Setting up the Vacation Message

Information & Library Services
Vacation Message Setup
June 28, 2006
Logging Into Webmail
 Open a browser.
 In the address line type:
 Log in with your Bates username
and password.
Getting to the Vacation Message Setup
 After logging in, click
Options on the left
hand side.
 After clicking Options,
click Filters which
appears as the third
title under Options.
Getting to the Vacation Message Setup
 At this point, there will be a series
of icons at the top of the screen.
 Click on the Vacation icon.
Setting up the Vacation Message
 After clicking on the
Vacation icon, it will bring
up a Vacation setup
 Under My Email
Addresses type your
Bates email address to
Setting up the Vacation Message
 In the next box, you can
choose to enter email
addresses that should not
receive an auto response.
 Make sure the checkbox
Do not send responses
to bulk or list messages
is checked.
Setting up the Vacation Message
 At this point we can
set the number of
days between
vacation replies.
 Type in the Subject
for the vacation
response followed by
the full Reason or
body of the message.
Setting up the Vacation Message
 After the text portion
of the message is set
up, the next step is to
click Save.
 Click Return to Rules
List to enable the
Setting up the Vacation Message
 An X means that the rule is
disabled and a  means
that the rule is active or
 To activate the Vacation
message, click the X for
Vacation which will change
to a .
Vacation Message Conclusion
 At this point, the vacation message is
active and will automatically send a
response to any email that isn’t blocked.
 This can be easily tested if you have
someone send you an email.
 Do not test the vacation message by
sending a message to yourself because
it will cause an infinite loop of messages.
Questions & Answers
Visit these instructions and others at: