AlNayzak Harvest 2013

“There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come” Victor Hugo
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less” Marie Curie
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” Albert Einstein
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” Benjamin Franklin
“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him discover it in himself” Galileo
“The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane” Nikola Tesla
“The Important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing” Albert Einstein
“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known” Carl Sagan
“A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions, as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all” Friedrich Nietzsche
“You can observe a lot just by watching” Yogi Berra
“Men love to wonder, and that is the seed of science” Ralph Waldo Emerson.
“Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing” Wernher von Braun.
“Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to SOLVE other problems” Rene Descartes
“The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success” Bruce Feirstein
“There is one thing even more vital to science than intelligent methods; and that is, the sincere desire to find out the truth, whatever it may be” Charles Pierce
“Facts are the air of scientist. Without them you can never fly” Linus Pauling
“The chief enemy of creativity is good sense” Pablo Picasso
Al Nayzak Harvest
Ten years of innovation
© Al Nayzak 2014
Ten years of innovation
Al Nayzak in Numbers
Ten Years of Innovation
The Science and Technology House
Made in Palestine
Tafkeer – Thinking Technology
Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program
Young Researcher
Talented Students Incubator
Interactive Educational Curriculums
Knowledge Creators.. Knowledge Promoters
Art of Science.. Art in science
Educational Films.. Produced by Al Nayzak
Proudly; I am Al Nayzak Alumni
Aspiring to a better future
Celebrating Innovation
Audit Report
Al Nayzak Partners
Al Nayzak in Numbers
Teachers were trained in
hands-on science
Thousand youth
and integrating ICT
technical and financial support
during the 10 years
National and International
Registered patents
Advanced technology
labs were established
Creative projects participated
in Made in Palestine (MIP)
research results
teachers under the name of
“Tafkeer” and promoting it on
Apple Store
different age groups
Developing and releasing the
iPad application about
Creative workstations were
provided to schools in
Jerusalem and Gaza
were founded by Al Nayzak
cities in the West Bank,
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
application by
the Young Researcher
of initiatives based on action
since June 2013
New Palestinian companies
action researches through
Program and launching tens
science house activities
inside and/or outside
agents of positive change and
in schools
visitors enjoyed the
interactive games in one iPad
interactive curriculum for
awards in innovation and
in technology
Young entrepreneurs received
were reached and
Developing and releasing
Projects by
students were incubated by the STEP
Program and delegating the best
manufacture, and promote
students to a space camp at
innovative critical
thinking games
Al Nayzak Harvest
“Abandon your fears, listen to your
passion, explore depth of science…
Reach the sky with innovation
Eng. Aref Husseini
Ten Years of Innovation..
It is with pleasure that we deliver to you the al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and
Scientific Innovation harvest of activities and programs for the last ten years. These years were
remarkable in our 10 years of continuous efforts to excel and elevate with the Palestinian talent
and enhance their capabilities to foster the future of our Palestine.
During the past two years and in partnership with our faithful supporters; we managed to establish
and inaugurate the first science and technology house in Palestine in the old town of Birzeit, which
is considered as the first brick to ground break the Palestinian National Museum for Science and
Technology. What we opt for is collective practical knowledge and build capacities and local cadre,
in addition to deeply rooting a culture of visiting scientific museums for the fun and knowledge;
two major components for the science house activities.
In this Harvest, we highlight the most important accomplishments achieved by the organization
all around Palestine throughout our network of centers in Jerusalem, Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah,
Birzeit and Gaza; perpetuating the organization’s objective; excellence not perfection.
Since its establishment in 2003, Al Nayzak took on the responsibility to explore scientific talent
amongst young generation, incubate them in a framework that respects their intellectual
capabilities, responds to their needs and educate them to passionately serve their home; Palestine.
This is achieved through understanding not memorizing and guides them to gain leadership skills
in various fields that are necessaryto the future of our state within a plan designed and put carefully.
Our methodology also gives them the chance to obtain real knowledge with the details of their
majors and paves their way towards real knowledge and profound understanding of the future to
compete with their peers worldwide.
