Gary Klassen - Best Lethbridge Real Estate

1. To give your home the maximum amount of exposure in the real estate market so it sells
in the shortest amount of time, with the least hassles and for the price you are looking
2. To keep you informed of the activity and feedback throughout the entire process of your
3. To present all offers in a timely manner.
4. To ensure you receive the best price for your home.
5. To negotiate the terms with the buyers and you as the sellers.
6. To respect your wishes in regards to showing times and open houses.
7. To cause you the least amount of inconvenience.
8. To return your calls within hours of your messages.
9. To give you advice in marketing and preparing your home for showings.
10.To always keep your best interests in mind.
Gary Klassen – ASSOCIATE
RE/MAX real estate – lethbridge
517 – 6 Street South
Phone: 403-327-2221
Fax: 403-328-2221
Gary’s Cell: 403-330-4598
Toll Free: 1-800-883-2801
Email: [email protected]
Benefits of Using a Realtor to Sell your Home
Selling your home is a complex process that can be stressful and time-consuming. An experienced Realtor has the
knowledge, skills, and connections to help you through the process every step of the way. Consider the following benefits
of working with a Realtor:
Professional Experience:
Gary Klassen has the knowledge and training in marketing strategy, negotiation tactics, and the workings of the current
real estate market, he will be able to guide you through the steps of the home-selling process and be able to explain
exactly what to expect. He will make you aware of your rights and responsibilities, work with you to strategize the best
moves according to your own goals, discuss financing options, and point you in the direction of other specialized
professionals who will aid you in different stages of the process.
Best Price:
Gary Klassen has his fingers on the pulse of the current real estate market, and will know what comparable properties in
your area are selling for. He has the resources and knowledge to establish the best asking price and to attract the
highest selling price. With access to his company’s professional marketing resources and connections, he will ensure
potential buyers are immediately made aware of your home and market the property to sell as quickly as possible and
for the most money.
“Showcasing” Experience:
Gary knows the importance of a property’s first impression. He will have experienced first-hand, for example, the
impact a property’s “drive-up appeal” has on the rest of a potential Buyer’s experience of your home. Gary will be able
to offer you tips and information on how to get your home in the best selling shape possible, in order to sell your
property quickly and for top dollar.
Access to Qualified Buyers:
Gary will save time and effort by dealing only with qualified buyers. He has access to a pool of pre-screened and prequalified buyers who are serious about buying a home in your neighbourhood. He will work hard to develop this base of
qualified buyers which will become an invaluable resource for you. If they are not qualified yet, Gary will suggest that
they get pre-qualified as soon as possible.
Negotiation Skills:
Gary will serve many functions, but perhaps the most important is his role as primary negotiator on your behalf. Gary
realizes your goal is to sell your home as quickly as possible, and for the most money possible, and will work closely with
you during the negotiation process to facilitate this goal. Gary helps to bring to the process the knowledge and skills to
draw up legally binding contracts, to assist in negotiating offers and counter-offers, and to offer counsel and perspective
as you work toward your selling goals.
Client pictures & testimonials
Some of my achievements over the past 15 years have been:
MEMBER OF THE TOP TEN CLUB 1996, 1997, 2003, 2004
PRESIDENTS GOLD AWARD 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
100% CLUB 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009
I have resided in Southern Alberta for my entire life,
being familiar with my community surrounding
region and the real estate markets. After owning my
own business for years I fully understand the
demand for exceptional customer service, which is
what I guarantee for my clients.
My commitment is to provide my sellers with the
finest level of professional service I am capable of
delivering. I am committed to always keeping their
interests above my own, and to communicating
honestly, openly and continuously throughout the
marketing process, completing the sale of their home
successfully and to their satisfaction.
1994 – 4 Months
1993 – 1 Month
1995 – 7 Months
1994 – 4 Months
1996 – 4 Months
1995 – 2 Months
1997 – 3 Months
1996 – 3 Months
1998 – 1 Month
1997 – 5 Months
1999 – 3 Months
1998 – 1 Month
1999 – 2 Months
No. 1 for Mortgages in the Country 1996, 1997, 1998,
Most mortgages for London Life 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998, 1999
No. 3 Sales for Lethbridge branch 1994, 1995
No. 1 Sales for Lethbridge branch 1996
No. 2 Sales for Lethbridge branch 1997
Executive Club 2000 & 2001
100% Club 2002 – 2006, 2008, 2009
Platinum Club 2007
Influencing Factors in Selling your Home:
There are, of course, many items which influence a sale. However, here is a list of the most important. Please consider
them because they will help move you closer to a sale.
1. Price the property competively.
2. Be willing to consider offers based on Fair Market Value (FMV) terms.
3. Allow the property to be shown with or without an appointment, just as long as the prospective buyer’s agent is
present. Make sure to get the agent’s business card.
4. Whenever possible, please be out of the house when prospective buyers and their agents want to see it. Buyers
need to “try it on for size”, and they can not do that as long as you are there.
5. Eliminate any barrier to the free flow of traffic in the home. Such items as bulky or extra furniture, house plants
that stick into traffic ways, toys or clothes not put away, beds not made, etc., slow down traffic and make rooms
look smaller and darker.
6. Watchdogs that, under ordinary circumstances, provide so much security can prevent buyers from comfortably
viewing your home. It is best to keep dogs outside.
7. Gary is on your side and won’t get paid until you get results. Advice from him is useless unless you take it!
8. Look at the front of your house. Size it up as objectively as you can, asking yourself this question: If a buyer
pulled up in front, would the appearance pull them inside?
9. Make all improvements with an eye toward marketing your home to the most people. Be aware of unusual
colors or styles which might clash with a prospective buyer’s taste.
10. Be willing to consider ANY offer at any time. Remember, you are always the final judge or what’s accepted and
what’s not!
Multiple Listing Service (MLS®)
A seller or buyer selecting representation by a brokerage ought to consider whether the Multiple Listing
Service (MLS®) is important to the success of their transaction.
The MLS® is a computer database of properties listed for sale. It is administered by members of the
Canadian Real Estate Association through its provincial and local real estate board affiliates.
Members of the real estate boards have access to the MLS®, which they use to market their seller
client’s properties to all other members. In Alberta, the interests of 11 local real estate boards are supported at the provincial level by
the Alberta Real Estate Association.
