attempted: (not required)
Date Attempted: (not required)
If applicable, select
and choose from the list.
Available options are:
Attended Seminar
Exam Taken
Filed Petition
Native Speaker
Submitted Work
Enter date attempted, if applicable
Milestone Complete:
Select and choose from the list. The status must
be complete for English and math placement
milestones that determine eligibility in certain firstyear composition and math courses. Available
options are:
In Progress
Not Completed
Grade Input: (not required)
Enter the Grading Scheme, or select
choose one from the list. Not required.
Step 12 Save
Save your changes
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Arizona State University
Using a Template to Assign Multiple Milestone to a Student
Use Milestone Copy to apply a template to the record when you need to assign multiple milestones to a
student’s record.
Path: Records and Enrollment  Enroll Students  Student Milestones
Step 1 Find an Existing Value
Use the criteria on the Find an Existing Value page
to search for the student. If no matching values
were found then Add a New Value.
Step 2 Add a New Value
Select the Add a New Value tab
Enter the EMPL ID (Affiliate ID), or select
search by name
Academic Career:
Enter the student’s Academic Career, or select
and choose it from the list. The list will only display
careers in which the student is active.
Academic Program:
Enter the student’s Academic Program, or select
and choose it from the list. The list will only display
programs in which the student is active.
Step 3 Add
Select Add to continue. If you get a message that
says, “The value you tried to add already exists.
Select it below if you'd like to update it, or specify a
new value in the fields above” Select the record
from in the Search Results, and add a new
effective-dated row.
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Step 4 Milestone Copy
Select Milestone Copy
Step 5 OK
When you see the Create Student Milestones
page, select OK
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Step 6 View All
Select View All to view each milestone added by
the template
Step 7 Milestone Level
Enter the Milestone Level for each milestone, or
and choose one from the list. The list
scores for
placement exam milestone levels.
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Step 8 Milestone Attempts
Select the Milestone Attempts tab
Step 9 Milestone Complete
Select Completed for each milestone
Step 10 Save
Save your changes
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Change a Student’s Milestone Transcript Display Settings
If a student has a milestone on their record that is specific to their academic program or plan, and that
the milestone is set up to display on the transcript , and then that student changes to a new academic
program or plan for which the milestone is no longer required, then use this process to change the
student’s milestone so that it does not display on the student’s record.
Path: Records and Enrollment  Enroll Students  Student Milestones
Step 1 Find an Existing Value
Use the criteria on the Find an Existing Value page
to search for the student
Step 2 Include History
Check the Include History checkbox
Step 3 Search
If only one record matches your search criteria,
you will be brought directly to that record
Step 4 Advisors/Completion Info
Select the Advisors/Completion Info tab. Look at
the values Transcript Level and Print Milestone
Detail to determine if the milestone will print on the
student’s transcript.
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Step 5 Student Milestones
Select the Student Milestones tab
Step 6
Select the + to add a new effective-dated row
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Step 7 Advisors/Completion Info
Select the Advisors/Completion Info tab
Step 8 Update these fields:
Transcript Level:
Not Print
Print Milestone Detail:
Step 9 Save
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Arizona State University
Using this Business Process Guide, you should be able to obtain the following results:
Create a milestone (Milestone Table)
Create a milestone template
Assign a milestone to a student
Use a template to assign a set of milestones to a student
Change a student’s milestone transcript display settings
Copyright 2006 – Arizona State University and CedarCrestone, Inc.
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