Microcomputer and Technology Applications ^^ Program To Calculate Means and Standard Deviations We have recently developed a short but useful program to calculate means and standard deviations in sample sizes of up to 1924 numbers between zero and 65024. The data can be entered without knowing how many entries there are since the program will count and save the entries and then calculate the mean, variance, and standard deviation. It can also perform the calculations in numbers of up to four decimal places as long as there are no more t h a n five characters (excluding the decimal point) and the numbers are all the same order of magnitude. To complete the data entry, enter the number 65025, which has been designated as terminator and initiates the mean routine. Although the program is written for the Commodore 64, it can be easily adapted to other computers. Care must be taken to select a location into which to poke and peek the values (lines 110, 260, 270, 310, and 410) that will not interfere with the BASIC operating system. For the Commodore, that location is 49152. The program may be obtained on disk by mailing $5.00 for postage and handling to Magali Huertas, MT(ASCP), 712 Livezey L a n e , P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA 19128.—Magali Huertas, MT(ASCP), and Geronimo Lluberas-Acosta, MD, Philadelphia. READY 10 REM:PROGRAM TO CALCULATE MEAN AND STANDARD DEVIATION 20 REM:BYMAGALI HUERTAS, M.T. AND GERONIMO LLUBERAS-ACOSTA, M.D. 30 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0:POKE646,1 35 PRINT"" 40 PRINT" wait while memory loci are cleared" 100 for i=0to3848 110 poke 49152 + i,0:next 120 print" start program 1" 123 print" instructions 2" 125 print"" 128 prinf'PRESS 1 OR 2 AND RETURN";: INPUTV:IFV<10RV>2THEN128 130 IFV = 2THENGOSUB600 140 PRINT" choose data format" 142 prinf'whole numbers 0" 144 prinf'one decimal place 1" 146 prinftwo decimal places 2" 148 prinf'three decimal places 3" 150 prinf'four decimal places 4" 155 print" " 160 prinf'ENTER YOUR CHOICE (0 TO 4)";:INPUTFM 165 170 172 175 180 200 210 215 220 230 240 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 435 440 445 450 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 550 IFFM<0ORFM>4THEN160 PRINT" hardcopy of the analysis?" print"" print" PRESS T FOR YES OR 'N' FOR NO";:INPUTPR$ IFPR$o"N"THEN175 E = 1924 FOR I = OTOE Q=l+1 PRINT"ENTRY#"; Q; " = "; :INPUTX IFX = 65025THENN = l:GOTO290 X = X*10fFM P = INT(X/255):POKE49152 + (2*I),P R = X - (P*255):POKE49153 + (2*I),R NEXT T=0 FORI = 0TO(N-1) S = ((PEEK(49152 + (2*l)))*255 + PEEK (49153 + (2*l)))/10fFM T = T + S:NEXT AV = T/N:AV = (INT(AV* 1000))/1000 IFPR$ = "Y"THENOPEN4, 4, 7 PRINT"" PRINT"#"; TAB(5); "X"; TAB(14); " X - M " ; TAB(26);"(X-M)t2" K = 0:L = 0:J = 0 FORI = 0TO(N-1) S = ((PEEK(49152 + (2I)))*255 + PEEK (49153 + (2*I)))/10|FM L = ABS(AV - S):L = (INT(L*1000))/1000 K = L|2:Q = I + 1 PRINTQ; TAB(4); S; TAB(12); L; TAB(24); K IFPR$ = "Y"THENPRINT#4,Q;TAB(4); S; TAb(8);L;TAB(10);K J = J + K:NEXT F = J/(N-1) SD = F|(1/2) SD = (INT(SD*1000))/1000 PRINT"N = "; PRINT"MEAN = "; AV PRINT"VARIANCE = ";F PRINT'STANDARD DEVIATION = "TAB(12); SD IFPR$ = "N"THENGOTO550 PRINT#4,"N= "; N PRINT#4,"MEAN= "; AV PRINT#4,"VARIANCE= "; F PRINT#4, "STANDARD DEVIATION = "; TAB(6); SD CLOSE 4 END LABORATORY MEDICINE • VOL. 17, NO. 7, JULY 1986 419 600 610 620 630 640 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 690 700 710 720 PRINT'this program is designed to calculate" prinf'mean, variance and standard deviation" prinf'of a group of up to 1924 numbers be-" print'lween 0 and 65024 of no more than five" prinf'characters (excluding