A person licensed by the Real Estate Council of Alberta need not be a member of a real estate board, the Alberta Real Estate
Association, or the Canadian Real Estate Association to practice real estate in Alberta. Many industry members in small communities or
those that specialize in a particular type of real estate may not benefit from the MLS® in the same way as those in larger centres with a
primarily residential real estate practice.
MLS® and Sellers
A seller must decide whether it is important for their property to be widely marketed using MLS® or if the marketing should be done
more subtly. For example, the seller of a typical house in a city neighbourhood is often competing with many similar houses at
comparable prices and will likely benefit from the wide exposure of the MLS®.
On the other hand, a decrepit house in an urban renewal neighbourhood may best marketed by targeting custom builders or
commercial developers. This type of buyer will look beyond the condition of the house to the development potential of the lot. In this
case, MLS® exposure may not be necessary.
Exclusive Listings
Some sellers may not want wide exposure due to confidentiality or health issues. For example, an elderly person or one in failing health
may not want the disturbance of a lot of real estate professionals and buyers coming through the house. In this case, the brokerage
need not have MLS® access and can market the property through an exclusive listing.
An exclusive listing is not entirely restricted to the listing brokerage, unless the seller prefers this. If the seller wishes to allow greater
exposure, the brokerage may cooperate with other brokerages; however the property will not be listed on MLS®.
MLS® and Buyers
Buyers should also consider whether the brokerage they work with has MLS® access. For example, a buyer who wants information
about properties for sale in a number of different neighbourhoods would likely benefit by working with an industry member who can
provide information on all the properties available on MLS®.
Another buyer may have requirements for a particular type of property, one on a certain street or even one specific property!
In this case, the buyer will direct the industry member to seek out such properties, whether or not they are currently for sale. This
instruction challenges the industry member to find appropriate properties and inquire of the owner’s interest in selling. While the right
property for this buyer might be found on the MLS®, the industry member could not properly serve this buyer’s needs by simply relying
on the properties available on MLS®.
MLS® and Consumers
For consumers, there is a corresponding system located at The site provides a summary of property information provided
by MLS® systems with links to the listing industry member.
The site is an excellent tool for both sellers and buyers to obtain preliminary information about real estate properties (including a
commercial link) and as an introduction to various real estate brokerages’ websites.
Where do Buyers Come From?
Many people dream of owning their own home. Some of the feelings Buyers share are, a feeling of security, pride,
safety and freedom to do with what they want. They can paint the colors they want, redecorate to suite their sense of
style or reconstruct to suite their needs and wants. Buyers come from all walks of life, from the retired looking to
downsize to the first time buyers wanting to start a family. Another advantage of owing your own home is that the
money you pay monthly turns out to be equity in something you actually own in the end, as opposed to renting.
Let’s go over some of the Pros and Cons of renting versus owing.
Renting - Advantages
 Your monthly payments are usually lower than buying
 Your security deposit is lower than a down payment
 Sometimes your utilities are included in your rent
 You don’t pay for repairs or maintenance
 You only need to give a months notice to move
Renting – Disadvantages
 Your rent can be increased yearly
 You have nothing to show for you rent payments
 You could have quarrels with the landlord
 You are a temporary resident under someone else’s roof
 You loose your freedom of choice to change things
Buying – Advantages
 The longer you own your home the more equity you have at resale time
 Real Estate is a sound investment, usually increasing in value by 10% yearly
 Low down payments, usually 5% plus closing costs
 The capital gain in real estate is tax exempt
 A much more stable neighbourhood, if you own your neighbour probably does also
 Home ownership means increased borrowing power because you are a safer financial risk
 Increased freedom to personalize your home the way you want
Buying – Disadvantages
 You can’t sell to get quick cash
 You need to save for the down payment
 Extra expenses arise with repairs and maintenance
 You are sometimes stuck with that annoying neighbour
 It sometimes takes months to sell
Buyers come from all walks of life, some are old, some are young,
But to truly own your own home
Hi There!
Thank you for selling your home with Gary Klassen and for allowing me to be part of this great adventure in
your life. I enjoyed meeting with you and working side by side. As a token of my appreciation I would like to
give you a thank you gift. Please take the time to select one of the following gifts below so that I can be sure
to give you the one that you would like the most. Also, please take a few minutes to fill out the form below
and return it to me so I can share your experience with other clients.
Please write a one paragraph testimonial below of how you found working with Gary Klassen on the sale of
your home.
Referral: My friend/family would like to buy or sell a home. Please call them:
Name: _______________________________
Gary Klassen/ASSOCIATE
RE/MAX real estate – lethbridge
517 – 6 Street South
Phone: 403-327-2221
Fax: 403-328-2221
Gary’s Cell: 403-330-4598
Toll Free: 1-800-883-2801
Email: [email protected]
Phone: _______________________________
They are expecting a call. Yes _____ No _____
7 Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home
Selling your home is a complicated process. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of details involved, but
the experience can be very manageable—and educational!—when broken down into its component parts and plotted out
into steps. The following is a list of common pitfalls encountered during the home-selling process. Use these as a guide
to help your journey remain a smooth one.
1. Faulty Pricing:
It is essential you determine the asking price of your home based on its market value. Too many times homesellers let emotions or needs influence their asking price, drawing from numbers based on the price paid for the
house originally, or the amount of money they’ve invested in the home. This mistake may prove to be a costly
one. If your home is priced significantly higher than what the market is bearing at the time, prospective buyers
interested in your style of home will reject it for larger homes listed at the same price. And, those buyers who
do see your house may have significantly higher expectations than what you have to offer. Ironically, overpricing your home actually increases the chances that your home will sell for less than it is worth. Driving
prospective buyers away will increase the amount of time your home stays on the market, which raises an
additional red flag for buyers. They become wary of the reasons your home has not sold, thinking, “If no one
else has bought it, there must be something wrong with it.” The bottom line: price it correctly, and they will
Be vigilant, too, of pricing your home too low: a lack of market value awareness could result in selling your
home for much less than it’s worth.
