Adaptive Learning - The eLearning Guild

Adaptive Learning:
Personalized Designs for e-Learners
Margaret Martinez
CEO, The Training Place
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
The Learning Orientation
Questionnaire, Free Demo
Measuring Online Learning Ability
Taking the LOQ…
Follow these steps to take the Learning Orientation Questionnaire:
The Training Place measures online learning ability with the Learning
Orientation Questionnaire (LOQ). It is a 25-item online survey that
identifies an individual’s orientation to learn by looking at the dominant
psychological factors that influence learning. These factors define how
learners want or intend to approach learning – generally or situationally.
These factors consider the learner’s
1. Access the Learning Orientation Questionnaire at this site:
2. On the Log In page, sign up as a new user, using this hyperlink:
"New user? Click here to sign up."
emotional investment in learning
strategic self-directedness
independence or learning autonomy
Additionally, these successful learning attributes provide a model to guide
the design of learning objects, learning environments, and other learning
solutions--with the goal not only to support learning (i.e., achievement of
instructional or performance objectives), but also to help learners improve
online learning ability over time (e.g., goal-setting, problem-solving,
progress monitoring, reflection, task sequencing, etc.). Finally, these
attributes help identify issues that create gaps between actual and
potential learning and performance proficiency
The Learning Orientation Questionnaire identifies four learning
orientations. Depending on the specific learning circumstances, a learner
may cover a full range of one learning orientation or move downwards or
upwards in response to negative or positive responses, conditions,
resources, results, expectations, and experiences.
Transforming Learner Orientation
Performing Learner Orientation
Conforming Learner Orientation
Resistant Learner Orientation
3. Complete the LOQ registration form.
You will also need to enter this Access Code: PP170702YE
Copy this access code PP170702YE from this page and enter it into the
"Access Code" field (in the right-hand corner of the registration form).
4. Once you complete the registration form, click the Submit button
at the bottom of the page.
5. After reading the directions which appear, begin taking the LOQ
This five-page survey has 25 items. The survey results will appear as the
last Results page.
6. For a copy of your results, you can also click on the Send Email
button at the bottom of the Results page.
The registered user will receive an email showing the LOQ results.
The Training Place
520.877.3991 (Office) — 520.222.0024 (fax)
[email protected]