BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY Volume 78, Number 5, September 1972 ON THE HAEFLIGER KNOT GROUPS BY R. JAMES MILGRAM 1 Communicated by E. H. Brown, February 3, 1972 ABSTRACT. Let Ckn be the group of isotopy classes of differentiable embeddings S" c Sn+k. In [4J A. Haefliger established an isomorphism C* - nn+l(G,SO, G*) where Gu is the set of (oriented) homotopy equivalences of the sphere Sk~*. In this note, we indicate methods which make the calculation of these groups feasible. In particular, we determine the first seven nonzero groups in the metastable range. We also develop connections between the composition operation in homotopy and such geometric operations as spin-twisting knots. 1. The space of the Haefliger knot groups. THEOREM A. There is a space Fk which is 2k — 3-connected and nn(Fk) s C*. Indeed, Fk is the fiber in the map SGk/SOk -* SG/SO, induced by the usual inclusions BGk ^ BG, BSOk<± Bso. Alternately, Fk is the fiber in the map SO/SOk -+ G/Gk9 induced by the inclusions BSOk <•» BGk, Bso <± BG. COROLLARY B. H^(Fk ; Z2) = E(- • • Aj • • •) where I runs over all sequences of integers (il9..., it\ satisfying (i)0^i1^...^U^2), (ii) i1 = 0 implies t = 2, (iii) it^ fc-1. Moreover, dim^j) is ix + 2i2 + 4i3 + ... + l~Ht - 1. {fiere E is an exterior algebra on these stated generators.) B follows from A on applying the results of [7]. In the same way, it is possible to obtain partial information about ff#(Fk;Zp) for p odd. Similarly, we can determine H*(Fk ;Z2) as a module over the Steenrod algebra ^(2), and H*(Fk ; Zp) over <stf(p) in the range of dimensions less than 3fc - 2. In this range, H*(Fk;Zp) has one nonzero generator e^-i in each dimension 4s— 1, and is zero otherwise. For general p, the <s/(p)-structure AMS 1969 subject classifications. Primary 5520, 5570; Secondary 5540. 1 This research supported in part by the NSF. Copyright © American Mathematical Society 1972 861 862 R. J. MILGRAM [September is involved. However, for p = 3 we have the concise formula ^ 4 s _ 1 ) = r s J(6 4s _ 1+4l .). The structure of H*(Fk ; Z2) is considerably more complex. COROLLARY C. In dimensions less than 3k — 2, H*(Fk;Z2) has generators of the form el u {ej ® eO, with] ^ k — 1, of dimension 2/ + i — 1 and (Compare [8, §3] where a space very similar to this is studied.) COROLLARY D. (Fk+1 u cFk) ~ y£k+1Pk-i in our range. Here Pk-± is the truncated projective space p°°/pfc-2. Also, the map Fk^> Fk+1 is the natural one which geometrically corresponds to compositions Sk a Sn+k c Sn+k+i. D gives a homotopy-theoretical proof of the second main result of [4], namely, the isomorphism 7i n (F,,G,)^7r n _, + 1(SO,SO,_0 for n ^ 3g —6. Finally, passing to rational homology, the map H%(Q(G/SO)) -» H^(Fk) is surjective, and we have COROLLARY E. r ~ . -,A. ^ r g, i = 3(4), 0 i > 2k - 3, *i(n) ® 6 = < [ 0 otherwise. In particular, for i = 3(4) and i > 2k-^3,7if(Fk) contains a Z-direct summand. The identification of the Hurewicz image of these summands is a major problem in further clarifying the homotopy type of the Fk. Some results should be possible using the techniques of [3]. 2. Some calculations. We use Corollary C to calculate the F2-term of the Adams spectral sequence for Fk in dimensions less than 3 k - 3 at the prime two. (In the range in which the calculations are carried through, the p-primary calculations p = 3,5,7... are direct.) The £2-terms for p = 2 exhibit a type of periodicity ExOf(2)(H*(Ffc+20,Z2) s Ext%f{H*{Fk\Z2) 1972] 863 ON THE HAEFLIGER KNOT GROUPS for t - s < 2r + 2(fe + 2r - 1). The author does not know if this periodicity has any geometric analogue, however. These Ext groups are calculated by use of the tables in [6] and the spectral sequence techniques in [8, §9]. After evaluating all the differentials we can obtain THEOREM F. The first seven two-primary components of the C\ for k > 