SQ Worksheet 8 – Solving Quadratic Applications

Transitional Algebra
SQ Worksheet 8 – Solving Quadratic Applications
Solve each problem using any reasonable method.
1. The height, h ( t ) , in feet of a bottle rocket is given by h( t ) =160t -16t 2 , where t is the time in seconds.
How long will it take for the rocket to return to the ground?
2. A foul ball leaves the end of a baseball bat and travels according to the formula h( t ) = -16t 2 + 64t ,
where h ( t ) is the height of the ball in feet and t is the time in seconds. How long will it take the ball to
reach a height of 64 feet in the air?
3. Emma hits a golf ball off the tee. The height of the ball is given by y = -16x2 + 4013x+ 3250 , where y is
the height in yards above the ground and x is the horizontal distance from the tee in yards. How far does
Emma hit the ball when it hits the ground for the first time?
4. The formula h = -16t 2 + 48t +160 gives the height, h, of an object thrown from a building 160 feet high
with an initial speed of 48 ft/sec, where t is measured in seconds.
a) Find the time for the object to be 80 ft high.
b) Find the time for the object to hit the ground.