Warm-up Critical thinking journaling question #1

Critical thinking journaling question #1:
• Illustrate what a plant looks like when it
has adequate water and sunlight.
• Illustrate what a plant looks like when it
does not have adequate water and
• Describe what happens to the cells that
causes the different appearance in the
Learning Target:
• I can describe the interactions that occur
among systems that perform the function
of transport in plants.
• I can demonstrate this by predicting how
nutrients move through the celery stalk
when placed in different colored liquids.
•dermal tissue – outer covering of
a plant
•consists of a single layer of
epidermal cells
•cuticle - thick waxy coating,
protects against water loss and
∙vascular tissue –
tissues that transport
materials (H20,
nutrients and other
dissolved materials)
from one part to
another, even
against the force of
❑ - xylem – a transport
subsystem that carries H2O
upward from the roots to every
part of a plant
❑ - phloem – vascular tissue that
transports solutions of nutrients
and carbohydrates produced by
photosynthesis from leaves to
the rest of the plant
❑ - lignin – a substance that
makes cell walls rigid and
enables vascular plants to grow
upright and reach great heights
How does xylem move water?
• The xylem uses the process of capillary
action to move water from the roots to the
• Cohesion - water bonding to other water
• Adhesion - water bonding to the plant
✓Vascular tissue (xylem and phloem)
∙ground tissue – cells that lie
between dermal and vascular
- parenchyma – thin cell walls and
large central vacuoles, packed with
chloroplasts for photosynthesis
- collenchyma – strong, flexible cell
walls that help support larger plants
- sclerenchyma – thick, rigid cell
walls that make ground tissue tough
and strong
∙roots – plant organ that absorbs
H2O and dissolved nutrients from
the soil; anchors plant, and
protects from harmful soil bacteria
and fungi
✓Root Structure
•epidermis (outside cell layer)
•cortex (transport tissue)
•endodermis (innermost layer,
forms waterproof seal
around vascular tissue)
Types of roots:
➢ - taproot – primary root of a plant that grows
long and thick while secondary roots remain
small (found mainly in dicots)
➢ - fibrous roots – root branches so that no
single root grows larger than the rest; prevents
topsoil from being washed away (found mainly in
∙stems – provides structural
support and contains tissues
for transport
- produce leaves, branches and
- hold leaves up to the sunlight
- transport substances between
roots and leaves
- vascular bundles scattered
throughout the stem in monocots,
or arranged in an organized,
ringlike pattern in dicots
✓Example of stems:
•woody stems (bark) –
made of phloem, corky
layer that protects
∙leaf – broad, flat plant organ that
traps light energy for
photosynthesis, and contain
subsystems to protect against
water loss
•mesophyll (photosynthetic tissue)
- blades – thin, flattened section attached to the
stem by a thin stalk called a petiole
- stomata - porelike openings on leaf’s underside
that allow CO2 and O2 to diffuse in and out of the leaf
- guard cells –set of 2 cells that surround and
control the size and opening of a stomata; responds
to changes in water pressure
- transpiration – loss of water from leaves by
– transpiration – loss of water from leaves by
How might environmental factors such as temperature
effect the water levels in the plant?
How would the plant compensate for this change?
Cotyledons – first leaf, or pair of
leaves, produced by the embryo
of a seed plant
✓Monocot (1 seed leaf)
✓Dicot (2 seed leaves)
Embryo – plant organism at an
early stage of growth and
How does the transport system interact
with the reproductive system?
The reproductive system requires nutrients
to complete its processes. The nutrients
are brought to the reproductive organs
using the transport system.
Putting it all