Grade Pass Back Instructions from Canvas to Skyward

Grade Pass Back Instructions Black River Falls School District Here are some important instructions for teachers in preparation for the Grade Pass Back
(GPB) from Canvas to Skyward.
Steps for completing the GPB:
1. In Skyward, each of you needs to set up two categories for grades; Formative and
Summative. This is part of the new grading guidelines that all 6-12 teachers use these two
categories. Again, the guidelines are explained here:
2. Next, in Skyward, you'll need to set the score method and apply the categories and score
method to all your classes.
3. In Canvas, each of you needs to create the same groups; Formative and Summative.
4. In Canvas, you then move each of your assignments to either the Formative or Summative
5. Then, in Canvas, delete any other groups you may have.
6. Next, mark all assignment to post to your SIS (Student Information System – Skyward).
7. Finally, in Canvas, go to your grade book and post your grades to Skyward.
Here are the detailed instructions for each step:
Setting up Skyward
1. In Skyward, Educator Access Plus, open one of your grade books and click on the
“Categories” button near the middle of the grade book top menu bar.
2. If you want your grades to be calculated on total points, go to Step 5.
3. If you want to use category weighting, click on the “Change Score Method” button.
Grade Pass Back Instructions Black River Falls School District 4. Check the second button, “Base grades on percents assigned to categories”. Click save. 5. Next, click on the “Add/Edit Categories”. Check boxes in the “include” column for the
Formative and Summative categories and then click save. 6. Then to apply these categories and scoring method to all your other classes, click the “Use These Categories For My Other Classes”. Check the boxes next to each class and click save. Canvas‐Skyward
Grade Pass Back Instructions Black River Falls School District Setting up Canvas
1. In Canvas, navigate to your assignments. If you do not have the groups Formative and
Summative, click on the +Group button. Enter “Formative” and click Save.
2. Repeat step one for the “Summative” group.
3. Next, move each of your assignments to either the Formative or Summative group.
4. Then, in Canvas, delete any other groups you may have. Click the little gear (1) and
choose Delete (3).
5. Next, mark all assignment to post to your SIS (Student Information System – Skyward).
Edit each of your assignments and check the box next to “Post Grades to SIS” then
Grade Pass Back Instructions Black River Falls School District 6. Next, be sure to assign a due date (2) to each assignment.
7. You must make sure that every assignment in your grade book has the check mark and
that every assignment has a due date assigned.
8. Finally, in Canvas, go to your grade book click the “Post Grades” button at the top of the
9. It may take some time, but then you will see a list of the assignments. Once you have
the list of the assignments, click the blue “Post” button.
After that, you can go into Skyward and print any of the reports or email progress
reports to students or parents.