On behalf of my colleagues at Al Nayzak, I would like to extend our sincere gratitude to our partners
and supporters all through the years and invite you to explore our harvest, thento communicate
with us for comments; those which will help us design our tomorrow.
Eng. Aref Husseini
Founder and Director
Al Nayzak Harvest
The Science and Technology House
Crowning its series of achievements and a 10
years parade for innovation, the organization
inaugurated in 2013 the first Science and
Technology House in Palestine, where visitors
enjoy hands on activities all dedicated to create
a culture of scientific thinking and as a nuclear
to establishing the National Science and
Technology Museum in Palestine.
In order to achieve its mission, the organization
worked through a series of chronically conducted
programs to incubate talented people from an
Science House visitors are enjoying the
interactive exhibits in the Science Garden
early age all the way until they are equipped
with enough scientific knowledge to realize
Since its establishment, Al Nayzak dedicated
itself to creating an effective and long
scientific and technological innovations.
lasting change in the Palestinian community.
The Science House aims at receiving 15
The organization has taken on the fields of
thousand students annually. Currently, the
science and technology education, critical and
House is a destination for schools where
logical thinking, scientific and technological
specialized scientific visits are organized to
entrepreneurship, and systematic social change
enjoy hours of science and fun in a distinctive
that depend on scientific research.
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
their scientific potential and produce efficient
The Science House experience is not only limited to specialized
scientific visits, but can also re-introduces daily activities such as;
Scientific Birthdays: The Science and Technology House
offers the chance to celebrate children’s birthdays in a creative,
scientific, and exciting way, full of joy and funny surprises.
Fun and Science Days: a full day of scientific fun at the
Science House for any organizations’ staff and their families. The
fun days include various indoor and outdoor activities at the
Science House, as well as in the old town of Birzeit.
Celebrating national and international scientific events;
such as Sun and Moon Eclipses, the fall of meteorites, and other
interesting events.
Masses Race exhibit at the Physics and Space section
Science Birthday’s activities at the Telecommunication section
Science House Sections and Activities
The Science and Technology House has a great capacity and offers a distinctive interactive
experience for visitors of all ages. During a tour of more than three hours with accompanied by an
experienced guide, the visitor will have the chance to move around the different courts and being
introduced into various yet specialized scientific concepts.
The first stop will be at the Physics and Space Exhibition where visitors know how a satellite moves
around the earth and why planes don’t fall. The Chemistry and Medicine Laboratory offers the real
experience of making a medicine either in pills or liquids. The Telecommunications Exhibitionsheds
special light on the history of developing the telephone and the software employed to facilitate
certain life events. The “Robotics– Behind Wires Laboratory” brings to life interesting electronic and
electrical concepts and provides a space for visitors to design, build and program their own robots.
The Science Garden contains distinguished interactive exhibits and offers a creative space for special
activities in physics, biology and chemistry, in addition to entertainment activities and events.
Finally the House embraces a high-tech well equipped multipurpose room where external parties
can host activities and where Al Nayzak’s signature Scientific Theatre performances are organized.
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Made in Palestine
2 0 1 3
Palestinian innovators
universities with the feasible opportunities
and possibilities to achieve their hopes and
aspirations which, in turn, could lead to
results of practical value in developing new
products or solving technical problems using
Economy based on Knowledge and Entrepreneurship
creative methods and mechanisms.
Post the great success for the program in
creating a culture of innovation and celebrating
creativity in Palestine and given the fact
Self-Balancing Two-Wheel Electric Vehicle Project - MIP 2012
that the program’s participants achieved the
highest positions in local and international
competitions such as “Made in Arab World” and
“Stars of Science”, Al Nayzak decided to pursue
with the program in a new approach.
As of 2013, the program is implementing the
startup methodology to incubate and scale up
the enterprises until they become capable to
unlock new markets locally and internationally
with competitive products labeled as “Made in
One of the “Made in Palestine 2012” winners receives his award
“Made in Palestine” and “Made in Jerusalem” Program is one of Al Nayzak’s Annual programs. It
aims at supporting new innovative ideas in science, engineering, and technology, and linking
the academic experience gained at university level with the technical skills needed to proceed in
business, in an effort to provide solutions to the technological, scientific and industrial problems
encountered by local community.
