Youth Garden Project 2017 Summer Camp Themes

Youth Garden Project
2017 Summer Camp Themes
Week 1: ANIMALS ALL AROUND US! (June 5-9)
Ever wonder what might be lurking under the red rocks or camouflaging out in the high desert? We will learn all
about the animals and insects of the southwest, as well as get up close and personal with the creatures who call the
garden home!
Week 2: MAD SCIENTISTS! (June 12-16)
Do you love the many wonders of science? During this week we will learn about and transform ourselves into
scientists of all kinds—paleontologists, engineers, geologists, astronomers, and beyond! Conduct experiments and
explore the phenomena of the universe right here at YGP.
Week 3: ARTRAGEOUS! (June 19-23)
Get ready to nurture your creativity and hone in on your artistic skills. Through the course of this week we will
explore all types of art through a variety of fun craft projects. Discover the depths of your imagination through
music, painting, building, and more using natural materials of all kinds. Be prepared because it’s going to be
Week 4: OUR AMAZING PLANET! (June 26-30)—partnering with Canyonlands Field Institute
Think: Earth Day, but for a whole week! Campers will participate in activities that encourage treating this planet
we call home with respect. Recycling, composting, water conservation and the list goes on! Join us as we explore
what is beneficial for our Earth and how we can lend a helping hand for a healthier planet.
Week 5: YGP ON BROADWAY! (July 10-14)
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! YGP is putting on another fantastic theatrical performance! Join us for this unique
week of set-making, costumes, acting, and a final performance for the Moab community at Historic Star Hall.
Week 6: GREEN THUMBS! (July 17-21)
This week will take us back to our roots in the garden. We will search for living creatures of the garden, plant fall
crops, harvest summer produce, learn from expert gardeners, get ready for Farmers’ Market, and more. Summer
campers will get the inside scoop on what it takes to grow a garden!
Week 7: TOP CHEF! (July 24-28)
Let’s get cooking! Become the skilled chef you’ve always dreamed of being. Summer campers will prepare garden
fresh goodies and bake tasty treats. Experience bringing the seed to the table while also discovering the delicious
bounty the garden has to offer.
Week 8: WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE! (July 31-August 4)—partnering with Canyonlands Field Institute
Head to the Youth Garden Project to cool down during this week of Summer Camp. One of our most popular weeks
of the summer is focused on one of Earth’s most precious resources—water! Throughout the week campers will
experiment, learn about, and of course play with water. The week will end with a raft trip on the Colorado River.
There’s no better way to appreciate the excitement of water than being on it!
Week 9: GAMES IN THE GARDEN GALORE! (August 7-11)
Join us for the last week of summer camp this season for some old fashioned fun—and what’s more fun than
rounding out the summer with non-stop games? Summer campers will participate in an entire week of and games,
with opportunities to work together in teams, and hone in on individual athletic skills. This week is sure to be
action-packed, before heading back to school!