Title: Non-Maxwellian Molecular Velocity Distribution at Large Knudsen Numbers Author: Jae Wan Shim Affiliation: KIST and University of Science and Technology 136-791 Seoul Korea Abstract: We have derived a non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution at large Knudsen numbers for ideal gas. This distribution approaches Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution as the Knudsen number approaches zero. We have found that the expectation value of the square of velocity is the same in the non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution as it is in the Maxwellian distribution; however, the expectation value of the speed is not the same. Keywords: molecular velocity distribution, large Knudsen number, non-Maxwellian distribution Main Text: A molecular velocity distribution at large Knudsen numbers is fundamental but still uncertain. The regime of large Knudsen numbers includes molecular dynamics in micro chambers and interplanetary space as well as in ultrahigh vacuum chambers [1, 2]. A molecular velocity distribution function for ideal gas in an equilibrium state is commonly assumed to be the Maxwellian distribution at large Knudsen numbers even though disagreement between the Maxwellian and experimental data exists [3, 4]. We have rigorously derived a molecular velocity distribution function with respect to a number of molecules, N , which is applicable for molecules at large Knudsen numbers, and we have obtained the expectation values of the square of velocity and of the speed. The non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution is 1 precisely not identical to the Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution, but it rapidly approaches it if N increases; the non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution exactly matches the Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution when N approaches infinity. The expectation value of the square of velocity is the same in the non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution as it is in the Maxwellian; however, the expectation value of the speed is not the same. We will follow Cercignani’s derivation process [5]. Let us start our derivation by defining a physical space, S , and a region, R S , containing N molecules bounded by impermeable walls against which the molecule's energy is preserved but its momentum is not after a collision. We can, then, write the molecular velocity distribution function as f ( v1 , m , v N ) c i vi vi E 2 (1) where v i is a velocity of the i-th molecule, c is a normalizing constant, is the Dirac delta function, m is the molecular mass, and E is the given energy of the system in R . Note that a relationship, E m D v vi NkT , exists where D is the dimension of the physical space, k is the i i 2 2 Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature. For simplicity, let us consider a one-dimensional space. Then, Equation (1) becomes f (v1 , , vN ) c v i i 2 E (2) where E NkT / m . The normalizing constant c satisfies c v i i 2 E dv1 dvN 1 . (3) 2 Let us use the polar coordinate system for the integration as vi r j 1 sin j cos i for i 1 i 1,2, , N 1 and vN r j 1 sin j , where r [0, ] , i [0, ] for i 1,2, N 1 N 1 [0,2 ] . Then, we have space can be written as dv1 v 2 i i , N 2 , and r 2 and the infinitesimal volume of the N -dimensional velocity dvN r N 1drdA N where A N is the surface area of the N -dimensional unit ball and its value is A N 2 N /2 / ( N / 2) where is the gamma function defined by ( N / 2) 2( N 1)/2 (n 2)!! . Then, Equation (3) becomes c r 2 E r N 1dr 0 Therefore, the normalizing constant is c 2 E N 2 2 dA N cA N E N 2 2 / 2 1. (4) / AN . The molecular velocity distribution function is symmetric with respect to the index changes of the molecular velocities. This is reasonable because the molecules are identical. Hence, when we integrate Equation (2) with respect to vi for all i except for i N , then v N can be a representative velocity describing the velocity of any molecule among N identical molecules. If we integrate Equation (2) by F (vN ) f (v , , v ) dv dv cA r ( E v ) r 1 N 1 0 N N 1 1 2 2 N 2 N dr N 3 A N 1 N2 2 E ( E vN 2 ) 2 for v N 2 E AN 0 for v N 2 E (5) N / 2 m mv 2 N 3 (1 N ) 2 for v N 2 E ( N 1) / 2 NkT NkT 0 for v N 2 E or, for vN 2 E , F (v ) N / 2 m ( N 1) / 2 NkT (1 mv 2 N23 ) NkT (6) 3 by defining the representative velocity v N by v for simplicity. We can define g (v ) (1 mv 2 N23 ) NkT and, then, we have N 3 mv 2 mv 2 ln(1 ) N 2 NkT 2kT lim ln g (v) lim N or lim g (v ) e N mv 2 2 kT (7) . We also have lim N N / 2 m ( N 1) / 2 NkT m . 2 kT (8) Therefore, we can obtain a molecular velocity distribution when N approaches infinity by 1/2 2 mv m 2 kT lim F (v ) e N 2 kT (9) which is Maxwellian and we will call it FM (v ) . Let us define a dimensionless velocity v v F (v ) m . Then, we have kT N / 2 F (v ) v 2 N 3 (1 ) 2 N m / (kT ) ( N 1) / 2 N (10) and 2 FM (v ) FM (v ) 1 v2 e . m / (kT ) 2 (11) We draw F (v ) for N {3,4,5,10} and FM (v ) as Figure 1. By increasing N , F (v ) approaches FM (v ) . For the case of the Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution, the expectation values of the square of velocity and the square of the speed are obtained by EM (v 2 ) v 2 FM (v )dv EM ( v ) v FM (v )dv kT and m 2 kT , respectively. m Meanwhile, for the case of F (v ) , the expectations values are E(v 2 ) v 2 F (v )dv kT and m 4 E( v ) v F (v )dv N ( N / 2) EM ( v ) , respectively. 2 (( N 1) / 2) We define ( N ) N ( N / 2) and plot ( N ) with respect to N . The ratio between 2 (( N 1) / 2) E( v ) and EM ( v ) rapidly approaches 1 as N increases in Figure 2. In conclusion, we confirm that molecular velocity distribution can be approximated by the Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution in conventional vacuum chambers. Because they normally contain more than 1000 molecules, and in these cases, E( v ) very closely approaches EM ( v ) . Otherwise, a system having a small number of molecules should be considered using the molecular velocity distribution derived in this paper, which can be considered as an equilibrium distribution at large Knudsen numbers in discrete kinetic theory [6-8]. When comparing the non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution to the Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution, the expectation value of the square of velocity is identical; however, the expectation value of the speed of the non-Maxwellian molecular velocity distribution can be calculated by multiplying a factor N / 2 ( N / 2) (( N 1) / 2) to the expectation value of the speed of the Maxwellian. References: [1] M. Knudsen, The Kinetic Theory of Gases, Metheun, London, 1950 [2] A. Chambers, Modern Vacuum Physics, CRC Press, Boca Raton. 2004 5 [3] W. Jitschin, G. Reich, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 9 (1991) 2752. [4] J. Denur, Found. Phys. 37 (2007) 1685 [5] C. Cercignani, Mathematical Methods in Kinetic Theory, second ed., Plenum Press, New York, 1990. [6] J. W. Shim, R. Gatignol, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. (2012) DOI 10.1007/s00033-012-0265-1 [7] J. W. Shim, R. Gatignol, Phys. Rev. E 83 (2011) 046710 [8] J. W. Shim, R. Gatignol, Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010) 046703 Figure Captions: Figure 1. Graphs of F (v ) for N {3,4,5,10} and FM (v ) . The linear line (blue) is the graph of N 3 and the curved lines (blue) are the graph of N {4,5,10} . The dashed line (red) is the graph of FM (v ) . Note that F (v ) approaches FM (v ) by increasing N . Figure 2. Log-linear plot of ( N ) with respect to N . The ratio ( N ) rapidly approaches 1 as N increases. Figure 1. 6 Figure 2. 7
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