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Spiral Potato Machine-Tornado Potato Machine - Gaza
Multi-Tasking Robot, one of “Made in Palestine 2012” projects.
Launching event of “Tafkeer” Application; the First 25 Arabic
Al Nayzak Harvest
and principals educational cadre
working in schools, through learning
programs inside and outside Palestine.
The program also focuses on training
“Tafkeer” Thinking Technology Program
Integrating ICT in Education
the participants on policies, strategies and
Teachers training Program in Estonia
practices related to the daily use of technology
and the exploitation of cyberspace provided
by Internet service for the development of the
physical environment at selected schools
educational process. In addition, training them
chosen according to certain standards, by
on how to use the modern laboratories so as to
establishing new technology laboratories and
know its components and capabilities.
providing them with the tools and equipment.
All laboratories are fully equipped to meet the
needs for teaching the technology curriculum,
creative workstations particularly manufactured
to enable students to work creatively on their
The development of students’ skills in
critical thinking and technological production,
Building the teachers’ capacity in Technology
through the implementation of two of Al
Nayzak’s interactive programs which are “How
to think?” and “Behind Wires- Robotics”.
Providing knowledgeable advanced
technological resources and integrate it with
the learning and teaching process, such as
electronic games in various topics like
linguistics, geography, history, science, math
Educational Games
and technology. Al Nayzak launched these
“Thinking – Technology” is a distinct educational technology program that aims to develop a
games in one iPad application named» Tafkeer»,
Palestinian effective and general model on how to integrate and use technology in the educational
found under the same name for free on Apple
process at schools; targeting dozens of schools of different systems, focusing on four main areas.
Store and also on Al Nayzak organization’s
Robotics training at the Technology lab
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Al Nayzak Harvest
Palestinian Science and Technology
Entrepreneurship Program
Palestinian students present their innovative projects to the visitors of the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC
STEP pioneers at NASA- kennedy Space Center in Florida
en route to Space..
Applicants to STEP receive a specialized and
were qualified to the finals. The final exhibition
an intensive training on various topics such as
and ceremony, which was held on a national
scientific research methodologies and writing
level, saw the attendance of 3000 visitors. The
professional scientific papers. Furthermore,
seven winning projects granted their owners
applicants receive technical and professional
the chance to take part in a scientific trip to
support and specialized consultation by Al
the USA where they’ve enrolled in an intensive
Launched in 2013, STEP supports Palestinian
Nayzak professionals.
training program in the Smithsonian National
students who have innovative project and
The first round achieved great success with
Air and Space Museum and NASA. Training was
research ideas in different fields of applied
more than 450 projects submitted by 650
science, engineering, and technology. The
students from various schools in the West Bank
program spreads the culture of science and
and Jerusalem. Only 46 projects by 73 students
technology research and innovation through
in areas of engineering, science and physics.
Furthermore, the winning projects were
displayed in the Air and Space Museum in front
of thousands of visitors.
developing capacities and capabilities that
enable students to execute unique and
original projects, and ultimately enhance their
communities’ opportunities in keeping up with
the international advancements in science and
Innovative Students are presenting their projects in S.T.E.P National Exhibition and Competition
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Al Nayzak Harvest
that respond to the researched topics. The
process starts with training the adolescents
Young Researcher
on the basics of scientific research and critical
observation to problems they encounter in
their communities. Through logical analysis and
subjective criticism, they choose their research
topics using scientific research methods and
come up with conclusions/recommendations
Adolescents.. Agents of Positive Change
that respond to them.
After the accomplishment of the researches, the
The Young Researcher program provides adolescents with a chance to discover knowledge, dig
raising awareness campaigns start under the
deeper into social phenomena, and perform several scientific applications that interest them,
name of “advocacy through innovation”, where
urging them to think differently about what they see as important issues related to their community.
the adolescents spread awareness about the
The program’s structure integrates the scientific research with the practical application by
topics that they have observed using several
publishing the results of the researches and implementing initiatives among the community
The final competition of the first phase of the Young Researcher Program 2013
tools such as social media, workshops and field
visits. Video spots had been produced about the
proposed solutions to the problems of researches
and broadcasted on local TV channels.
