6.4.17 bulletin - Faith Reformed Church

9:00am Welcome and thank you to “One Way Up” for
leading us this morning during worship. Witness the
public profession of faith by Braelee Rus and Clara Smith.
6:15-8:45pm “Maker Fun Factory” Vacation Bible School
kicks off tonight at Faith.
6:00pm Girls Bible study in the Loft
6:15-8:45pm VBS at Faith
6:15-8:45pm VBS at Faith
Wednesday: 6:15-8:45pm VBS at Faith
6:00am Men’s Bible Study at Winterfield pit. Todd
VanderVelde leads the study. All men are welcome.
9:00am Cookie baking in the FLC
9:00am Clothing Closet workday, basement of FLC
9:30-11:00am Connect with friends every Thursday for
coffee and cookies in the Gathering Place. All are
8:15pm VBS closing program. Our children share through
song what they learned this week about our awesome
Next Sunday, June 11: VBS children sing during 9:00am
worship. Children and volunteers, please wear your t-shirt.
6:00pm Girls Bible study in the Loft
7:00pm “The River” at Faith
7:15-9:30 CREW bonfire at Chad VanVoorst
Birthday & Anniversary Blessings:
6-4: Karen Timmer, Butch Warntjes,
Julia & Blake Kooima
6-5: Tammy Swanson, Nick & Laurel Clarey
6-6: Tim Bartels, Brooke VanVeldhuizen,
John & Brenda Veldman
6-7: Gina DenBoer, William Klein, Drew Smith,
Eric & Nicole Sandbulte, Al & Ruth Vermeer
6-8: Abby DeZeeuw
6-9: Owen Koldenhoven, Peggy VanMaanen,
Lloyd & Sandy Schlumbohm
6-10: Addison DeZeeuw, Makyla VanBemmel,
Krystal VanderPol, Janel VanderSchaaf,
Randy & Laura Post
June 4, 2017
Worship: 9:00am
Fellowship Time: 10:05am
Lighthouse Worship: 11:00am
Lighthouse Speaker: Greg VanPerursem
Address: 1305 7th St | Rock Valley, IA 51247 | 712.476.2642
Pastor Mike Molenaar: 470.2391 - [email protected]
Keith Sietstra: 578.9224 - [email protected] (Discipleship)
Pat Heemstra: 470.1423 - [email protected] (Youth)
Megan TenClay : [email protected] (Church Life)
Krista Smith: 470.3151 [email protected] (Children Ministry)
Secretary: 476.2642 - [email protected] (Office)
Good morning! Welcome to Faith! We are so glad you are with us
this morning! May you experience the love of Christ and His
presence during our worship. We pray you are encouraged and
challenged, as together at Faith, we long to Connect with one
another, Grow in our faith, and Serve our neighbors and one another.
We are studying Matthew 5-7, Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount.” We
push into how to live a life dedicated to and pleasing to God, free
from hypocrisy, full of love, grace, wisdom and discernment.
During the summer, Faith does not offer any children or adult Sunday
school. Please join us in The Gathering Place following worship for
fellowship while enjoying amazing coffee and delicious cookies! Our
First Steps in Faith Nursery is west of The Gathering Place and
available for infants through 36 months. Please stop by the Welcome
Center with any questions.
Chain Breaker
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
How Great Thou Art
Profession of Faith:
Clara Smith Mentor: Gina DenBoer
Braelee Rus Mentor: Amy Strubbe
It is Well
Offering: Amazing Grace/My Chains are Gone
Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16
Message: “Salt & Light”
-CREW members, “Save the Date” Sunday, June 11
from 7:15-9:30pm for a bonfire at Chad VanVoorst’s
home, 2738 310th Street, Rock Valley.
- Vacation Bible School starts tonight through June 8.
Please prayerfully remember all who are participating in
“Maker Fun Factory”. It is not too late to volunteer.
Contact Krista Smith, 470.3151, if you are able to help.
- Faith is looking for an administrative assistant to
provide support to the ministry team, prepare worship
materials and manage the church membership database.