2. Neglecting to showcase your home:
Take the time to ensure you’re offering the best possible first impression of your home to buyers. A few
improvements done to your home before placing it on the market can increase the chances of selling quickly,
and for more money. When buyers spot an area of your home in need of repair, they consider this perceived
cost when deciding upon an offer price—if they haven’t already been scared away. And since buyers often
aren’t sure about the cost involved for repairs, they will create a larger margin for error in their asking price.
Sellers are always better off dealing with these repairs themselves.
In addition to taking care of fix-ups, make sure the house is clean and welcoming, and the yard is well-groomed.
3. Choosing the wrong realtor:
Many sellers choose the realtor who tells them the highest asking price. This should never be the sole basis on
which you choose a realtor—you must have confidence in the full spectrum of your realtor’s experience and
abilities. Keep the following questions in mind: can this agent explain to you all aspects of the selling process? Does
he have a good grasp of the market? Does he have access to a large pool of buyers and a marketing plan to attract
them? An experienced realtor will usually cost the same as an inexperienced realtor, and holding out for experience
could mean more security that your ultimate home-selling goals will be attained.
4. Trying to “Hard Sell” During Showing:
Buying a home can be an emotional and stressful decision, and potential home-buyers don’t want to feel
pressured when viewing a home. So, let your home speak for itself. Allow potential home-buyers to
comfortably view the house and property. Don’t try haggling or pointing out every improvement you’ve made.
Good realtors let buyers discover the house for themselves, only pointing out features they’re sure will be of
interest, and being receptive to any questions the buyers might have.
5. Mistaking “Lookers” for “Buyers”:
Some people who look at your home may not be serious about buying. Many who view homes may just be
getting a feel for the market, gathering ideas for “showcasing” their own home, or even just looking for
decorating tips. Of the people who are looking to buy, those who do not come through a realtor can be 6 to 12
months away from buying. They may still be in the process of selling their own home, or saving money for a
new one.
Gary Klassen is trained to separate the “Lookers” from the “Buyers.” Realtors should usually establish a
potential buyer’s savings, credit rating, and purchasing power. If Gary Klassen hasn’t looked into a buyer’s
financial background, you should take the time to investigate. This will save you valuable time in marketing
toward the wrong people.
6. Limiting the marketing and advertising of the property:
Gary will ensure that your property is showcased and marketed in the best, most effective manner possible,
employing a wide spectrum of marketing techniques. They should be committed to selling your property,
making the effort to distinguish your home from the hundreds of other homes on the market. Most calls are
received—and viewings scheduled—during business hours, so Gary should be available to field these calls from
prospective buyers. Lack of realtor availability, limited viewing times, not allowing a “For Sale” sign on your
front lawn, can all affect the exposure your home gets to the pool of potential buyers, and will ultimately affect
your bottom line.
7. Being unaware of your rights and responsibilities:
It is essential that you are thoroughly aware of the details involved in your real estate contract. These contracts
are often complex—but no matter how confusing and convoluted the language, the contract is legally binding.
As you soon as you sign your name, you are responsible for all of its contents. Not knowing your responsibilities
could cost you thousands in repairs and inspections. Have an experienced realtor, Gary Klassen, can explain the
contract to you, or get your lawyer to review it, before you accept.
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Home
You’ve been saving for awhile, weighing your options, looking around casually. Now you’ve finally decided to do it—
you’re ready to buy a house. The process of buying a new home can be incredibly exciting, yet stressful, all at once.
Where do you start?
It is essential you do your homework before you begin. Learn from the experiences of others, do some research. Of
course, with so many details involved, slip-ups are inevitable. But be careful: learning from your mistakes may prove
costly. Use the following list of pitfalls as a guide to help you avoid the most common mistakes.
1. Searching for houses without getting pre-approved by a lender:
Do not mistake pre-approval by a lender with pre-qualification. Pre-qualification, the first step toward being
pre-approved, will point you in the right direction, giving you an idea of the price range of houses you can
comfortably afford. Pre-approval, however, means you become a cash buyer, making negotiations with the
seller much easier.
2. Allowing “first impressions” to overly influence your decision:
The first impression of a home has been cited as the single most influential factor guiding many purchasers’
choice to buy. Make a conscious decision beforehand to examine a home as objectively as you can. Don’t let
the current owners’ style or lifestyle sway your judgment. Beneath the bad décor or messy rooms, these homes
may actually suit your needs and offer you a structurally sound base with which to work. Likewise, don’t jump at
a home simply because the walls are painted your favourite colour! Make sure you thoroughly investigate the
structure beneath the paint before you come to any serious decisions.
3. Failing to have the home inspected before you buy:
Buying a home is a major financial decision that is often made after having spent very little time on the property
itself. A home inspection performed by a competent company will help you enter the negotiation process with
eyes wide open, offering you added reassurance that the choice you’re making is a sound one, or alerting you to
underlying problems that could cost you significant money in both the short and long-run. Gary Klassen can
suggest reputable home inspection companies for you to consider and will ensure the appropriate clause is
entered into your contract.
4. Not knowing and understanding your rights and obligations as listed in the Offer to Purchase:
Make it a priority to know your rights and obligations inside and out. A lack of understanding about your
obligations may, at the very least, cause friction between yourself and the people with whom you are about to
enter the contract. Wrong assumptions, poorly written/ incomprehensible/ missing clauses, or a lack of
awareness of how the clauses apply to the purchase, could also contribute to increased costs. These problems
may even lead to a void contract. So, take the time to go through the contract with a fine-tooth comb, making
use of the resources and knowledge offered by Gary Klassen and your lawyer. With his assistance, ensure you
thoroughly understand every component of the contract, and are able to fulfill your contractual obligations.
5. Making an offer based on the asking price, not the market value:
Ask Gary Klassen for a current Comparative Market Analysis. This will provide you with the information
necessary to gauge the market value of a home, and will help you avoid over-paying. What have other similar
homes sold for in the area and how long were they on the market? What is the difference between their asking
and selling prices? Is the home you’re looking at under-priced, over-priced, or fair value? The seller receives a
Comparative Market Analysis before deciding upon an asking price, so make sure you have all the same
information at your fingertips.
6. Failing to familiarize yourself with the neighbourhood before buying:
Check out the neighbourhood you’re considering, and ask around. What amenities does the area have to offer?
