Selcuk J. Appl. Math. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 3{15, 2001 Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple On a Simple Proof of Butcher's Theorem and the Automatic Generation of Order Conditions Folkmar Bornemann Center of Mathematical Sciences, Munich University of Technology, 80290 Munich, Germany e-mail: [email protected] February 9, 2001 Summary. This paper presents a simple and elementary proof of Butcher's theorem on the order conditions of Runge-Kutta methods. It is based on a recursive denition of rooted trees and avoids combinatorial tools such as labelings and Faa di Bruno's formula. This strictly recursive approach can easily and elegantly be implemented using modern computer algebra systems like Maple for automatically generating the order conditions. The full, but short source code is presented and applied to some instructive examples. Key words: numerical solution of ODEs, Runge-Kutta methods, recursive representation of rooted trees, Butcher's theorem, automatic generation of order conditions, computer algebra systems. Mathematics Subject Classication (1991): 65-01, 65L06, 65Y99 1. Introduction A rst step towards the construction of Runge-Kutta methods is the calculation of the order conditions that the coecients have to obey. In the old days they were obtained by expanding the error term in a Taylor series by hand, a procedure which for higher orders sooner or later runs into diculties because of the largely increasing combinatorial complexity. It was a major break-through when Butcher 1] published his result of systematically describing order conditions by rooted trees. The proof of this result has evolved very much in meantime, mainly under the inuence of Butcher's later work 3] 4 Folkmar Bornemann and the contributions of Hairer and Wanner 7,6]. In this paper we will present a simple and elementary proof of Butcher's theorem by using very consequently the recursive structure of rooted trees. This way we avoid lengthy calculations of combinatorial coecients, the use of tree-labelings, or Faa di Bruno's formula as in 3,6]. Our proof is very similar in spirit to the presentation of -series by Hairer in Chapter 2 of his lecture notes 5]. As early as 1976 Jenks 8] posed the problem of automatically generating order conditions for Runge-Kutta methods using computer algebra systems, but no replies were received. In 1988 Keiper of Wolfram Research concluded that the method of automatically calculating Taylor expansions by brute force was bound to be very inecient. Naturally he turned to the elegant results of Butcher's. Utilizing them, he wrote the Mathematica package Butcher.m, which has been available as part of the standard distribution of Mathematica since then. This package was later considerably improved by Sofroniou 9] and oers a lot of sophisticated tools. While teaching the simple proof of Butcher's result in a rst course on numerical ODEs, the author realized that the underlying recursive structure could also be exploited for a simple and elegant computer implementation. This approach diers from the work of Sofroniou in various respects. We will present the full source code in Maple and some applications. B 2. Runge-Kutta methods The Runge-Kutta methods are one-step discretizations of initial-value problems for systems of ordinary dierential equations, = ( ) ( 0) = 0 where the right-hand side : 0 ] R Rd ! Rd is assumed to be suciently smooth. The continuous evolution ( ) = tt0 0 of the initial-value problem is approximated in steps of length by t+t t+t . This discrete evolution t+t is dened as an approximation of the integral-equation representation d 0 x f t x f x t t T x x t x x x t+t x = x + Z t+ t x tx) d ( f by appropriate quadrature formulas: (1) t+tx = x + s X i=1 i i b k k 0 i= @ + f t i c x + s X j =1 a ij k 1 jA : Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple 5 The vectors i 2 Rd, = 1 , are called stages, is the stage number. Following the standard notation, we