Young Researchers - Adolescents agent of Positive Change
community-based initiatives and voluntary
work to help solving the problems that have
been discussed previously, which affect the
daily lives of adolescents and work on positive
By the time they adolescents are graduated
“National Task Force” adolescents are volunteering in
one of the marginalized villages in Jordan Valley
from the program, they become members of Al
Nayzak Volunteers Unit which considered as a
“National Task Force” that provides a role model
for other projects in the community.
Al Nayzak Harvest
Talented Students Incubator
Interactive Educational Curriculums
It is an interactive and interesting incubator designed to take care of outstanding students and those
By implementing the different interactive educational programs, Al Nayzak seeks to broaden
who have intellectual abilities within a continuous annual framework, starting with students after
youngsters’ perspectives by providing new way of thinking and analytical skills in order to create
exploring their abilities through specialized psychological and technical exams while in third grade.
thinkers and creative individuals who interact with society and contribute to the solution of problems
When they pass the exam, they’ll be eligible to join the incubator in the fourth grade and graduate
in a very effective and innovative manner.
in the seventh grade.
Through its experience in developing interactive educational hands-on activities, Al Nayzak has
The student then will have the skills and abilities that qualify him/her to pioneer in his/her community.
developed six constructed educational curriculum, each one consists of five stages; the learner
Thus, the incubator attracts and sponsors distinguished students with a proven intellectual abilities
should overcome the stages in a sequential way in order to get the desired benefit from the program,
from an early age and give them the opportunity to develop their talent through a process of
regardless of age and educational background.
learning which is full of challenge and creativity. To achieve these objectives, the incubator provides
talented students diverse programs and events, specially designed to suit their needs in order to
preserve their talent.
Science is the fruit of life
How we think?
Chemistry and
Biology in the Kitchen
and Bathroom
“I am Jerusalem“
and Palestinian
Physics and
Electricity in the
“I know my rights”
the Law, Rights
and Duties
Behind Wires –
Educational Tours
and Scientific Trips
Al Nayzak Harvest
Behind Wires – Robotics
“Behind Wires” is a program that handles
the relationship between technology and
the society. It aims to introduce learners to
How to Think
what happens behind the scenes of everyday
The program revolves around promoting and
technology. The learners then know the force
that binds wires and delivers the information
enriching the skills of logical and critical thinking
through integrating an educational program
to them in addition to developing their critical
This program gives the learners the opportunity
In response to the technological evolution
games. The program is based on innovative
Chemistry and Biology in the
Kitchen and Bathroom
educational curriculum which consists of five
This educational program revolves around
to learn how to explain and analyze the
in science and engineering fields, and the
sequential stages that aim to develop learners’
basic scientific phenomena specifically in
different scientific applications that they see
emergence of the robot technology, it was
different thinking skills which result in acquiring
Chemistry and Biology. It explains different
and use in their everyday lives. Further, it
important for this program to address the
a number of life skills like patience, cooperation,
scientific phenomena that students observe
provides an interesting journey around the
Robotics science. What is new in this program is
problem solving, possibilities assessments and
in their everyday lives, whether it is about
worlds of electronics and physics, and allows
building robot in addition to learn its principles.
decision making, dealing with competition,
cleaning products they use in the bathroom,
the learners to discover the details of modern
Robots are used as motivational tools to learn
complex thinking and many other skills. The
or even the food and drinks ingredients. The
technology and how do different devices work.
more about engineering, physics, electronics,
program further trains them on practicing
program provides scientific explanations to the
The program uses hands-on and interactive
and mechanics through producing robots as
those skills in their daily life through a unique
everyday-life observations in a way that brings
tools like deconstruction and reconstruction
applications to these sciences. Building and
and exciting environment that uses creative
science closer to the understanding of the
of electronic and technological kits in order to
programming a robot is considered as the first
administration and evaluation methods that
learners’ minds. The program uses hands-on
help the learner using these skills in developing
step to capacitate the learners with important
monitor the learner’s progress on several levels
scientific experiments that encourage students
and producing applicable projects. Thus,
skills to develop and produce technical projects
of concentration, logical analysis and problem
to ask and question all of what they observe in
the program is considered as a link between
based on original scientific ideas and action
their surroundings.
acquired knowledge and practical application.
that uses ordinary and electronic thinking
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Physics and Electricity
in the Street
capacities of technology, its effects and its uses.
