A Sharing Opportunity for the New Year
“Giving a Future to a Child of Angkor”
Beginning January 2010
Dear Friend,
I hope 2009 was good and that this New Year holds even more promise for you and your
loved ones. In the West, we live with so many comforts and with such abundance that it’s
difficult to imagine the desperate need that exists in other parts of the world.
Thanks to help from donors like you, needy families in Banteay Srey, Cambodia are
experiencing sufficient food, clean water, safe housing and medicine for the first time. For
more than 10 years, NKFC teachers, volunteers and workers have made daily improvements
and helped to restore comfort and safety to these deserving people.
Today, I’m writing to invite you to participate in a new way that will touch your heart and
your imagination.
For the first time in more than a generation, beauty is entering the lives of our village
children. In addition to regular school programs, 156 children have now enrolled to study the
ancient arts of Cambodia music and dance. This vocational study requires an additional 30
hours of study each week. Frankly, the extra materials and meals are more than their families
can afford and I am asking for your help.
Will you consider sponsoring just one child to receive this learning opportunity?
Naturally, you must ask what will it cost to offer one child a future as an artist?
I do not know whether to laugh or cry when I tell you. The need for each child is less than $1
per day. Less than $1 will carry a burden beyond the financial means of their parents.
Less than $1 will cover their additional meals, clothing and supplies.
Less than $1 will give them the chance of fulfilling a dream to become a fully trained dancer
or musician with a respected vocation.
156 little dancers and musicians are now seeking this chance to study.
Visit this page to meet the children who aspire to train in classical and traditional dance as
well as traditional folk music. I promise that you will change each other’s lives forever.
Then just email me personally with the name of your child.
I will contact you with sponsorship details and my
gratitude immediately.
Ravynn Karet-Coxen
NKFC Conservatoire, located in the shadow of the Angkor
Heritage Site in Banteay Srey, Cambodia is seeking to train
156 children from the most impoverished backgrounds:
 64 students for classical dance (all girls)
 65 students for traditional-folk dance (boys/girls)
 27 students for traditional and folk music
A Sharing Opportunity for the New Year
“Giving a Future to a Child of Angkor”
Beginning January 2010
In our age of abundance, it is painful to see children still living in desperate need. Many
Cambodian families cannot afford to let children attend school regularly, instead forcing them
to work at menial tasks to help support the family.
With the initiation of NKFC’s cultural dance and music training, more children have become
eager to learn, and parents now want to see children pursue respectable artistic vocations.
For less than $20 per month, you can give a gift of education, art, happiness and a promising
future to a child. While this amount of money may seem insignificant to you, it will truly
make the difference between a bright future and a sad one for these children.
Our dedicated teachers help enrolled students grow with a standard education and add
rigorous vocational training in folk dance, classical dance and traditional music. For the first
time since the terror of the Khmer Rouge era, children and families in these destitute rural
areas are again learning the culture and morality on which their ancient society was founded.
Your contribution will change a child’s life by:
 Making a dream come true; helping a child to build a sustainable future as an
educated, fully trained dancer or musician.
 Supplementing their family income will help to provide nutritious food, basic
clothing and health care. Your support will also help one little dancer or musician to
attend school on a regular basis, so they are not forced to work at menial tasks to
 Bringing discipline into a child’s life. All NKFC students are carefully monitored by
our staff. Regular attendance (6 days each week) is mandatory in our school and “arts
 Protecting a child from harmful influences. The NKFC program gives children a safe,
disciplined environment with trained adult supervision, protecting them financial and
sexual exploitation.
Meet the children...
You can adopt a “little dancer or musician” today from our “NKFC conservatoire.” Our arts
school, located in the shadow of the Angkor World Heritage Site, is where we give 156
children from the poorest backgrounds the opportunity to learn these cultural arts.
 Click here to choose a child who needs your help. You sponsor a child in:
traditional-folk dance (65 girls and boys)
classical dance (64 girls)
traditional and folk music (27 boys at present, with girls enrolling soon)
 Clicking each child’s photo will tell you more about them and give you the chance to
become his or her sole arts sponsor.
 Your total tax-deductible donation is $250 per year (US$20 per month + US$10 per
year for administration).
 Please email the name of your child and your chosen form of payment to
[email protected].
 You’ll then appear as the child’s sponsor and will receive regular updates on his or
her progress.
Thank you for sharing this gift of art, life and a future with a Child of Angkor.