collect the coecients of the method into a matrix and two vectors T s =( T s A = ( ij )ij 2 Rs s = ( 1 s) 2 R 1 s) 2 R The method is explicit, if A is strictly lower triangular. The method has order 2 N, if the error term expands to t+t ; t+t = ( p+1) In terms of the Taylor expansion of the error ; , the vanishing of all lower order terms in just denes the conditions which have to be satised by the coecients A, and of a Runge-Kutta method. If we choose k i a ::: s b s b ::: b c c ::: c : p x x O : b c i= c s X j =1 a ij it can be shown 6], that there is no loss of generality in considering autonomous systems only, i.e., those with no dependence of on . Doing so, the expressions t+t and t+t are likewise independent of . We will write and for short, calling them the ow and the discrete ow of the continuous resp. the discrete system. f t x x t x x 3. Elementary dierentials and rooted trees The Taylor expansions of both the phase ow and the discrete ow are linear combinations of elementary dierentials like x x f 000 ( 0 0 f f f f f )= X 3 i f @ fj f f : l @x m k m ijklm @ xi @ xj @ xk @ xl @ f @f We will use the short multilinear notation of the left hand side for the rest of the paper. An elementary dierential can be expressed uniquely by the structure of how the subterms enter the multilinear maps. For instance, looking at the expression ( ) we observe that must be a third derivative, since three arguments make it three-linear. This structure can be expressed in general by rooted trees, e.g., f @@r;;r expressing 000 0 r er 0 f f 00 ( 0 f f f f f ) f f r r @@er;;r f expressing f 000 00 ( 0 ) f f f : 6 Folkmar Bornemann Every node with children denotes a th derivative of , which is applied as a multilinear map to further elementary dierentials, according to the structure of the tree. We start reading o this structure by looking at the root. This denes a recursive procedure, if we observe the following: Having removed the root and its edges, a rooted tree decomposes into rooted subtrees 1 n with strictly less nodes. The roots of the subtrees 1 n are exactly the children of 's root. This way a rooted tree can be dened as the unordered list of its successors (2) = 1 # = 1+# 1+ +# n n] Here, we denote by # the order of a rooted tree , i.e., the number of its nodes. The root itself can be identied with the empty list, = ]. An application of this procedure shows for the examples above that ( ( )) is expressed by ]] and ( ( ) ) is expressed by ] ]. The reader will observe the perfect matching of parentheses and commas. In general the relation between a rooted tree = 1 n ] and its corresponding elementary dierential ( )( ) is recursively dened by ( ) (n) ( ) = (n) ( ) (1 ) ( ) ( ) The dot of multiplication denotes the multilinear application of the derivative to the given arguments. Due to the symmetry of the linear map (n) , the order of the subtrees 1 n does not matter, which means, that ( ) depends in a well-dened way on as an unordered list only. From = ] we deduce ( ) = . Analogously, each of the recursive denitions in the following will have a well-dened meaning if applied to the single root = ], mostly by using the reasonable convention that empty products evaluate to one and empty sums to zero|a convention that is also observed by most computer algebra systems. n n f ::: ::: n ::: ::: f 0 f 00 : f f f 00 f 0 f f ::: f f x f x f x ::: f x x : n n f ::: f f f 4. A simple proof of Butcher's theorem We are now in a position to calculate and denote the Taylor expansion of the continuous ow in a clear and compact fashion. Lemma 1. Given 2 p( Rd) the ow expands to f x C = + x X # p x # ! f ( )(x) + O( p+1 ): Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple 7 The coecients ! and belonging to a rooted tree = 1 : : : n ] are recursively dened by (3) ! = (# ) 1! ::: n! = ! 