Al Nayzak Harvest
Art of Science.. Art in Science
At Al Nayzak, we are strong believers that science is an essential art that impacts our daily activities
and also is an essential component of human culture. Therefore we worked on several programs
that merge art and drama with science and some concepts which are tough to be communicated
using traditional methods.
The Scientific Theatre is a live interactive stage performance that presents the scientific methodology,
igniting the audience’s imagination to research and find out real answers to serious problems
related to their lives.
Why can’t we connect the refrigerator to
lightning if lighting is electricity? Why does hair
“I am Jerusalem “and Palestinian
stand when it is charged with electricity? Why
did “Mrs. Plug” ask who is electricity’s father?
“I am Jerusalem” and Contemporary Palestinian
Literature tackles two interrelated components.
The first one specializes in the city itself
through practical activities and tours that
have educational, entertaining, and discovery
purposes through which participants are
introduced to the history of life in the city and
the different civilizations it encountered.
This interactive theatrical performance is
This educational program provides an overview
investigates with the audience. “Museibeh al
over the rights and responsibilities of the
Masdoom” in this case is assigned by the Mayor
learners as citizens in their communities. The
to investigate the sudden loss of electricity that
program through its different activities allows
he encounters while in the bathroom!
the learners to discover the world of citizenship,
The second component tackles different
laws, and responsibilities using interactive
subjects in the contemporary Palestinian
tools, drama and filmed cases that enable them
literature through which the skills of observation,
to think and dig deeper in their community
criticism, analysis, and discovery are promoted
and their duties towards it. The program
in order to get introduced to the major works
speaks of respecting law and the importance
of literature and poetry about Jerusalem and
of establishing a fair system that begins at the
Palestine, and be connected with the reality of
daily interaction level and builds up to higher
the Palestinian national causes.
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
“I know my rights” the Law,
Rights and Duties
about a case that the famous investigator and
robberies expert “Museibeh Al Masdoom”
The famous detective encounters, throughout
the play’s comic plot, several questions about
electricity and its nature. He searches for it in
the electricity company but with no success.
He asks where does it come from? How is it
generated? And within the exciting comic
investigation his questions are answered.
The Interactive Theatrical Performance “Where is the Current?” produced by Al nayzak.
Al Nayzak Harvest
Knowledge Creators..
Knowledge Promoters
Science is fruit for life: interactive monthly contribution to
Falasteen Al Shabab Magazine, offers scientific knowledge
in addition to a monthly competition.
Al Nayzak’s contribution to elevating the community is not bounded by the programs it offers. The
organization has also taken the responsibility to create and promote knowledge in a joyful and
interactive manner. Therefore, the Research and Development Unit of Al Nayzak spared no effort to
produce numerous innovations with patents such as the following:
“Robotics Clubs at Schools” to equip the students
with the basic skills of building and programming
robots, through implementing the educational
program “Behind Wires and Robotics” which aims to
endorse the students’ skills in technology.
Al Nayzak Games (Einstein Riddle,
Memory of Science, TQuest) which falls
under the organization’s strategic plan to
develop analytical and critical thinking.
Creative Workstation, designed and
developed by Al Nayzak. More than 500
units are already installed in various schools
across Palestine during the scholar years
2012/2013 and 2013/2014.
“I am with Jerusalem” iPad application: an enjoyable
educational game about Jerusalem. It is consisted of
12 questions with answers related to the provided
symbols or dates or words.
“Tafkeer”; the first iPad free application in Arabic, initiated and
developed by innovative Palestinian teachers, and produced by
Al Nayzak Research and Development unit.
Tafkeer Ap
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Al Nayzak Harvest
Educational Films..
Produced by Al Nayzak
Pharmaceutical Company. It’s displayed in the Chemistry and Medicine Exhibition at the Science
and Technology.
How do mobile phones work?
