TRAIN Florida Resources - Agency for Persons with Disabilities

TRAIN Florida – APD
How to manage
The Agency Supports Persons with Developmental Disabilities in Living, Learning, and Working in their Communities.
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TRAIN Florida APD > Learner Help & Support
How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
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TRAIN Florida APD > Learner Help & Support
How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
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Table of Contents
Navigation Topic
How to locate and access the APD TRAIN Florida Resources
How to manage the APD TRAIN Florida Resources
How to search the APD TRAIN Florida Resources
How to Add an APD TRAIN Florida Resource
Who to contact for questions and problem solutions
APD Technical Support and Communication
Image 1
We are just an email away!
If you cannot find the answer to your problem or require technical assistance, please contact the
TRAIN Florida APD site administrator by sending an email to [email protected].
You can click on the Resource menu link from any page on the site and it will take you to the
Resource page. The TRAIN Florida APD site administrators frequently update the Resource Center.
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TRAIN Florida APD > Learner Help & Support
How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
Section 1
The Resources feature provides you with access to a variety of public health, training, and TRAIN
Florida help documents uploaded by APD, the Florida Department of Health, TRAIN Florida users, and
TRAIN National Affiliates. APD assigns documents and resources to sub-categories in the APD TRAIN
Florida Category. All TRAIN Florida APD users can review, download documents, and add Public
Health related documents and resources in the APD TRAIN Florida category. You may also access
and download resources from categories posted by other TRAIN National Affiliates.
This document will help you locate, access, and add resources to the Resources feature.
This symbol indicates that additional help for the TRAIN Florida APD training resource,
instructions, or tutorials are available and located on the APD Training Portal web page.
If you have any problems and require technical assistance, please contact the TRAIN Florida APD site
administrator by sending an email to [email protected].
Section 2
How to locate and access the APD TRAIN Florida Resources
APD TRAIN Florida Resources help APD learners, managers and trainers use the TRAIN Florida
system, and provides access to training course information and materials. This section will help you to
locate and access the APD TRAIN Florida Resources.
Step 1
On your TRAIN Florida home page - locate the home page tool bar on the top left of the page. Click
on the Resources link.
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Step 2
The Resources page will open, showing the Resources Categories menu. The menu lists all of the
available TRAIN resources categories - both TRAIN Florida and National Affiliate levels. The screen
will show the resources page for the first listed category.
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How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
Step 3
To access APD TRAIN Florida Resources - click on the APD TRAIN Florida category title.
Image 5
Step 4
The list will expand showing the main category and a list of APD sub-categories. Five (5) APD
categories are available.
APD Discussion Board Categories
APD TRAIN Florida Resources - This category provides learners with
instructional resources to help orient them to TRAIN Florida.
APD Courses – Click the plus sign to expand the category list. This
category provides the resources for APD courses, i.e. learner and/or
participant guides, course instructions, or other reference material.
APD Learner Help and Support - This category provides learners with
resources to help manage TRAIN Florida.
APD Manager Help and Support - This category provides APD
managers or providers who are managers with resources related to
learner accounts, training requirements, training reports, and training
related topics.
APD Trainer Help and Support - This category provide APD trainers
with resources related to learner accounts, training requirements, training
reports and training related topics.
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Step 5
The document-sharing screen for the category will open, and display the available resources sorted
by Resource Name, Created Date, and Updated Date.
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Section 3
How to manage the APD TRAIN Florida Resources
Step 1
To access the APD TRAIN Florida sub-categories - click on the title, and the associated documentsharing screen will open.
NOTE: If a screen reads No records to display, there are no resources in the category.
To open the resource - click on the Resource Name/title.
Some resource items may have additional resources to help you. The linked document will open in a
new window.
Image 8
If you have any problems and require technical assistance, please contact the TRAIN Florida APD site
administrator by sending an email to [email protected].
Step 2
After clicking the Resource Name/title - The resource will open in a new browser window.
A resource can be a document or webpage. You can navigate the webpage, choose to review, print, or
save the document.
To exit the webpage or document click on the X in the new window tab, to close the window. TRAIN
Florida will still be open.
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NOTE: Some resource documents may open to your computer, rather than a browser window.
A File Download pop-up window [1] or bar [2] will open over the document page. It will list the Name,
Type, and source (From) of the file.
Choose your action by clicking either the Open button to view and/or print the document, or the Save
button to save the file to your computer.
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Section 4
How to search the APD TRAIN Florida Resources
Step 1
If you are looking for a specific document or topic in the
Resources feature - you can search the Resources Categories,
using the Search Documents by Keyword tool located at the
bottom of the Resources Categories menu.
Image 12
You can choose one of two methods for your search:
A. Use a Keyword - Enter a keyword for your topic
into the Search Discussion Boards by Keyword
field. You may choose to filter the search by
Document Name, Description (the text of the
description), or Both. Click on the radio button next
to your choice.