1 n ::: n : By we denote the number of di erent ordered tuples ( 1 : : : n ) which correspond to the same unordered list = 1 : : : n ]. Proof. The assertion is obviously true for = 0. We proceed by induction on . Using the assertion for , the multivariate Taylor formula and the multilinearity of the derivatives we obtain p 0 X # ( )= @ + ! # p 0 p X 1 (n) @ X f x f x f 1 ( ) + ( p+1 )A O #1 1 ! 1! n=0 #1 p + ( p+1 ) p #1 +:::+#n X X = 1! ! ! 1 n n=0 #1 +:::+#n p = f n p p (1 ) f ::: X n f 1 (n )A + ( p+1 ) #n n! #n p O n f (n) f (1 ) p X X ::: f # = n=0 =1 :::n ] # p+1 X # = # p+1 (n) + ( # ;1 O ! | ! # ;1 ! ::: n f ( ) ::: n p+1 ) 1 + ( 1 O {z ::: n = } f ( ) O p+1): Plugging this into the integral form of the initial value problem we obtain x = x+ Z 0 ( ) f x d = + x X # p+1 # ! f ( ) + ( O p+2 ) which proves the assertion for + 1. ut p A likewise clear and compact expression can be calculated for the Taylor expansion of the discrete ow. 8 Folkmar Bornemann Lemma 2. Given 2 p( Rd) the discrete ow expands to = + X # T A( ) ( )( ) + ( p+1 ) f x x C # p b f x x O : The vector A( ) 2 Rs, = 1 : : : n], is recursively dened by =1 (4) A(i ) = A A(1 ) i A A(n ) i Proof. Because of the denition (1)of the discrete ow we have to prove that the stages i expand to X # 1 () () + ( p) i= Ai ::: i : : : s: k k ; # p f O : This is obviously the case for = 0. We proceed by induction on . Using the assertion for , the denition of the stages i , the multivariate Taylor formula and the multilinearity of the derivatives we obtain p p p k k 0 0 11 X # 1 i= @ + @ A A( ) i ( ) + ( p )AA # p 0 p X X # ( ) ( ) 1 (n) @ = AA i n=0 ! # p 1 X #n (n) (n)A + ( n A A f x ; f O n f = = p X #n p X 1 ! #1 +:::+#n n=0 n ::: 1 1 1 1 ::: f 1 ::: p X (n ) AA X i p #1 +:::+#n f (n) # ;1 i f ! | (1 ) 1 n 1 ::: ::: f (n) n Ai {z } n=0 =1 :::n ] = # p+1 X # 1 ( ) ( ) = Ai f + O( p+1) # p+1 f ::: O n + ( O A A(1) i p+1) ( ) ( ) f p+1) + ( O p+1 ) ; which proves the assertion for + 1. ut Comparing the coecients of the elementary dierentials in the expansions of both the phase ow and the discrete ow, we immediately obtain Butcher's theorem 1]. p Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple 9 Theorem 1 (Butcher 1963). A Runge-Kutta-method ( A) is of order 2 N for all 2 p( Rd), if the order conditions T A( ) = 1 ! are satised for all rooted trees of order # . b p f C b = p 5. Generating order conditions with Maple The recursive constructions underlying the proof of Butcher's theorem can easily be realized using modern computer algebra systems like Maple. We assume that the reader is familiar with this particular package. The recursive data-structure of a rooted tree itself can be realized by self-reference as a list of rooted trees, > `type/tree`:=list(tree): f:=]: Conveniently, we have given a name to the root = ]. Because Maple's lists are ordered, we have to sort the trees recursively before testing for equality: TreeSort:=proc(beta::tree) sort(map(TreeSort,beta)) end: # TreeSort Now, here is an example for the tree representing the elementary differential ( ( ( )) ) = ( ( ( ) )). The corresponding tree is obtained by erasing all the derivatives (n) from the expression and replacing parentheses ( ) by ]: f 00 f 00 f f 0 f f f 00 f f 00 f 0 f f f ::: > > ::: beta1]:=f,f]],f]: beta2]:=f,f],f]]: evalb(TreeSort(beta1])=TreeSort(beta2])) true The denition (2)of the order # is simply expressed by the recursive procedure TreeOrder:=proc(beta::tree) option remember 1+`+`(op(map(TreeOrder,beta))) end: # TreeOrder As an example, we take the tree that represents the elementary differential ( ( ( ) ( ) ) ): f > 00 f 000 f 0 f f 0 f f f beta:=f],f],f],f]: TreeOrder(beta) 8 The denition (3)of ! is analogously expressed by: 10 Folkmar Bornemann TreeFactorial:=proc(beta::tree) option remember TreeOrder(beta)*`*`(op(map(TreeFactorial,beta))) end: # TreeFactorial The above used tree of order 8 gives: > TreeFactorial(beta) 192 For the sake of completeness we also express the recursive denition (3)of using Maple: TreeAlpha:=proc(beta::tree) option remember local n n:=nops(beta) nops(combinatpermute](beta,n))/n!