Author Visit
Barnes and Noble is having Christopher Paul Curtis, author
of Bud, Not Buddy, and fans of his books come to Barnes
and Noble for an author celebration. Although he has
written many books, your group is in charge of the booth
for Bud, Not Buddy. Your job is to show what you know
about the book in creative way.
Author Visit
What Do You Know?
What Do You Need To
With your group of 2 you will randomly select one of the
options available to show what you know about the book
Bud, Not Buddy.
Today, you will work as a group and create a plan on how
you will design your project. Document who will do what
part and turn in to Ms. Doyle for approval. Every student
must participate and present.
You will have 2 whole class periods to complete the
construction of your project and one day to present to the
class, please use your time wisely.
Bud, Not Buddy Board
Students work together to create a board game based on
FACTUAL information from the book.
The game must be able to be played
Rules, game board, and game pieces need to be created
Re-Create Bud’s Suitcase
Students will work together in class to create Bud’s suitcase
All items that were in his suitcase must be recreated.
On the back of the suitcase, a list of each item AND why it
was important to Bud must be included.
You will present your suitcase to the class.
3-D Model of a Scene
Students create a 3-D model of their favorite scene or
setting from the book
Write 2 paragraphs, the first to explain your scene and why
you as a group picked it.
When your group presents the scene to the class, all
members will be responsible to telling the class what that
scene meant to the book.
Movie Poster
If Bud, Not Buddy was made into a movie-your group will
design the poster!
Research movie posters so that you know what should be
on it
You will write a summary on the back of the poster of the
Each person will give a separate review of the movie,
without giving away any of the key details.
Please remember all projects will be graded according to the
Students are all expected to put in EQUAL PARTICIPATION
to receive all points for participation (if your group needs to
be redirected or is off task you WILL lose participation