Click the Search button.
Image 13
B. Filter the keyword search by a specific category
topic - Enter a keyword into the Search
Documents by Keyword field.
Click on the All Categories drop down menu. Use
the menu to locate and select the Resource category
to populate the field.
Click the Search
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Step 2
If your search is successful, you will see the Resources documents sharing screen with the resources
containing the keyword you have searched for.
NOTE: The keyword search results may reflect resources and documents from both TRAIN Florida and
TRAIN National Affiliates.
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How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
Section 5
How to Add an APD TRAIN Florida Resource
The following will guide you on how to add a resource to the Resource Categories.
You have the ability as a TRAIN Florida APD learner, to add resources to the APD TRAIN Florida
category and sub-categories and if appropriate request the resource be visible on a National Affiliate
All documents and resources submitted undergo a review and approval process by APD TRAIN Florida
site administrators, and if offered to a TRAIN National Affiliate, approved by that state’s administrators,
before posted as a TRAIN Florida Resources Category.
Before you add any Resource - Please check with the TRAIN Florida APD site administrators for
guidelines and approvals by sending an email to [email protected].
Step 1
Locate and click on the Resources link in the main home page tool bar to enter the Resources feature.
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Step 2
Click on APD TRAIN Florida in the Resources Categories menu.
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How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
Step 3
Before adding your resource, it is important to choose the correct APD TRAIN Florida
Resources Category for your information to ensure the TRAIN users you are targeting see your
resource. Use the resource aid below to help you choose the category.
APD Discussion Board Categories
Image 18
APD TRAIN Florida Resources - This category provides learners with
specific instructional resources to help orient them to TRAIN Florida.
APD Courses – Click the plus sign to expand the category list. This
category provides the resources for APD courses, i.e. learner and/or
participant guides, course instructions, or other reference material.
APD Learner Help and Support - This category provides learners with
resources to help manage TRAIN Florida.
APD Manager Help and Support - This category provides APD
managers or providers who are managers with resources related to
learner accounts, training requirements, training reports, and training
related topics.
APD Trainer Help and Support - This category provide APD trainers
with resources to related to learner accounts, training requirements,
training reports and training related topics.
Step 4
From the APD TRAIN Florida documents sharing page - click on the Add Resource button.
Image 19
Step 5
The New Resource page will open.
The following steps and picture will guide you on filling out the form to submit your Resource:
 Enter the Name of your resource - the Name field will accept up to 75-80 characters.
 Choose the Category where you would like to add your resource – use the Please make a
selection drop down menu. Click on the name of the category to populate the field.
 Enter a brief description of your resource in the Description field. Be sure to include, the
target audience, what information is included, and contact information: name, e-mail address,
and/or phone number for questions about your resource.
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How to manage TRAIN Florida APD Resources
 To attach your document Upload File, or add your URL to Browse (website).
 Click the radio button next to the appropriate action - then click the Browse button to add your
document from your computer or network, or enter the URL in the URL to Browse field.
 Click the Save button.
Image 20
Step 6
After you click the Save button, a draft of your resource submission will be added to your chosen
resource category, and the TRAIN Florida APD site administrators will be alerted.
Review and approval by TRAIN Florida APD site administrator may be as quick as 24 hours after
submission, or may be up to 30 days if the resource needs approval from the Florida Department of
Health, APD Partners, and shareholders, another TRAIN National Affiliate, or needs revisions made.
NOTE: Only the submitter and TRAIN Florida APD site administrators can see and access this draft
from your chosen category’s document sharing screen during the approval and/or revision process.
Please be alert for TRAIN Florida email communications from the TRAIN Florida APD site
administrators after your submission.
In order to receive alerts from TRAIN Florida, You must opt-in to receive emails under My Account
to use this functionality.
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Step 7
If your resource needs revisions - from the Document Sharing screen for your chosen resource
category access the draft by clicking on the edit icon next to the name of your resource draft.
Image 22
You will be directed to the Edit Document screen for your resource. From this screen, make any
needed revisions to your resource. The Edit Document screen functions are exactly as the New
Resources page detailed in Step 5 of this section. Once you have completed the revisions, click the
Save button.
Please NOTE: Only TRAIN Florida APD site administrators can delete a resource. Once your
resource is submitted for approval or is approved, if for any reason you would like to have it removed
from the APD TRAIN Florida Resources Categories or sub-categories, please contact TRAIN Florida
APD site administrators.
Section 6
Who to contact for questions and problem solutions
APD Technical Support and Communication
Image 23
We are just an email away!
If you have any problems and require technical assistance, please contact the TRAIN Florida APD site
administrator by sending an email to [email protected].
As a TRAIN Florida APD learner, I promise not to contact the
Florida Department of Health or the Public Health
Foundation for assistance. Thank you for supporting TRAIN
Florida APD.
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