How Job Boards Can Use Programmatic to Improve

How Job Boards Can Use
Programmatic to Improve Traffic Buying
RecTech 2017 // Wednesday, 17 May, 2017
Kyle J. Leigh // President of Ripple
Why to Use Programmatic
For job boards, programmatic can be defined as a technologydriven, rules-based approach of efficiently buying from optimal
publishers, at optimal times, at optimal rates to produce optimal
traffic that converts into optimal clicks/applies.
Programmatic Drives Efficiency
“advanced [programmatic] techniques garnered a 32%
decrease in cost-per-action (CPA), as much as a 200%
improvement in action rates for clicks and view-thru and up
to a 70% reduction in cost-per-click (CPC)….”
Too Much Waste Without Programmatic
Admin Jobs
Sales Jobs
Health Jobs
Technology Jobs
Without programmatic rules and a diverse network of traffic sources,
advertising monies may be too heavily spent on easy-to-traffic jobs and not
enough on hard-to-traffic jobs.
At Mercy of Too Few Traffic Sources
When buying traffic from only a handful of publishers, job boards are at the
mercy of their decisions, capabilities, and pricing.
Diversification of traffic sources mitigates risk and delivers greater results.
How to Use Programmatic
Step 1
Manage Internally or Pick a Management Partner
• Decide whether you have the
resources to manage the day-today buying yourself, or pick a
media trading partner - OnRecruit,
Recruitics, or Ripple!
• If buying yourself, pick a platform
partner - Clickcast, Joveo, or
Step 2
Set Basic Spend and Volume Rules
• Break your current traffic spend
into groups: job categories,
employers, or individual jobs.
• Determine click or applies caps for
each group or each job.
• Decide how much to spend for
each group or each job.
Admin Jobs
Sales Jobs
Health Jobs
Technology Jobs
Clicks/Applies Needed
Step 3
Add Publisher Partners
• Create buying relationships with
various publishers, or partner with
an Ad Exchange - like Ripple!
• Provide each an XML feed with
job content and click-rate bids.
• Ensure that publishers are
indexing the feed every few
Step 4
Trade, Trade, Trade!
• Complete daily performancebased optimizations:
- Add/remove publishers.
- Adjust bids.
- Fix non-performing jobs.
- Adjust job titles and locations.
• Analyze results, gather insights,
and repeat.
Results of Programmatic
Efficiency, Efficiency, Efficiency
More Clicks/Applies for the High-Need Jobs (Happier Customers)
Less Wasted Spend (30% - 40%)
Smarter Analytics
Greater Time Efficiencies
Questions? ¿Preguntas? Fragen?
Des questions? Le domande?
What questions does group have?
Kyle J. Leigh //
[email protected]
©2017 Ripple Media Group