
How to enter Personnel Action
Human Resources/PayrollHuman ResourcesPersonnel ActionsAction entry
1. This should open up to search, click
, and select the appropriate employee
2. Then click TAB, this will pull in the employee data ( Number, First and Last Name)
3. Enter in effective date ( Has to be pay period begin date, only exception is hires or terms)
4. Select action reason from Drop down
5. Select Reason/Auth from drop down (number needs to correspond with action reason)
If you select a action reason that’s 20, you need matching reason/auth. If these do not
match they will be rejected.
6. Enter in any comments for your Manager/Human Resources
7. Click accept once everything looks good
8. If you have any additional information you can scan and attach by clicking the paperclip
9. You then want to click Create PAF up in the Menu section of the ribbon
10. Then select more, and click release
*after you have clicked release it goes onto your manager, once they review and approve it will go onto