Are there schools, churches, parks, or grocery stores within reach? Consider visiting schools in the area if you
have children. How will you be affected by a new commute to work? Are there infrastructure projects in
development? All of these factors will influence the way you experience your new home, so ensure you’re wellacquainted with the surrounding area before purchasing.
7. Not looking for home insurance until you are about to move:
If you wait until the last minute, you’ll be rushed to find an insurance policy that’s the ideal fit for you. Make
sure you give yourself enough time to shop around in order to get the best deal.
8. Not recognizing different styles and strategies of negotiation:
Many buyers think that the way to negotiate their way to a fair price is by offering low. However, in reality this
strategy may actually result in the seller becoming more inflexible, polarizing negotiations. Employ the
knowledge and skills of an experienced realtor. Gary will know what strategies of negotiation will prove most
effective for your particular situation.
The Best Asking Price for your Home
Setting a realistic price for your home that reflects current market values will help sell your home quickly and for top
dollar. When you price your home properly, you increase the chances that the offer you receive will nearly match your
asking price, and that there will be competing offers—which may net you even more in the long run.
Your property has the best chance of selling within its first seven weeks on the market. And, studies indicate that the
longer a property stays on the market, the less it will ultimately sell for. A property priced 10 % more than its market
value is significantly less likely to sell within this window than a property priced close to its actual market value. About
three-quarters of homes on the market today are 5-10 % overpriced. Sellers will usually over-price their homes by this
margin if, either, they firmly believe the home is worth more than what the market indicates, or if they want to leave
room for negotiation. Either way, if you choose to over-price your home by this amount, you run the risk of increasing
the amount of time your home spends on the market, and decreasing the amount of money you’ll ultimately receive.
At the other end of the selling spectrum are houses that are priced below a fair market value. Under-pricing often
occurs when the owner is interested in a quick sell. You can bargain on these homes attracting multiple offers and
ultimately selling quickly at—or above—the asking price.
The knowledge and skills of an experienced Realtor will be invaluable when determining an appropriate asking price. It
is the job of Gary to know the current market and market trends inside and out, to be closely connected to the real
estate market at large, and to be aware of other properties currently for sale in your particular area. Based on this range
of connections and knowledge, Gary should counsel you on how to price your home properly in order to attract the
highest price possible, in the shortest period of time.
Before approaching this process, you should first do some homework yourself. You’ll need to know the workings of the
current market before you even begin to think about setting an asking price. The market will always influence a
property’s value, regardless of the state of a home, or its desirability. Here are the types of market conditions and how
they may affect you:
1. Seller’s Market:
A Seller’s market is considered a “hot” market. This type of market is created when demand is greater than
supply—that is, when the number of Buyers exceeds the number of homes on the market. As a result, these
homes usually sell very quickly, and there are often multiple offers. Many homes will sell above the asking price.
2. Buyer’s Market:
A Buyer’s market is a slower market. This type of market occurs when supply is greater than demand, the
number of homes exceeding the number of Buyers. Properties are more likely to stay on the market for a longer
period of time. Fewer offers will come in, and with less frequency. Prices may even decline during this period.
Buyers will have more selection and flexibility in terms of negotiating toward a lower price. Even if your initial
offered price is too low, Sellers will be more likely to come back with a counter-offer.
3. Balanced Market:
In a balanced market, supply equals demand, the number of homes on the market roughly equal to the number
of Buyers. When a market is balanced there aren’t any concrete rules guiding whether a Buyer should make an
offer at the higher end of his/her range, or the lower end. Prices will be stable, and homes will sell within a
reasonable period of time. Buyers will have a decent number of homes to choose from, so Sellers may
encounter some competition for offers on their home, or none at all.
Remember, Gary is trained to provide clients with this information about the market, helping you make the most
informed decision possible. The right Realtor will guide you through the ups and downs of the market and keep you
up-to-date with the types of changes you might expect.
Evaluate your house in the other main areas that affect market value:
1. Location:
The proximity of your home to amenities, such as schools, parks, public transportation, and stores will affect its
status on the market. Also, the quality of neighbourhood planning, and future plans for development and
zoning will influence a home’s current market value, as well as the ways in which this value might change.
2. Property:
The age, size, layout, style, and quality of construction of your house will all affect the property’s market value,
as well as the size, shape, seclusion and landscaping of the yard.
3. Condition of the Home:
This includes the general condition of your home’s main systems, such as the furnace, central air, electrical
system, etc., as well as the appearance and condition of the fixtures, the floor plan of the house, and its first
4. Comparable Properties:
Ask Gary to prepare you a general market analysis of your neighbourhood, so you can determine a range of
value for your property. A market analysis will provide you with a market overview and give you a glimpse at
what other similar properties have been selling for in the area.
5. Market Conditions/ Economy:
The market value of your home is additionally affected by the number of homes currently on the market, the
number of people looking to buy property, current mortgage rates, and the condition of the national and local
Buy or Sell First?
If you are considering looking for a new house, and are a current home-owner, then chances are you’re wondering what
your strategy should be: do you wait to find the perfect new home before you put your current home on the market, or
do you sell first and then look around? You have a few options. Use the following as a guide to explore what might be
the best move for you.
Sell First:
There are several benefits to selling your current house before searching for your next home. First of all, once you have
sold your house, you will know precisely how much money you have to work with. With a concrete price range, you’ll be
able to narrow the pool of houses before you begin looking, and negotiate accordingly. This will allow you to
immediately make firm offers on houses that you are serious about purchasing. You can be first in line with an
unconditional offer you know you can afford, and this will grant even further negotiating leverage as Sellers tend to take
unconditional offers more seriously. When they counter or turn down an offer that’s conditional on the sale of a home,
they usually think the Buyer will come back with a better and more firm offer once they have sold their current home.
However, if you make an unconditional offer, the Seller will usually give you more consideration, as they realize you’re
probably looking at other properties and will move on if your offer is rejected. Likewise, if you have already sold your
house, you probably do have a wider opportunity to look around, negotiate, and find the best deal and fit for you and
your family.
The flip side of this scenario, however, is that if you don’t find the right property before the closing date of the house
you’ve already sold, you may have to look for temporary housing until you do find what you’re looking for.
