Home Run Derby Pledge Sheet

Home Run Derby Pledge Sheet
Player Name:
To be completed after home run derby on 5/21/16
Donor name
Phone #
per Run
#of Runs $ Total Payment type
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Mommy’s Haven is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so monetary donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law; please
consult a tax professional for further information. Donation receipts will be sent after the tournament so please fill in all information
correctly. Please make checks payable to “Mommy’s Haven” with “Home Run Derby Donation” in the memo line.
*Players: BRING THIS SHEET WITH YOU ON DAY OF TOURNAMENT. Please collect all donations after the tournament and mail checks
with pledge sheet to Mommy’s Haven, P.O. Box 294, Lowell, IN 46356 or have donor visit www.MommysHaven.org and make a onetime donation for their amount online. Please circle form of payment above.