the Principal`s Presentation

La Paz
Intermediate School
Incoming Parent
March 24, 2010
This powerpoint is
available on the La Paz
As is lots of info such as:
School Planner (Rules, Dress Code, etc.), Bell
Schedules, Course Descriptions
La Paz
• California Distinguished School
– 1990, 1992, 2003 & 2007
• Outstanding STAR Testing Results
– 2009 API: 888 (20 point increase)
– State Ranking 2008: 9/10
• Exemplary Fine Arts Program
– Monterey Jazz Festival
What Makes La Paz
Such a Great Place
• Our focus on learning
– Standards-based education
• Our commitment to each child
– Whatever It Takes
• Our partnership with parents
• Our foundational philosophy
Taking Center Stage
Act II
• Academic Excellence
• Developmental Responsiveness
• Social Equity
• Organizational Structures/Processes
Taking Center Stage: Act II
Academic Excellence
• Standards (Core, PE) & common
• Instruction, Assessment, Intervention
– Challenging student-centered lessons
– Support through differentiation,
intervention, enrichment
• ELT, Read 180, Electives, Early
Release Mondays, Make-Up Classes
Taking Center Stage: Act II
Developmental Responsiveness
• Technology, Arts, Career,
Project/Service-based learning, Cross
Curricular learning (communities)
• Communities & Early Release Mondays
• 6th Grade Orientations, WEB (Where
Everybody Belongs)
Taking Center Stage: Act II
Social Equity
• Access: Honors, Support, Intramural
Sports, Electives
• Safety, Resilience, Health: 3 R’s
(Responsibility, Readiness, Respect),
Lapazatives, Counseling, Safe Campus
Taking Center Stage: Act II
Organizational Structures &
• Distributed Leadership:
Administrative Team, Leadership
Team, Department Chair Council,
Department Teams, Subject-Alike
Teams, Community Teams, School
Site Council, STPO (PTA), ELAC
(English Learners)
Organizational Structures
& Processes (cont)
• Professional Learning Communities
• Talent, time, resources, data analysis
• Partnerships: SSC, STPO, ELAC,
SVCC, UCI/Concordia, Chapman,
Career Day
See it ALL in Action
La Paz Open House
Thursday, April 29th 7:00 p.m.
Get Involved
• STPO (aka PTA)
• Coffee with the Principal
• Leopard Run, Renaissance Fair, Open
House, Fundraisers, Career Day, Field
Trips, Student Recognition, Recyling,
Newspaper Collection, Campus
Beautification, Tutoring, etc.
Break Out Sessions
• 3 Sessions, each 15 minutes long
• Passing Period: 4 minutes
• Sessions
– Communities (i.e. Student Schedule)
– Counseling and Honors
– Electives/PE/STPO
• En español: en la biblioteca
Break Out Process
• Follow the person with your balloon
color to the first room
• Your session 1 facilitator will give you
a schedule for sessions 2 and 3
• Go to session 2 and then to session 3
• After session 3, the evening is
And...Welcome to Our
Leopard Family 