So, before you opt to sell first, you should determine whether you have alternate, temporary options, in case you have
to move from your house before you’ve found a new one. How would you and your family deal with living in a transition
home for an undetermined period of time?
Buy First:
Buying a new house without having sold your current home may occur if you are interested in a specific property and
will only sell your current home if this property comes on the market. It may be a matter of timing—grabbing hold of
the home before it’s too late. The same might be said of a property you haven’t had your eye on previously, but that
catches your attention due to its uniqueness or unbelievable price. If buying first means you don’t miss out on the real
estate opportunity of a lifetime, it may be the best move.
However, be careful. If you buy another property and aren’t able to sell your current home quickly enough, you could
end up having to finance both homes and shoulder the extra debt until you sell. You can get a financial appraisal or
market evaluation of a home prior to selling, but this doesn’t guarantee the price you’ll ultimately receive for the home
after the negotiation process has run its course. Since your selling price will be an unknown, jumping into a purchase
could be a gamble, particularly if your budget is tight.
Make sure you’re familiar with all aspects of the financial reality this scenario would create before you purchase another
home. You may be faced with owning two homes at once. What type of financial stress would this bring to your life and
how would you deal with it? Consider the fact that if your current house doesn’t sell quickly enough, you may be forced
to sell it off at a reduced price in order align the closing dates of your two properties. What effect would this have on
your financial situation?
Conditional Offer:
An additional option involves making your offer to purchase conditional upon the sale of your current property within a
specified period. Conditional offers usually include a clause that allows for the Sellers to keep their property on the
market and remain open to other offers while you try to sell your home. If the Sellers receive another attractive offer
before you’ve sold your home, they may accept and ask you to either remove your condition and firm up your offer, or
to back down from the offer. A conditional offer forms a kind of middle ground, an area of compromise, for those who
are afraid to sell or buy first—but doesn’t hold the advantages of the other two options.
One of the drawbacks of the conditional offer is that Sellers tend to take them less seriously. They definitely give
stronger consideration to firm offers. This leaves you with less negotiating power. In fact, some Sellers will simply turn
down or counter a conditional offer. Other Sellers will believe the Buyer will come back with a more serious offer when
their home has sold. So, you may end up having to increase your offer in order to have your conditional offer accepted
and keep your foot in the door of your desired house.
Even if your conditional offer is accepted, there is no guarantee another Buyer won’t step in and overthrow your offer
before you have sold your current home, which would put you back at the starting line. Also, consider the fact that you
cannot withdraw your conditional offer until the end of the period specified in the contract—which means that if a
better deal comes along, you will have to wait to jump at it.
“Drive-Up Appeal”: Get your Property Ready to Show
When preparing your property to show, work your way from the outside in. It is essential that your home possess a
certain “drive-up appeal.” Remember, a potential buyer’s first impression of your house is formed while s/he is still
sitting in the realtor’s car. So, first you need to view your house from this perspective. Go stand on the opposite curb and
observe your property. Compare it to surrounding properties. Concentrate on the following three areas:
How does your landscaping measure up compared to the rest of the neighbourhood? If you guess it would rate belowaverage, make a few adjustments. You might want to consider buying some bushes and planting them around the
property. Do not buy trees, however—mature trees are expensive, so you will not see a return on your investment.
And immature trees don’t tend to significantly improve the immediate appearance of your home.
If the problem with your yard isn’t a case of too little greenery, but rather too much, get out the pruning shears. The
purpose of landscaping is to complement the home, not hide it. Overgrown shrubs should be sheared to a height near
the bottom of the windows. Remove any ivy clinging to the side of the house. Tree limbs should be high enough that
you’re able to walk beneath. Trim any branches that bar the way.
Your lawn should be freshly cut and watered, and an even colour. If there are brown spots, make sure you begin to
remedy this well in advance of putting the house on the market. You may want to re-sod areas, and you need to make
sure these spots are given enough time to grow, so they will match the existing lawn. Also, if you decide to use fertilizer,
you’ll want to allow enough time for it to take effect. Rake up any leaves or grass cuttings.
Planting a few flowers is an easy way to add colour and vibrancy to your yard, enhancing the first impression of your
home. Invest in a full flat of mature, colourful flowers, such as petunias or periwinkles, which last the length of the
growing season. Do not buy bulbs or seeds—they won’t necessarily grow enough by the time you begin showing to
achieve the desired effect. If you don’t have an area in which to plant flowers, consider purchasing a few flower pots for
your porch and planting flowers or blooming plants.
If you have a pool, keep it sparkling and leaf-free.
Picture of nicely landscaped yard
House Exterior:
When you view your house from across the street, does it appear weathered or faded? If so, it’s probably time to treat
it to a fresh coat of paint. This is usually a sound investment; new paint can do wonders to increase a home’s perceived
Stay away from unusual or loud colours. The new colour should fit in with surrounding houses, and complement the
style and structure of your house.
Examine the roof closely. Old or leaking roofs should be replaced. If there are leaks, you’ll have to disclose this detail to
the homebuyer anyway, and they will want it replaced. If there isn’t any apparent damage, however, wait for word from
the home inspector before making repairs.
The Front Door and Porch:
The front door and surrounding area should look particularly fresh and welcoming, as this will be the buyer’s first upclose impression as they enter the house. If you paint nothing else, at least give the door a new coat. Replace the
doorbell if it is broken and polish the door fixture until it gleams. Wash the mail box. Keep the porch swept and buy a
new plush door mat. All of these little things will contribute to the overall effect of a well cared-for and welcoming
Ensure the lock works smoothly and the key fits properly. When a homebuyer visits your house, the Realtor will open
the front door with a key. You don’t want the buyers’ first experience to be of waiting on the doorstep while the Realtor
fumbles with the lock.
Buying a Home: What Expenses to Expect
Budgeting for a new home can be tricky. Not only are there mortgage instalments and the down payment to consider,
there are a host of other—sometimes unexpected—expenses to add to the equation. The last thing you want is to be
caught financially unprepared, blindsided by taxes and other hidden costs on closing day.
These expenses vary: some of them are one-time costs, while others will take the form of monthly or yearly instalments.
Some may not even apply to your particular case. But it’s best to educate yourself about all the possibilities, so you will
be prepared for any situation, armed with the knowledge to budget accordingly for your move. Use the following list to
determine which costs will apply to your situation prior to structuring your budget:
1. Purchase offer deposit.
2. Inspection by certified building inspector.
3. Appraisal fee:
Your lending institution may request an appraisal of the property. The cost of this appraisal is your
4. Survey fee:
If the home you’re purchasing is a resale (as opposed to a newly built home), your lending institution may
request an updated property survey. The cost for this survey will be your responsibility and will range from $700
to $1000.
5. Mortgage application at your lending institution.
6. 5% GST: this fee applies to newly built homes only, or existing homes that have recently undergone extensive
7. Legal fees:
A lawyer should be involved in every real estate transaction to review all paperwork. Experience and rates
offered by lawyers range quite a bit, so shop around before you hire.
8. Homeowner’s insurance:
Your home will serve as security against your loan for your financial institution. You will be required to buy
insurance in an amount equal to or greater than the mortgage loan.
9. Land transfer (purchase) tax:
This tax applies in any situation in which a property changes owners and can vary greatly.
10. Moving expenses.
11. Service charges:
Any utilities you arrange for at your new home, such as cable or telephone, may come with an installation fee.
12. Interest adjustments.
13. Renovation of new home:
In order to “make it their own,” many new homeowners like to paint or invest in other renovations prior to or
upon moving in to their new home. If this is your plan, budget accordingly.
14. Maintenance fees:
If you are moving to a new condominium, you will likely be charged a monthly condo fee which covers the costs
of common area maintenance.
Hire the Right Agent, For the Right Reasons: 8 Questions to Ask
Finding a real estate agent who is right for you requires doing a little homework, and asking the right questions.
Choosing an agent is a decision that could ultimately cost or save you thousands of dollars. Keep in mind the individual
you choose will be handling almost every manoeuvre in the biggest financial investment of your life. Experience,
interests, and expertise vary from agent to agent, so you should be asking very specific questions in order to align your
own needs with the abilities of an appropriate representative. Use the following list of questions as a guide to finding the
agent that is right for you:
1. How long have you been involved in residential real estate in this area?
If the agent hasn’t been connected to the residential real estate market for several years, they will be out of
touch with the cyclical nature of the current market.
Gary Klassen, your realtor, must be familiar with trends of the local market and have an eye for the ways in
which it will change. This knowledge could mean the difference of thousands of dollars in the long-run.
2. What is your marketing strategy for my home?
Gary should be able to lay out for you, in detail, a marketing plan to sell your home. Examine this plan carefully.
How much money does Gary allot to advertising? What type of media does he use? They should be able to
demonstrate the effectiveness of one form of media over another, explaining why their particular marketing
strategy will sell your home faster and for top dollar. Gary should employ current, innovative marketing
techniques that indicate creativity and a willingness to market outside of the box. Stay away from realtors who
rely on traditional, dated forms of advertising. They simply won’t work in the current real estate market.
3. How do you support a buyer throughout the process?
Gary should be able to indicate how he will support you through each step of the home-buying or selling
process, offering you a unique system to suit your needs and goals. Also, ask if a specialist will be available at
each level of the sale. Gary should always be on hand to answer questions, but the specific resources of an
expert can be invaluable during different stages of the process.
4. What other properties has your company sold in my area?
Gary should be able to provide you with a complete, detailed listing of his own sales in your area, as well as
other comparable sales. You should get a clear idea of what you might be able to expect both from Gary and
from the current market.
5. What is your experience with financing options? How would you suggest I approach my own financing plan?
Each buyer requires a different financing strategy. Gary should be able to suggest a plan catered specifically to
your financial background and needs. Don’t just depend on your lender for information and guidance on
financing a new home. Let Gary lead the way.
6. On average, how close is the selling price of your listings to their asking price, and how long do they take to
You can contact the Real Estate Board to obtain information on the selling record of Gary Klassen. The Board
also has statistics on a broader scale, so you can see whether Gary’s selling performance is higher or lower than
the board average, and whether their tends to sell faster or slower than the board average. Placing Gary’s
performance on a scale will help you get an idea of how much you might expect your home to sell for, and how
long it might take to sell.
7. What is your philosophy/method of negotiation and how will you apply it when selling my home?
Gary should be able to articulate effective and informed negotiation tactics that demonstrate a commitment to
securing the best price for you.
8. Do you have a reference list of clients I could contact?
Do some homework! Choose a few names on the list and call them. The stories of others who have gone
through the home-selling process can be a valuable source of information.
Home Inspections: Top Ten Problems
Each homebuyer has different ideas of what will constitute the ideal home for them, these notions are often based on
particular aesthetic preferences. But one thing that unites all potential homebuyers is the desire to find a home that is
fundamentally sound—in areas beyond the immediate sweep of the eye—and that will provide a safe, comfortable, and
efficient foundation for their life behind a new door.
This is where the services of a home inspector come in. During a home inspection, at least 30 areas of the home are
placed under the home inspector’s “microscope.” We’ve compiled the ten most common weaknesses uncovered in a
typical home inspection. If not addressed, these problems could cost you thousands of dollars in the long-run. So,
knowing what to look for, and performing your own thorough pre-inspection, will help you to identify areas for repair or
improvement before they grow into costly problems.
1. Damp Basement:
If a mildew odour is present, the inspector will be able to detect it, as this smell is impossible to mask or
eliminate. Mildew odour is often the first indication of dampness in the basement. The inspector will also
examine the walls, checking for any signs of whitish mineral deposit just above the floor, and will note
whether you feel confident enough to store items on the floor.
Repairs can run anywhere from $200 to $15, 000, this cost ultimately influencing the calculation of your
home’s value, so consider enlisting the help of an expert to ensure you have a firm grasp on the bottom line
before moving forward with the sale of your home.
2. Poorly Installed/ Defective Plumbing:
In older homes, plumbing problems and defects are very common. The inspector will determine whether
your home’s plumbing is subject to leaking or clogging. Signs of leakage can be visibly detected. The
inspector will test water pressure by turning on all the faucets in the highest bathroom and then flushing
the toilet. If the sound of water is audible, this indicates that the home’s pipes may be too narrow. The
inspector will also check for signs of discolouration in the water when a faucet is first turned on. The
appearance of dirty water is usually an indication that the pipes are rusted—a water quality problem that
should be dealt with immediately.