Hours are 9:00am-3:00pm, Tuesday, Wednesday and
Friday. Pick up a job description and application from
This is Amazing Grace
- Please be in prayer for upcoming youth group trips—
those doing the planning and preparing as well as those from
our church family attending. CREW is sending 21 students
and adult leaders to “Immerse”, a ministry trip designed to
engage the hearts and minds of young people as they serve
alongside the local church and various organizations in
Lincoln, NE, July 12-16. RCYF is sending 78 students,
adults, and support staff to Rocky Mountain High, July 21-26.
Please pray the Holy Spirit to be at work preparing all hearts
for what God has planned!
- We celebrate the May 27 marriage of Elizabeth Ageson
and Jordan TeGrootenhuis. May God bless their life as
husband and wife
- Please prayerfully ask for God’s wisdom and guidance
be upon the attendees of the 2017 General Synod, who meet
June 8-13 at Hope College in Holland, MI. Dave Reinke is
Faith’s synod representative.
- Prayerfully remember our armed forces including Kirk
Eknes, Chris Kooima, Grant VanDriel, and Taran Nystrom.
May world peace prevail.
- Bring your friends and neighbors for a free meal at the
Rock Valley Swimming Pool Park, Monday June 5, 5:156:30pm hosted by the Common Place Church and the
Shepherd’s Table of Rock Valley. All are welcome.
- The River is June 11, 7:00pm. Jason Strubbe shares
the message of God continuing to call us to a deeper faith.
- Pastor Mike invites members age 65+ to breakfast and
fellowship in the Gathering Place, Thursday, June 22 at
8:30am. Please sign up at the Welcome Center in the
Narthex by Sunday, June 18, if you are able to attend.
Rides will be provided for those needing transportation.
- Relay for Life of Sioux County is Wednesday, June 14
at Hull’s track. A community supper starts at 5:30pm with
opening ceremony at 7:00pm. To purchase a $10
luminary in honor of a loved one or to support the relay,
please contact Shelly at 470.4937.
- Hope Haven’s Gospel Music Festival is June 16 and
17 in Central Park, Sioux Center. Enjoy continuous music
starting at 1:00pm on Friday and 11:00am Saturday. In
case of inclement weather, the festival will be at the Rec
Center on the campus of Dordt College.
Bless the Dave Mulder family of Doon, Wednesday,
June 28 by supporting a tailgate meal at the BHRV
baseball diamond from 5:30-7:30pm. Proceeds from the
$5 meal assists with expenses as Dave combats cancer.
Stay for the baseball game against MOC/FV. To donate
food and supplies, please sign-up at the Welcome Center.
Monetary donations are gladly accepted. Please make
check payable to Faith with Dave Mulder in the memo line.
Serving Faith June 4, 2017
Prayer: Cal & Jaime Helmus
Coffee Servers: Loren & Melinda LeLoux,
Glenn & Jodi Lutjens
Nursery: Hostess : Krista Smith, Mike & Angie Koedam,
Phil & Judy Kooistra
Ushers: Mark Faber, Mark Finck, Kevin Gisolf, Wade Gort,
Derrick Haak
Pianist: Ruth Vermeer Praise Team: Ruth Vermeer
Sound: Eric VanZee
Video: Paul Remmerde
PowerPoint: Kyle Post Lighthouse: Greg VanPeursem
Serving Faith June 11, 2017
Prayer: Harold & Mary Jo VanOtterloo
Coffee Servers:
Lyle & Sonia Remmerde, Dan & Carla Roozing
Nursery: Hostess: Megan TenClay, Chad & Rachel Kraai,
Travis & Brittany Laackmann
Ushers: Mike Harmsen, Cal Helmus, Greg Heemstra,
Bob Huyser, Jerald Hoogendoorn
Pianist: Robin TeSlaa Sound: Al Vermeer
Video: Heath Swanson
PowerPoint: Chris Vermeer
Lighthouse: Merlyn Sandbulte
General Fund
$ 9,047
$ 242,267
$ 10,459
$ 230,095
Ahead of Goal
$ 12,172
Building Fund
$ 68,305
Special Offering – Seminary Assistance
$ 2,286
Faith offers an automatic withdrawal as an option for your offerings.
To take advantage of this, please pick-up a form from the church office