* `*`(op(map(TreeAlpha,beta))) end: # TreeAlpha An application to the above example yields: > TreeAlpha(beta) 1 2 We are now ready to map the recursive denition (4)of A( ) and of the order condition T A( ) = 1 ! to Maple: b = TreeA:=proc(beta::tree,no::posint) option remember local vars,val,son vars:=i,j,k,l,m,p,q,r,u,v,w] val:=1 for son in beta do val:= val*Sum(avarsno],varsno+1]]* TreeA(son,no+1),varsno+1]=1..s) od val end: # TreeA TreeOrderCondition:=proc(beta::tree) Sum(bi]*TreeA(beta,1),i=1..s)= 1/TreeFactorial(beta) end: # TreeOrderCondition The coordinate index for the vector A( ) can be chosen from the list i,j,k,l,m,p,q,r,u,v,w] and is passed by number as the sec- Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple 11 ond argument to TreeA. The order condition belonging to the above example is obtained as follows: > 0s s X X i@ i=1 1 s X 1 j k )A ( i j ) = 192 j =1 TreeOrderCondition(beta) b j =1 a i j X s k=1 a s X j k ( l=1 a !2 X s k l ) ( k=1 a a Even the typesetting of this formula was done completely automatically, using Maple's ability to generate TEX-sources. To generate all the order conditions for a given order , we need a device that constructs the set of all trees with # . There are, in principle, two dierent recursive approaches: { root-oriented: generate all trees of order # = by rst, listing all integer partitions ; 1 = 1 + + n , = 1 ; 1, and next, setting = 1 n ] for all trees 1 n of order # 1= 1 # = n . These trees have already been generated by the recursion. { leaf-oriented: Add a leaf to each node of the trees ^ = 1 n] ^ of order # = ; 1, increasing thereby the order exactly by one. This can be done recursively by adding a leaf to every node of the subtrees 1 n. The root-oriented approach was chosen by Sofroniou 9] in his Mathematica package Butcher.m. It requires an ecient integer partition package and the handling of cartesian products. The leaf-oriented approach is as least as ecient as the other one, but much easier to code: p p p < p : : : p ::: ::: p p p p n ::: p ::: < p ::: p ::: Trees:=proc(order::posint) option remember local Replace,AddLeaf,all,trees Replace:=proc(new::tree,old::posint,beta::tree) sort(subsop(old=new,beta)) # order-independent... end: # Replace AddLeaf:=proc(beta::tree) option remember local val,child,new val:= sort(],op(beta)]) for child from 1 to nops(beta) do new:=AddLeaf(betachild]) val:=val union map(Replace,new,child,beta) od f g 12 Folkmar Bornemann val end: # AddLeaf f g trees:= ] all:=trees] to order-1 do trees:=`union`(op(map(AddLeaf,trees))) all:=op(all),trees] od: all end: # Trees Given an order this procedure generates a list of the sets of trees for each order , e.g., p q > p Trees(4) f]g f]]g f]]] ] ]]g f] ] ]] ]]]] ] ]]] ]] ]]g] For instance, the number of trees for each order 10 is given by the entries of the following list: p > map(nops,Trees(10)) 1 1 2 4 9 20 48 115 286 719] The number of order conditions for the order = 10 can thus be obtained by: p > `+`(op(%)) 1205 Finally, for concrete calculations one has to specify the number of stages. The following procedure then generates the specic set of equations for explicit Runge-Kutta methods: s OrderConditions:=proc(order::posint,stages::posint) option remember local eqs,vars,auto,explicit explicit:=seq(seq(ai,j]=0,j=i..stages), i=1..stages) vars:=eval(seq(bi],i=1..stages), seq(seq(ai,j],j=1..stages),i=1..stages), seq(ci],i=1..stages),explicit) minus 0 auto:=eval(seq(sum(ai,j],j=1..stages)=ci], i=1..stages),explicit) eqs:=value(Eval(map(TreeOrderCondition, `union`(op(Trees(order)))),s=stages)) eqs:=eval(eval(eqs,explicit),auto) eqs,auto,vars end: # OrderConditions fg Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple 13 This way, we can automatically generate and typeset the order conditions for the classical explicit 4-stage Runge-Kutta methods of order 4: > OrderConditions(4,4): %1] f 1+ 2+ 3+ 4=1 b b2 c2 b b + b3 c3 b + b4 c4 b4 a4 = 12 1 24 3 3 + 4 3 a3 2 c2 = b2 c2 3 + b3 c 1 6 1 3 3 2 2 + 4 4 ( 4 2 2 + 4 3 3) = 8 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 + 4 ( 4 2 2 + 4 3 3 ) = 12 1 2 2 2 2 + 3 3 + 4 4 = g 3 2 c2 + b4 (a4 2 c2 + a4 3 c3) = b3 a3 b3 c b3 a b2 c a c b c b b c c a a c b c a a c c b c4 3 = 14 c Remark 1. Even in the more recent literature one can nd examples like 4], where order conditions for Runge-Kutta methods are generated by using a computer algebra system to calculate the Taylor expansions of the ow and the discrete ow directly. This approach is typically bound to scalar non-autonomous equations, i.e., = 1. Besides being inecient for higher orders, it is well-known 2] that for 5 additional order conditions for general systems make an appearance, which do not show up in the scalar case. d p 6. Examples of usage The following simple procedure tempts to solve the order conditions for a given order and stage number by using brute force, i.e., Maple's solve-command. To simplify the task, the user is allowed to supply a set pre of a priori chosen additional equations and assignments that he thinks to be helpful. p s RungeKuttaMethod:=proc(p::posint,s::posint,pre::set) # explicit methods only local conds,auto,vars,eqs,sols,sol,val conds,auto,vars:=OrderConditions(p,s) eqs:=conds union auto union pre sols:=solve(eqs,vars) val:=NULL for sol in sols do 14 Folkmar Bornemann val:=val, a=matrix(seq(seq(eval(ai,j],sol),j=1..i-1), seq(0,j=i..s)],i=1..s)]), b=vector(seq(eval(bi],sol),i=1..s)]), c=vector(seq(eval(ci],sol),i=1..s)])] od: val end: # RungeKuttaMethod This way we can simply generate the general explicit 2-stage RungeKutta method of order = 2: p > f g RungeKuttaMethod(2,2, b2]=theta ) " " 0 0# 1 1 # = ; + 1 ] = 0 2 = 11 0 2 The next example is more demanding. In his book 3, p. 199] Butcher describes an algorithm for the construction of explicit 6-stage methods of order = 5. The choices 6 = 1 and 2 = 0 together with the free parameters 2 3 4 5 and 43 yield a unique method. Butcher provides a two-parameter example by choosing 2 = 3 = 1 4 4 = 1 2 5 = 3 4 43 = . By just passing this additional information to Maple's solve-command we obtain the following solution a b p c c c c c c b a c = c > > > > = a u c = c v f pre:= c2]=u,c3]=1/4,c4]=1/2,c5]=3/4,c6]=1, b2]=0,a4,3]=v : RungeKuttaMethod(5,6,pre): %1] %%2],%%3] g 2 0 66 66 1 ;1 + 8 66 32 6 = 66 ; 18 ;2 + 1 + 8 ; 4 66 66 3 ; + 1 ; 3 + 4 64 16 3 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 77 1 1 0 0 0 0 777 32 77 1 2 ; 1 ;8 0 0 0 77 7 3 ; 1 3 ; 3 9 0 0 77 77 16 4 4 16 5 ; 141 ;6 + 7 + 24 ; 22 ; 141 6 ; 7 127 ;712 87 0 7 16 2 16 7 1 1 3 = 90 0 45 15 45 90 = 0 4 2 4 1 This result shows that the coecients 51 and 52 of Butcher's solution 3, p. 199] are in error, a fact that was already observed by Sofroniou 9] using the Mathematica package Butcher.m. u u u a v vu u u v u v u vu v u v vu v u u v u b v u v u c u a a Runge { Kutta Methods, Trees, and Maple 15 References 1. Butcher, J. C. (1963): Coecients for the study of Runge-Kutta integration processes, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 3, 185{201. 2. Butcher, J. C. (1963): On the integration processes of A. Huta, J. Austral. Math. Soc. 3, 202{206. 3. Butcher, J. C. (1987): The Numerical Analysis of Ordinary Dierential Equations. Runge-Kutta Methods and General Linear Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 4. Gander, W. and Gruntz, D. (1999): Derivation of numerical methods using computer algebra, SIAM Review 41, 577{593. 5. Hairer, E. (1999): Numerical Geometric Integration, Lecture notes of a course given in 1998/99, 6. Hairer, E., Nrsett, S. P., and Wanner, G. (1993): Solving Ordinary Dierential Equations I. Nonsti Problems, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 7. Hairer, E. and Wanner, G. (1974): On the Butcher group and general multivalue methods, Computing 13, 1{15. 8. Jenks, R. J., (1976): Problem # 11: Generation of Runge-Kutta equations, SIGSAM Bulletin 10, 6. 9. Sofroniou, M. (1994): Symbolic derivation of Runge-Kutta methods, J. Symb. Comp. 18, 265{296.
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