3. Older/ Poorly-Functioning Heating and Cooling Systems:
Heating/ cooling systems that are older or haven’t been properly maintained can pose serious safety and
health problems. An inspector will determine the age of your furnace and, if it is over the average life span
of a furnace (15-20 years), will likely suggest you replace it, even if it is still in good condition. If your
heating system is a forced air gas system, the heat exchanger will be examined very closely, as any cracks
can result in the leak of poisonous carbon monoxide gas. These heat exchangers are irreparable; if
damaged, they must be replaced. While replacing these components may seem expensive, a new system
will yield heightened efficiency, reducing monthly heating/ cooling costs substantially, and benefiting your
long-term investment.
4. Older/ Unsafe Electrical System:
In older homes, it is common to find undersized services, aluminium wiring, knob-and-tub wiring, or
insufficient/ badly-renovated distribution systems. When an electrical circuit is over-fused, more amperage
is drawn on the circuit than what the circuit was intended to bear, creating a fire hazard. You’ll typically
find a 15 amp circuit in a home, with increased service for larger appliances such as dryers or stoves. If
replacing your fuse panel with a circuit panel, expect a cost of several hundred dollars.
5. Older/ Leaking Roof:
An asphalt roof will last an average of 15 to 20 years. Leaks through the roof could be a sign of physical
deterioration of the asphalt shingles caused by aging, or could indicate mechanical damage caused by any
number of factors, such as a heavy storm. If you decide your roof requires new shingles, you’ll first need to
know how many layers are beneath, in order to determine whether the roof must be completely stripped
before installing the new shingles.
6. Minor Structural Problems:
Common in older homes, these problems range from cracked plaster to small shifts in the foundation.
While this variety of problem isn’t large enough to cause any real catastrophe, they should be taken care of
before they grow.
7. Poor Ventilation:
Unvented bathrooms and cooking areas can become breeding areas for mold and fungus, which, in turn,
lead to air quality issues throughout the house, triggering allergic reactions. Mold may additionally cause
damage to plaster and window frames. These problems should be identified and taken care of before any
permanent damage is caused.
8. Air Leakage:
A cold, drafty home can be the result of any number of problems, such as ill-fitting doors, aged caulking,
low-quality weather strips, or poor attic seals. This nature of repair can usually be taken care of easily and
9. Security Features:
An inspector will look at the standard security features that protect your home, such as the types of lock on
the doors/ windows/ patio doors, and the smoke or carbon monoxide detectors and where they’re located
throughout the home. Check with an expert if your home is lacking in any of these areas, in order to
determine what costs to expect.
10. Drainage/ Grading Problems:
This may be the most common problem found by home inspectors, and is a widespread catalyst of damp
and mildewed basements. Solutions to this problem may range from the installation of new gutters and
downspouts, to re-grading the lawn and surrounding property in order to direct water away from the
1. We want to look before we list.
I can certainly understand that. Are you open to carrying dual mortgages? Unfortunately, once
you’ve found a home, there often isn’t enough time to list your house and get it sold in time to
secure the one you liked. May I make a suggestion? I presume you’d like to get as much for your
current home as possible. And, you’d also like to get the best value out of your next purchase?
Yes. Why don’t we go ahead and set aside half an hour to get together and discuss a strategy that
does just that?
2. I have a friend or relative in the business.
I can understand your feelings. How did you happen to call us? Is your friend full time? Did he
happen to tell you how many homes he sold last year? If you’ve seen our advertising, and called us
because of our advertising, who do you think the buyers for your home would probably call? Who
do you think would better service you, your friend or me, a part of the RE/MAX team who sells 34%
more of the homes listed throughout the city. Do you feel that is wise to do business with friends?
3. Commission: Seller asks you to do it for less.
I don’t want to cheat you. If I reduced my fee, I’d have to reduce my services and doing that would
be cheating you. Besides I don’t know how I can go any lower than zero. I only get paid when I sell
your home. Let’s figure out what you need to walk away with, and let me negotiate a price that’s
acceptable to you and a fee that’s acceptable to me.
4. The other agent will do it for X percent.
If the other agent is capable of negotiating the same price as me, then you should list with them.
Our track record shows that we get our sellers 98.2% of their asking price, versus the board average
of 94%. That’s 4.2% more on average. Even if we are one percent higher, you’re still 3.2% ahead
with us, isn’t that right? Or Which scenario works best for you? Do you want to save 1% and lose
4.2%, or do you want to invest 1% and gain 4.2%. What does 3.2% net for you?
5. We wouldn’t sell our home for these prices.
Well, based on that statement, you obviously have an idea of what we should sell the property for.
What do you feel the price should be?
6. Can’t we just try it at this price? They can make an offer.
That’s true, they could make an offer. That is, if they see your home. If you folks were going to
look at homes that met your specifications and some were under $220,000 and some were over
$220,000, which ones would you look at first? Don’t you feel most buyers would do the same
things as you? Let’s do this: price it at $219,000 and hold tight. I’d rather see you get 10 offers and
have to turn them all down than get no offers. Make sense?
Even if I could find a buyer to pay that price, we have a problem. Let’s look at it together. Do most
buyers purchasing a home today pay cash, or do they get financing? Financing. What’s appraiser’s
job is to look at the same information we have here. Now, put yourself in the shoes of a buyer that
has just been told you overpaid for the house. How would you feel?
7. We don’t have to sell.
That’s good news! The best time to sell is when you don’t have to. However, market value is
market value. If you can’t live with the values that the market recommends, wait it out. Don’t
waste your time, because no one is going to pay you above market. Does that make sense?
8. I don’t like the prices you’re giving me!
I can certainly understand. Remember though, my name is Gary Klassen, my name is not “the
market”. Please don’t shoot the messenger, okay? Besides, I’m assuming that you want me to
level with you to tell you what you need to hear versus telling you what you may want to hear.
Understand, I do not set the prices, the market does.
Are you planning on selecting your agent based on experience, performance and what they can do
for you or based on the price they tell you?
