Alexin Plus - Nutriag Ltd.

Want To Maximize Yields in a Dry Year?
Foliar fertilization gives crops the strength to cope with dry conditions
Minimal snowfall over the winter, combined with hot weather, results in dry soil conditions that may reduce
crop growth and development. Dry conditions severely restrict the amount of water and nutrients taken up
by crops from the soil. This leads to an insufficient amount of nutrition for crops to sustain proper growth,
causing stress on the crop and ultimately reducing yield.
There are key nutrients that have substantial impact on plant growth in dry conditions:
Phosphorus and Potassium are macronutrients involved in crop development and
have fundamental roles in maintaining crop growth in dry conditions.
Zinc and Manganese are micronutrients that can be very beneficial in maintaining
adequate root growth during dry conditions.
Foliar fertilizers provide essential nutrients
when crops need them the most
The foliar application of fertilizers supplies the nutrients
needed to maintain proper growth in dry conditions.
Building a strong root system allows for crops to access soil
moisture further down in the soil profile to better utilize its
nutrition. Promoting crop establishment through the timely
foliar fertilization gives crops a good foundation for strong
growth and development throughout the season.
Foliar Fertilization:
What To Apply When Its Dry?
NutriAg’s ManZinPhos Max Plus is a foliar applied liquid
fertilizer that can help maximize yields in a dry year.
Using NutriAg’s MOD technology, ManZinPhos Max Plus
combines Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, and Manganese
in a fully available liquid form. ManZinPhos Max Plus can
be applied throughout the growing season to provide
crops with the nutrition and growth-enhancing
technology (CMM) needed for maximum yields.
ManZinPhos Max Plus
6-20-5 3% Mn, 1% Zn
With three exclusive technologies:
Matrix Ortho DeprotonationTM
Cell Metabolism MaximizerTM
ManZinPhos Max Plus
Superior, High-phosphorus Foliar Fertilizer
Total Nitrogen (N)................................ 6.0%
Available Phosphoric Acid (P2O5)....... 20.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O).......................... 5.0%
Sulphur (S)...........................................1.8%
Manganese (Mn)................................. 3.0%
Zinc (Zn)...............................................1.0%
NutriAg’s ManZinPhos Max Plus is a fully
available high Phosphorus foliar fertilizer with
an ideal combination of micronutrients.
ManZinPhos Max Plus provides the nutrition
and growth-enhancing technology needed to
push crop development and maximize yields.
Application Rate: 1.0 L/ac
Benefits of ManZinPhos Max Plus
High Phosphorus liquid foliar fertilizer with sequestered
micronutrients in a true solution for fully available nutrients that
are easily taken up by the crop
100% ortho-phosphorus for immediate Phosphorus availability
Contains three exclusive NutriAg technologies:
PolyAldoCarbosate (PAC), Matrix Ortho-Deprotonation (MOD),
and Cell Metabolism Maximizer (CMM)
Packed with 3 Exclusive Technologies
PAC technology utilizes natural plant derived carbohydrates
to complex plant nutrients making them safe and efficient for
foliar application.
MOD technology is a specialized process that allows for the
simultaneous inclusion of high concentrations of essential
micronutrients in a high Phosphorus foliar fertilizer that is a
true solution and will not clog sprayers.
CMM technology utilizes a unique combination of carboxylic
acids and carbohydrate derivatives to enhance the plants
natural growth mechanisms, promoting root development
and yield production.
NutriAg Ltd.
62 Arrow Road
Toronto, ON M9M 2L8
[email protected]
Matrix Ortho-DeprotonationTM
Cell Metabolism MaximizerTM
May 2016 CAN-1604