decimal point)" prinfeach." prinf'press return to continue.":input prinf'after completing the entry the number" print" print"65025" print" prinf'should be entered, this will indicate" prinf'to the computer that the sequence is" prinfcomplete." prinf'press return to continue.":input return Correlations This program studies the relationship of two sets of results. It can be used to correlate two methods or two tests. The program is written for the Commodore 64 or Vic-20 in BASIC and can be easily translated into other basic forms. The program will accept up to 200 inputs (100 for each of the two values) and will stop and do all the required calculations by merely typing "stop" or "end" as a reference value after the last "real" value. It can be previewed on the screen, and a hard copy option is available to those with a printer. The printout or screen view will show a comparison of all values, t h e slope, y intercept "y," and correlation "r." All t h a t is needed is graph paper (to plot the study).—Ron Sorochin, BS, MT(ASCP), Jones Memorial Hospital, Wellsville, NY. 101 102 103 105 110 115 116 PRINT:INPUT" TEST EVALUATED";TE$ DIMR$(100),T$(100);N = 0 DIMR(100),T(100) PRINT:PRINT:INPUT" REFERENCE METHOD";RM$ :PRINT.INPUT" TEST METHOD";TM$ FORQ=1TO100 PRINT:PRINT" PLEASE ENTER REFERENCE VALUE ": 120 PRINT" THEN TEST VALUE":INPUTR$(Q),T$(Q) 124 IFR$(Q) = "STOP"ORR$(Q) = "END"THENGOTO130 125 :N = N + 1: NEXT 130 FORW = 1TON 131 R(W) = VAL(R$(W)):T(W) = VAL(T$(W)) 135 Z = R(W) 136 X = X + Z 137 NEXT 140 145 146 147 150 152 154 155 156 157 160 165 166 167 170 180 200 210 220 230 240 245 246 247 248 249 250 252 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 300 310 FORW=1TON U=T(W) Y = Y+U NEXT PRINT" REFERENCE TOTAL " X PRINTPRINT" TEST TOTAL "Y FORW=1TON ZZ = R(W)*R(W) XX = XX + ZZ NEXT FORW=1TON UU = T(W)*T(W) YY = YY + UU NEXT PRINTPRINTTOTAL X f 2 ="XX PRINTPRINTTOTAL Y j 2 = "YY FORW=1TON KK = R(W)*T(W) LL = LL + KK NEXT PRINTPRINTTOTAL X*Y = "LL INPUT" NEED HARDCOPY Y/N";HC$ IFHC$ = "Y"THENGOTO250 INPUT'SCREEN VIEWING (S) OR END (E)";IY$ IFIY$ = "E"THENEND IFHC$ = "N"GOT0252 OPEN1,4:CMD1 PRINTPRINT'CORRELATION STUDY FOR - "TE$ PRINT" REFERENCE - "RM$" TEST - "TM$ PRINT" PRINT" REFERENCE TEST" PRINT" FORQ=1TON "T(Q) PRINT" "R(Q)" NEXT M = (LL-((X*Y)/N))/(XX-((X | 2)/N)) "INT(M*100+.5)/ PRINTPRINT" SLOPE = 100 400 B = Y/N-(M*(X/N)) Y INTERCEPT = 410 PRINTPRINT" "INT(B*100 + .5)/100 600 R = ((N*LL)-(X*Y))/(SQR(((N*XX)-(X*X))*((N*YY)(Y-Y)))) R (COEFF) = "INT(R*100 + .5)/ 620 PRINTPRINT" 100 622 PRINTPRINT" ACCEPTABLE NOT ACCEPTABLE 623 PRINT" TECH DATE RV'D DATE 624 PRINT" 625 IFHC$()"Y"GOT0245 1000 IFHC$ = "Y"THEN PRINT#1,4:CLOSE1 Items Wanted Please help us strengthen the newsworthiness and ex- crocomputing. The section has not been conceived as a place for long pieces, even though longer submissions are welchange of information offered in MICROCOMPUTER come and treated as candidates for publication as regular APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY. The sphere of microcomarticles in Laboratory Medicine. Please send your items along puting continues to expand and we want to provide brief to Laboratory Medicine, attn Microcomputer Applications and updates from every front: short reviews of programs and Technology, 2100 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60612-3798 — equipment, notes on any of the myriad of publications now The Editors. focused exclusively on this field, and commentary on the pleasures and frustrations involved in the experience of mi420 LABORATORY MEDICINE • VOL. 17, NO. 7, JULY 1986
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