Chapter 1 Webquest Name

Chapter 1 Webquest
Go to
1. Click on START WITH “DEFINITIONS”. Flip through all the cards quizzing
yourself on each term.
a. Write down the definition of any words you had trouble with:
2. Click on “SCATTER” and then play game. You will drag the term together
with its definition.
a. How long did it take you to complete this? ____________________
b. Click “Play Again” and better your time! What is your time after the second attempt?
3. Click on “TEST” and complete the test. Check your answers. What was your score?
Observe the animation and answer the following questions:
4. The solar system formed from an immense rotating cloud of gas and dust called the
5. The ____________ nuclear reaction began at the dense center of the nebula.
6. The ____________ formed by accumulating material within the swirling currents of the cloud.
7. Planets near the sun evolved as relatively small spheres of _____________________________.
8. In the _________________ portions of the solar nebula, debris and gases accumulated to form
massive _________________________.
Go to: Read and
complete the following statements based on the “Key Points”
9. Seafloor spreading takes place at _______________________and produces basalt, the rock
that makes up the oceanic crust.
10. Midocean ridges reach a typical summit elevation of ___________ meters below sea level. They
are the shallowest major features of the seafloor. The oceans are ________________ closer to
continents and farthest from midocean ridges.
11. Seafloor spreading is one of the two major processes of _________________________, the
other being subduction.
12. Seafloor spreading produces major characteristics of the seafloor - 1) the age of the seafloor is
progressively _____________ away from midocean ridges, 2) the elevation of the seafloor is
progressively _____________ away from midocean ridges, 3) the magnetic history of the seafloor
bears the ___________________ of the Earth's magnetic reversals, and 4) _____________ parts of
the seafloor have the greatest potential to have accumulated sediments over the longest time.
13. Since the seafloor on each side of a midocean ridge moves in opposite directions, each side
belongs to a different ______________________.
14. Seafloor spreading determines plate motion around a midocean ridge. Midocean ridges are
always _______________________. Since many plates, such as the North American Plate, include
continental portions attached to oceanic portions, seafloor spreading also happens in the direction in
which continents move. Continents don't drift independently. _____________ moves to the west with
the western half of the Atlantic.
15. What are the shallowest major features of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?
16. Why does the seafloor slope downward away from midocean
17. What happens as the thickness of the lithosphere grows from zero
at midocean ridges to 100 km away from midocean ridges?
Go to and read the introduction and answer the following questions:
18. Three examples of nonrenewable energy resources are:
19. Three examples of renewable energy resources are:
20. A little more than 150 years ago people created the technology to extract energy from the
ancient fossilized remains of plants and animals. These super-rich but limited sources of energy (in
the form of ___________________________________________) quickly replaced wood, wind,
solar, and water as the main sources of fuel.
21. Research what kind(s) of renewable energy Montana produces. Why is Montana an optimal
location for that form of renewable energy?
Go to and summarize (with 3-5
22. What are the sources of energy consumption in 2011?