9. But we have all these extras.
All those extras are what we call amenities – they add to the value, but don’t make the house worth
any more. They will, however, increase the saleability of your home. You see, to the bank, the next
owner may destroy all these amenities, therefore, we can’t figure on adding your expenses to the
market price.
10. We need more money.
I can certainly relate to that. Unfortunately, however, what you need has no bearing on price. Do
you understand why? Let’s imagine that the home you want to buy is worth $250,000 and I come
to you and explain that some really nice people have owned the house and they are moving to
Hawaii. Hawaii is really expensive and although their home is only worth $250,000 they need
$275,000. Would you help them out?
11. Negotiating a low offer or price reduction with seller.
Don’t be upset at these people. They’re trying to buy your home. If you want to be upset at
anyone, be mad at the 15 or 20 people that traipsed through your home, and didn’t even have the
courtesy to make you an offer.
We have 3 options: We can accept it, reject it or counter it. If only part of it is acceptable, why
don’t we counter it?
I’m really excited for you. I think your counter offer of $194,900 tomorrow? Yes, or course. Okay,
then with your permission, I’m going to change the price on the listing to $194,900. That way, if
these negotiations don’t work out, at least we got something accomplished, and you’ll get more
activity at this new price.
Gary Klassen–ASSOCIATE
RE/MAX real estate – lethbridge
517 – 6 Street South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 2E1
Phone: 403-327-2221
Fax: 403-328-2221
GARY’S CELL: 403-330-4598
Toll Free: 1-800-883-2801
Email: [email protected]
It is a well known fact that people in their own
business are highly motivated to succeed as they
have a lot to lose if they don’t. RE/MAX agents are
independent contractors who conform to the high
standards of RE/MAX. They have to pay a desk fee
and all their own expenses to work at RE/MAX and
these have to be paid regardless whether they sell
or not! This means that our sales associates are in
business for themselves, but not by themselves.
What you find is that when agents get really good
at what they do, they graduate to RE/MAX where
they keep all of their commission and they take the
risk of business on themselves. This all makes
RE/MAX agents highly motivated to give you the
best service possible.
The RE/MAX office offers agents leading edge
technology, advanced education and training and
an unrivalled portfolio of professional services!
RE/MAX has offices all over the country and these
offices refer purchasers moving to the Lethbridge
area to our agents. We, therefore, have many out
of town buyers available to us as soon as they
arrive in the city, if not before!
You play better golf with better golfers. Top quality
real estate professionals, when provided with top
quality support systems and the synergy of working
with like-minded professionals, will always outperform the competition...and you need this
system working for you!
I am so proud to be part of RE/MAX, especially as
we are out-selling our competitors by a huge
margin and currently hold 33% of the market share
in Lethbridge. We are dedicated to serving our
clients and will go that extra mile to secure your
sale. If you are thinking of selling your home, I
believe you need and deserve the best in the
RE/MAX real estate – lethbridge
517 – 6 Street South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 2E1
Phone: 403-327-2221
Fax: 403-328-2221
GARY’S CELL: 403-330-4598
Toll Free: 1-800-883-2801
Email: [email protected]
Client release form for pictures and testimonials.
I hereby give permission to Gary Klassen of Re/max real estate – lethbridge to use
my name and photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade
and any other lawful purposes.
Print Name: _____________________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: ___________________ Prov: _____ Zip: _________
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Email: __________________________________________
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Address: ________________________________________
City: ___________________ Prov: _____ Zip: _________
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If model us under 18 years of age:
I ___________________ am the parent/legal guardian of the individual named
above. I have read this release and approve of its terms.
For the children named below:
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Signature: _______________________________________
Dated: ___________________________________________
Where do the commissions go?
Part of the commissions go to the lister who has the property listed, within their costs are such things as
advertising, marketing, fuel, office expenses, printing and open houses. Sometimes the realtor will choose to
stage your home and there is a cost associated with hiring someone to come do that.
The listing realtor does not make any money unless he actually sells your home, therefore, unless you sell with
him he makes nothing, this is unlike any average job – he does not get paid by the hour or on a salary based
When you sell your home, the selling realtor gets a portion of the commission, usually the full commission is
divided equally between the listing and selling realtor. However, the selling realtor does not incur the costs
with advertising, marketing, printing or open houses. He is the person who takes Buyers around and shows
the homes. His biggest costs are therefore, fuel and office expenses.
Gary will advertise your home in all publications where real estate is advertised within your area, city, town or
municipality. If you require additional advertising, discuss this with Gary. If requested, Gary will do an open
house to show your home to interested parties not working with other realtors.
There are additional fuel costs associated with getting the paperwork done and completed, showing your
home to prospective buyers, as well as, going to other real estate offices to advertise or retrieve forms
associated with your listing. These costs are usually covered within the commission being paid.
Gary will print up flyers to showcase your home and distribute them in your area, this is to let your neighbours
know that your house is for sale and if they know someone that is looking to move into your neighbourhood.
Sometimes the best buyers come from a neighbours watchful eyes. Also, they may want to purchase the
home personally for family that they would like to remain close.
As with all employers, your realtor must hire people to help run their office. Gary must pay for part of the
wages of all the employees who help to make your transaction go more smoothly. From the accountants,
conveyance, reception and sign people. Sometimes a realtor will have a personal assistant also who makes
sure that everything is done correctly and on time, Gary must also pay this person as well. This person will be
your contact person at the office. If you require changes or assistance with your listing, this is the person who
you will be talking to the most, next to Gary Klassen of course.
Don’t overprice your home, it will take longer to sell.
Condition of home, a few fixer uppers will make difference in the price.
Make sure your home has GREAT curb appeal.
Remove all clutter, easier to show with a flow.
Don’t personalize too much, others might not like your personal touches.
Be prepared to show with a moments notice.
Trust in Gary to do what is in your best interests.
Disclosing all defects up front will make the sale go more smoothly.
Don’t take personal the comments of Buyers.
Look at all offers, consider the conditions and make your counter-offers if needed.
Don’t play hardball with the asking price unless you need to.
Remove all pets during showings.
Trust in Gary to do what is in your best interests.
Be prepared to move.
Sit back and let Gary Klassen do the work for you.
Please use this page to write any comments or questions you may have for Gary, they will see you at your
appointment day and time. Thank you.