7 are (a) for k ES 2(8), 0 1 z2 r* 2 3 4 5 Z 2 Z®(Z2)2; z2 z 2 0 Z®Z2 ^2fc-3+j (b)/orfc = 3(8), 0 rk ^2k-3+j 1 2 3 4 z z4 z2 0 z®z2 Z4 © Z 2 or Z2 © Z2 or; Z2 © Z 16 or (c) for fc = 4(8), 0 4 3 1 z 2 Z2®Z2 z2 0 5 6 7 Z8©Z4 Z®Z2 Z2; (d)/orfc = 5(8), 0 z r* 1 2 (Z 2 ) 2 5 (Z 2 ) 3 Z16 e Z8 or Z © (Z 2 ) 2 6 z. z 2 ; z 16 e z 4 (e)/or fc = 6(8), ; r* 0 1 2 3 z2 0 z@z2 0 1 z Z4 41 5 z2 z2 6 0 Z®Z2; (f) /or fc = 7(8), j k r 2 3 4 z2 0 1Z 5 6 5ï 8 w z :i®ZAor Z 4 or Z2 ® Z2 or %2 %l\ (g) /or k = 0(8), t/ie groups are isomorphic to those for k = 4(8); (h) for k = 1(8), the groups are isomorphic to those for k = 5(8), except possibly for j = 3, where, however, the same two groups are the only possibilités. 864 R. J. MILGRAM [September Taking into account the 3-primary structure, we obtain G. Ck = 0 for n < 2/c + 4 if and only if (a) k = 0(2) and n = 2fc-2, (b) k = 3(4), k # 1(3), andn = 2fc, (c) k = 6(8),fc# 0(3), and n = 2k + 2. COROLLARY Thus, in these dimensions, a smooth embedding f:Mn - (point) c Sw+k implies the existence of a smooth embedding f\Mn c S w+k+1 . REMARK. The ambiguities in F for k = 5(8) and ; = 3 would be resolved if we knew the image of the Hurewicz map in dimension 2fc. 3. Some operations on the Ck. The map Ck>-+ Ck+1 is obtained by passing to homotopy in the map h:Fk-+ Fk+l. PROPOSITION H. ft* is injective on H\Fk+1\Z^ for i < 3fc-2. In particular, h*(er u ej ® ej)k+ x = (er u e> (g) e*)*. This enables us to obtain information on how far back a particular embedding desuspends. For example, let g be the generator [3] of Ck2k-$ with k odd. Then THEOREM I. (a) Ifk = 1(4), g is not the suspension of any knot S2fc_3c-> S3fc-4 (b) If k = 3(4), g is the suspension of a knot g:S2k~3c-+ S3k~4 bttf is not the double suspension of any knot s2k~4c+ S3k~5. Composition defines an action of 7t^(S°), the stable homotopy of spheres, on the Ck for k > jn. For example, if rj e n^S0) — Z 2 represents the nontrivial element, then rj0 constructs from a knot /:Swc-> Sn+k a new knot fn:Sn+x^Sn+k+1. On the other hand, Artin-Zeeman [2], [9] defined the notion of twist-spinning knots, and Hsiang-Sanderson [5] generalized the twistspinning construction considerably. THEOREM J. (a) Composition with rj corresponds to the Artin-Zeeman twist-spinning operation. (b) Composition with J(a) corresponds to the Hsiang-Sanderson construction for y = [1, a]. (Here, J : n^(SO) -> n^(S°) is the Whitehead J-homomorphism [1].) 1972] ON THE HAEFLIGER KNOT GROUPS 865 COROLLARY K. (a) Iterating the Artin-Zeeman twist-spinning operation four times (for k > 2) always results in a trivial knot. (b) The Artin-Zeeman twist-spinning of gk is never zero. The iteration is nonzero if and only ifk= 1(4). BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. J. F. Adams, On the groups J(X), I, Topology 2 (1963), 181-195. MR 28 #2553. 2. E. Artin, Zur Isotopie zweidimensionalen Flâchen im R4, Abh. Math. Sem» Univ. Hamburg 4 (1926), 174-177. 3. A. Haefliger, Knotted (4k-l)-speres in 6k-space, Ann. of Math. (2) 75 (1962), 452-466. MR 26 #3070. 4. , Differentiate embeddings of Sn in Sn+q for q > 2, Ann. of Math. (2) 83 (1966), 402-436. MR 34 #2024. 5. W. C. Hsiang and B. J. Sanderson, Twist-spinning spheres in spheres, Illinois J. Math. 9 (1965), 651-659. MR 32 #6474. 6. M. Mahowald, The metastable homotopy ofSn, Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. No. 72 (1967). MR 38 #5216. 7. R. J. Milgram, The mod 2 spherical characteristic classes, Ann. of Math. (2) 92 (1970), 238-261. MR 41 #7705. 8. , Unstable homotopy from the stable point of view, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif., 1971. (mimeograph). 9. E. G Zeeman, Twisting spun knots, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 115 (1965), 471-495. MR 33 #3290. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305
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