Most of the Palestinians use mobile cell phones, but have you ever asked yourself how does this
device work? And how does the Palestine’s Cellular Communication Company - Jawwal operate?
This short film answers these questions and presents the history of telecommunication and cellular
Al Nayzak.. 10 Years of Innovation
In 2013, Al Nayzak celebrated its 10th anniversary; this video highlights the most important
accomplishments achieved by the organization all around Palestine. All the projects and programs
communication networks in a simple and exciting way. It is produced by Al Nayzak in partnership
with Palestine’s Cellular Communication Company - Jawwal. It’s displayed in the Telecommunication
Exhibition at the Science and Technology as a part of “All the magic behind the call” exhibit.
perpetuating the organization’s objective: excellence not perfection.
Creation’s Journey to Life: Fetal Development
How is Medicine Made?
Why do we need a prescription to buy a medicine? How is medicine manufactured?
Why it is different to manufacture liquid medicines when compared to hard drugs (pills/
tablets)? What are the procedures to manufacture a sterilized and clean final product?
This short film answers all of these questions and more through an interesting journey in
Birzeit Pharmaceutical Company. This film is produced by Al Nayzak in partnership with Birzeit
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
This short film presents how the fetus is developed from the moment the sperm enters into the
mother’s body until the moment of the birth, through extraordinary transformations taking place
in the mother’s body during pregnancy. All images and scenes in the film are not real, and were
generated by the computer. The film is produced by Al Nayzak’s partners in the City of Science –
Paris, and the Arabic version’s copyrights are reserved to Al Nayzak.
Attached to this book a CD that contains all these films.
Al Nayzak Harvest
Aspiring to a better future
The first Innovation Park and School.. In Jerusalem
After the great success of establishing the Science and Technology House in the old city of Birzeit, Al
Nayzak initiates to establish the first Innovation Park and School in Palestine which will be located
in Jerusalem. This school aims to raise students who are believing in excellence.
We desperately need a national
which is not based on memorizing
content for passing exams, but aims
at understanding and analyzing.
we are seeking for can be found
easily on the Internet, however, the
important question is: how should
we deal with this information, and
how can we accumulate information,
building analytical capabilities, and
use them to achieve a deep and
ultimate understanding that leads to
innovation, creativity, and knowledgebased capital.
The Innovation Park consists of
elementary and secondary school
which is specialized in STEM (science,
technology, engineering, and math).
facilities such as; gym, swimming pool,
playgrounds, traditional and digital
library, internal and external theatres.
In addition to a scientific garden which
is open all the time for public.
Al Nayzak Harvest
I was with
Al Nayzak,
and here
I remain
I joined Al Nayzak in 2005 as a contestant
in Made in Palestine program with an
ambitious project “Single Seater Car”.
The experience was great and added so
much to my professional and technical
awareness. Hence, I decided to take
part in the 2006 and 2007 editions with
new projects for each edition: “Electric
Smoking Pipe” and “Self teaching Oud”
My experience with Al Nayzak has
Sami Thawaba my
permanently. It was an incubator where
team spirit had the upper hand, not to
28 years
mention the professional, technical and
financial support I was granted by Al
Mechanical Engineer
Nayzak’s professionals. It provided me
and analytical skills were developed in
Mechanical design of process
with an environment where my critical
addition to networking with specialists,
un-tapping new opportunities for me.
Current Employer:
I am confident to say that Al Nayzak
Petrofac International Limited
was the reason to bring life to many of
Country of residence:
my projects. The great time I spent as
Al Nayzak participant was inspiring.
Our mutual interest for a greater and
Joined Al Nayzak:
brighter future for Palestine has always
enlightened our work.
I am what I am now, because of this
Return to Palestine and
life changing experience. Thank you Al
contribute to building the State.
Nayzak for helping me become who I
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Celebrating Innovation
Audit Report
Arab Creativity Award Social Creativity
Arab Thought Foundation
Abdul Aziz Al Shakhsheer
Award for Achievements
Welfare Association
Palestine International Award
for Excellence and Creativity
PalTel Group Foundation for
Community Development
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation
Al Nayzak Harvest
Al Nayzak Partners
Al Nayzak Organization for Supportive Education and Scientific Innovation